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Raditus's Dream Journal

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July 9, 2014

Second Chance And The Old Man

I AP'ed again. I saw some people, two, in a public place and it was daylight wherever they were. They saw me, but they were chill with me being there. It faded and I popped out of AP into this mental there/no there state while awake. I lifted my head from the pillow and gazed around the room slowly, feeling this feeling of the whole room having a small electrical charge running through it, through the air. I stopped my search, focusing on the closet. The Old man from before, the angry snarling one that threatened assaults was there! He just stood there, gazing right at me! He was still the same in physical appearance, but had different clothes on. The other thing was, he was see-through! I could see the clothing hanging up in the closet through him!

The thing was, I was cool with it. If anything, I just felt myself took a look of awe and amusement. I reached out a hand as if to touch him. the bed was too far away though and didn't reach him. As I did this, I guess the old man saw I was not afraid and smiled a closed lip, kind smile. A rush of fatigue overcame me and I dropped both my head and arm to the bed and drifted quickly to sleep.


July 16, 2014

Rap Has Been Taken Falsely

I tried AP and I think I was at an area. This woman, physically fit an taller than me, at least 17 or 18, ran through the area. the area seemed barren, little to no ground cover. I am pretty sure she was another Ap'er. I heard a roar, like a human sounding roar of fury. The old man ran past, after the woman! Obviously, she did something to him. I saw him catch up to her, snagging her arm, pulling her to him.

I did nothing but stand in stunned silence, watching it happen! The woman let off a strangled sound of fear. She turned to face him, either that or he also whipped her around. She must have made her Astral body get super strength for she did a combination of pushing against him and puncing him at the same time. All I could do then was stare in horrified astonishment as the old man popped into the air from the hit, sailing at least six feet away! I felt my mouth hang open as I turned my head, regarding the woman! She saw me then, echoing the same look of open shock and she must have ended her session, for she flicked off from the very air itself. Meaning that her astral body just vanished like a light in the room when you flick the switch to off.

The old man is coming to, making little angry growls as he slowly clambers to his feet. he finds his feet even as I am making my way to him, to make sure his is okay. he glares at me, kind of in a angry yet pouting way. He started coming after me, spouting the same angry kind of diatribe that he gave the woman! Either he thought I worked with the woman, or was embarrassed at being floored like that and taking it out of me! I was stunned, horrified and came back home as soon as possible.  



Games, Fathers, and the Return of The Old Man

First off, I did AP back to the Old Man. He was still store, emotionally from that woman dealing him a blow. He was a bit terse with me.

After that, I drifted in what would be called a dream. Someone made a home-brew game app based on Longmire. it was a low graphics type game. There was a long overhead view of a game generated street. Walt Longmire was depicted as a general game guy wearing a dark cowboy hat. You had to move him up the screen, thus up the street and into the next section.  he had a little flashlight. You couldn't tell it from the game model, but only that when you were about to come into view from entering the new area, Walt's flashlight would would cast a beam of light. Mutants and zombies would slowly come up the street after Walt. You would have to shoot them with your gun. As you progressed through the game without dying, the game got harder. The monsters would have faster and come onto the screen for frequently.

The dream jumped into me not playing the game anymore. I was in my parent's room. The light was on and my dad was in there, sitting on the edge of the bed and alive. He was wearing his work clothes he'd have to wear when he was working. He had checked the mail when he came home late. He gave me a box with stuff in it that came to me. I opened it right then and there. it was free romance books I was expecting in the waking world.

Dad and I were shooting the breeze even as he sorting the other mail. I happen to look over to my left, toward the big windows. I see the top of the Old Man's head, his white hair at the bottom of the window on the outside, then it dipped down out of sight, meaning he was using the basement door around the back of the house. I start going upfront, yelling for my mom, worried.

One, there is a little more than a six foot drop outside my parents windows, meaning The Old Man would had to have been floating for me to see even part of his hair! Two, I wasn't scared of him, but always had an issue with people dropping by the house unexpectedly. This is stemming from actual drama about people coming over to the house when I was growing up.

Shortly after I whirl around to enter the hall, I wake up.


June 21, 2014

Dirt Shaping and Old Acquaintances

I did a series of AP before falling completely asleep. The last AP I did had me being in this wide open landscape during the day. It was nearly a desert, nothing around but dirt and scraggly plants for miles! I was up in the air, flying around in a fairly tight-knit circle, glaring down above me, taking the sight of the dirt, rocks and scattered brush below me. At times, I felt myself take the form of a massive dragon while doing this. I eventually landed, taking human shape after I did so.

I decided to play with the first, grabbing huge handfuls of it and tossing it into the air. there was some wind, so the dirt got scattered into twisting and nebulous patterns against the sky. I threw more into the sky and decided to use my thoughts to manipulate the flowing mass of dirt. I got it to twist into even more cool shapes. I did this one, formed the dirt into a huge tadpole like this that ended into a human skull. I kept it together while it 'swam' around in the sky.

"What are you doing?" This guy's voice demanded from behind me. I quickly busted the dirt apart, it cascading down to the ground in a dirt-fall even as I turned to face the speaker. It was Henry. He came up to me in a demanding sort of stride, then turned and looked up into the air, where my creations once were.

"I was throwing dirt up in the air, letting the wind carry it off."

Still, with his back turned to me, I heard him stated, "That last one, that was not done by the wind." He turned to me now, a sharp, impatient look, "What did you do?"

Hesitantly, I told him I was there, nearly a spirit and I had been crafting short-lived things out of dirt.

