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Quote from: Tak on October 16, 2024, 21:55:21Now I walk out onto the street at night, surrounded by colonial-style ancient houses. I decide to try something interesting, inspired by Volgerle's game in The Void article, using green and red light swirls for yes/maybe/no questions. I adapt this using a traffic light, because I am in a lucid dream and not in The Void.
Initially, I ask trivial questions, then wonder if I'm a Starseed, considering my lifelong uncertainty about seeing UFOs as a child and reading it's a possible characteristic. I ask with determination, clearing my mind and looking away, so as not to affect the result. Returning to the traffic light, I'm surprised to see the green light on, but another light bulb shows turquoise, flickering with the number 33. I'm unsure what this means!

Hi Tak... You recently experienced 14 and 33.

I was reminded of your dream here. I believe this dream was to show you that you are being guided in this life by a loving intelligence. Considering your own experiences, don't you feel you are being guided? And after what you shared with me... It's these mind blowing confirmations that really make us say... Wow what is reality??? For me... Your 14141433 It's proof of the presence in your dream. My personal belief at this time? It's one of the unseen personalities guiding you towards what some call paradise. I think you have made some decision on a soul level that might mean opening up to or being prepared for another reality. It's for you to discover... But I think you are one of many who have opened the connection for this style of communication/guidance.

Really interesting that there were three 14's followed by 33 :P
I just read this about the color by the way...
I hope you find my thoughts here helpful and take with a grain of salt... Feel free to toss aside whatever does not resonate with you.

QuoteIn various cultures and traditions, turquoise is revered for its ability to connect the earthly and celestial realms, symbolizing the infinite and the eternal. Its vibrant blue-green hue is said to mirror the openness of the sky and the depths of the sea, emphasizing its connection to clear and profound communication.

Overall, turquoise is believed to be a powerful tool for bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual dimensions, promoting a deeper understanding of oneself and the universe, and fostering a sense of unity and harmony between body, mind, and spirit.


Quote from: tides2dust on November 11, 2024, 21:12:13Hi Tak... You recently experienced 14 and 33.

I was reminded of your dream here. I believe this dream was to show you that you are being guided in this life by a loving intelligence. Considering your own experiences, don't you feel you are being guided? And after what you shared with me... It's these mind blowing confirmations that really make us say... Wow what is reality??? For me... Your 14141433 It's proof of the presence in your dream. My personal belief at this time? It's one of the unseen personalities guiding you towards what some call paradise. I think you have made some decision on a soul level that might mean opening up to or being prepared for another reality. It's for you to discover... But I think you are one of many who have opened the connection for this style of communication/guidance.

Really interesting that there were three 14's followed by 33 :P
I just read this about the color by the way...
I hope you find my thoughts here helpful and take with a grain of salt... Feel free to toss aside whatever does not resonate with you.

Thank you so much, Tides, for remembering my lucid dream and connecting all this information with my most recent experience. I appreciate it! :-) Thanks for helping me keep piecing things together and gaining a better understanding of this mystery-filled reality. This is all like a big puzzle for me... That lucid dream was significant because I felt this energy trusted me and gave me an answer I'd been seeking for a long time. I definitely feel guided by a loving, living presence independent of me, yet also part of me.

As we've mentioned, owr existence goes beyond the ego, so I liked when you said I might be experiencing this existence as Tak and simultaneously as something else. After all, we know our Higher Self has multiple extensions across different dimensions and evolutionary stages.
Many of you have seen me mention the Guiding Force... a mysterious force that takes hold of me during experiences and transports me to various scenarios. An independent force with its own personality and intelligence, communicating through codes, not human language, yet directly linked to my consciousness.

I'd like to share a Matrix glitch I experienced this weekend related to the numbers 14/33. I posted it on the TGC forum, but I'll share it here too.

I'm here today to share a recent experience with the number 14, which just took an unexpected turn a few minutes ago, becoming another Matrix glitch that demonstrates the power of this living force beyond space and time, transcending all physical laws.
I have many glitches in the Matrix, including friends' and family members', which show me this physical reality isn't as solid and stable as it seems. Today, I share this little synchronicity with the number 14 and how this intelligence shapes reality and communicates with us, as Tides says.
I sell products online and hadn't sold a particular one in a year and a half. I manifested strength in selling it. The next day, someone buys it (this has happened before), and the most amazing thing was that the buyer's phone number was 14141433... I was atonished...and I thought it was a joke, but no, it was true! I stared at the screen for a long time, wondering if I was seeing correctly, and even told my mom and showed her that.

Days passed, and we talk a lot about this number because it caught our attention. But, minutes ago, I received a notification from the sales platform about a new message, but it was from two days ago and appeared as if sent now. When I checked, it was the client's message from two days ago sending me her number... BUT THE NUMBER CHANGED to 34343433 (I'm 34 years old). How?! The number changed... as if 14141433 never existed (It was the old message, not a new one.)
I checked my phone, and the contact I added myself had changed to 34343433 also! I myself remember writing the other number with the 14, surprised at the same time when I was writing it, meaning that I was very aware when doing so. Reality changed and fluctuated. It's as if I jumped to a parallel reality where 14141433 never existed, and now it's 34343433.

Another example was that in front of my house, there's a building that had a beautiful arched window for 30 years. I traveled for four years, and when I returned to my country, the window was square, so I was sad because I liked the other one more and I thought they had modified it for some reason.. But months later... THE WINDOW RETURNED TO ITS ARCHED SHAPE as it always was. Reality changing again...
I'm sorry I didn't take photos of all this, but because of what happened to me with the contact number, which I wrote in my address book myself and it still changed, it means that the photos would have changed too and I wouldn't have proof. In fact, a friend told me a similar story, where two friends of her saw nature elementals, took photos of them, saw the photos and there they were. Days later they wanted to saw them again, and they were gone, the pictures were empty. I wonder how all this energy also affects technology, I know it may sound a little crazy, but we already know what happens.

Dolores Cannon wrote in her books that we're constantly shifting between realities, demonstrating manifestation power and our ability to mold or shift to different reality forms. I feel that a living, intelligent force surrounds us also.
The line between consciousness and matter is very thin, we're not alone, and there's permanent communication with the Superior.

That's why this number change doesn't surprise or scare me; it's just another example of this fluctuating reality in this beautiful existence  :-).
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Using some of the tips from the Doorway thread, I was able to achieve a successful phase.
To enter the hypnagogic state, I start counting backwards from 100 to 1, but at the same time visualizing each number, which I decide to imagine for some reason on a black background with the number made of vibrant turquoise energy. As I decrease the numbers, I intend to feel more and more relaxed and sleepy. During the countdown, I see how different hypnagogic images are superimposed on each other, until I finally become part of a scene.
The counting took me to a scenario where I was counting and separating different utensils to put on a table, since I was going to be the hostess of a big party. About a hundred guests were coming and there was a lot to prepare. In the end, I got tired of counting because there were too many utensils and I decided it would be a buffet, each one would grab their own plate and utensils from a central table lol.

I remembered that to incorporate myself into the scene, I had to generate movement, so I decided to use the roller coaster method. The scene changes and I move through an invisible one, since I couldn't see the tracks or my body. It was just my consciousness in motion. In the background, I saw a blue sky with clouds. I made curved, concave and convex movements and along the way, there were symbols, similar to those of the zodiac signs or runes. As I go further, they disappeared, as if I was absorbing them, like when in video games you take prizes as you advance, which made me laugh a lot. In this case, I thought that every time I absorbed a new symbol, I awakened certain dormant knowledge within me in a subconscious way. I had a lot of fun! And I also had the feeling that the sea was below, but I was never able to see it.

