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shineling’s APs

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I went to sleep and tranced myself and was soon able to slip out of body. It wasn't my ordinary room but my room at my father's farm. I was alone - for now. I saw that my computer was hooked up on my desk and I went over to it to play with it. I work on a video game in real life and it was all there but in living color. I played on my computer for awhile until I heard someone say, "What you working on?" I jumped. I looked over and there where 3 people in the room staring at me. I totally felt weirded out and left the room. They followed me. I ran out toward the orange groves and as I looked back there where 20 people running after me. A girl was screaming something at me that I didn't understand. In front of me appeared a wall of glass. And there was a door. I went through the glass and found another door. This door was wooden and it wasn't attached to any walls. It was just sitting there in space. I opened it and went in.

As soon as I was on the other side I closed the door. I looked about and I was inside a small house. It looked homey and I felt safer. I looked around and it had a nice bed and entertainment system with a beanbag just like at home. I looked outside the window and it was a beautiful spring day. It looked like I was in a nice neighborhood because I saw a backyard and a house beyond.

I fell into the beanbag and turned on the television to see what astral tv would look like. Some cool Star Trek show started playing and I started really dreaming... I don't remember much after that except I felt like I was home.

The end

"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


So last night I AP and as I get off the bed I see something run after me! Apparently there was a cat on the bed with me. I looked down and there is my dead cat Indy from 20 years ago! I started petting him and he instantly started purring. I was so happy to see him and to know that he had been protecting my sleep without me knowing all this time. It really was him... I woke up and I was so happy I had little tears going. Awww... my kitty. :)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I became lucid inside a new home I'd never been in. I was especially lucid and had full access to my astral self. You know, that special being with astral knowledge. I found my room and immediately got to work on my app. I sat down at my desk and there where two tablets there. Somehow I could input astral thoughts into them. I knew what I was doing and it was fascinating. It was like inputting code into a computer but the screens remained blank. Yet, I was working at lightning speed with a vast experience of knowledge in creating astral programs.

I finished my astral app and got ready for the party where I would unveil it to the community. I called up my friend and we headed to the astral showers to get ready for our big date. When we got there I realized that the astral showers where like another app. It had been created by a similar process as to what I had been doing. Me and my friend went up to the scanner and it scanned us and then recommended the proper shampoo and soap. There was a guy there taking care of the shower app. He kept tying to read my thoughts but was pretty much a nice guy.

After we were clean we headed out to the party where I would unveil my app. We arrived at this place that looked like a dance hall. Mostly everyone there was a girl. We set up and the first girls made a line to be the first to use my app. I gave my tablet to the girl and asked her to imagine the feeling of being on the perfect date. In a few seconds a beautiful dress replaced her clothes. She was so happy to have her perfect dress. So that's what my app did... it scanned her and made the perfect dress for her to wear on a date.

Many girls came up and used my app and I was congratulated on a great job. People where making copies of the app on their tablets or these little eggs people had. One girl came up to me and asked me if I wanted to go on a date with her. She had on one of my stunning dresses. I said yes and we left for a night on the town.

It was an interesting AP... but what interested me the most was that I had these skills to create astral apps. I knew exactly what I was doing and it really made me happy while I was creating. I think the astral is full of these astral apps. There's schools for them even to learn how to make astral apps. Maybe on some planes creating astral apps is a cool thing and kinda important to the functioning of reality.

The end
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Is really nice reading your Adventures and Experiences in the Astral Realms, shineling.

I'm always looking forward to reading them in this Topic in Astral Pulse.

I hope you can share with us more of them more often (please do); this days, this is basically the Topic I'm following and checking everyday looking forward to reading and learning about your experiences.

I send you my best regards and wishes.

With respect and appreciation.




Thanks PhaPriSpa! I'm glad someone is reading my posts. :) I try to post my best APs. Sometimes I get duds. But I'll try to keep updating the thread on a regular basis.

Also, I've started writing a new book about my travels so I'll make sure to let you all know when it's ready. I self publish.

Thanks again for the nice words! :D It means a lot.
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I was falling asleep,and felt like it was enough so I attempted a separation. I had to force it a little but I detached, fell out of bed, and found myself on the floor. It's very important you don't flip out or rush at this point or you'll wake up. So I gently got off the floor (which was awkward) and was finally able to make it outside.

As I open the door I realize my Mom is calling me. She must of heard the door open. "Is that you honey? Where are you going?" I say, "I am going out - I'm APing! Come and look!" I go outside to the driveway and in a few moments see her come to the door. "Watch this Mom!" And I lift myself off the floor and start flying down the street. "I'll be back soon! Cya!"