Later, after I stopped AP and was dreaming, I am not with Henry anymore. I am in this huge room that looks like a cafeteria. My sister is there, sitting at a huge round table with me. I have my tablet and she has hers. there is some other girl sitting down and she's got one. My sister has skype and I do too. I am aware though, that my sister started texting someone, calling them means things via skype.

I happen to look across the room and see the huge table and this lone woman sitting at it, like she was a teacher or something. This guy walks into the room and stands next to her to tell her something. He straightened up and glared across the area, staring at me!

It was Jack!

He was wearing clothes different than what I was generally used to seeing him in. His hair was just a tad bit longer, as he used to have his hair shorter. His face had a slight smattering of stubble, but it was him! I excuse myself from my table and walk out of the room to compose myself. Not fearing, but ... vaguely overwhelmed. It's been awhile since I saw him. I go back into the room after a few moments, but he's not there, he's left.   


July 23, 2014

School and Evil Alien Super Computers

I was going to this school. It was set up and looked nearly exactly like my old High School. In the later years of the High School, it had gotten several modifications. However, in the dream, it was back to how it used to be, without the modifications. The only one was that the hallways were a bit wider than they ever were in Real Life.

This school was sort of note. It was more like a college, set in the UK. In another facility, on the dame grounds as the college, was the dorm. It was like a normal college life. You had roommates and people came and went from the college and stuff when they had no classes. Most of the students hung out between classes at either the cafeteria or the in-area library.

There was one out of a couple of classes I remember well, history, and I realize I had a dream about this class – just one – back when I was a kid. Just this class, and no college. But in this college class, it was pretty much exactly like I remember it back when I was a kid. It was a fairly large room, it used to be my High School's art room. It was a large, expansive room even in Real Life. The different was that in Real Life, the art room was controlled by two separate teachers, a couple of those portable particle board things separated the rooms into two. In this college, it was one teacher. There used to be windows all of the way across the expanse that led to the outside; No longer. They were either sealed in or had simply never been. There was a large construct going from one side of the room against that place, and over. In the middle, some of the construct had went in kind of like a throne-like area. The area was massive. Sitting on the throne area was an equally massive head! The head was elderly and had a massive beard that flowed and at least the size of something like the Face of Boe. This face looked completely human except for the size and that it was alive! Not only alive, but ethereal, like kind of see through but made up of smoky stuff all at once.

I kind of felt weird about it, but I and the rest of the students quickly found their seats. We sat through an actual history lesson, taking notes from a literal talking head! His voice was deep, commanding but without being malicious. The class was over soon. Like any other transition, I had to quickly use the restroom before my next class. Instead of carting around our books and papers for our classes, we had little carts to push around with our stuff in it. These carts looked exactly like grocery carts. I hit a few more classes. When the midday break came up I hit the cafeteria and ate lunch while hanging with some people I know. During this time sometime, I used the library. There were some other people I knew and so I hung with them. 

The days went by like this, sleeping, then college, then hanging with the people I knew. Until, it all changed for me and a small group of students. 

One day, on an impulsive whim, the library group and I (5 in total) decided to enter through this door near the back part of the school. It had been bedecked with Employees only and Danger!Electric warnings, but we ignored the warning signs and popped the door open. We went into this strange, big room that was like a large industrial area. There was this huge, huge supercomputer hooked up and everything! We find out, but snooping that it is an alien supercomputer that is running the whole college! It turned out to be then, an evil, alien, supercomputer!

We come back to my dorm room, the roommate not being there at the moment. We are kind of low-keyed type flipping out. We decide then we need to bring the supercomputer down, ruining whatever plans it had for the college students, maybe the world! We resume going back to our classes. Later, some undefined amount of time passes and I have a volunteer task to deliver bunches of supplies to the different locations in the school. I am on my last couple of rounds when I see one of the people in my library group, a tall guy. I come up to him and ask him about what he's found, etc. 

"This thing, the group investigating? It has to stop." He tells me sharply. Then, as he walks away, down the all, I hear him mutter, "We have to grow up."

As I stand in stunned silence, watching the guy go inside a door to his class, the Dean walks down the hall and gives me this ... scary-ish ... look. He looks like Anthony Steward head replaying the part of Paracelsus from Warehouse 13! He then walks off. I get alarm bells in my head going off and I know that the tall guy got whammied by the evil computer somehow and thus I now have to warn the others that he is not to be let back in our group, even if he wants to! I start pushing my cart down this one part of the hall. The Dean comes back and stops me. He is holding this thing in his hand, like a pen, but it was wider and had no point. He grabbed my hand, and scanned it with this. Somehow, I knew, maybe from the earlier snooping, that this thing could read inside a part of the body for the Human memory RNA! Taking a cue from a fantasy book I read ages ago, I forced myself to think only of my upcoming classes, and any assignments I had to do, including any essays! The RNA scan must have turned nothing up on the evil computer system and he let me go.

I had to drop off the last few things, and so I still push my cart around. I get a little nervous about being stopped again so soon! I don't want to rush the deliver, in case I get some stuff wrong. During my last leg, the Dean happened to come out of an office, ahead of me. He now was donning what appeared to be Paracelsus's lab coat! He doesn't know I am behind him, no matter how far away. I just stare at his back, thinking, this is a surreal, eff'ed up day! "Paracelsus" looked back, eying me with that scary-ish look again! I forced myself to look unconcerned, stopping at the stop station and unloading the last of the supplied. Paracelsus had long since moved on, and I did the same, started to wheel my cart to the front of the building. A student, who wasn't clued in, saw the visual exchange between I and Paracelsus. They misunderstood the look on intense suspicious on Paracelsus.

