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Raditus's Dream Journal

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I have a main dream journal on another site, but I will post a dream journal on here too. No matter how wild (to a edited PG extent, of course.) or if its about TV shows, movies, or whatever!

October 20, 2013

Character Mashups

The dream took place in my POV, but I was more like a camera. I saw this area in broad daylight. It looked like it took place in my house, but it wasn't my house because Officer Mathias from Longmire TV show owned it. Joe Dominguez from Nash Bridges was Mathias best friend. One day, Joe had an argument with his wife, Inger about their adult daughter. Joe had to crash at Mathias's house and it started to storm. Downstairs, in the basement was this huge bed, about a King sized I believe. Joe had to sleep on one side and Mathias on the other. In the split second, I became Joe laying down on his side of the bed, saying goodnight to Mathias. Beforehand, Joe had put his gun and holster upstairs, draping it over a chair.

The next day, the storm was over and Camera-Me was upstairs, looking around the living room. Somehow during the night, when both men slept downstairs, someone stole the gun from the wooden chair, even moving it.

Joe showed up in broad daylight at his job. He still worked with Nash Bridges and the others. Later, someone robbed a store and shot up loads place places, with Joe's gun! Joe nearly got into huge trouble, but Mathias, in his cop uniform, vouched for Joe's whereabouts and actually witnessed where Joe put his gun and that it wasn't there when they got up for the day! Joe got out of being in trouble and the hunt for the robber began.

Way later, Joe gets a call from Inger at this huge shopping center, furious! He made the travel there and found his wife and Lucia waiting for him! The whole fight had been about Lucia seeing this guy she was into! it turns out that Lucia had just now found out the guy had been tested for Chlamydia and came back positive! She had been using protection beforehand, even before she knew about him having it, but asks her parents, what if she stopped because she wanted a baby?

Joe found the guy, who was Dr. Lee Rosen from Alphas, and scolded him. Lee left the area, forbade from having anything to do with Lucia ever again! Cam-Me also saw Jamie Lannister in his armor wandering about as well.

Blinking Pictures and Beings Acting Sexy   

In this dream, I was back in the room at a friends house that I saw the thing with the glowing blue eyes. The room was very well lit and her laptop was on and the monitor showing. The background saved was this large group of people. It was some musical guy band. All of the others were kind of out of focus for me, except this hunk of a guy that was sitting down in the lower right corner of the group. There was a slight movement that caught my eye. I stared hard at this guy and then it happened again: He blinked his eyes. I sat down slowly at the edge of the bed, watching as it happened again. I was thinking that it was cool: That my friend invested in making a GIF as a desktop background!

Later, I am at my house, standing on my back porch. Nothing remarkable is happening. From the corner of my eye, from the other side of the porch I thought I saw Jack standing, wearing his usual suit. He is staring me down in this ..... way. I do not know if it was really Jack, because he had this stubble.

I only get this quick glimpse of who looks like Jack before I focus my gaze in front of me, over my backyard. These arms softly grab me from above and pull. At this point, I zoom up, now heading out of my dream, right into projecting!

The effect fades and I am projected, inside my basement. I am at this old desk that my family used to have ages ago. I wrap my head around the enormity of the dreams that I had so far that had so much detail. The one I had recently, the ones with Mathias and Joe especially.

"What a dream," I say out loud. Since I am projecting, I don't vocalize it with my mouth, but from my own head and it comes out audible to my ears.  Suddenly, someone grabs me from behind gently, wrapping their arms under mine, and sliding them up towards my collarbone. The embrace was firm, yet gentle. It was surprising yet not frightening. Somehow, I knew it was a man that held me.

"This is no dream," The figure purred into my ear from behind. About his speech; when I say purr, it might have been literally at this point. The voice did not sound what a typical Human male voice would sound. It sounded like someone took an animistic big cat growl and dubbed the hell out of it over a Human voice. A tiger or Lion forced into Human Speech; that's as close as I can come to describing it. As strange as it seems, this did not scare me. He said some other stuff.