The night was dark but some houses had lights on. I choose one with their lights on, land, and go inside. I see a man there but I think he can't see me. He's watching football and I think he's dreaming. His son walks though the door and they start talking. I still think they can't see me so I check out the rest of the house. In one room upstairs is a cute blond girl on her bed. She's reading a book on her back. I don't want to wake her up so I gently gently kiss her. She finally notices me and we start kissing in vigor. She seems kind of sad so we talk about some of her problems. Then she turns into a little cat and  buries herself in the blanket. I go downstairs and exit the house. The man and son are still watching football.

I lift into the sky and notice there's a little more light in the sky. I go across the street which is suddenly this weird compound and meet this African family. I talk to the daughter awhile and then she tells me her Dad wants me to leave so I do. I ask her where they are from, and she says Zimbabwe. Wow.

I make it back to my neighborhood and it's looking like a beautiful sky blue Fall day. The trees are all kinds of color. I go way up high,   and can see all my haunts. I see that Durabones is on her hammock so I go to say hi. She's this cute blond that lives in my astral neighborhood. Sometimes she's on this hammock by a field and sometimes she brings friends there.

We greet like old friends and start talking about all kinds of things. Soon one of her boyfriends joins us and we start showing each other pictures from our lives. She's in high school and she shows me pics of herself at the school. We went on like that for like 30 minutes. A girlfriend of her joins us after that. Then we made 3-wheeled motorcycles and a buggy. Durabones and her girl friend got in the buggy and we hitched it up to a motorcycle. I got on the cycle and the other dood got on his and we just rode! I woke up right after that.

That was fun! :)

The end
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


This was an unusual AP because it took place in a state I am unfamiliar with. I became lucid inside some kind of sphere. There was blue light everywhere and there was someone there with me. I don't exactly remember his words just that he was there to help me on this journey. The person pointed toward the center of the sphere where there was another sphere in blue light. We went deeper and deeper into the sphere finding smaller and smaller spheres as we got closer to the center.

I don't know how many spheres we crossed but me and my guide made it into the very center. There was final sphere here about the size of my fist. My guide said to grab the sphere and hold on as long as I could. I took the small sphere in both hands and at first it was awkward - it kept trying to slide out from my grip. The more I stopped trying to fight it the more control I got. Finally I was able to hold unto the sphere of light but only for a few moments. It overwhelmed me with awareness - a special kind of awareness. It was like I was at the center of my very being. The more I played with the center sphere I realized that the only reason it resisted me was because I had some internal hangups about accepting who I was. The more I accepted the more the sphere and me melded together.

I remember at the end I accepted myself fully and the sphere went into my heart.

And I wonder who that guide was... he seemed faceless only like a silhouette.

Anyway, not my typical AP.

The End
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I went lucid sometime during the night. The next thing I know is that I am driving down a dark country road in my old car from high-school, one of my first cars, a white crown victoria. Somehow I am in the midst of a thinking process... I know that my exgirlfriend is coming down the sidewalk in a bicycle in about 5 minutes. I pull over under a tree and there's shadows of the moon on the ground. I smoke a cigarette and lean on my car as I wait for my girl to appear.

Then I see her coming up the sidewalk in a white and pink bicycle.  She is startled at first by the surprise. We talk and at first she's reluctant but eventually gets in my car. We go to the city and have some fun eventually ending up on a talk show about freedom and the problems depending on systems. We argued that if it could all be lived in the moment there wouldn't be a need for depending on systems. Some of the judges argued we needed systems while some said life could be lived in the moment. Someone said we were just describing the mandala principle with one side being enlightenment and the other ignorance. "Ying-yang!" someone screamed. Lol.

Then we drifted from each other (me and my girlfriend) and she went her ways and I went mine. The last time I saw her she had hooked up with a guy who was rubbing her feet. I gave up on her after that and went my way.

I remember leaving the city - a mega astral city after exploring it awhile. People just sorta would loose themselves going from one dream to another commingling with each other and giving each other pleasure of some sort. I couldn't do it for long, it was almost like a trance. I left and headed for the highlands.
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I've been exploring the nature of my astral world by exploring my neighborhood. Last night for example I APed and went across the street. The door was open and so I went inside. Inside are three kids hanging out in the living room. They were chatting amongst themselves. I wanted to test if they could see me so I moved in front of them. I waved my hands in front of them and they acted like they couldn't see me.

Does this mean when I AP I am like a ghost? Are these people in the astral dreaming or are they people in the real world who are awake and I am accessing the real world like a phantasm?