"I think he's into you." I heard the student muttered, shocked. I felt ill inside at the thought of the idea of us...

"Ah ... no." I stated, leaving the area. 

I made it to the front of the building. This were where the resemblance to my old High School ended. It was vaguely reminiscent of the hospital up the road that my dad died in. The front curved, very large windows. At the bottoms of the windows were benched that curved in the direction of the bank of windows. They were topped by perma-set cushions of brassy colored leather. I sat down, feeling out out by the events of this day so far, and the knowledge that my gang were in something deep! This lady, tall, sees me and starts walking up to me even as I think about having to find the others and warn them about the creepy Dean having an in somehow with the computer!

She was dressed in a black, long sleeved dress. She had her hair a red, but brassy color. She even more a witch's hat. It was almost as if she was trying to emulate Zelena in her non-green form from Once Upon a Time! She sat down next to me. 

"You look knackered," She put in. She offers me a bag of crisps.

I take one from the bag, saying drowsily, "Yeah," As I hand the bag back to her, I finish in my thought, You don't even know the half of it! Then, the dreams just ends, switching to black like someone pulled a light switch!

TL;DR: Went to a college that looked like my old High School kind of. Classes run by strange teachers. Formed a little group of myself and students that investigated things in the school. Found out evil alien supercomputer was running school and had nefarious plans. Paracelsus was Dean and was in cahoots with the computer. Nearly got caught because of mind-reading device! 


July 24, 2014

"You belong to me!"

I was AP'ing off and on during the night. I would manages some travels and talk to him. He feels a bit ... off. But he knows his stuff, he knows a lot of stuff. So him and I would chat, sitting next to each other in chairs. There were some people traveling with him, but they were off in other rooms of where we were. He got talking about his granddaughter. it seemed near the end of one of the trips that he was taking about him and I being romantically involved. I kind of beat around the bush about this issue, as I still didn't know enough about him.

These were all a series of AP 'vignettes' and I couldn't stay long for any of them, but long enough to glean all of this information from them. The last AP was a bust and I couldn't go. Then, there was a like a gap in my memory, but it was like I suddenly 'came to' somewhere else. I had a split second before something happened.

It appeared as if I was outdoor somewhere, the sunlight made the time of day looking afternoon-towards evening.

"You belong to me," I heard this guy's voice say.

The voice sounded hauntingly sort of drawn out, whispered. I was looking straight ahead when I heard this. Right as the words were stated, this thing darts out at my face. It was a brownish blur, too fast for me to make out what it was. The something clamped on my face quickly, making me wake up.


August 6, 2014

Made Some People Upset...

Yeah, so I AP'ed after a short break from it. I have been cutting back sharply on how much I eat during the day. Not for a diet fad, but I guess lack of appetite. Also cut back on Colas. As a result, the AP i did last night was sharp, clear and in near-perfect Technicolor.

I was in some place outside, open, with buildings around. I saw this guy who saw me and tried hitting on me. Wasn't interested, blew him off and he vowed to track me down. I completely left that area and AP'ed to a different place. I came to be a this humongous place that was like a Walmart superstore, but the isles were much wider than even the one I have been to locally! Two people were about two or three isles over, hiding from this other guy that, from the way they acted was horrible news! The horrible news guy sees me, comes up to me.

"You don't belong here." I hear him say. Then, suddenly, I feel really tired out of nowhere. I have to end the trip to get some solid sleep.


August 9, 2014

The Doctor And The Lift

I was in some cramped, dim industrial rooms. A bunch of people were rushing to leave; something bad had happened or was going to happen. It was a whole scale evacuation. I rush along narrow corridors supplemented by metal piping, etc. I reached this room that was widened considerably. there was a life, a metal contraption that sharply reminded me of the style of Half-life games, etc. the up and down control was just this little wheel, like a miniature sailor wheel. You turned it based on whether you wnated to go up and down.

I raced for it, but for some reason, maybe a sound quickly stopped while turning around. Behind me and slightly off to my left was the tenth Doctor! He aimed his sonic at the lift, actually using it! The wheel, which I could see from where I was, started turning really fast, but the lift stayed where it was! I smelled the burning smell of the ropes from the control and then the wheel stopped! I glared at the Doctor, realizing that he broke the lift so we couldn't use it! He glared at me, like I whizzed on all his favorite things and it was during our stare-down that the eleventh Doctor came in. He stared for a moment at ten like, WTF, then started walking up to him like he was going to say something!

The scene shifted to black, and the next thing I know, I wake up.   


August 10, 2014

Outdoor Kitchen Lacrosse And The Teleportation

My mom, two sisters and I were to be having a bonfire party thing in our backyard. Jaden, my 16 year old sister, stops me in the kitchen and says she wants to practice Lacrosse. I am like, no big deal. She then takes with her some two big plastic spoons as he go outside. We are acting up in the backyard at night without having set up the fire pit. I stand at the corner of the house and Jaden is showing off her practicing. She is trying to bounce a Lacrosse ball between the two spoons! I recall that her hair is long, like it used to be when she was a little kid.

"Mindy, check this out!" Amye, my 19 year old sister cried out from in middle of the backyard.

She does this weird thing, yanking her leg up, arms extended out from her sides. It was like the pose from the old version of Karate Kid, when the boy gets ready to do that last strong kick.  The only difference between that and what she did was that the boy was slowly winding up for the stance; Amye quickly snapped into it. She suddenly had glitchy things swarm over her body and she slowly vanished into ripply water until she was gone; like she had the Predator's stealth tech!

I was dmily aware of it being a cool trick. but then I noticed that my mom and Jaden were no longer in the backyard. They teleported, leaving me alone in the backyard, at night with only the moonlight for light!   