And yeah, it stopped being a dream when I went into projecting - I knew this. I was just saying my observation on a previous dream. I happened to look onto the basement floor and saw that me and the figure behind me were casting shadows! It was a guy, but his silhouette gave nothing away as to who he was. "Who are you?" I asked him after running possible things through my head. there was no answer, just the slight growling of glee in my ear. "No, seriously, I ran across other people in my life. I can't remember who might want to search me out." No answer, so I asked, "Why did you come to me?"

"Money, power, fame, Sex." He replied in that strange voice. Then, sighing, dreamily, "I want you." He went back to sighing in my ear.

During the whole exchange, even before the I want you statement, the guy switching between gently holding me, nuzzling my neck to massaging my shoulders and making me start to think things that I don't normally think. "I am honored, I really am."  I find it harder to think aloud my messages. 

The environment faded, leaving me back on my stomach, in my bed. I realize that I have stopped projecting. The guy is still there, I can still sort of feel him pressing against me from above, still gently holding me. I cannot hear his playing sighs and growls. there is no more communication and the feeling of him holding me finally ends and I get up from my bed physically and leave the room to see what time it is.         


October 21, 2013

The Waterfall At The End of The World

I was in a classy neighborhood. I was just kicking it in this one person's house that I knew. Their family comes in and she's like, "What's going on?"

Tony Stark himself comes by and something is wrong outside. He leaves, going to take a walk down to this mouth of a bay that's just beyond the neighborhood. I follow him and together, we find that shortly into the bay is a waterfall! I think it is the edge of the world that the vikings tell about! Tony hops into the bay and takes a ride down the waterfall. We found out it's not that long, but the whole neighborhood is being sucked into it! We rush back home and warn the others. Everyone in the neighborhood is prepping, shielding their homes to make them be able to survive the trip down the waterfall!

I am still in the main home and I go into this small room where I knew I had the least chance to get hurt as I knew things would be sliding around the house due to going down the waterfall! I take this metal box, which was really two small compartments that were in one box. One side's lid had a mirror and I closed them securely, not wanting glass to fly around later. I looked into the other side and recoiled; there was a nest of resting German cockroaches! As I stared in horror at the nest, they started to slowly panic and start to move quickly. I slammed the lid on that side of the box closed quickly. I had gotten up from where I was sitting on the floor to make sure other stuff was secure, but the dream abruptly ended. 


October 22, 2013

A Trip And A Chase

The first half of this dream, I was outside, somewhere scenic with other people.

"Oh, Mindy, look at that!" My best friend exclaims in awe. I fumble in my pocket for my MP3 player, which also can take photos like a camera-phone.

This part fades and goes into someplace else. people are scared and running. Certain people are hit, sometimes gunned down and maybe even abused. At this point, it is happening even in my own house! I am cowering behind the family's big screen TV that was set nearly next to the fireplace.

The apparent leader called out, "Go for these clowns," to whomever he hired to do such bad things. I was staying quiet and turned to crawl the long way to exit the mouth of the space at the wooden video shelf. I was right in the middle of the pathway. He, the leader, came from around the farthest way down. Now he was standing at the mouth - staring me down like a cat eying a bird or mouse. "You can't escape."

Still on my hands a knees, I pivot quickly, intending to crawl back the other way, to come out at the space next to the fireplace.  I start to crawl, but through the gaps between the different things next to the TV, I see him take off running, jumping over a few things evidently, and trying to wedge his body between the fireplace and the wall, trying to get back there and get me!

* * *

In the waking world, I called my best friend just to see how things are going for them. Turns out her mom was wondering if I wanted to go with them on a trip this Friday to Skyline Caverns. Definitely picture taking moments there. And yes, precognitions does happen to me via dreams, but very rarely and used to not go much farther than knowing when important company was going to come up the my house on same day. I guess it is a 'survival' thing since my family and I takes care of my dad.


QuoteLater, I am at my house, standing on my back porch. Nothing remarkable is happening. From the corner of my eye, from the other side of the porch I thought I saw Jack standing, wearing his usual suit. He is staring me down in this ..... way. I do not know if it was really Jack, because he had this stubble.