I went up the stairs and found a woman laying on her bed talking to her husband. I walked into the room and they had no clue I was there. I sat down on the side of their bed and listened in on their conversation. It seemed like ordinary chit chat from their day.

I wondered what was in the rest of the house so I went into the last two rooms. Bingo! A pretty girl was in one of them laying down on her bed. She was writing something. She didn't seem to notice me so I went up to her and kissed her on the mouth. As usual when I do this they sorta "wake up" and can see me for the first time. She started kissing back which is a typical reaction when I do this.

I still have many questions about these astral characters. Who are they? The people I saw aren't the ones that live in that house in the real world. And why can't they see me until I touch them? And why are they so easy to make them kiss me back? Maybe they are dreaming or are some kind of phantoms.

I also remember another AP where I went to one of these girls and asked if she could see me. She did not respond until I kissed her and then she said "of course I can see you." So maybe they can see me and are just choosing to ignore me. Why would they ignore me?

Many questions have I... the astral is a weird place. At least my neighborhood is. :-)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I had this dream a few nights ago and it's stuck with me. The dream was like a story... some kind of drama. Apparently, the Governments of the Higher Planes had decided that the Earth was spiritually ready to appoint an official Earth astral government or representation. This would be Earth's official presence on the Higher Planes.

The first thing to do was to broadcast the Intention.  This was the call for all of the spiritually enlightened people on Earth to come together and form the first astral government.

The response was overwhelming! There were so many spiritually enlightened people on Earth and they all came together to form the first astral government. It was an amazing sight to see! They all had different backgrounds and beliefs, but they all came together for the common good.

They worked tirelessly to create a fair and just astral society that would benefit all of humanity. They were determined to make a difference in this world.

But then something happened... it was almost like the existence of the astral government polarized positive energies vs negative energies. They realized all the Negative Karma they still had.

The astral government was a beacon of light in a world full of darkness. It was a symbol of hope and change. And that's what the negative energies didn't like. They were threatened by the astral government and all that it stood for.

So, the negatives did what they do best... they started to spread lies and misinformation about the astral government. They tried to discredit it and turn the people against it saying astral Life was dark magic and witchcraft.

But the astral government was strong. It withstood the attacks and continued to serve the people. And the people continued to support it. They knew that the astral government was for the good of all.

Eventually, the negative energies gave up. They realized that they couldn't defeat the astral government. It was too strong and too loved by the people. Because it was helping All people. More and more people were Turning On and becoming Enlightened!

The astral government stood strong from that day, serving the people and making a difference in the world. Earth was welcomed as a proponent of the Higher Planes and massive enlightened and positive energies began to flow. Eventually Earth ascended into the higher cosmos...

The End
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."



I have many of these dream like stories that take place.  Yours was very interesting and inspiring and hope these are signs of things to come for humanity. 

I was thinking that this would make for a great movie and than it reminded me of the movie Doctor Strange.  I'm sure you have seen it.  It was a struggle for Good vs Evil on the Astral planes. 

The Adventure Continues...


Hey T-Man,

Thanks for stopping by! Yeah, these kind of dreams are always interesting. Sometimes they have nothing to do with me... they are just like visions that tell
a story. I have seen that movie. Loved it. I especially love the astral parts. Lots of modern-day CGI that made it possible. Making something like that a few
decades ago would of been impossible.

Anyway, cya around and thanks again! :):)
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Seems you got a historical lesson into what has shaped our world and perhaps a gem or two into the insight needed to fix it. Congratulations!


Thanks Nameless! Wish dreams like that happened more often. The negative aspect in them almost serves to make the good energies more powerful and positive. Hmm...
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


I've been toning it down lately... kind of want to stay out of the astral for awhile. The reason mostly is because I've been experiencing some negative APs. I think I'll let the storm pass a bit and try again in a few weeks. This doesn't stop it from totally happening though. I still get spontaneous exits or dreams.

A few nights ago I exited spontaneously for example. So I get out of my body and go outside. Outside are like 5 dudes waiting for me. When I tried to avoid them and move past them they get in my way and start pushing me around. To them it's all a big mean joke but underneath that I can tell these guys are really mad at me and really hate me. They force me into a big car and I'm like their hostage! In the car I try to talk to them and ask them what exactly I did. "You know what you did!" says one of the punks. They drive me out into the dark and the car stops and we all get out. They form a circle around me and that's when I decide to bolt. I start running and suddenly there is this river in front of me. I dive in and start swimming across. The waters are dark and murky. I see the punks yelling at me to come back. I make it to the other side of the river and climb out. I start walking, more like running, since I feel like they may be coming after me. Eventually I wake up and I'm so glad to be safe at home.