I end up back in my physical body again because I kept waking up all the time, either because of any tiny sound (even though I had my earplugs on) or just because. So, I took advantage of that state to roll out of my body to one side. I fall next to my bed, but I don't see anything, everything is black. However, I manage to stand up and put the strong intention of seeing my physical body lying in bed and having an ethereal experience. Suddenly, I was able to see my feet and I'm surprised, but I'm not scared. I thought I shouldn't touch my body for fear of waking up, but I needed to see what would happen. I want to grab my feet, but when I do, I pass through them and also the bed. Immediately, I return to my body and I realize that there was no coincidence with reality, since I was wearing different clothes and also saw my body in a different position than it was in physical reality, everything was a created hologram/simulation, not an ethereal experience. I come out of my body again and roll, and I fall on the other side of the bed this time.

I head towards the window and exit, but I hold on very tightly to the edges before jumping. I still can't see, but now everything is a flat gray, not black. Although I move three-dimensionally, I feel like what I visualize has no depth, it's like I have a blindfold on. At one point, I tried to open my eyes with my fingers out of desperation and remembered that one is no longer seeing with their physical eyes, but with the mind's eye, and therefore it works differently. So, I made an effort to think of something and visualize it, as I do in hypnagogia, but nothing happened. William B.'s "Clarity Now!" never worked for me either. Anyway, I exit through the window and feel like I'm floating. I think I saw some buildings for a moment, and then they vanished. I already felt like I had gone quite far, I was floating in the air and hearing some city noises. I remembered that I had to ask for help to see, and I asked my NP Helpers, "Help me see! Please." I said. Immediately, I start to see some beautiful, very green and leafy trees, I give thanks.

I see the city differently now, in a colonial style, there are huge statues embedded in the windows and doors of the buildings. Some are angels and others are gargoyles, and I thought that the people who lived there considered them their protectors. I also perceived some shields, like those used by important families in the past. It was dark, cloudy, and everything had a mysterious atmosphere.
Suddenly, I fell into an old patio. It was surrounded by concrete walls and had a dark garden with strange plants, where I heard the noise of a machine, a lawn mower. When I went to look who was operating it, it wasn't a person, but rather a statue of a black stone bust of an old lady in the corner of the garden, and the machine was being operated by her mind. That scared me quite a bit, and I entered the house quickly. It was an old, very gloomy mansion that was my school. The furniture was like from the Middle Ages, and it was so dark inside that you could hardly see. I understood that it was the place where I learn things in the astral plane, and I didn't want to be there because it scared me, and I didn't want to go through any tests. I already saw it coming, I knew I would have to enter different rooms and face what was inside. I knew that, in reality, the school didn't look like that, but rather it was the form it took to put me through specific fear tests. I didn't want to go through them, so I decided to escape.

I see the same old lady from the bust in the garden appear through a hallway, but in person, with an old black dress, opening the huge iron doors with a Gothic arch of the entrance to bid farewell to a student who was leaving. I thought that if that lady had a bust of herself in the garden, she must be the founder of the school or something like that, maybe the principal. She spoke with the student about the class schedules and then the student left. I was like a ghost there, I felt very volatile and immaterial, without a body, just a floating energy, like mist. Nobody saw me or spoke to me. As I always forget that I can go through walls, I waited for the right moment, and just when they opened the door, I slipped through it and escaped, floating above them.
I didn't want to stay in that place at all, and nobody stopped me either. I suppose I'm still sensitive to forms and let myself be impressed by them. I know that all these tests are for my own good, and to overcome the filter that we are vulnerable and weak, and to feel that eternal and infinite power that lives in all of us and that nobody can harm us. And it is also good for unblocking many things, fears and subconscious traumas. That will restore the confidence in myself. In fact, I've been chasing away shadows lately, and it went very well, I wasn't scared. But this time I couldn't do it.

As I exit the place, I find myself in a beautiful little countryside town, surrounded by houses, with mountainous vegetation and lots of greenery. There were strange plants, like pointed ones, and the earth was reddish. I wanted to have fun and enjoy myself today, not go through tests. I found about five dogs sleeping under the shade of some trees, and I went to pet them, they were of different breeds. Out of all of them, I decided to touch a Golden Retriever, and when I put my hand on him, all the other dogs woke up and ran away scared of me, except for the dog I touched, he kept sleeping very calmly. I didn't want to scare the dogs, but that's what happened.

Suddenly, I see a hamburger appear in front of me. I knew it was a test of gluttony, since I was also very hungry in the physical world because I usually have a light dinner and in the morning when I wake up to practice, my stomach is empty, I only drink some water.
Lately, I've been having many tests of this kind in my LD simulations, suddenly appearing inside restaurants where I can eat all I want for free and the waiters serve me like I'm a queen lol. The truth is that I've had a strict and healthy diet for three years because I have chronic gastritis, and sometimes I've used these experiences to stuff myself with food. I don't like doing that, but it seems that one wants to satisfy their unfulfilled desires. I never eat junk food, and I felt like someone wanted to see if I would use the astral plane to satisfy those desires, like I did on other occasions, through this hamburger that appeared.
But I didn't eat it, and since I had escaped from school (as I usually do), at least I wanted to pass this test. I preferred to give it to the dog, who woke up to eat. When I look, there were many more hamburgers, and I also gave them to him. The other dogs that were running around the field came quickly and enjoyed the food too.

I wake up, but immediately fall asleep again and start lucid dreaming. I'm running along a route now, to my left there are precarious wooden houses, and to my right a cliff with vegetation. I think I can see some mountains in the background. I feel like I've been there before, in another dream. I start running down the street at full speed, and a school bus passes by my side. I try to catch up to it while running alongside it, but it's faster than me and leaves me behind. Something that caught my attention was seeing my own shadow on the asphalt as I moved, it seemed like an incredible detail to me.
I receive a message in my mind that I'm like the Sunflower, I suppose it's because I'm always searching for the Source/Sun and the light in my heart. I'm surprised by the message and it makes me happy. I keep running along the route and passing between the cars, I had super speed. Suddenly, along that route, I arrive at a valley of enormous sunflowers, and I see mountains around me, and there's a lot of vegetation going up to the top of the peak. Everything looks incredible, and I feel really good, I sing and dance while running among the sunflowers in the field. I'm back :-D
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


I love how playful and light you like to keep things.  :-)

It's interesting what you say about a test and a simulation. Sometimes I think what we experience in the astral, even if it seems like our actual bedroom, is more along the lines of a mental construct. And I think it's possible we are entered into these constructs for a higher purpose. Like being given an opportunity to understand which it self is a type of evolution. 

Thank you for sharing Tak.


Quote from: tides2dust on November 23, 2024, 19:29:40I love how playful and light you like to keep things.  :-)

It's interesting what you say about a test and a simulation. Sometimes I think what we experience in the astral, even if it seems like our actual bedroom, is more along the lines of a mental construct. And I think it's possible we are entered into these constructs for a higher purpose. Like being given an opportunity to understand which it self is a type of evolution. 

Thank you for sharing Tak.

Thank you so much, Tides, for your feedback! I've been trying for over a year to have etheric experiences, and it's more complicated than it seems. The fact that I feel like I'm separating from my body and rolling to one side doesn't mean that I'm actually entering the etheric plane. I used to think that it did, but it doesn't.
When I do manage to go out of my body, I see my room fluctuating, or very similar to how it is in reality, but my body isn't in the bed and the sheets are rumpled, as if it had gotten up by itself. I think that many of these experiences are a mental construction of what we expect to see when we leave our physical bodies (our bedroom). But that doesn't mean that it's always that way, and we'll eventually enter the etheric plane.