I only get this quick glimpse of who looks like Jack before I focus my gaze in front of me, over my backyard. These arms softly grab me from above and pull. At this point, I zoom up, now heading out of my dream, right into projecting!

This is a classic example of how to gain your awareness during a dream. You recognized someone but noticed that something was also wrong about them. When you begin to question what is wrong, you gain your awareness.

We all have these little things that are odd in our dreams. I know we dream about weird stuff but I'm talking about something that is odd about someone or something that is very familiar to us.

Most people just end the dream and start all over or wake themselves up fully. The trick is to find the balance.
It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
Mark Twain


October 24, 2013

Rick, Traps and Pokemon

I was in my house, in the hall close to my room door. Rick Bettina from Nash Bridges was standing in the hall. As I walked, approaching my room, he looked at me.

"It's a trap." He says vaguely. I pass my sister's room on the way to mine. Their door is open so I peek in. On the far wall some guy is sitting on the floor, playing a red Nintendo DS. "He's playing Pokémon or something." Rick states from behind me. I stop looking in their  room, pull my head out and then wake up.


October 30, 2013

Strange Hacking Super-Power and Curses

there was a group of kids, and they reminded me sharply of the group of kids from the last episodes of the Sara Jane Smith Adventures. They gained the powers to telekinetic (as it appeared) hack into certain types of computer technology. It was called Dark Matter, taking the same of the groups from Defiance game, but yet was more reminiscent of the type of Eezo tech from Mass Effect.

After they came across their gift, they had to hack into several war-bots this group was making and throwing at the general populace.

At one part of my dream, I went into a group dream that these kids had. It was shortly after they got their powers. They had no instruction book on how to hack, and I found this one guy, who was a well known henchman of the Dark matter bad guy sitting cross-legged in a small clearing in some deep woods. He calmly was repeated these instructions over and over again.

"Line up the lumbar region of the spine and (Unclear.)." The guy was repeating this and seemed oblivious. One of the members, a woman - Rani I think, flipped out and laid in a fetal position on the ground.   

I knew what was going on, so I sat next to her, calmly telling her over and over again that it was instructions, telling them how to use their powers. She turns over, stares at me and finally says to me, "The curse is yours now."

I had to admit to her that I could never hack into the technology like they can. They only they could, but they had to stop freaking out and pull themselves together. Later, they are out of their dream and doing their hacking/saving people thing.


November 3, 2013

Walt and The Horror

I was with a family friend and we had traveled somewhere. We had reached a store and he had to get a few things, so he went in. The store had just opened up for the day, so not too many people were there yet, parked or whatever in the massive parking lot. It is still so early that there is still a chill, so there I am hugging myself trying to warm up.

Two people were starting to meander through the parking lot and I sat up, taking notice. They walked past the car I was in without giving it a second glance, as they were talking to each other. My mouth goes slack as I recognize them; Branch Conally and Sheriff Walt Longmire - from the Longmire TV show! The friend reaches our car just as both me walk away. They were wearing their character clothes, and even Longmire with his cowboy hat!

"You know who I just saw?" I whisper to the friend even as he opens the back door, tossing the few items in. I tell him and he acts like he doesn't know who they are. Which is strange because he's watched the show in RL and knows the names of the characters.

Later, something happens. At this point I am separate the family friend and helping Longmire and gang with something. That something happened to be some kind of creature hiding in air ducts of houses and killing people. At one point, combing through these people's houses, I hear the thing in the ducts and see it hop from one and burrow into the ground and go through the ground like a Sand Worm from Dune or something! I race back and find Longmire, crouched, back turned, examining something. I am gibbering, describing that it burrows and well as uses the air ducts. I get up next to him and he sort of turns in one spot.

Longmire's face is gone.

Not a skull or anything, but a huge swath of skin that was shredded and had deep cuts into it! He must have died on the spot and been left in the position he'd been killed in for a very long time, for there is no blood! the only blood was deep in the lacerations, but it was solidified, congealed! I gasped, getting ready to scream when I woke up! 