Then I have this dream last night of this person in my house. I can tell he's negative and at one point he takes out his phone and shows me pictures of myself while I'm sleeping or supposed to be alone like he's been spying on me. That freaked me out. Then he shows me pictures of me with all my limbs twisted and broken. He laughs this evil little laugh and I jolt awake.

So I really think I should "stay in" for awhile. Until this negative cloud lifts. I really try to keep things positive but lately it's been hard.

It's not all bad news though. A few nights ago I had a spectacular dream where I was in one of my fantasy stories I wrote when I was in college. It was so spectacular and real and colorful and vivid. It was so good that I wonder if it came from my imagination or if it was Heaven sent. What it really felt like was like as if a group of angels where using my story to cheer me up. Whoever these characters where they where in my corner and all of us participated in pushing the negative energy away. It reminded me why I do this... dreams like that are the epitomes of dreaming.

Too bad they don't happen more often. :)

The End

"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


Quote from: shineling on March 16, 2022, 00:18:55
I've been toning it down lately... kind of want to stay out of the astral for awhile. The reason mostly is because I've been experiencing some negative APs. I think I'll let the storm pass a bit and try again in a few weeks. This doesn't stop it from totally happening though. I still get spontaneous exits or dreams.

A few nights ago I exited spontaneously for example. So I get out of my body and go outside. Outside are like 5 dudes waiting for me. When I tried to avoid them and move past them they get in my way and start pushing me around. To them it's all a big mean joke but underneath that I can tell these guys are really mad at me and really hate me. They force me into a big car and I'm like their hostage! In the car I try to talk to them and ask them what exactly I did. "You know what you did!" says one of the punks. They drive me out into the dark and the car stops and we all get out. They form a circle around me and that's when I decide to bolt. I start running and suddenly there is this river in front of me. I dive in and start swimming across. The waters are dark and murky. I see the punks yelling at me to come back. I make it to the other side of the river and climb out. I start walking, more like running, since I feel like they may be coming after me. Eventually I wake up and I'm so glad to be safe at home.

Then I have this dream last night of this person in my house. I can tell he's negative and at one point he takes out his phone and shows me pictures of myself while I'm sleeping or supposed to be alone like he's been spying on me. That freaked me out. Then he shows me pictures of me with all my limbs twisted and broken. He laughs this evil little laugh and I jolt awake.

So I really think I should "stay in" for awhile. Until this negative cloud lifts. I really try to keep things positive but lately it's been hard.

It's not all bad news though. A few nights ago I had a spectacular dream where I was in one of my fantasy stories I wrote when I was in college. It was so spectacular and real and colorful and vivid. It was so good that I wonder if it came from my imagination or if it was Heaven sent. What it really felt like was like as if a group of angels where using my story to cheer me up. Whoever these characters where they where in my corner and all of us participated in pushing the negative energy away. It reminded me why I do this... dreams like that are the epitomes of dreaming.

Too bad they don't happen more often. :)

The End

I can Understand what you are Experiencing Shineling, as I'm currently Experiencing everything you are describing in your last Post. When I read it I felt like reading what I'm Experiencing, the Good and Nice and Positive things as well as the Not Nice and Negative and sometimes very Disgusting things.

It's curious how the Not Nice things don't Scare me at all even the most hard energy attacks that end up leaving a sensation of physical anxiety when waking up after them, but I feel Disgust regarding those beings doing what they do in there, and the Predatory way and strategies that they use to Ambush and Attack me and also the Not Nice things that in some occasions they show me in various ways.

These beings remember me a lot the Inorganic Beings in Castaneda's book "The Art Of Dreaming" and what Don Juan says "Avoid at any cost sending a feeling of fear or morbidity They are pretty morbid by themselves; to add your morbidity to them is unnecessary, to say the least"; in Spanish the phrase is even harder regarding the implications of being Morbid with those beings over there in the Non Physical Realms as many of those beings don't have Feelings don't have empathy (the haven't been Humans so they are Insensitive and Indelicate and killing for them is very easy as they don't experience Remorse).