As you described, I've read that these simulations are like a kind of mental preparation created by our instructors to get us used to OBEs.
The time I actually saw my physical body lying in bed over ten years ago through the etheric plane was one of the most shocking experiences of my life. I didn't think I was dead, because I could hear my body breathing... But I started crying next to it and was suffering a lot internally, maybe it reminded me of death. I apologized to my body for neglecting it in the past and promised to change, I felt guilty. I felt like this human organism makes an incredible effort for the spirit to learn its lessons, and I felt a lot of respect and gratitude for it, we're a great team! it was impressive. I know you also experienced something similar.
I suppose that subconsciously, I'm now trying to protect myself from an experience like that, because of how traumatic it can be. But I keep detaching myself from my body in the traditional way out of habit and because it seems fun.

Definitely, it seems like I'm ten years old again! I'm very playful, fun, and happy, I love running through forests and beaches, flying, and making new friends in my lucid dreams. I also sing and dance a lot, lol. It's not bad, but it gets complicated when I need to focus on doing serious work.
Since that time I crossed that kind of granulated membrane with my guiding force, I haven't been able to replicate the experience because I forget and get distracted. I really felt like beyond that membrane were the collective consensus. I also miss resting in the white Light, that place of unconditional love and absolute regeneration... I had proposed to reach all that, but lately, I've only been playing. I suppose what my instructors are trying to show me is that it's not always time to play, and I need to get back to work.

In this physical life, I'm also going through many lessons, especially about fear. My projects and dreams are being affected and delayed by this, and it's hard for me to leave my comfort zone. I need to recover my adventurous spirit, which used to grab a backpack and go spend three days alone in the mountains without thinking twice. Now it seems like I'm not that same person. I need to recover my confidence in myself and know that I can achieve what I set out to do in this life if I have faith in myself.

In other threads, all you have been talking a lot about overcoming fear with love, I just want to say that I really like all the reflections, they have been very helpful for my current experiences, both physical and astral, so thank you.
My non-physical instructors also taught me to go through fear with love. These fear tests can be quite impressive, and I suppose that's why I sometimes want to escape. Also, like you, I've been grabbed by the neck and lifted into the air with incredible force, or they've tried to rape me in those orgies where the participants seemed more like monsters than humans, with multiple heads, arms, or bodies half-formed, which made me remember some of Monroe's descriptions. When I tried to push the shadows away, I went through them and felt a sensation of fire or like I was being bitten by thousands of small animals, also knives... All can be very bizarre there! lol The only way I was able to get out of all that was through love, sending love to those creatures, who would fall asleep or seem to lose interest and finally leave.
The problem is that I forget about the great power of love and let myself be impressed by appearances. I suppose what my instructors are trying to remind me is the incredible power that's within me (and within all of us) and to use it. Because if I'm afraid and feel weak, I won't be able to move forward, I'll only do it through Love. I hope I remember it next time!

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Last night, something quite new happened to me. I was entering the hypnagogic state, and for some reason, I created the scene of wetting my hands under a faucet. At first, the water was very cold, and I could really feel my hands freezing. But then I turned on the hot water and burned myself. The sensation was real. I still hadn't fully entered the dream scene, I was just seeing those images from my bed, between sleep and wakefulness. However, when the hot water came out and burned me, I woke up. To my surprise, I still felt my hand burning, as if I had really burned it! I looked at it with my phone's flashlight to see if it was red or if there was any reaction, but there was nothing, just the sensation of intense heat. I've always found it fascinating how the mind can replicate the sensations it learned in this physical plane. In lucid dreams, I frequently experience many physical sensations, and they're comparable to this reality. But I had never brought a physical sensation from a dream into wakefulness like this before. I've read about many people here on Astral Pulse who have had similar experiences, but this is the first time it's happened to me, and it really caught my attention.

Therefore, this also makes me reflect on a deeper level about the impact of our thoughts on our body and emotions, and how careful we need to be with them.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Exciting experience, Tak! One time during AP I said to myself, lets create a chocolate cake and eat it. Wow, was it tasty, like 1000 times more enhanced sensation of taste. We think that our physical sensations are an attribute to the physical body only but they exist everywhere, we just have to think of what do we want to experience. The most used sense in the non-physical is vision. The physical body is the last down the line with the least levels of sensation intensity. When I returned from that AP, I could taste the chocolate cake in my mouth for a good 20 min. It was so strong that I had to get up and go to the store to get a chocolate cake haha.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hola Tak  :-)  :-)  :-)

Hey you, we had a similar dream symbol yesterday.

"i'm shaving my beard with this electric rolling shaver- its a strange one. as the water is running in the sink i see a beautiful green beetle twirling underneath the faucet. the rolling shaver is really hard to work with- im only trying to trim my beard but it eats my skin and traps my lip and takes off a big chunk of my beard- so i have to completely shave otherwise i'd have bald spots. my dad was waiting on me and realizes he doesn't need to and leaves. "

the faucet. also i could feel the electric razor eat my beard and pinch my skin lol. the other day i dreamt of a man piercing my body with a needle and thread moving along my spine. i could feel it!

are you going to get back on the group dream log with me over at the GTC  :-)  :-)  :-)

have a beautiful day!


Wow, Lightbeam, that was a great and fun one! And I'm sure the physical cake wasn't as delicious as the non-physical one :wink: 
Over ten years ago, I also enjoyed doing that, but in this last year of practice, I haven't been able to make food taste better than it does in this physical plane. It has the same flavor and is pleasant, but sometimes the opposite happens, it's like chewing paste, an insipid and boring texture, no matter how much I eat, it doesn't satisfy me, I don't know why :-P.
But despite it, I love entering bakeries in my LDs and eating whatever I want... Everyone looks at me impressed, as if saying... Oh my God! We've lost her LOL. It's good to have some fun every now and then.

Wow, Tides, more and more synchronicities! Thanks for sharing your dream, I have trouble interpreting it, but I'm sure your subconscious gave you a lot of material to analyze there.
As for mine, I think it's related to polarities and the fact of being here on Earth experiencing them. The fact that I myself manipulated the cold and hot faucet confirms that we are the ones who make the decisions from a higher level. Just one possible interpretation!
I read your dream about being pierced with a needle, I think you were receiving an important energy adjustment, my dear friend! Something was being done to you, and I'm sure that will bear fruit very soon, if it's not already doing so, congratulations!

December has been very hectic for me, and I lost track of time, I didn't realize I had stopped posting my dreams for almost a month. But of course, I'll be back! Lately, I've been having a lot of fun every night, I wake up very happy.
Hopefully, we'll have more sync dreams!
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Hey Tides,
I will second Tak's insight that your needle-piercing dream was an energy adjustment and/or a form of healing. Unless you have a known back/vertebral condition, it may have been a reinforcing or strengthening of your chakra linkages.
Starting for me about fifteen years ago, these experiences slowly became much more obvious to me, to the point I realize they have likely been happening all my life. What I am speaking of are the dreams and the times I gradually gain awareness within a dream to the point I realize someone is "working" on me, usually in a very strange and non-ordinary way, such as the needle-piercing you described.
Most often, as I gained awareness, I allowed the dream to progress but as it did i first became nervous, then doubtful and finally afraid, eventually rejecting and exiting what I had decided was a nightmare. Reflecting back on many of these "dreams/nightmares" I now realize they were healing dreams that I had understandably yet ignorantly rejected. I can see at least two varieties of these healing experiences-

The first is simply a healing dream that has a minor plotline to work you into the healing phase of the experience. My own example is one of being coaxed into a dentist chair to remedy a serious tooth condition. I've never liked going to the dentist but let the dream proceed...then there was suddenly a crowd of spectators watching and my distrust increased...then the mask with the purple gas was introduced and I said NO! and fled the dream! Looking back, I now realize the personal (for me) healing nature of the color purple/lavender/violet and I wonder that this was a healing experience.