November 5, 2013

Familiar People and Roof Troubles

I was in some city in the daylight. This city was not overly crowded or had lots of modern building. It was more like a historic city. I was on a bus that had to slowly go down the street because of heavy traffic in front of us. I happened to be gazing out my window and I saw these two guys leave a building, heading towards the road to cross. A guy with blonde hair who looked vaguely familiar. The other guy with him looked like the spitting image of Hayden Walker from Grimm.

The scene changed suddenly. I am walking on the rooftop of some building with my best friend. I knew that we were on top of some school. Another person is with us, leading us. I know, in the dream, that is Bob Kelso from Scrubs!

We get to one big part in the roof and we are having a blast, jumping up and down on parts of it. I see that parts that we jump on, start to show signs of give on impact. I stop jumping up and down and walk to the other end of the part of the roof we are on.

"Watch this," Bob cried out, running up to the end of the roof. He kneels down, grabs the end and hauls upwards. The roof tilts back and starts to send my friend and I falling back down the way we came, to fall off the roof! I wake up.   


November 9, 2013

The Summoning of The Eleventh Doctor

I was with my best friend, house sitting for her parents while they were out on an extensive road trip. Someone came over and set up a minuscule altar, nearly like an occult one. They cleaned, in front of my friend and I, that they could summon the Eleventh Doctor!

"I was like, "Nah, he's from a TV show. Better yet, if he was real, he'd be stuck in the Doctor Who-verse or something." So, being an arse I decide to make a sarcastic point. I pick up three objects, tiny two statue and a piece of wrapped Chocolate that looked like a Hershy's Kiss. I held all three in my hands I began bowing repeatedly. Like that Jewish guy from The Possession movie.

"Eleventh Doctor," I call out in a flat voice, still carrying on my act. "I summon thee, I summon thee, I summon thee!"

Right at that moment, my dream ends. I am near projecting, I take it. I am on my side, as I fell asleep this way. It still feels like I am dreaming though. I have my eyes shut then I feel my body move back slightly of its own accord - felt like someone slightly pulled me to them or something. My mattress is not like a normal one it had a like a vinyl/plastic surface. I actually hear behind me the noise it makes when someone lays down! Right when I hear the vinyl noise and feel the slight pull, I feel and hand gently grab my shoulder. At this point, I can feel someone laying behind me. The effect fades not to long after I mentally call upon some help. Who ever it was and the help I called on, I could hear their argument about me in my head then the effects faded from the mysterious bed-person. i drifted off to sleep.

I woke up not too long after, waking up only an half and hour earlier from my post. I told my sister and she asked what time it was, so I told her. I had this about 3:30-4:00 am. She says she was in her room and was woken up around that time by her door creaking open.

My mom, around that time, also had a dream where she thundered at someone to get out of her house!   


November 10, 2013

Loads of People

My dream was only a hodgepodge of people. It was like I was walking through a crowded market or something. Some person I would actually stop or be stopped by them frequently and we would just shoot the breeze about all sorts of stuff.  There was nothing else to be done. I did not not even know where I was ultimately going to.


November 12, 2013

Vampires and The Eleventh Doctor

My sister and I were in our backyard at daylight, but it was overcast. There was a creek that ran straight through our backyard that is not there in the waking world. The creek had a bend in it that went around into the deep woods that my family has not cleared from the property. We both knew that Benny The Vampire from Supernatural was really real. We got word that he got lost somewhere in our woods and went combed the banks of the creek, even going as far was to go into the creek to
search for anything of Benny.

The scene shifts and I am back at the house. Our search must have proved fruitless for there still was no Benny and here it was nighttime. I am standing on my back porch, taking the sight of the night and my backyard in. This guy is standing next to me. He is towering over me pretty much because I am only 5'! It was the eleventh Doctor, complete in his tweed outfit, bow tie, minus the Fez. He started hitting on me/kissing my neck but I was not interested in him and shut him down by telling him off.

Storybrooke And Horror!