I wanted to share these lines with you. Back in past years when I was more Enthusiastic about this topic and had more hopes and expectations about it, I was more optimistic about interacting with those realms but after many disenchanting experiences I calibrated very low my expectations and I had to learn to Fight and Resist the Attacks of these Morbid and Very Negative beings (when resisting over and over you get resistance over those attacks and you can even end up winning the battle resisting them with them having to leave you as they can't get more from you and one moving to another realm to end the experience with a tired non physical body but with the satisfaction of winning over those Bad Intended Beings), winning in some cases and losing in others, (when you get to know more about those beings and what they really like to do over there you get Disgusted and Disenchanted about them, that's when you understand why Don Juan don't like them at all in Castaneda's book "The Art Of Dreaming" and I imagine that he mentions that in others of his books); I admire and like a lot the Creative abilities that these beings have and their realms in Artistic ways are amazing (Architecture, Urbanism, Engineering, Landscapes, Technologies, and other Arts), and the abilities they have to create them (is amazing to witness the process of worlds being created before your non physical eyes), but what these beings like to do in their Heavy Morbid Negative and Perverted ways is Disgusting and I don't identify myself with them at all, (they are literally like Psychopaths and that's maybe the consequence of a Consciousness being Lucid/Conscious for Thousands and maybe Millions of years and also not acquiring Feelings and Empathy among other Sensibilities that allow someone with power not to hurt others, and it could also have to do with the "Loosh" energy predation described by Robert Monroe in one of his books for whatever use those being have for that emotional based energy obtained from Conscious beings and from Organic Beings like those present/placed in this world called Earth), and I would like choose very well the kind of world to participate next when I finish my experiences in this world called Earth (I won't come back to this world as I'm not "Human" anymore as I don't feel anymore as a "Human" and I'm not interested anymore in the Animal things that Humans are interested in, except for the Technologic things related with Electronics and Informatics as well as the Artistic Positive things that are present in this world which are very small and limited compared with what there is in the Non Physical Realms).

I send you my best regards and wishes, Shineling, please continue sharing with us your experiences as I learn a lot from them, and if you can find solutions to these Negative Experiences please also share them to learn from your solutions.

With Respect and Appreciation.




 PhaPriSpa, you and Shineling must be hanging out in the wrong side of town or something.  :| :?

Perhaps you guys have never passed the 'Fear tests" there. I am not saying that to be smart. Everything in the NPR has a reason for it. Just like there is a reason for everything that happens in this physical realm as well. The good, bad and ugly all have lessons attached to them. I have been to the NPR countless times "consciously aware" and have learned to allow a scene to fully develop, so that I can get my bearings on what is what. Many times, what you may take to be a "neg", really isn't. Once you get your consciousness engaged you can see what is really happening. I have had many times where I didn't have my full attention there yet and because of it, the place looked pretty eerie. The problem is though that "fear" will automatically kick the fight or flight, thought=action into full gear and that's when "your thoughts" will run away from you.

Ask yourselves, "why do I keep getting these experiences"? We would love to hear the answer. That would really help others that are experiencing either the same or similar things.

On a side note. I have spoken before here about the passion and dedication of the groups that call themselves things like "Astral Demon Hunters". Many are avid Gamers and have no problem with their creative visualization skills. Their sole intent is to go into the NPRs and fight Demons. Because that is their intent, thought=action, they find Demons to fight everywhere there.

,,,and Shineling, those 5 guys might be the boyfriends of the girls you are constantly kissing in NPRs. Just saying, lol!  :-D
"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Hey PhaPriSpa,

A lot of what you speak about sounds familiar to me. I have also found Castaneda and nagualism to be a most advanced understanding of reality. I have seen these inorganic beings and in my experience they mostly come in two types. One type is much like you described - petty, unsympathetic, and willing to cross lines to steal luminous human energy. But there is another I know... and these are true allies. I have one myself. Unlike the selfish inorganics they share their energies lend support to the organics.

Anyway, you're not alone... I've also been shocked by the level of ignorance and plain evil some of these beings can stoop to. I suggest you look into getting yourself an ally - a positive inorganic. I was lucky enough to catch one in the forest. They are great aids when confronting negative energies. They have amazing knowledge of how astral energy works. Seeings the negative inorganics defeated by their own games can be very satisfying and plain entertaining. Hehe.

But I know what you mean... all I can say is get used to dealing with a**holes both on Earth and in the astral. They are everywhere. Put your intentions on gathering and saving positive energies until you have a reservoir you can tap into. Like I said, getting an ally can be a great way of existing. Mine is always with me, pulsing, taking care of me, and helping me deal with negativity.

Take care man. :) Peace.
"Unbinding the limits on our Soul is man's truest quest."


100% agree with Lumaza. I have only experienced positive APs with a few fear tests that I have passed. Anything and everything exists in the multiverse, but where we go and experience corresponds with our thoughts believes and state of mind. Always fight with love instead of aggression, because fear and aggression only keeps you in the lower realms of chaos and self created scenarios.
Now dreams have to be distinguished from APs, as they are driven by our subconsciousness that creates mostly symbolism which can be translated in a negative way by our minds. If you start loosing awareness during AP, then your subconsciousness will take over and again create negative scenarios coming from your deepest fears. I have plenty of negative dreams, but never negative APs.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


I'd like to throw out a suggestion or two.