August 27, 2014

Myriad of Travels

I decided to blend music with astral travel music about a couple of months ago. I wanted to travel so I placed this track on my Android Zeki and listened to it. Instantly, mixed in with the musics, already relaxed, I went on a lot of travels. The major one that sticks out was one where I went to my town, in the main part, in the square. I started using my astral self to focus magical energies through it. I cast a ritual in Astral that i used to do in physical world. it worked well.

The Old Man came up, with some other people in tow. he revealed himself, although no in appearance, as some sort of high-level astral "parasite". one of the sentient ones.  He started feeding and I felt my astral body, where he was placing his hand grow strange coldish with some tingles. I guess amped by my stuff from the ritual, I was able to suspend his feeding process in the middle, the numbness not spreading. Shocked, he released the link. After he did so, I was able to use some of the background energy from my surroundings to get back the stuff he took from me. He did it again, but this time as a curious thing, to learn how I did that. I did it again, then again. He stopped trying to take any more from me. I got bored and wanted to leave for another travel.

"You think that's cool?" I asked. "Then get a load of this!" I jumped up high in the air. Even as I did so, I did a past back flip in midair. On the back flip, I made myself instantly change to another location.

I saw an open market and two women were running from something. I saw The Abomination. not the old guy, but another dude that I knew from before and knew was bad news. he was after at least one of the women! I ran past them, put the last vestiges of the magic energy down my arm into my fist. When he came down the walk, running, I lashed. The energy plus my hit made him go down, as it was an overload. He comes slowly up, rubbing his jaw were I'd socked him one. His face was filled with anger, shock, and incredulous that someone dared to that to him! I knew that I had to get away because one does not simply do this to The Abomination!

I whirled around and ran for the girls. Us trio ran, with me occasionally having to teleport to keep up. They made me leave because it was freaking them out, constantly blinking. 

2. Sometime after the previous travel, I fell asleep. I woke up, only slightly. my music was still going. Though, it was that garbled mess that you can only get when your mind isn't sorted yet. I laid there, not movie and I felt warmth start up that I get sometimes when I go through SP. Suddenly, the music does this weird thing where the more I listen to it relaxed, it makes me get a picture in my mind's eye of water swirling down a drain.

The tunnel suddenly pulled on the top of my head and I found that I had exited. The swirling water suddenly became something looking like a time vortex. Even as I was astral, I could feel the music all around me. Even as this was going on, I also saw The Doctor's Tardis banging around in the time vortex. A good solid minutes of this and then it ended. I was back in my body and I fell asleep again.     


August 28, 2014

Taking The Mickey Out Of Someone + Alien Parasites Dream (WARNING: Gore-ish part!)

I AP'ed before hitting the hay. I went to this area with a real magic user. Since I learned of this person, I did some research. Personally, I thought they were shite in power ability when compared to another person. I popped by and mocked him, essentially. he made some vague threat about coming by my place. And I forgot beforehand that he kind of does have travel ability.

When I slept, I had the most disgusting dream ever. Something about Alien Parasites that took people over. I saw a cooking room where these 'possessed' people would chop up other people into meaty parts and put the pieces on ice!

Later, I saw one of the aliens taking over the body of a small animal. All you could see was a mass of what looked like snakes, except there were no snake heads or scale, just white smooth skins!     


August 31, 2014

Clara Oswald, The 12th Doctor and I were facing off against Daleks. We were putting up a hell of a fight and I saw one Dalek say either "Ardak" or "Ardok." Then they were leaving our area.

"What did that mean?" I asked 12.

"That means retreat," he began in his familiar voice, "That's the word in their language for retreat."

There was a mess of other stuff we had to deal with, including some ten+ foot high mud-monster-zombie thing that the Daleks had created. it had supersized Dalek antibodies embedded all in it. If it got close, it could kill you instantly. We destroyed it by uploading a computer virus to a Dalek console. The thing fell apart and the electric things were deactivated.


November 23, 2007

Pack O' Dreams

1. It was dark. I heard the Simm-Master talking. near me, in my vincinity, but in a neutral tone - nearly like a speech or lecture. He was so close that I could hear each nuance of the words he was speaking.

2. I was in my darkened room, walking towards my Altar-Desk. my mom was already at it, saying something. I thought of Jack Harkness Vanishing.

"Yeah, it's all about Jack isn't it?" I asked in a bitter tone. "Effing Torchwood!"

At that moment, I feel like there is something big bad going down. My room was dim, lit lighting that looked to be only a flashlight. I ducked slightly down and squinted at my window, which was still open. A man was standing outside my window, looking - no - glaring in!

"Bilis?" I whispered in shock.

"I am coming for you," he said, not in a nice-sounding way. he was glaring at me when he said this, then he turned his malice filled gaze to my mom! "I am coming, for you all!"


November 29, 2007

Life On Mars: In Trouble

I went to the Life On Mars reality. it was because some scientist found a way, supposedly to physically travel like this. He rushed the test project because the government was going to cut funding soon. I was inside the lobby of a big building. I am ready to leave through these HUGE glass doors. Gene Hunt was approaching, but then had to veer off to talk to some of his buddies. I decided to wait to leave. He gets halfway to the door and turns halfway around to address something his colleagues said.

"Sir," I began. he turned around, looking at me. "I am keeping the door open for you."

He half-acknowledged what I said. After he was through, he stopped completely and looked right at me.

"Thank you." he replied. I nodded in reply and then left the building. Later, I was walking around some city in England. Sam Tyler and Gene came up to me.

"Do you mind coming with us?" Gene asked.