I decided, in my dream, to find Storybrooke! I set out with a bunch of people and we got to the location and hunted around for it. We rescued Henry from Storybrooke and brought him back to my house. Regina showed up later and I had to sneak Henry out of the house. I discussed with Mary Margret and others that we needed to get Henry back to Storybrooke so that Regina thinks she just overlooked where Henry could have been. I had my watcher created a false ambulance to place in my driveway. It was to make Regina think that there was someone sick. I mentally commanded my watcher to autopilot the ambulance to Storybrooke.

"Won't someone question an ambulance coming into Storybrooke?" Someone asked me as he hurriedly got Henry into the back of it.

"Oh yeah," I stated, feeling a bit foolish. "I didn't think of that." The back of the ambulance was still open, as not yet everyone who was going with us got in yet. From my backyard, in the deep woods, there was a high pitched screaming cry of outrage! I swear to god I nearly peed myself hearing this! It sounded again, then again with a space of five seconds between them. It sounded like it was getting closer! I recognized it as Rumpelstiltskin screech in angry rage!  "oh god!" i said with utter dread, "Everyone in, now!" Some more people jumped on quickly, Prince Charming being one of them.

"We need to leave, now." Charming told me frankly. August was the last person who jumped in. I was scared and kept getting the mental image of Rumpel/Gold catching up to us....

The scene shifts and we are nearing Storybrooke. We get lost and have to lie to this guy about wanted an apartment that we found out that was recently put up for rent. This guy look and sounded like William Sadler. The apartment was on the topmost floor and had it's own balcony. A few people and I went up on the balcony. It overlooked a huge area and off in the distance, we could see Storybrooke. The gang tell the guy we are not interested in the apartment and go back to the hidden ambulance, leaving me to feel regret for leading the guy on to think we wanted it in the first place.

We drive on in the nights, towards were we saw Storybrooke when I woke up.


November 15, 2013

Walking Dead World

In this dream, my house was taken mystically to Herschel's farm from Walking dead. it was plopped down not too far away from his huge farm house. My family and everyone else from Walking Dead met each other. I remember at one point humming a whistling. I think back on how grateful I am that my sister didn't tick off Shane. Then, I remember what happened to him. I stop whistling.

"Oh yeah," He's dead now." I say to my self.

Later, my family has to flee. We have to run down to this beach and going into the water, swimming from Walkers. We see them start walking through the water after us, sinking and sinking until we cannot see them anymore. 


November 21, 2013

The Conversation In The Room

i walked into the large master bedroom in my house. It was spin and span, and there was the strange guy in there. Him and I get to talking. I sit on the end of the queen sized bed and he lays down on it. nothing sexual at all, we all had our clothes on. We start talking about this other guy, whom i do not know in real life ever, but know somehow in the dream.

"Yeah, and what would he be like if I pull my usual stunt and make my eye color change?" I ask, then I gesture to my own eyes. "You know, red or black all over my eye - even the whites?"

"It'll scare the S- out of him." The guy replied, as if this should be obvious.


November 23, 2013

The Village and The Guy

I was in some seemingly poor village in middle of the day. I got there by tour bus or something and have been there for awhile. Near the end of my group's stay, I am inside one of the buildings. One of the group members came up to me while we were walking around inside the shop and asked me if I'd sleep with him.

I gently sent him off, not interested at all in him. He was disheartened, muttering, "Fine - I had to go buy something from a friend of mine anyway."

Later, we have to gather our stuff as it is time for the group to get on the bus and leave the village. One of the villagers called me on a cell phone and I jogged back to the store. I job slowly past two men walking and talking. I see them from the back and one of them is the guy who was interested in me earlier. I ignore him to make my way to the store.

"See?" I hear him say to his friend even as I run inside the shoppe.

There was some sort of pan on the floor near the door. it had no top and there were some spiders and a snake inside of it, trying to kill each other. The snake, I had no clue what breed it was. the spiders were two Jumper Spiders and one large Wolf Spider.