In my Retrieval experiences, I recount another healing dream that I had rejected years earlier, yet showed up in my visit to the Rest and Rehabilitation Center at Focus 27 in Monroe terminology. I was introduced to a doctor and asked for some healing whereupon he placed me in a glass cabinet and I realized I was back in a dream I had rejected many years earlier "the veggie-chopper". A cross-sectioned set of infinitely-sharp, stainless steel blades descended several times and eventually 'diced' me into ~128 cubes of my awareness...same situation as my years-old dream/nightmare...but given my context, I trusted it; and later learned from a Trainer that it was a fairly common healing experience for balancing one's energies.
This really encouraged me to rethink as many old dreams and nightmares and how I could have misjudged them, and gave me new perspective in going forward.

The second NP healing category is the more direct one- The experience may start as a dream but I eventually realize that it is just my subconscious trying to create a dream context to explain what is actually occurring on a NP level. Pretty quickly, as I lay there, I realize someone is 'working' on me. And it is likely different for many of us---Gosh, I realize there is a whole separate thread here of the various ways, Lol--- Needle-piercing, drilling holes, laser-burning holes in the back of my head, wooden mallets and spikes, breathing colored gases, etc...

Nameless made a great link years ago, to an article that mentioned the AST-the Astral Surgical Team. A very odd group that works healing in a very odd area of the NP- between the Etheric and the Astral. They are experienced differently by different people, but apparently most often as chubby little men no more than 4 feet tall, dressed in robes or more often what seems to be World War One Medic garb...they look quite comical, even smoking stubby cigars, sporting almost medieval-type surgical equipment, but they are very serious operators (think of an intemperate 7 dwarves of Sleeping Beauty-maybe that was the inspiration!?) I have vague memories of them working on me as a child. I think I encountered them in one of my simulations as they took over a retrieval for me.

Fifteen years ago I would have blown all this off as idle fantasy- not anymore   

Not a derail Tak, just a well-deserved siderail for a great subject!
Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
                                                          -O. Wilde


That's great = ) thanks for the input guys.

The person who stuck the needle through the back of my neck at the top of my spine reminded me of a person I dreamt of before. A buddhist monk-

I can understand the fear EV... In the needle dream I was alarmed by the feeling- he went down and out my sacral dimple and then went back up and pulled on everything with a string- exposing things that should not have been exposed. I got scared and asked whatever was happening to stop, the experience ended immediately. I realized then whatever was happening was not nefarious.

I can't find the dream but many years ago I dreamt I was visitng a buddhist monk who was sitting in traditional meditative position. I was actually viewing from the arial perspective and that of little girl hah. the monk offered me some words but more than anything there was extreme emotional depth being exchanged. The back of his head opened up and blood started rushing out but turned into these many red long reaching tendrils.

It's funny all this talk about balancing energy and just last night I dreamt I was among spiritual masters in burgundy robes transferring and shifting energies.

Tak it just fascinates me that we both had the same dream symbol the same night... the faucet...

And to elaborate on something EV just said... We often dream in ways that help us understand the energy speaking to us. So perhaps we didn't experience a literal faucet "wherever we were" but some sum of energy working through us at the same time... Why/How is that? Well what are we really and where do we really go when we dream?? That might help answer the question...

The faucet seems to represent some form of emotions and control(or lack thereof).

When I first came here I used to say things like... Maybe being alive in this region of space-time means we all receive the same energetic downloads -- lessons/information phasing through our host planet like a wave... ??? What do you guys think??

Interesting how all of this falls in the "energy work" category.

Which may hint to our truer nature... What we are* ... Could it also help us understand - where we are* ???

Much love

PS I love the dwarf description heh!


Hypnagogia: As I lie in my bed, I start seeing fractals, like concentric wavy lines on a black background, they're fluorescent and there are also some colorful spots. Everything is very abstract. Now I see a grid of flowers like daisies that turn into stars and spin around themselves, they have iridescent colors and I'm very happy, I feel incredible.
I feel a presence near my pshysical body, or an energy, like the sensation of a hand touching my forehead subtly and suddenly I fell asleep. That was nice.

I regain awareness and now I'm like inside an art gallery, lucid. I'm looking at a painting, it's a futuristic landscape, a Jetsons' style building with the shape of Saturn, there's also a tower and the sea is below because there's no land. I felt like a friend was calling me from the inside of the painting, it was more like an internal call because I couldn't see her. I wanted to get closer and closer to the landscape inside the painting until I entered the scene, but I couldn't, since I tried to do it by moving my legs and that wasn't a possibility, I had to do it with my thoughts. I knew it was an opportunity to practice a bit of non-physical movement and I had to achieve it! So, little by little, I can do it and I incorporate myself, with great concentration, sliding with my mind instead of walking. I explore a bit of the landscape from within the scene this time, but I soon lose awareness.

When I regain it, I'm sleeping in my bed, which I'm not sure if it started as a classic projection or was simply a hologram of my room, but as always, it was fluctuating. My door was painted black, when in reality it's white, so I had no doubts that I was in the non-physical, since sometimes it's so real that I'm not able to distinguish it.
I don't know how, but suddenly I'm floating around my building being carried by the Guiding Force, I don't even know how it happened, because I have no memories of seeing us leaving through the window... Everything looked very similar to how it really is, even the cloudy day.
Then I find myself next to a man, I felt affection for him and although I didn't know him, we hugged and I felt his warmth, like a pleasant enveloping energy... He mentioned that the moon was beautiful, and I told him that I didn't see any moon, although I looked for it.
There, I felt that this person really existed in physical reality and was not a dream character. And also, I felt that we were projecting an environment around us that was personal to each one. So, I told to him that I didn't see a moon, but what I saw was a peaceful blue sea in the distance. And on the coast, there was a futuristic construction, a building made with two huge spheres and other wavy structures, in black and made of glass. He mentioned that he also saw the futuristic construction, but in another direction. When I look at the landscape again, a stone pyramid appeared, but it wasn't perfect, it seemed like rocks piled up trying to form that structure, but he couldn't see that.

Suddenly, a hand behind me touched my shoulder and grabbed me, I got a big scare! I turn around to see who it was and confront him, but I saw a dwarf man in black robes and hood, maybe there was a slight glow around him, like an aura. At that same moment, I remembered the experiences of many of you or also William Buhlman, where their Guides sometimes had that attire, but in my case, it was a dwarf man and I calmed down. It also reminded me of the dwarves that EV mentioned and I wonder if that had stayed in my subconscious to project the image of a non-physical helper like that.
Immediately after being touched, I was removed from the scene, I was like absorbed, and my holographic body disappeared completely, leaving only my awareness. This felt very good, I felt free and happy... and in my original state. My environment now is like being submerged inside a huge nebula of pink, yellow, and green colors... there are clouds like forms around me and although I didn't have nerve endings to feel, it was as if these colors were massaging my body, even though I didn't have one, odd. At times, I saw three-dimensional geometric formations, but they vanished quickly, perhaps they were my thoughts projecting onto that energy canvas.