Sam, Gene and I walked along. They were flanking me, one on either side of me. As we walked along, we talked about random stuff. Gene was saying little, and so I felt myself growing uneasy. I pulled out a slightly used deck of some kind of TCG, Pokemon. it was neatly put away in it's original box. Sam asks what it is and I hand it to him. he examines the whole box and gives it back to me. I am a bit wigged to see that Sam read the 2007 date on the box and didn't act flipped out, just calm and also cold and distant. I started then, no to be liking this! It reminded me of a dog that was about to be led somewhere to be put down!

We reached a corner of some sorts. It had a thing overhead, a wooden slat. Sam and Gene stepped into the big open 'booth'. I stood on the other side, at this 'table' that looked sort of like a square bale of hay. Gene and Sam were sitting down, using tome tatty lawn chairs. One of them left a paper on the bale of hay. Accidentally, or left for me to sign, I did not know. I picked it up silently when they were not looking. it turns out that they got a complaint from someone about a girl wandering around wearing freaky clothing and shoes. Under that was a section called

Interrogation Will Cover: Then it listed general questions, address, what was I doing, etc. Then I see the next outline.

Interrogation Methods: my jaw drops as I read down the list. it listed 'sanctioned' activities from burning a suspect's skin with cigarettes, cutting skin, beating up, etc.

As I put the paper back down quickly, I look up and demand, "This is a joke, right?"

I met the glare of Gene. He had stopped talking to Sam and stared straight head at me. His face was set like chiseled stone, and his eyes a cold look, tempered by a kind of fire. From that look alone, I knew that they were serious! Gene loomed up from his seat and started snarling stuff at me! Sam actually laughed out loud at one thing he said. I was scared s-less!

"Wait a minute now," I stammered, holding out my hands in a placating gesture. "There is no need for any of that! Not when-" I said no further pretense, I just whirled around and bolted for it!

I was slow in started, due to my weight. When I turn to cut a corner, I see Sam barreling after me! Oh Shittake Mushrooms! I'm busted! He's more fit and fast than me! I think as I struggled to gain speed. I came to a bridge of sorts in the area. I know that I can't make it all of the way without Sam catching me. I veer off and grab the side-railing with my right hand. Some people saw me and started screaming! I saw Gene also making his way to my side. Wasting no time, I vaulted up and over the railing, using my arm to give me lift. I dropped down below. Later, I was walking around the area. Sam sees me and walks up to me, smiling.

"We know you came from another reality." he says, gloating. I am on the run from him again. And again, I do the bridge method.

Now it is at night, and I come to big in this huge building. Gene and Sam were chasing me around and ran me into this! The inside is huge and almost each wall has at least one house-style window but without the screens! Sam had seen me a couple of times and I've gotten away through a lot of the windows. there was a slang I heard in the dream, "Shove and Chase" for going through a window, then turning around, closing it then locking it. I started doing this, and regaining much needed speed between Sam and Gene! 


February 1, 2008


From an earlier, mystical waking cry for companionship, Trilane came to me via my dream and started the process of energetically blending our energies. it felt painful, but also beautiful as well. This other person I knew, Zelenka must have sensed it and as soon as Trilane was done, he attacked, trying to do the same thing.   

* Trilane = Trill-lane


September 1, 2014

School, Washing ad Raining

I had AP'ed beforehand to sleeping. In the AP I did my magic ritual again and got power-boosted. I slept after the travel.

In my dream, I was back in the years that I was in school. i had to take a shower that morning. I did that and everything. I come into my room re-clothed and my curtians to my window is wide open. It is still night time looking. it used to be like this when I had to get ready for school in the morning, because I had to get up very early, especially in the winter. It was pouring down rain and I was irritated because my shower would have been for nothing; I would have to wait outside in the storm for the bus later!

I spoke one word, not just for the sake of speaking, but made it connect in a way to the entire storm cell above my area, "Stop!" As I did so, I waved my right arm in single sweeping motion at my window.

The rain started petering off into a drizzle. Then from a drizzle into nothing. The storm had ended when I commanded it to. it was still murky looking outside, as it was still night dark outside. I woke up even as I turned to my closet to grab a jacket for the bus stop.   


April 28, 2008

School And Food

I was back at at my old High School. I had Mrs. Matisick for homeroom.

The school was exactly like a school and grocery store out together. All you can eat buffets had also presence amongst the student locker sections.

I was wandering the halls, knowing I had to go to homeroom. But I also wanted to explore. I would go up from classroom to classroom peeking in. I would use the excuse that I wrote pages on loose leaf papers of a story for work, but I misplaced it and didn't remember exactly where.

The last classroom I checked, the teacher was in. He was either George Mason or Xander Berkeley. He was tall! I walked in and asked him about the papers. For five minutes,  he went around the class and looked. At some point, I was standing next to some kids who were sitting at the tables. They were making snide remarks at me, about smelling farm animals and guinea pigs. They guy was next to me, helping some kid with his work. I guess he heard the wise cracks because he rose his head and glared at the three kids without speaking. The kids shut up. He went back to helping the other kid. I said goodbye and left the classroom. I wandered around, minus going into anymore classrooms.

I met Mrs. Matisick in the hall, and she said that I was supposed to be in homeroom. I sold her the same "papers" line. She bought it. I didn't get yelled at, but had to follow her all the way back to homeroom. 

Later, kids and I were in the halls, at the buffets. They were grabbing stuff and eating it.  Some were stuffing the stuff into their book bags.  I grabbed some stuff as well.  I saw a platter of Roast Chicken. I went along, gathering more food. I tried finding my locker, but it seemed that the whole locker sections vanished! I walked back the other way, close to one of the buffets, eying it as I did so.