November 25, 2013

Shopping, Curses, and Flying

I was in my local town, but some things were a little different. There was this huge line of stores right in the middle of the town which don't exist in the waking. This huge building nestled in the middle of the line of store was massive enough to have two stores side-by-side, but it was an enormous dental business! I happened to be standing the in the lobby of the place; I'd only come in to satisfy my curiosity as to which place this was. This guy comes in, a guy who was in the loaded-with-money-professional-business-man kind of way. For some reason, he wanted all of his teeth to look like stone. Not any stone, but colored exactly like the cobblestones outside of the buildings. In the waking, they used to be a reddish color but gentrification hit our town a couple of years back, and thus they replaced the all-reddish color with some muted red and gray bit.

They appointment is made and the guy leaves. I am shaking my head and I ask the girl who took his order, 'Who on Earth would he want to do that?"

"You know the types," She stated as she punched in stuff on her computer. "They have loads of money and they sky's the limit. Doesn't matter what we think through; The customer is always right."

Later, I am trying to get home on the public bus for my area. There is a mix-up and I end up having to walk home because I got off at the wrong stop.

I make some woman angry in this gymnasium thing. She can fling curses and spells at me like someone from the Harry Potter franchise. I end up so desperate not to get hurt or killed, I end up jumping up into the air and flying around. I am doing quiet a good job of it too when I wake up.  


December 3, 2013

The Dr./Professor

This wasn't a mostly coherent dream. It just consisted of me going around to different shopping stores in this one location. I saw loads of people and the only people that stuck out for me was a woman and the professor Richard Hammer guy from Return to House on Haunted Hill.

I know exactly what caused me to dream Hammer into this dream. About a half a hour before I went to bed, I was reading a book. It was one of those books that were written years ago and have some guy's essays together. My dad made mention of it because he saw what book I had. And made some mention that I was getting rather highbrow in my reading choices, that what I was reading was what most people in people in colleges had to read. And considering that the first scene with Hammer was at a university.


December 5, 2013

Cleaning House Under Bad News

This lady I have never seen in RL is helping me fold clothes and clean in my living room.

"Hey you know someone?" She asks me while folding. I just stare at her for a few minutes. Then, as I am folding a green towel, she adds, "His name was Kandinsky." I felt my blood run cold even as she plows on, completely oblivious to the fact that I am now freaked out, "Yeah - I am sure it was Kandinsky. Anyway, he was up here just a little while ago; I think he's looking for you."

While thinking of Kandinsky, I am now pacing around my kitchen, petrified and worrying. I get in my mind someone else entirely, but I am sure they are tied in with the apparent upcoming Kandinsky visit. Soon I switch to some sort of gibberish scene and I hear some guy's voice, but don't see him. I think I am talking with him over a phone or Skype. He started tell me how to have sex, and what exactly I have to do on my part with my partner. I quickly get off the chat with him and surf the net. I start getting the tell-tale Electric Heart (Feels like buzzing electric/bee-hive centered around where my sternum would be.) and touch the spot where I feel it the worse just to see if my 'skin' goes through any changes during this. My skin feels normal and unchanged. My fingertips feel normal as well, this current does not jump to other parts of my body.

This part faded out and I am half-awake on my bed. My 'ears' get muffled and hear/feel ringing in my ears. I still feel the EH, but as soon as the ringing happens, it feels as if something with long fingers ending in long nails grabs me by my sides, digging the nails in. All of the digits feel like they are made of electricity.

I try to use this moment to springboard into AP, to get out of my body. But as I tried, getting halfway out, I saw a transparent image of a face, but the eyes were skull sockets and nose-hole. I tried getting up even more, reaching out for this figure, no fear and tried flying to it to complete my exit.

i think i reached the void, as I felt as if I was in a void - looked like it too with all the blackness. The figure with the skull face was nowhere around. I was in this blackness until I woke up later.


December 9, 2013

Clueing Someone In

Nearly all of the Doctors from Doctor Who, had to get together for something. It was kind of like the newest special, but not. I did something, wishing for DW to be really real. None of the events were made real, but a few select Doctors were! my family had company coming over anyway, this woman in her late thirties. We had two Doctors over - trying to fix a way to get back home when she showed up. I did not get a clear image on who one was, but the other was number 8.

My dad and youngest sister were talking in the living room to one of the Doctor, I could hear them.