Unfortunately, I felt so disoriented by the abrupt change of scene that I decided to return to my body. I entered a hypnagogic state again, seeing patterns, like neuronal connections or some organism under a microscope. Like wavy lines and small spheres in shades of green and yellow. At that moment, I could feel the change of being completely disintegrated, without a body and free, to being part of matter, the oppressive density of the physical environment, so crushing.

Lately, I see and feel like the Guiding Force "interrupts" my dream experiences to take me to environments that promise to be more revealing, beyond the dream holograms and truly cross the veil. I don't know why, but once in the non-physical, I find it complicated to get rid of my physical conditioning, not to try to walk with my legs or use my arms, not to open doors and windows, but little by little, I feel like I'm overcoming this basic aspect.
In a previous experience, I found that the Guiding Force completely invalidated my ability to move through the environment using my holographic limbs. I couldn't walk or move my arms, which were petrified, like during the visit to the art gallery. This made me focus only on my awareness and forget my body (physical or etheric) as many recommend here. I need to remember that I have no limits and only use thought.

Overcoming vices is also a challenge, sex and food, smoking or controlling fear and not ending up doing things from everyday life. Since, in reality, I would like to use that valuable time to seek a bit more of our true essence beyond the illusion of matter. Also knowledge.
The funniest thing is that I'm not like that in everyday life, I'm a very calm person, but it seems that when awareness is not high enough, the most basic aspects of human personality take control and seek to feed the most primitive survival instincts.
Still, I feel this Guiding Force helping me constantly with these issues and calling my attention to focus on my true objectives and purposes, in a way. This makes me very happy, since it's easy to get lost in the labyrinths of the human ego in a world where one can project everything they desire. But this is not my interest, and yet I find myself lost many times in this situation.

An example of how this Force helps me was in a previous lucid dream where I see through the window an incredible landscape, a turquoise sea with many stone islands. The Guiding Force takes me through that spectacular landscape. At one point, it seems like I submerged into the sea because everything took on the same grayish-green tone, but I didn't see any fish. Then I started seeing everything with difficulty as if there was a thick fog around me. I realized that I was entering that gray zone again, which acts as a buffer, this launch area from personal subconscious projections to the unknown realms of consciousness. But I didn't take advantage of this great opportunity and returned here.

I know I have a lot to ponder on, to be able to let go next time without doubting or being afraid. Kurt Leland talks a lot about all this in his books, so I should go back to reading my notes.

Thank you all and happy new year to everyone!
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


What a great guiding force you have, Tak!
Have you tried setting questions and intent before bed on something very specific. I have resolved phobias and fears that way. I had to ask very specific questions over and over before bed and it took a while through dreams mainly that revealed the reasons I had these phobias and fears. I also asked for opportunities to deal with them in the dream state and it worked. Then I would find myself not being afraid anymore in physical life. I posted about my snakes fear a while ago here on how it resolved and how I realized I didn't have it anymore. The same principle can apply for something specific you would like to experience during AP, set the intent before bed, but be as specific as you can. And one question at a time. This will focus energy and amplify the experience.
Going with the flow is always fun, but to keep the balance we can ask specific questions and give commands what do we need to learn/experience.
You can also affirm before bed that you will carry your full awareness within the dream state. I find that level of awareness plays a significant role on the ability to navigate the NP.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Hi Tak,

Beautiful experiences... And I hope your affectionate encounter isn't seen as something needing overcome. But if you do, then I only want to say- it is still so lovely that you had that experience. It's nice to have someone to share with on a deeper level.  :-)

I love how the lights, twirls, shapes and everything in general has a flow to it.


 Hi Tak and Happy New Year to you too. You are doing great in this practice here. A lot of what you have experienced and still do occurs with me as well, so I can definitely identify with all that you say here.

Quote from: Tak on January 06, 2025, 17:47:15Overcoming vices is also a challenge, sex and food, smoking or controlling fear and not ending up doing things from everyday life. Since, in reality, I would like to use that valuable time to seek a bit more of our true essence beyond the illusion of matter. Also knowledge.
The funniest thing is that I'm not like that in everyday life, I'm a very calm person, but it seems that when awareness is not high enough, the most basic aspects of human personality take control and seek to feed the most primitive survival instincts.
That is your devious "non-physical personality". I find myself in a number of instances whereas I become lucid in my dream, but at this moment I am in 3rd person view. I am watching myself in different scenarios. The thing is, this other "me" is nothing like me, personality that is. The situation will get dire, and then all of a sudden "tag" I find myself in !st person, as in live, and I have to solve whatever dilemma that other me was involved in.

 I found that learning to overcome the "vices" (that actually are part of our Human make-up), like lust, desire, and even ego, is a must in the NPRs. These are just a few of the "tests, quests and challenges" you will encounter in your NPR journeys. I wrote a thread on that subject here.!/tests-quests-and-challenges/

 During Phasing I am always a "point of consciousness". This was taught to me during Phasing though. For some reason I seemed to have entering caves, hallways and dark labyrinths as something that would be in my initial hypnagogic imagery. I would then sense the motion of moving forward, akin to driving. Sometimes there was a vehicle of some sort acting as the "Pace car", like in a race.

 A few times I found myself moving forward in some cavern at breakneck speeds. It was surreal. Then the cave came to a dead end. I actually braced for impact, but I went right through the wall and came out of it in a completely different scenario. That taught me "trust"!  :-)

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


★ Lightbeam: That's an excellent idea! There are so many resources available through this practice. I'm glad you overcame your fear of snakes,that was great! I haven't tried to work on my fears or phobias in this way, but I'll think about it. In Stephen LaBerge's book, there's a section specifically dedicated to overcoming traumas and phobias. It's one of my favorite books. I'll keep it in mind!

The Guiding Force is incredible. I realized it has individuality, but at the same time, it's closely linked to my own organism and Soul... That's why I feel it's a Higher aspect of myself. This could generate a kind of conflict if one doesn't understand what's happening or believes that only what we experience consciously now as humans, through this particular body, is all that we are.
Through books and my own experience, I've learned that I'm only experiencing a tiny part of my Complete Being right now. The image they showed me once was that I'm just a grain of sand within an entire planet. It's scale is staggering, in comparison to the small spark of consciousness that we embody as present. I think that's what's called the Oversoul. It wouldn't be possible for the entire Self to be incarnated in this human body. It is simply not compatible to receive so much energy. I know that you all already know these things. Just as a large river must reduce its water flow gradually so as not to saturate the pipes and cause them to burst.
Now, I believe that between the Oversoul and the small spark that I am now, there are many gradients, and among them are these Higher aspects, like the Guiding Force, which from here seems like others, having its own will, but at the same time, it's still ourselves. We'll only be able to fully understand this by going beyond the ego and understanding that we're more than a personality in a body (physical or energetic), but rather we're part of a huge organism that extends and extends to the Source.

★ Tides: Thank you very much! With this, I don't mean to say that it's not good to have fun from time to time, it's healthy. But the problem arises when one has a certain purpose and it's delayed due to not being able to control certain aspects of the non-physical personality.
I think what I don't fully understand is why in the non-physical, we end up doing every day things, when we have limitless possibilities now. I suppose it's because the mind is still deeply rooted in the human, full of programming and patterns, beliefs and conditioning, which don't disappear overnight.
I find it hilarious that I always talk about God, the Source, the desire to know ourselves beyond the human... And sometimes when I'm there, the best thing I can think of is eating French fries or throwing a party? Really? LoL. Why does this happen? I don't know, since these are things I wouldn't even do in the physical. So, definitely, we have to go through many layers before reaching the Core. I'm glad you enjoyed it!