I do realize that anywhere we find ourselves to be - there is a reason we are there. However sometimes we are brought into a situation in order to help, not because we ourselves ( our Earth person ) helped to create it, but because our energy is a match to something the situation needs. Can everyone here relate to that?

Now this said, I have experienced being attacked. I have also experienced abduction. I do not frame either of these as 'negative' in and of themselves, however the experience can be unpleasant. I do not like to be afraid, so when I feel fear due to having an experience a tendency of mine is to throw myself right back AT it rather than let anything be left lingering. Now it can be said that these experiences in and of themselves were fear tests, but this does not mean the event was something that was not in fact actually happening. Sometimes our higher being lets us be aware of things, to see if we are ready to know them. ---> this experience of an entity assault is an example. <---

Another thing I would just throw out here, is that we do not successfully bring all our experiences back with us into physical space.

In fact, we brings back but a fraction of a fraction of a single percent. For a long while we are just not ready.

Once we are, it is important to not close down on (/deny) the new information.

What truly helps is what always does. Investigation. Exploration.

Even when that is really, really hard.


Casey, I can completely relate. It feels as if just being ourself, following our script, is enough to provide back to this system of One. "but because our energy is a match to the something the situation needs." This thought has been lingering with me for days... You can have two friends who reach a point of separation in the relationship due to a major disagreement- that separation may have been a necessary step for each individual in order to tend to facets of Life that continually dance around them. When this happens, I feel comforted knowing that no matter the direction- ultimately I will meet that friend at the Truth.

I'm not here to tell shineling or others what's real or not- I know you aren't saying that either. That was for shineling. You are saying it's all very real. You've imprinted my mind with a valuable lesson, "data."

I am sorry shineling I continually bring this revelation to your journal- I hope you don't mind. Last night I was meditating downstairs on the hard tile in the hallway. My parents were asleep upstairs- it was just me in the dark in an absurd spot. It felt as if I was living out an aspect of astral projection that I had experienced in the past. Casey you said, "we do not successfully bring all our experiences back with us... but a fraction of a fraction of a single percent." This makes me think about the projection and the real life meditative experience. Because what is time in the astral? Maybe it is not always the same, as the linear reality we experience while awareness is anchored in 3D.

The memory I am apologizing for is because I shared it with you already shineling but I really think there is something connecting these concepts we are discussing... If I am wrong then woopsie.  :lol: Also... Lol, Lumaza- you got me on that with shineling kissing all these astral women. Hehehe.
That memory is the OBE, floating down the stairs and witnessing my self meditate in the living room. Then being brought back to my bedroom and confronted by an extremely negative entity. That negative entity was formless- except for a massive shadow-hand that was able to wrap itself around my throat, choking me and holding me up into the corner of my bedroom. I became so scared I cried out for help. Immediately the scene was "neutralized" after my minds eye was flooded with gold and white light and the name Raphael popped into my head. I was rendered completely calm and when I opened my eyes I saw what looked like energetic residue in my room- and the imprint of this beings energy, a giant alien face tilting its head sideways looking at me. The colors of this energy were green, gold and purple.

When I looked up Raphael on the internet I cried a sweet release and realized the colors I saw matched those associated with that being. Though it looked nothing like the human face we put on it. Why am I mentioning it?

I was safe. I wasn't given more then I could handle. I realize this entity to be an aspect of self. But something more... Why would a future meditation make me feel like I'm living the OBE from the past? And why does it feel like there are so many concepts here coalescing into a tangible, harmonistic experience... ? Like casey says... a fraction of a fraction of a single percent... But I really hope there's something here not just for me but all of us...

And shineling I think that's so cool what you experience and how you experience- no I am not brave enough to venture with these negative entities- organic or inorganic on my own. I am still a baby, lol. I've been drowning in negativity but it almost feels like this too is a trial. I really believe God is guiding us and keeping us safe- no matter the dangers ahead.

All of this to say I am doubling up in Faith- the divine timing of things, and the belief of an ever guiding Spirit.


[ pause for a brief reminder ]

Remember. We are always working on ourself. <---focus
Not working on ourself is the only potential danger.

Remember. Data. — not "positive" not "negative" — DATA  (  the descriptives can come later, *after fear/judgment has been resolved  )
The view will clarify ever so much sooner

Each of us has a shadow. None of us should run from it, push it down, look at it as some "other".