"Where did you get the actors to come in and act like the Doctors?" The woman asked. She had no clue that someone they became real! I explianed to her what happened. She kind of started flipping out, but then calm down. By now, she was sort of stoked by the idea! 


December 11, 2013

Intimidation Factor

I ended up being in daylight, in some sort of wilderness. This guy, who sort of looked like that Jack Carter dude from Eureka, was in the same area. I didn't like him. Evidently, something happened and we were a few of a handful of survivors.

I was able to visibly change myself into a day-walking Buffyverse vamp and I did it in front of this guy, and was even able to growl and roar like one too. The coolest thing was that I could feel my face reshaping itself into the vampire form!

Another guy, who looked, sounded and dressed exactly like William Adama from NuBSG came along and was grouchy and told us to "break it up."

The dream shifted and I was in some city at night. Even as I running around on the streets, I still look like a B-Vamp. I am growling, roaring, and causing what few people I come across to flee. At some point, I hear a voice-over of Monroe from Grimm telling someone, presumably Nick Burkhardt, about Demon-Spawn Vampires, why they aren't Wesen, and how they change other Humans into what they are.

I see this one guy, far off  and I roar and chase after him. I stagger back, feeling as if I hit a wall. I stumbled, falling back so that I end up on my arse. This guy runs up, with a gun pointed at me. This means I got shot, and the guy is Nick himself, glaring at me and shouting for me to surrender for arrest!


December 13, 2013

Failed Trip Leads Into Strange Conversation

When I was awake, I had to stay up until 3 am because everyone else left as 12 for a midnight movie viewing out of town. When everyone came back, I decided to lay down, but try to AP before going to true sleep. It was to be Game of Thrones trip. It was a less than modest success and I abandoned the AP soon after.

I 'woke up' inside a dream at one point. I was floating somewhere, not being able to feel nearly anything of my body. It wasn't the void, just this sense of greyness around me. I hear this guy talking near me and from the sound of his voice, he comes in closer.

It sounds remarkably like Petyr Baelish ("TV" Version) and he telling me different things. Whomever this is, he even puts his hands on my shoulder. Not intimate, not maliciously, but like he is confiding in me about different things. I reply in kind, not wishing to be rude. Soon, this strange encounter fades away and my dreaming seemingly ends. 


December 23, 2013

Body Jumping And a Duel To the Death

I was aware suddenly that I was walking around a functional castle or a keep. I felt heavier and I realized that i was wearing some kind of armor complete with a cloak. i never did get a good look at myself, but I felt off. I privately hoped i wasn't coming down with anything.

I met up with a small council of white hared and bearded older men. They were the council of my dad. I had done unbelievably horrid stuff and acted, in their way of words, like a brat. I was shaming the family name and as such, had to duel my father. If I won, or if I died, all shame would be exonerated. I knew, in a weird way, like my thoughts were being directed and not my own, that my father was a better fighter than I and I would surely die! I was thinking again with my mind, wait - my dad is sick in the hospital - how can he fight me? My voice, as I spoke was amale. it sounded familiar and spoke with an accent - nearly British. And I could not control the words coming out of my mouth!

"I have to fight my father?" I asked the group in that accent. "I know I will die!"

One of the last straws was that I was shirking my duties constantly by not meeting with the council at prescribed times. One of the men opened a huge old ledger and said I had to write my name. I printed it out in my usual handwriting.

"Oh look," I heard one of the men say in a sarcastic sort of tone as I wrote, "He finally graces us with signing his name. Keeping the meetings until the end."

The name?

Jamie Lannister. As in Ser Jamie - from the Game of Thrones!

I was stuck in his body! I actually grew cold as I realized that I would have to fight Tywin Lannister! I thought about writing a prayer to my God out on the ledger, but with-held, thinking as my God is not known at all anywhere, complications would come up.   
As I struggled inwardly to think of some prayer I could place for a blessing in the duel, I woke up.


January 9, 2014

My Best Friend and Town

I was visiting my best friend's house. Her and her mother got into a kind of argument. Later, I am in my hometown, going around and riding the buses.