★ Lumaza: Thanks for your advice! I remember reading the thread, but I'll take another look because I don't remember much! This "devious" non-physical personality is something that really catches my attention. I suppose we all have portions of ourselves that we're unaware of, and they become evident in these consciousness expeditions.
I believe the key is not to deny our human desires, but to know how to control and balance them.
I suppose this is the same situation that many people experience after dying, those who gradually shed their physical vestments to be able to return "Home". Others go directly. Maybe we're skipping several steps from here. Thanks for sharing! I love the hipnagogic cave.

Thank you all very much! Your comments are very valuable and appreciated.
:-)  :-)

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: Tak on January 09, 2025, 15:55:25★ Lumaza: Thanks for your advice! I remember reading the thread, but I'll take another look because I don't remember much! This "devious" non-physical personality is something that really catches my attention. I suppose we all have portions of ourselves that we're unaware of, and they become evident in these consciousness expeditions.
I feel that the "devious non physical personality" is there to help in teaching whatever lesson it is that awaits. It is just another "tool" that our consciousness can access when needed.

QuoteI believe the key is not to deny our human desires, but to know how to control and balance them.
I suppose this is the same situation that many people experience after dying, those who gradually shed their physical vestments to be able to return "Home". Others go directly. Maybe we're skipping several steps from here. Thanks for sharing! I love the hipnagogic cave.
Balance is incredibly important. I don't think we need to "abolish" those NP desires either. Instead, I think we just need to realize they are there and act accordingly.

 You are welcome and I love those Hypnagogic caves too!  :-) They seem to be great "launching pads" for whatever it is that awaits us.

"The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence."  Nicolai Tesla


Quote from: Tak on January 09, 2025, 15:55:25I think what I don't fully understand is why in the non-physical, we end up doing every day things, when we have limitless possibilities now. I suppose it's because the mind is still deeply rooted in the human, full of programming and patterns, beliefs and conditioning, which don't disappear overnight.

Yes, per my observation the state of my body and mind does affect my dreams, because we are focused on the body/physical life, which influences all of our experiences physical on non-physical. For example, when I restrict too much my diet, I start craving the foods I restrict and I end up having dreams where I am eating, because my body is still sending these signals to my brain, which produces applicable thoughts, and these thoughts do mold the energy in the template reality, which we observe during dreams, but perceive the molded energy through symbols. Also, when I overeat (during holidays) and I dont feel good, I have sort of nightmarish dreams, because again, my body is in discomfort, sends signals to my brain, produces like thoughts, which create from the raw energy in the non-physical and I observe these energies. So, I think the body/conscious mind do influence our dreams and our APs, but hey, I'm all for French fries and parties, and for me particularly chocolate cakes. And when someone says food tastes heavenly, this comes from unconscious knowing what food in heaven actually tastes like. And I can proudly say that I've had a first hand experience tasting it in heaven lol.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


Carla, I've just read your specific reply to me- thank you for taking the time.   :-)

In my opinion, there's still so much we don't know about ourselves. A wise man once told me- never say never. There are aspects to ourselves we may neglect in our pursuit of being who we wish to be, living life how we wish to live. There is a balancing act, and sometimes social settings and letting loose remind us of a particular aspect we appreciate but have neglected. I am not saying this is the case for you, but I am sharing in case it may give insight as to- "why do we do these very human things in the NP?"

To me, it is refreshing to see we are still doing human things in the less physical reality. Although I often feel a need to control the direction of my life... And there is nothing wrong with that, I am humbled by the very human aspect of this entire journey that sometimes and unintentionally gets categorized as undesirable.

I whole heartedly agree with you, it is good to take the reins of our lives... To overcome particular desires- to feel in control, as opposed to being a slave to that which we long to be freed of. It is usually the case, if we do not take control of our own affairs than we are a slave. It is better to attempt to be a Master and experience liberation.

My sweet friend, I totally see you as Casey says- "a young master" and I truly appreciate your thought felt replies. I see a bit of my self in you.

One thing that truly stuck with me- is that like me, you said you don't necessarily feel like one must go to war with the Ego. It doesn't have to be Ego vs Spirit. I agree with this. Maybe it is a romantic whim, but I believe the two can exist in harmony. I believe material and spiritual are wed, and the relationship is loving.

So, enjoying the little things... Well, the little things end up being the big things. The things that mean more than any earthly or spiritual status. And... What I meant to emphasize, is not about having fun from time to time but the fact that you may have someone to connect with on a deeper level. In this life, I find that such connections are rare or short lived. Most of us don't care to give one another the time, but it is something we all yearn for in one way or another. Material or immaterial.


A PS... Having read your journal entries, I see the light heartedness in Spirit and think it is fair to say you recognize how to enjoy the little things in life. = )


Thank you again for your responses! I feel that things are clearer now, and I understand a bit better what's happening. Sometimes, everything can be quite confusing!

Quote from: Lumaza on January 09, 2025, 17:41:50I feel that the "devious non physical personality" is there to help in teaching whatever lesson it is that awaits. It is just another "tool" that our consciousness can access when needed.
Balance is incredibly important. I don't think we need to "abolish" those NP desires either. Instead, I think we just need to realize they are there and act accordingly.
Of course! Apparently, it seems that everything is part of our learning process. We can learn from everything and nourish ourselves with it. Nothing appears without a reason, and there's always an underlying cause. I think many things we see and find surprising are calls for reflection. :-)

Quote from: LightBeam on January 09, 2025, 19:12:38So, I think the body/conscious mind do influence our dreams and our APs, but hey, I'm all for French fries and parties, and for me particularly chocolate cakes. And when someone says food tastes heavenly, this comes from unconscious knowing what food in heaven actually tastes like. And I can proudly say that I've had a first hand experience tasting it in heaven lol.
I've felt the same way. I usually practice with an empty stomach, just taking a few sips of water to keep my throat from drying out. It's no wonder, then, that I often feel like putting something in my mouth during those lucid moments! I would like to try those heavenly chocolate cakes! :-D

Quote from: tides2dust on January 09, 2025, 23:04:18One thing that truly stuck with me- is that like me, you said you don't necessarily feel like one must go to war with the Ego. It doesn't have to be Ego vs Spirit. I agree with this. Maybe it is a romantic whim, but I believe the two can exist in harmony. I believe material and spiritual are wed, and the relationship is loving.
Thank you for your kind words! I feel identified with many of your writings, too. I think the word 'Ego' can be misinterpreted, leading to believe it's something negative that needs to be dealt with or is contrary to spirituality. I think that to achieve balance in life, we shouldn't be at war with anything, but rather understand, learn, and act.
When people talk about the Ego, they often think of an egotistical or narcissistic person who doesn't care about others. However, to me, the Ego is something different - it's the illusion of separation from reality. The Ego, per se, is just the illusion of separation, that bubble that makes us believe we're not part of anything and are isolated in our heads.
I think this illusion of separation is necessary for functioning in the material world we know now. I don't think I could function correctly without an Ego. The problem arises when this becomes uncontrolled, soulless, and we end up with the society we know today, in a constant state of struggle or flight, competitiveness, and the law of the jungle. It's something we need to learn to balance or, as you beautifully put it, 'wed'.
If life grants us with an 'ego dissolution' experience, that bubble bursts a little bit, and we feel that beautiful connection with everything that exists. I think the 'egosphere' isn't the same thickness for everyone, and in some people, it's thicker than in others. In some, it doesn't exist at all.
As you said, all our parts need to dance in harmony.