"God Darn it!" I whined, stamping my foot. I was upset because unless I could store some of the food, I'd be too laden down to carry any more!  '

I saw, to my right, at the end of the buffet table, one of those classic silver covered platters. I stood in front of it and lifted the big cover off. There was another, slightly smaller one under it! I went through them and they got increasingly smaller and smaller. The one I was now looking at was the size of a baseball! I took this away, it was the final one. In the middle of the coverless platter was either black velvet or plastic. In the middle of this was a single Brussels Sprout. I woke up even as I was leaning over to get a better look.


January 7, 2009

The Land Of The Dead

The air had a desert haze, like smog but not; just dirt and sandy air. The ground was a dull red baked color. Nothing grew for miles. There was a black hound walking with me, as well as some other animals. I knew for sure we had to find someone, we were searching. The black hound kept up a small trot in front of me. I saw that I was barefoot. The party went ahead of me across this little bridge that spanned over a dry rut where presumably a river would have flowed at one time. The Hound also could form perfect Human English words.

"So, Anubis," I began, still walking. "Where are we supposed to be going exactly?"

"I don't know," its voice was a man's voice, but not overly deep or anything. "They said it was around here somewhere. We will have to keep searching."

I happened to see Marion, my cat who passed away, plodding along in a different direction. "Marion," I exclaimed happily.

"Do you know her?" Anubis asked.

Marion ambled over of her own free choice and joined our group. The group, Anubis, had found out, was still too small for the long distance. Not only that, but it lacked good protection as well. We set off to this area and saw about picking up some other 'people'.

It turned out to be that we went to this tribe of people. They were Humanoid; they were about ten feet tall and had heavy muscle structure. There skin was the color of Asian Elephants. There faces were huge in proportion to their bodies. To me it looked like they had no hair. At the top, where the forehead and eyes are, their cheekbones were pronounced and there eyes looked like perfect round circles. Their eyes had no lids at all that I knew of and they were deep set. It looked like their faces were pretty much wasted away into a skull, if it weren't for the skin. They had no Human nose, instead a short elephantine trunk. They had a mouth and they seemingly spoke in perfect English as well. They wore black studded leather body armor. This was topped off by huge black leather shoulder pads they wore as well.

It turns out that they held an arrogant nature of almost everything. They initially scoffed at the idea of a mortal, Anubis and the rag-tag team searching for whatever it was that we were supposed to be searching for.  Anubis told me to stay with the others outside their encampment and after while, he came back. The tribe must have relented for they sent with us on our quest two warriors. These two were dressed just like the others, but had heavy pole arms of sorts.

We went on our way, back on the course that Anubis wanted us to take. We were reaching this area and Anubis told us to be careful. There were evil things that would delight in scaring us, especially me. We were nearing their territory. We were not going to go fully in, but the way we had to take edged in it a little bit.  Later, I wandered off from the group as we 'camped' to get our bearings. It was not night time, there didn't ever seem to be a night, just day.

I am strolling along and this Human looking man walks up to me. He looked distinguished and wore expensive looking clothing. He didn't act mean or anything to me, just said greetings. I sat down on a small sand dune and he sat down next to me. Shortly, the team walked up, finding me. The man just disappeared so quick, they didn't even see him! They found me missing and searched for me. The elephant dudes were upset that we were sidetracked. I told them quickly about the man.

"He was a shape shifter," Anubis explained to me calmly. In his view, it was no use getting angry with me; what was done was done.

"It figures one of them," One spoke scornfully about me, "would fall for that type of trick." We moved off, trying to find out way back to the trail of where we needed to go then I woke up.



The Dark

I was at my house, during a real bad storm. I decided to get magically juiced up and draw in The Dark. I stood, in the kitchen, facing the kitchen window. I was now Darked Out, firing off lightning control spells and actually making it forked lightning on demand outside! The feeling I had after, even still being power-filled and having The Dark running through me is hard to describe. it was like I was Unstoppable, had power running through me. I even laughed at the feeling sometimes. it also felt as if I held all the power of thunderstorms in my body and my heart. There was no pain fro it, just that resulting euphoric feeling of intense power! Then, no my fault, but the storm's, our electric was cut off.

For a few seconds, my mom rushed around, getting things together the best she could. I kind of panic, wondering what was going to be in the darkness with us. Then, still filled with The Dark, I throw my hands out from my sides.

Using the Belyakovian Voice Whammy, I bellow, "RETURN!" The electric came back on.

There was this old TV in the corner of our living room that came back on when the electric did. Still filled with The Dark, I held my out in, in it's direction. "OFF!" The TV instantly turned off. I then commanded it to turn on, and it again did as it was 'told'. I walked around the living room for awhile, reveling in The Dark and what it meant that I could do! I faced back to the TV. I wanted then to bring Trilane, a Mictiani I met on one of my travels, into my house, my world! I focused on the working TV.

"TRILANE!" I bellowed. Suddenly, his image appeared, overlapping what was on the TV. He looked shocked.

"How did I get here?" He was able to see me and he just stared at me, so much shocked that he was just short of being slacked-jawed!

"I WANT YOU TO-" I still had my hand thrown toward the TV. I was going to command that the TV bring Trilane into the house completely when I woke up.


February 20, 2009

"You Evil Little Witch!"

I was at some kind of shop. I was at a bin filled with some kind of blankets and pillows. I went through them, dismissing the lot of them as tacky unit I found some that were very good.

Later, as an observer, I was back in the 70s or so. I was in someone's houe and saw a man and woman chatting away on their couch. They went from chatting to making out.