Neither it, nor resolution can be put off forever.

We are all Masters. We have to remember.


Quote from: omcasey on March 22, 2022, 13:38:40

Remember. We are always working on ourself. <---focus
Not working on ourself is the only potential danger.

Interesting. I work on the opposite principle. Well, unless you consider 'non-doing' as working on yourself.

I think we are already doing too much to unenlighten ourselves. I'm more for shedding rather than acquiring more.


Yes. That is working on yourself.


Quote from: shineling on March 21, 2022, 00:04:49
Hey PhaPriSpa,

A lot of what you speak about sounds familiar to me. I have also found Castaneda and nagualism to be a most advanced understanding of reality. I have seen these inorganic beings and in my experience they mostly come in two types. One type is much like you described - petty, unsympathetic, and willing to cross lines to steal luminous human energy. But there is another I know... and these are true allies. I have one myself. Unlike the selfish inorganics they share their energies lend support to the organics.

Anyway, you're not alone... I've also been shocked by the level of ignorance and plain evil some of these beings can stoop to. I suggest you look into getting yourself an ally - a positive inorganic. I was lucky enough to catch one in the forest. They are great aids when confronting negative energies. They have amazing knowledge of how astral energy works. Seeings the negative inorganics defeated by their own games can be very satisfying and plain entertaining. Hehe.

But I know what you mean... all I can say is get used to dealing with a**holes both on Earth and in the astral. They are everywhere. Put your intentions on gathering and saving positive energies until you have a reservoir you can tap into. Like I said, getting an ally can be a great way of existing. Mine is always with me, pulsing, taking care of me, and helping me deal with negativity.

Take care man. :) Peace.

Thank you very much for sharing your Experience and Recommendations with me and with us, Shineling.

I identify myself with what you've written and appreciate it a lot.

I hope I can cross ways with Positive Inorganic Beings (at least One) that can help me and assist me as Allies. I definitely identify myself with what is Positive/Good and dislike what is Negative/Bad and dislike even more what is Evil.

I don't see myself assisting in any way these Bad/Evil Inorganic Beings and every time I encounter them I try to go somewhere else (by crossing walls or elements like mirrors/screens/windows or even going down crossing the floor which seems to cause one to be transported to other realms as seems like the energy body vibrates in other frequency causing the transportation to those worlds located somewhere else), and if they block and close my way with their labyrinths/mazes (spaces that seconds ago where clear are replaced with closed constructions even internal locations and they are very proficient in creating and changing these environments really fast), and I can't evade them, I just decide to finish the experience by closing and opening my eyes really fast, which sometimes that opens the eyes of another sleeper in another Astral Non Physical World/Realm and if I have enough energies left and I can lift his/her body up then I can walk some more steps into that apparent different Astral World and get to see something more over there, and sometimes (more often) that opens my physical eyes in this Earth Physical Organic World.

I normally end the experience since I haven't learned to Fight Them and Defeat Them (I haven't learned to use energies as weapons and as shields there as every time in the past that I tried it these beings sabotaged my tries to learn that which I tried to learn to be able to Defend myself at least by placing shields around me and trying to view in all directions to detect them when they sneak from behind like Feline Predators do in this Earth World). I also know that they want to Predate as I can feel as the process of being eaten/predated from behind (from the back), and as I already wrote sometimes resisting that creates resistance but with a cost which is being left energetically drained in an unknown Astral Non Physical Realm with very little energy, or if one can't resist completely the attack one eventually wakes up with the body Energetically Stressed and with a feeling of Anxiety (like being internally energetically Scared but not Mentally) and that I always know that normally activates unwanted and undesired sexual urges (which eventually have to be handled by discharging the physical sexual system some hours after that); for those reasons I normally try to stop the experience when these beings Predate as I don't like giving them my energy and somehow stopping the experience stops also the energy draining process which allows one to try later that same night or the next day, as when they drain the energy and leave the Stress and Anxiety/Scare feeling, then there is no way to continue with Non Physical experiences that same night and sometimes is even really hard or nor possible to go back to sleep because of the internal energy feeling of Stress and Disgust that this energy draining process leaves in one's Physical and Energy Body when waking up. Something that I've also noticed there is that in those Negative Realms which normally are Dark (like at Night) the environment always seems loaded with Stress and Expectation and Heaviness, and not with a Relaxed atmosphere but a Stressed and Heavy one, and I always notice that when coming back to waking up in this Physical Earth World the sensation of Peace and Tranquility and Quietness feels much Better in here (in this Earth Physical Organic World) than it is in There (Astral/Dream Non Physical Inorganic Realms/Worlds).