I'd like to share in my diary that today I tried the William Buhlman exercise 'Higher Self Now!' I didn't read the book with this title, but his books 'Adventures Beyond the Body' and 'The Secret of the Soul,' where he encourages all his students and readers to experience the highest part of their consciousness through this command.
This is one of my main goals through astral practice, as I'd like to find those wider states that life once gifted me, allowing me to see beyond human eyes or limitations. I want to have an expanded vision of reality and, above all, of my circumstances in this life, to understand them better. According to the author, giving this simple command is enough.

In my lucid experience today, I remembered it, stepped aside from the scene, knelt down, raised my arms, and exclaimed to the Guiding Force, 'I want to experience my purest essence, take me to the core of myself, please!' (I didn't mention the Higher Self).
Just like Buhlman mentions, I felt the movement and was propelled at high speed, also seeing some colors. However, that's where things ended... I ended up in a strange house where I felt like a ghost. Then I entered the Void and made the same request, ending up in a sinister version of my own city, Gotham City style lol.

So, I didn't achieve the supposed result, but I have to admit that something changed in my awareness during the experience. I felt something different, something I've only felt in the dream state and can't describe because I've never felt it here. It's a mix of adrenaline and exuberant enthusiasm, the immense happiness of feeling free.
In the end, I saw some writings on a kind of board that I didn't understand, wanted to ask some questions, but the board didn't respond and went blank, so I decided to return.
Maybe to reach this goal will take several attempts, even so, I am happy to have remembered to do this and taken another step towards making new discoveries. I also think that reaching this important point requires a lot of previous internal work and cannot be achieved simply with a command, but I don't know, maybe it depends on the person.

If you have given 'the Higher Self Now command' and want to share your experience here, you are very welcome! One of my favorites was Lightbeam's when she asked to see God.

So let's get started! :-)
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


Quote from: Tak on January 10, 2025, 15:41:22If you have given 'the Higher Self Now command' and want to share your experience here, you are very welcome! One of my favorites was Lightbeam's when she asked to see God.

That was my most profound experience ever, but before that I had given that command Higher Self Now many times with little results. However, I think it's important for us not to assume what is supposed to happen because we are placing conditions and limitations on the outcome, boxing it to something that we THINK should be, where in reality we are being heard what we command, but we are taken to experience what we NEED to experience at that time. We may not understand consciously why is it what we need as suppose to what we want/assume should be.
Although, you have not experienced yet what you have been expecting, you are still acknowledging that you feel something is accumulating. I see your glass getting full, and at some point it will reach the level where you will be taken/shown more.

And about the ego, you are right, the ego is not enemy. It is a part of the physical experience. As long as we don't surrender full control to it, but rather include it within the team to collaborate and work in tandem with the higher mind, then optimal balance would be reached. But we need to recognize when the ego is dominating and responding with fears, and bring it back to a balanced point. The most common fear is the fear of something unfamiliar or unknown. It assumes the worst case scenario. And this is where awareness of who we are, what is or true power come to play, where we unlock the door for the higher mind to join the party and provide guidance through knowing that if we trust the synchronicities and the guide posts we can let go of the buoy and we wont drown.
"The problem is not the problem. The problem is your attitude about the problem."
Captain Jack Sparrow


You're right LB, in some way I think I was conditioning the results. I know that I should let myself go more next time and not THINK but rather open my heart to the experience and to what I am capable of experiencing at this moment, since I recognize that it could be something intense, but surely beautiful and pulsating. :-)

I just wanted to mention an event that caught my attention the other day while practicing. External noises no longer take me out of practice like they used to; instead, they're incorporated. For example, entering hipnagogia, I heard the sound of the patrol car's police sirens, since I live a block away from the police station and sirens can be heard at any time.
As I associated this sound with the color blue (because it's the color of the police lights here in my country), while the siren was sounding, I started to SEE the sound in blue, making wavy and abstract movements. It was increasingly intense as the sound was heard. It was like a kind of synesthesia, since before the siren sound, I wasn't seeing anything, just the black screen in front of my eyes with my eyes closed, but the sound triggered the color. It was fun to play with it until it disappeared.

I also find it's getting easier to "manipulate" hypnagogic images. For example, I was seeing a scene from my city, and I thought there should be fireworks there, and they appeared, so I woke up startled. But I never stopped feeling like I was lying in my bed with my eyes closed all the time.
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


I become aware and find myself in my home, floating in the air as just an energy body. I'm with my beautiful Siamese cat, who passed away, but I had him for 16 years and miss him dearly. So, I often create him to accompany me on my dream adventures, even though I know he's just a hologram.
To practice NP movement, I decide for some reason to do it through him. So, I make him play throughout the house, controlling all his movements. I made him jump and do lots of flips, chasing his favorite toy, a yellow ball. I took him through the entire house, exploring different spaces, and finally ended up in his room (Yes, he had his own room! With a bed and everything, he was very spoiled lol).
Suddenly, I see him lying on the bed, as if he got tired from running around. When I look at him, he appears larger than usual, with his bright blue eyes wide open. I lie down beside him to hug and kiss him, feeling his furry face and wet nose once again. But I didn't feel any of this; instead, I phased through him as if I were a ghost.

I lose some lucidity, but I quickly regain it and find myself in a strange story. I have a small device in my hand, like a tiny robot that initially was my friend or was directly connected to my organism. I think everyone had one of these devices. However, it later wanted to betray me. It was a small, square device with big, round eyes. It could contract and become a single piece for transport, like a pocket-sized device, or expand and show limbs.
It was taking me to an extraterrestrial base, where there were many spaceships and other abducted people. I rebelled and managed to escape; I also had powers and could fly. I think I destroyed the device. As I flew, I felt my energy field, and I said I was flying by manipulating the magnetic field around myself (?)
I flew all over the place and couldn't think of what to do until someone mentioned a beach. I looked around, and I was there. The sand was brown, but the sea was greenish, and there was a pleasant breeze. As I perceived myself, I realized I no longer had a body or form; I was more of an energy body again.
I want to destroy this place and free the people, so I think of a huge meteorite, and I see it falling from the sky.
I realize I'm creating a fear test for myself! And I remember that nothing can harm me in NP. So, I make the meteorite fall into the sea, and the consequence is a massive wave over 40 meters high, a kind of tsunami.
The scene is terrifying, and everyone panics, running around, but I remain calm, even though the scene feels very real. I recognize that nothing can affect me in the non-physical realm, and I just smile.

I end up returning to my physical body, but I detach from it. At first, I was moving so slowly that I thought I was actually moving my physical body, but I wasn't. As I fell to the floor, I couldn't see and felt like I still had my sleep mask on, but I could only see a little bit underneath it. I saw my room and was happy, thinking I was seeing the ethereal plane. But I removed the mask completely, and what I saw was that my physical body wasn't in my bed, but rather the sheets were all rumpled. So, I said to myself, 'It's a hologram.'
When I'm confused, I usually look at my hands, which give me an idea of how my mind is behaving at that moment or 'where I am.' It's not that this is a hard and fast rule, but I've noticed that if my hands are deformed, missing or extra fingers, I'm in a lucid dream. If my hands are perfect, just like my entire body, and they don't change, I'm in a simulation, probably created by my Guides or my Higher mind. If I'm just a point of consciousness or my body is made of energy, it's a different category. But the reality is that I've been in my energy body, watching projections of my subconscious, so this isn't entirely accurate, as in the two experiences I just described.
However, it's a small sign that helps me get my bearings from time to time – looking at my hands.