"Did you hear that?" The woman asks, breaking the kissing, sitting up quickly in complete surprise.

The man indicates no and they get back to making out. Suddenly, next to their couch to the couple's left, something crashed through the wall! As the couple scrambled up and out of the couch, I saw that it was a car – a Hearse! The lady had been standing up and something flipped in the air, away from the Hearse at the moment it stopped abruptly! It landed in her arms – a dead corpse, with the while skull showing!  The lady screamed in fear, as did I! Even as I did, there was a rage filled voice bellowing, shrieking, from everywhere at once!

"YOU EVIL LITTLE WITCH!"  It was The Tall Man's voice!


December 24, 2007

Narrations Of Past Times

i was outside some place, wandering around on foot. I could hear my dad talking on the CB Radio in the waking world at the same time. i was outside a building, some kind of store that looked like a cross between the old Fastop and the local Subway store. I just stood there in one place just to listen to dad's voice talking about past times and when he was a kid. I realized that I was in Trinity! Upon realizing this, I turned around the leave the area. This dark blue truck passes through and it looks like Lucas Buck is driving! I inwardly freak out and leave the area.

Later, it is now the next morning. I am back in my own house. I am in front of the living room closet. I am getting stuff ready for something. I even have to set up the ironing board. Caleb Temple is standing sort of behind me, talking to me even as I am working. He is saying about how would I feel about someone trying to change me, and how trying to change people on how I want them to be is a bad, mean thing to do. His sister materialized into the living room and Caleb ran to her. I had a strong urge to go to the front door, so I followed on the urge.

"Someone's at the door." Merlyn said. I got the creeps out and quickly locked the door so that Lucas couldn't open it!

I walked away from the door. I happened to face down the hall. The light was on in the hall and I see someone down at the other end of the hall and I squeal in fear, jumping, thinking it was Lucas - that he had made it into the house! However, it was my mom! She thought it was funny, having no idea of what I had previously been through. She goes past me, up the hall, laughing her butt off at having 'scared me'!


August 1, 2009

Helicopter Paranoia

I found myself in town at night, in the empty parking lot at the local hospital. I knew there was an evacuation earlier, but that my dream-self had slept and no one bothered to wake me up. As a result, I made the trek into a pretty much abandoned town. In the dream, the helipad was almost right in the main parking lot, next to the Fast Track entrance. The helipad had little orange LED lights blinking in such a way that it made a circle around the pad. When I reached the helipad, intending on running through it, a helicopter started landing, so I had to scoot over and start to hurry around it. As I hurried as fast I could, hands around my head to protect against flying debris, I was thinking it was the Med-Evac. When I was not far away from the scene, I turned around to watch the landing. There was a big search light on as it was landing. It was not colored like a Med-Evac - it was a Gray color. As it fully landed, a huge amount of people got out of the helicopter. I saw then that there were more groups of people that came from the woods and walked over quietly to the Helicopter. This huge mega-gang of people just stood, making a ring of people around the helicopter. This man was the last to get out and he stood in the very middle of the ring, with the huge light still on. I saw that the man was the Rage Virus Controller! He looked over at me with his rage-virus red eyes then got a look of fury on his face!

"CAPTURE THAT &^%$%!" He bellowed, face still twisted in fury. The whole group, about fifty total, turned in unison towards me. Even as they stood there, taking the sight of me in, he added, still bellowing, "I THINK I KNOW HER!"

The whole Rage infected group, as a whole and on the Controller's orders, ran for me! I turned tail and ran. I was near the main hospital entrance when I lost footing and fell against one of the stone stairs because this sniper man on top of the stairs was firing on the group. I was ducked down against the stone. I saw the rage lady with long blond unwashed hair snarling, reaching out for me. She was cut down by machine gun fire before my eyes! I saw member after member of the capture group falling, some getting cut in half by the bullets! This one rager was dying next to me as I sat down against the stone. He still had the capture order running through his brain and weakly put a hand on my leg, trying to hold me down so the Controller could still capture me!

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a pair of legs walking slowly up to my right side. It wore blue pants and what looked a man's pair of brown shoes. I thought it was the Controller, so without thinking, i slapped the dead rager's hand aide, rolled onto my feet and started taking off from the scene when I woke up.


August 22, 2009

The Tall Man's Siege!

I was near my window, in my room when I started hearing the engine of a Sentinel Sphere from Phantasm! It wasn't too long after this when I heard a drilling noise coming from the other wide of my window! I lurched back out of my room, horrified as I realized that it was trying to get into my room! there was a second person into my room, a woman, who heard the noises as well. She seemed lost to why I acted the way I did.

"It's a Sentinel Sphere," I explained, whispering as we left my room.  She followed me down the hall, into the main parts of the house. I entered the kitchen quickly, looking for my mom. She was in the kitchen, playing World of Warcraft. "Mom, this is serious! The Tall Man is trying to get inside the house!"

My mom turned to me in confusion and asked me, "Who's the Tall Man?"

I could feel my blood run cold. "Never mind."  I replied.

The woman and I went back to my room. The noises from earlier stopped by now. The woman and I were jostling around my window, trying to get a good look out when a black Sentinel Sphere loomed at my window, making us fall back from it quickly! "Oh my god," I stated softly. "It's Jody!"

"Who's Jody?" The woman asked.

"Long story," i replied, stepping away from the window. I had to use the bathroom, so went to the one in the hall. I'd noticed that the door was ajar. I tried pushing it open even more, but something was blocking it.

"What he Hell?" I muttered, walking in halfway, getting angry that my sister's were evidently back to lobbing litter behind the door! With a yell, The Tall Man leaps from behind the door as I walked in! I turned tail and ran!