Something to mention regarding Inorganic beings, is that they are Consciousness that are in Energy Worlds that are Not Organic (seems like they don't have Physical Organs nor Physical Life Rules like having to Breathe Air and Feed with Oxygen Cells and everything that keep Animal and Vegetal Bodies in this Earth and Physical Realm we call Universe), but they look like everything we know and interact with in this world, as there they have human like beings that are as humanoid and as human looking as any person in this Earth, there are also humanoid beings that don't look like humans but like any science fiction and also like any fantasy movie you have seen, they also have every animal you know in this world and many (MANY) others more that are very creative in their designs (that walk, or fly, or swim, and a combination those characteristics), they have in there also Cartoon Like Worlds in there (both All Old Cartoon Three-dimentional Painted Like Worlds and Populations and also Physical Three-dimensional and Very Realistically Alive like in Flesh Cartoon Like Worlds and Populations), and they also have cities very varied in design and complexity, ranging from the more simplistic rural places you can visit to the more advanced and futuristic places you can find in this Earth and also in science fiction and fantasy movies (and that's what I've seen imagine what more advanced Astral/Lucid Dream Travelers have seen), so when Castaneda and Don Juan refer to Inorganic beings they merely refer that they are not Physically Limited to the Organic Rules that we have in this Earth World, but as with any Consciousness these beings can develop Morbidity (in every aspect including sexual abuse and psychopathic killing behaviors) and many extreme behaviors and that's why they recommend not to be as naive as to try and play Dirty Morbid things with them as these beings don't have Remorse nor Compassion, and is like a Human Child playing adult things with a Perverted Human Adult which would be Stupid and Irresponsible with very wrong and sad consequences to the Child (which are the equivalent to the Organic Humans naively interacting in Morbid "games" with the way more experienced and not empathetic Inorganic beings).

It'd be really nice to meet some of the Nice and Decent Inorganic beings that are Supportive with us Consciousnesses currently interacting thru Human Organic Beings, and receive some focus and guidance into making a useful use of this Human Organic experience and focusing it to hopefully learn in one life the basics and then continuing in another Non Physical Positive Realm/World where Positive/Good Rules and Negative/Evil is not allowed. That's part of my hopes when I interact with those Non Physical Realms (either looking for the experience or like many times in non planned Lucid Dreaming experiences which are the result of opening that door), and also I enjoy a lot as I've already mentioned before the Creativity that is perceived over there in terms of Artistic manifestations like Architecture, Urbanistic, Technological, Landscapes, and in general all the Positive things that can be seen and perceived over there in these Astral (Lucid Dreaming) Realms/Worlds, and part of my hopes are to be able to develop myself and participate and add my talent in Technological aspects related with Systems/Informatics and also Electronics and/or their equivalents over there, in developing and maintaining the Technological marvelous things that they have over there and that can be seen over here (the Sun circling above earth like a Bulb focusing its warm on the land, the Moon circling above earth, the White Light system that complements the yellow light of the sun, the Dome above earth and the Tridimensional simulation of Stars that we know and contemplate as Firmament, the Electronic and Electric system located in what is known as the North Pole and Arctic, the massive Electrostatic Generator located below ground that generates in an Electric way what we perceive and experience as "Gravity" which is being pulled towards below towards the surface of that Electrostatic Generator, the system that regulates the movement of the Sun and the Moon and also the rotation of what is located in the Firmament above, the system that regulates the Temperature and the waves and the air currents and also the circle Freezing Limit we know as Antarctic, and everything else in this closed life environment and also all the other ones that should exist in creation, whose list is very long, and that Robert Monroe has very shortly described in the book where he presented the "Loosh" topic and many other things that eventually a conscious and lucid mind gets to notice even when the normal indoctrination of the masses is directed toward other direction, and more in this great time of high technological development thanks to electronics and transistors, and also the development and existence of the "Internet" where the Astral Pulse and many other web sites and servers are located and provide access to great information and the opportunity to self-develop in ways that 20 or more years ago where seen only as Fantasy and Science Fiction).

I don't extend myself more, again thank you very much Shineling for your great ideas, and I'll be looking forward to reading more about your experiences and learning and finding motivation in them; as I mentioned this is the only topic that I currently follow and is always a great feeling to read more about your experiences as you are a very developed Astral Traveler (I liked a lot also to read the experiences of "Szaxx" but for some reason Szaxx who is very advanced in Astral Travel stopped being active since some years ago and only connects from time to time).

I send you my best regards and wishes.