I decide to leave through my window and I saw another version of my city. There's a turquoise lake with a huge serpent inside, like a Chinese dragon, and I let out a surprised scream! Instead of buildings, there are green mountains, and they're beautiful, looking like velvet. There are also many wooden constructions and I can see the river in the background, bordering the coast, just like in physical reality. But in this version, there's a lot of vegetation around, all forests.
I practiced passive observation and looked at everything I could very calmly and attentively, without reacting. What's curious is that I could hear the sound of construction machines that were actually working in my city at that moment. So, these experiences are like an overlay, as Lightbeam and Escape Velocity explained recently in another post, where we can be perceiving layers of realities all together.

The Guiding Force is with me, and it's what's carrying me through the air. We're heading straight for the river! Whenever it takes me to the river, that's where the experience ends or the scene changes, as if it were the edge between two worlds. Usually, I get desperate and scared, but I remembered Kurt Leland's explanation that the sea, river, or a large body of water can literally represent the edge between two different states of consciousness, leading to a higher state. So, I wasn't afraid and saw it as a great opportunity.
I've already realized from other experiences that the river or sea is my exit from lucid dreams to other unknown states of consciousness. As I dove into the river, I didn't feel anything; I didn't feel the water. I asked (as I've been doing for some time now) to go beyond the realm of lucid dreams... I don't know what happened, but for a moment, I partially returned to my physical body and started spinning around! But when I realized it, I was in an environment completely made of white light, but it's not the first time I've been here.

This environment can be very peaceful, a place to rest or renew energies, or maybe it's just the Void, in its white version, as Volgerle described. The difference is that this time, I didn't feel that immaculate peace, and I didn't completely lose my sense of body. Superimposed on the whiteness, I saw strange geometric/organic formations in transparent colors – orange, pink, and yellow... Their shapes reminded me of neurons or microorganisms under a microscope (this has happened to me before). I keep thinking they're thought forms, mine, projected and visible in this way.
I was very confused and didn't know what to do! I didn't know how to proceed. I also didn't know if I was returning to the hypnagogic state, since I usually see these forms in that state, but it wasn't the case. Since I didn't know what to do in this new environment, I thought of doing a meditation exercise, but I couldn't concentrate well. So, I decided to return to my body. Not frustrated, but incredibly grateful that my Guiding Force is a great support on this path of self-discovery.

It's a bit funny how we ask for things, and when they're fulfilled, we don't know what to do afterward. I feel like I'm standing before an unknown threshold, an unexplored realm that's calling me to transcend my limits. But I won't be able to embark on this journey alone; my higher mind or my Guides will have to help me remember how to navigate through these unknown territories once again.

.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.


I can see how your interest with Qigong is translating in your OBE's. I think your disciplines and desire to know yourself are the reasons for such rich and evolved experiences. That's how I see them and I feel you are able to explore these realms with great patience and self care. I don't think that patience or that level of compassion comes over night. I believe you've developed these qualities over many incarnations or have a heritage that may be, "out of this world."  :-) 

The picture at the end here is absolutely beautiful. I would love to rest in this place and see things in the manner you have. It makes me wonder if there are NP entities who perceive our reality as irregular shapes, perfect shapes, particles, semi-translucent, wavy. Etc. And I don't just mean our bodies- but all of us, including the inanimate objects around us. Would a NP being of a higher vibration perceive our world in the manner we perceive it? Or could everything they see(when observing the denser material world) look more like the photo you've shared?

It also made me wonder how then they influence our reality. I know your cat is a "self creation" but... I've had thoughts lately like... Are we Gods AI? And so... Reading how you've influenced your own creation as a way to practice moving as an energy body made me think of these beings from other realities and our interactions with them. Which is why I also saw your Tsunami experience as a valid explanation behind some of natures more violent freak occurrences. 

There's a lot of symbolism in this entry too. I haven't really taken the time to dig into it, but I love how you saw water as an opportunity to reach a different state of consciousness. Again, I am really fond of this entire adventure. And what an adventure you've had! Thank God we have these journals to reference, it's helpful whenever we feel stagnant or start missing this side of our selves. I think I'm starting to feel that way with my OBE's.

That you remembered so much is hopeful. I also love when you said the guiding force is with you, and is what carries you in the air. That you recognize a divine partnership is special to me. And I believe you take that relationship very seriously, that you treat that relationship(your relationship with All/One) very gently and with compassion. All of which stems from the treasure trove of knowledge within you.

There's a great mystery behind Carla aka Tak and I love seeing you share it. I'm very happy to have met you.

I tried the Qigong meditation you sent me, it reminds me a lot of Kriya yoga. It was fun feeling subtle energy again. It reminds me of a practice I was really into at a younger age. And I am reminded of the ultimate importance behind mindfulness and breath. You can't sense energy without a sense of mindfulness. And the breathwork is key.

I hope you find more answers, thank you for taking the time to write this elaborate and amazingly detailed experience. We are fortunate.


Thanks Tides, your words mean a lot to me! :-) Thanks also for taking the time to read this entire testament lol and I'm happy that you enjoyed it. I feel like I'm just taking my first baby steps... searching. What am I searching for? Sometimes I still ask myself.

Qigong has been a huge help in the last month of practice, but I've just begun, and our friend FrostyTraveler is the one who has delighted us with incredible experiences with this. I must say that I'm surprised by the results I've seen in such a short time, not only metaphysical but also physical and mental, it's doing me good and helping me maintain a disciplined life. This practice has helped me increase my energy in all aspects. After practicing I lie down to meditate a bit before sleeping and not only do hypnagogic images come quickly, but since I started practicing, my dreams are much longer and more adventurous! Almost always at some point in the night I gain lucidity, even if only for a few minutes.
I feel like this practice has had a lot to do with it. And that's just looking through the peephole... I'm glad you enjoyed it too!

The Guiding Force is wonderful and very mysterious to me. The first time it appeared was over ten years ago, but at that time I wasn't ready to receive it, I didn't like that 'someone' would take me through the air to uncertain destinations, I wanted to control everything. Now it's very different, I've changed. It can take me through the most spectacular landscapes, but the first time it presented itself, it took me out of the Earth directly to outer space, through distant galaxies at high speed... I was completely convinced that I had died, and I didn't understand why they were taking me out of the solar system. It was a shock! And what a presentation...!!! Although I was very scared that time, today I beg for it to happen again.
I'm happy to have an allied force that helps me in my progress, I think there comes a point where we need this guidance and that's where this force appears.

Since I started practicing formally around my twenties, I've tried, as Frank K said, to move from F2 to F3. But we know that everything is superimposed and that we can experience things from one focus or another at the same time, like when we listen to overlapping radio stations. I suppose that when the images cease and abstraction or pure Light appears, that's when we're entering other realms of Consciousness, as many meditation teachers speak of. I still have a lot to read or learn about it. But as Kurt Leland says, we must above all have a purpose.
I think one of my greatest longings is to feel part of a larger organism again, which I know I belong to, to break the illusion of separation. One of the things I've enjoyed the most in my most notable experiences was feeling that my body was merged with the environment and had no limits, or joining a vast network of consciousnesses, a collective mind where we could exchange all knowledge. That seems very advanced and I know I can only achieve it with help. But I don't lose hope of being able to continue discovering.

Dolores Cannon has taught me through her books that we all have an endless number of lives full of adventures, on this and other planets and in dimensions that defy imagination. I think our perception of others would change a lot if we could see even just a small portion of all that! What great mysteries our Souls hold, yes! We are fortunate.

Thanks, dear friend, your words are gold.
Hugs! ❤
.~Exploring the Wonders of Consciousness~.