Later, when i completely awake, I call my friend. I seldom have crystal clear dreams with her in it and it usually means something happened to her in the waking world - good or bad.


January 15, 2014

"No, we're not going to die."

I was in my room and starting to freak out. Jim Moriarty from Sherlock BBC was seeking me out, to hurt me or something. I escape London and came back home to Maryland, only to find out that he might have followed me!

Sherlock himself, with John Watson (all BBC versions) were in my room with me. Nothing freaky going on, but we were tearing around my room, pulling my books out of their boxes, quickly thumbing through them and dropping them on the floor. It was evident that there was some information about the rumor of where Moriarty was going to strike. It was small enough to be slipped inside stacks of papers, folder or even books! We can't find anything.

I breeze by Sherlock, muttering, "We're going die!"

Sherlock does his usual scoffing tone, "No, we're not going to die."

January 16, 2014

Moriarty Part: Deux

This dream played out half live action, and half like a game cinematic. It turns out the back-story from BBC Moriarty from the last dream was that it was revealed that he was stalking my mom when she was younger. In this dream I had the real cool ability to slip into people's minds when they slept or knocked out. Not to control, but to view memories.

The dream slipped into the game cinematic and a voice-over told the events as they unraveled. When Jim was younger, about 10-15 years, my mom was in London. He became obsessive over her.

I escaped to London and went to 221B and told Sherlock and John the information, neglecting to tell them how I got it. The scene shifted and we all were riding this massive left down in this active foundry. I heard the actual sounds of all the gears clanking and pumping. It ended before we got to the platform. 


January 17, 2014

The Twelfth Doctor and A Day Out On The Town

I met up with that Twelfth Doctor, the new one, from Doctor who. We got involved in the adult way. I woke promptly after this. During the dream there was nothing odd to me about it, but when I was awake, I felt disgusted at myself, scandalized and thinking, 'WTF was it him for?!'

I went back to bed not too long after.

I immediately entered this dream about me being out in public in broad daylight. It was someplace local I used to go as kid, the next town over from mine. It's more like a mini-city now than ever. I was grouped with five other people. One of them in my own sister. We are reading a newspaper-like thing as we are walking. Someone commented on a immersion experience of some kind of small-ended sci-fi convention.

It was where they got the actual actors of small-time past shows that ended years ago. They stand around and stuff to make some kind of RP based on the shows. Someone who was there was doing a live expose on it for people to choose if it was worth the entry fee, commented:

                 The actor, Gary Cole, who played Sheriff Lucas Buck from
                 American Gothic was there. But the management of the
                 convention had reduced him to not being able to greet
                 himself or even talk to the people going through the
                 American Gothic section. I left as soon as this was
                 evident that this was extended to the other participants.

I wanted to see this myself so my group walked down to these buildings where it was taking place. However, it was evident that we got there too late; the thing ended completely and people were pulling away from the scene in cars. I started waking up even as my 'gang' stood around on the sidewalk outside the place, trying to figure out where we were going to go next.



Souped Up Super-Powers

It was getting to be night time. My mom warned me that there was this guy in our backyard that was angry. I snuck outside, ducked my head around the side of the house and peeked in our backyard. Front from of the woodpile was Jacob Nighthorse from Longmire! He was angry about something. Suddenly, he makes himself go up into the air, standing into the air! He suddenly, somehow, makes it lightning and rain - summoning a storm! I get freaked out and run back inside the house.

Later, I go back outside. The storm is still going on, dang well near the intensity of a hurricane! I start to jog down the ramp in the wind and rain. I turn around, vaguely aware that it is a dream, marveling at the realistic effects of the wind whipping some shrubs, the porch light making the leaves reflect how wet and slick they were with rain! I get to this one point down the ramp and the winds gusted suddenly, making this loud noise like a train whistle, sending gusts of rain harder! Each time I go back up from this spot, the huge gusts dies down back to their previous levels! But every time I tried to get past that one spot on the ramp, the huge gusts would start happening again - like it was a barrier! I then woke up, bored with this.