"You play a dangerous game, girl." He growled even as I ran!

Later, the mystery woman and I were still in the house. I open the front door quietly and we both peek from around the corner. You can see my window from here and there is the traditional silver colored Sentinel Sphere floating at my window, sipping around it almost like a hornet or wasp. The Jody Sphere is also still there.

"They could be regular Sentinel Sphere," I begin. "or they could be Capture Balls."

"Captures Balls?" The woman was whispering so the Spheres didn't hear us. "What are they?"

"They shoot nets at people."

"And leaves you trussed up for this Tall Man." She concluded. I had a cold, not-so-good feeling at the disturbingly clear mental image of my being slammed to the ground in a net and the Tall Man walking up to me. I cleared the image and both of us returned inside the house.

Later, Reggie showed up and I quickly told him of what was going on about the window and the house. I added the fact that the Tall Man nearly nabbed me in my own bathroom! the scene shifts and it is later. We black out the whole house and Reggie and I are pacing along. Reggie is on the guard, he even as his quad barrel shotgun at ready. the scene shifts once again and I am caught by someone, being held in front of the Tall Man!


September 1, 2009

Sacred Heart Hijinks

Theses kids and I are in my yard at night. This mass of people, spaced out evenly, were also in the yard and up to no good. Dr. Perry Cox had also gone missing from Sacred Heart Hospital. We wanted to find him and bring him home in one piece. We were convinced that that the newest huge group of baddies did something to him!

We discovered that there were also ramshackle camps that the baddies set out in spaced out intervals in the yard. I had kicked-butt karate moves of Buffy: The Vampire Slayer so I, along with the team, rushed in and started clearing out the camps. So far, no Perry Cox! We started despairing, discussing the serious issue that they might have killed him! One of the more imaginative members of my party suggested that they might have made him into a zombie. That left a very no-so-good feeling for all of us. We were sneaking up to the side of my house that the sliding glass door it to our basement. I mentally discounted the zombie idea, but thought of another thing they might have managed to turn him into...

"If he was turned into a Mictiani," I began out loud as we creeped along, 'Then we are screwed."

"What's a Mictiani?' one of the asked.

"Long story." I stated as we stopped to hide and scope the area out.

There were a couple of more spread out camps here, along the side yard as well. It truly didn't dawn on me until we were watching them more closely, but they sort of resembled the Twilight Cultists from World of Warcraft!

Right when I had this revelation, all of the Cultists from the nearest camp found us! We were ambushed with at least ten of them. The group and I were in the middle and I was using my skills. Soon after, the number was quickly whittled down to only about four. During the lull in attacks, I chanced a look over at the sliding doors. There was a figure there, staying well out of the way. It was wearing a large purple robe and the rube had a huge hood. I could not tell who it was, only that the figure was taller than me. After all of the immediate camp members were nixed, I rushed the purple-robed figure.

I was figuring and trouncing this dude, then figuring out what their deal is. The figure, however, had other plans! Even as my team stood way back, the figure fought likewise with karate! It knew more move tactics. Soon, I ended up being tripped up and landing on my backside! The figure did not finish the job and I slowly clambered to fy feet, still smarting. I was wondering who the hell this person was. The person, seeing that I was recovered sufficiently, took the hood down.

"Perry Cox," I began incredulously, "What the hell are you doing? We've been looking for you!"

Perry Cox stood in front of me, looking stern as he replied, "I noticed these guys and decided to hang back and see what they were up to." he looked around us, at the Cultists unconscious or – god forbid! - Dead. "You ruined that."

I felt crappy after learning that I shot his plan down! The team and I are back at S.H. We are in one of the multi-purpose rooms. The room is a mess – tables used for meeting and students are slammed haphazardly – as well as the chairs. Dr. Cox is standing in the room with us. He long since ditched the robes and is now back in his Dr.-wear. He is glaring at us, arms crossed.

"For that stunt and taking matters in your own hard, you will be here and clean this room." Before he left, he added, "I will be back to check the progress."

The Janitor was staying with us to oversee the clean-up effort and to see that  we were not cutting up when we should be cleaning! The team, some other people and I were doing a deep cleaning at first. Dr. Cox did come back at this point. He just stood there, arms crossed, glaring around the room then left. The second phase of cleaning wasn't really cleaning, but putting the chairs tables and assorted materials away and where they belong. This blond haired female resident and I got to talking when we were working. Cox came in and saw the room was pretty much finished, except for some desks, which I was working on. 


September 17, 2009

"Get in the house, it landed!"

The day outside was cool and overcast. I was in my front yard with my sisters. We suddenly heard a very loud helicopter.

"It's hovering!" Amye cried out. At the time, I now was looking down at the ground.

"Where is it?" I began as I snapped my head up quickly, scanning the sky. I saw it then; it was in the sky, seemingly over out next door neighbor's property.

It looked like some sort of Apache helicopter. It was facing away from our property, but I was nervous because of The Controller incident a month prior! As soon as I thought this, the helicopter turned around sharply, facing us! My hear felt like it skipped many beats Suddenly, it sunk down amid the treetops, landing!

I felt an overwhelming sense of fear as I stated, "Kids, get in the house, quick; It's landed!" I was sure in was The Controller then; I got a nasty mental image of him and some more of his cohorts racing on-foot through the woods to our place!

"Where did it go?" I heard one of them ask stupidly, as if they didn't hear me the first time.

"It landed," I repeated, still afraid,"Get in the house, it landed!" Towards the end of my dream, my voice was turning really shrill because of my mounting fear!