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Attacked on the astral plane

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I'll try and be brief, but as you know these things are never as simple to explain as they should be.
Infact I hope a lot of people read this post as what I'm about to explain to you is VERY important and concerns everyone on this site, some will have experienced this and some not, it's for the individual to decide.

The tower of light or the middle pillar excercise based on the golden dawn tradition or any other for that matter serve only one purpose; and unfortunately it's not what most think it is.....................let me explain.

Magic is not about power or supernatural abilities as most people's about PERSONAL spiritual evolution, and when I say personal that means personal. To join any group or magical system can help in the beginning (books are better) but it is alone  and totally alone that one can progress.

Ok! lets get to the point of this post.

The middle pillar or TOL serve only to re-enforce your 'guardian de Seuil' or guardian of the door/threshold. this dark brother is your other half, the entity that carries your present incarnation on this earth, the entity that will stop at nothing to prevent you from evolving spiritualy. This guardian is part of you and it is someone that you must vainquish in order to advance. This guardian is quite happy to exist in the material world and takes it as a personal attack if you try and evolve.
What you probably experienced was a warning attack from your threshold guardian.......believe me they can be quite dramatic!!!!!!!!! If he appears as a threataning figure then the best way to defeat him is to let him approach and at the VERY LAST second turn and stab him with your astral sword.
The fact that he attacked you is the fact that you are progressing and he wants to stop you........The TOL and the middle Pillar only serve to strengthen him so you should stop these excercises and concentrate only on the pentagrams and heptagrams that will increase your protection and evolution.
Once you have defeated your threshold guardian then you will be free to advance.

Here to confuse..........Alchimiste

(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.



I don't know how to advise the host of the forum but I would like to ask a question. I found Alchimiste's explaination fascinating.

I have a problem that is manifest in the real world not in the astral dimensions . This is explained on the thread started me , need.  My guardian angel has been programmed and I Have suffered tremendous difficulties in this life. I'd just like to ask is the guardian angel I talk about in my thread the same as the guardian of the threshold you talk about.

I'm not in need of medical advice at all. I can see my guardian angel and it controls how every physical person acts and speaks to me. I also see on tv how other people's guardian angels are treating them by deduction. Is this  GA the same as the guardian of the threshold

With Love


Mathias Jonsson

Hello Alcimiste!

Thank you for your very interesting reply to my topic!
I think that you may be right, as the blow I experienced was VERY INTENSE, it felt like a huge wave of force. The neg attacks are like being bitten my a swarm of bugs in comparison.
Though I´d like to emphasise that I´ve not been doing MPR,only TOL as a supplement warding rite to SETTING OF THE WARDS OF POWER (greek version).

What you´re suggesting is that i´ve encountered THE DWELLER ON THE THRESHOLD that is the dark side of the Higher Self, that is connected to the 32:nd path/THEUNIVERSE, if I´m correct. One of the lessons to be learnt on that path.

I´d like to say also that I´ve lately been astrally assisted by my shamanic power animal The Tiger, which seems to be ever ready to appear from the Underworld to enpower me. I´ve also been hearing a sort of Tibetan orJapanese mantric chant that is suggested to me telepathically, as a sort of help.

Also when I was doing SETTING THE WARDS OF POWER yesterday the negs (or their alumni) was constantly taunting me, creating astral images to make me lose my concentration, trying to make a fool of my visualizing of the Gnostic wardens (used by the AURUM SOLIS) making other images in their alloted place (!?)  though I didn´t let them bother me. They don´t seem to fear the white light from the higher self at all, only the blue light of TOL holds them at a distance.
This also strengthens my belief that i have Hybrid attacks to deal with, that have a root cause in a previous incarnation of mine.

I can agree with you that working solo is perhaps to be preferred in many ways, when we look back and see that both GOLDEN DAWN and AURUM SOLIS have at certain times been split up by internal fights, adepti interpreting the two systems differently.

Benjamin Rowe (R.I.P) is to be mentioned as one of those adepts that walked alone and showed the value of doing so aswell as building magical bridges that those after him we´ll be bale to use in their personal development.


Let me just correct myself quickly, YES keep doing the tower of light as this will strengthen your aura  (I initially breifly confused what you were saying with the Flaming Sword.....sorry for the misunderstanding). I see you have followed the path of Aurom Solis, the advantage is that it is all greek which means it is less tainted than Hebrew which is an egregore steeped in hate and violence, I suggest you do all your rituels in greek from now on.
For protection on the Astral plane I suggest you use the Aurom Solis technique of the hands at the forehead and thrusting the pentagram at your attacker, this is usually sufficient unless its your dweller on the threshold coming at you.
The most important thing is to wait for it to attack you, as if you show willing for a fight it will back off until a later date. So only attack at the very last moment as it goes for you, then stab it and cut it up big time so it gets the message that you don't want it interfering with your evolution.
The whole idea is to create the unity between body, spirit and Soul so your soul can take control of your life and fulfil its's hard but worth the effort!
So my advice is to arm yourself with a sword and stay vigilent as you now know the dweller can manifest in the material world as well

Oh btw your shamanic animal can't help you beat the dweller you must do this alone.

Need: it could well be your dweller on the threshold as your guardian angel or archangel can't be corrupted and would not mislead you.......infact your real GA  would not appear so regularly if at all!.............take care


(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.


Hello. I find this topic very interesting. What I want to know is, why is it that each of us has this guardian of the threshold? Why was it placed there for each of us? Is it meant to be conquered in order to evolve or was it placed there for a reason?

"Everything you see or hear or experience in any way at all is specific to you. You create a universe by perceiving it, so everything in the universe you perceive is specific to you."

-Douglass Adams

"Shaolin men and women NEVER give up!"

Mathias Jonsson

The dweller on the threshold is the dark or shadow aspect of the higher self, and what it stands for, as I understand it, is the resistance to the spiritual progress, in opposition to the "light" higher self that guides and helps the individual to progress spiritually.

One can compare to the polarity of magnetism, the light higher self is +/positive, whereas the dark is -/negative, meaning that true progress cannot be made unless there are something that holds back, otherwise spiritual progress would be very easy to obtain.
This doesn´t mean that the dweller is evil in any way, although it can appear quite frightening at times.

Very aptly the dweller is connected with the 32nd path/THE UNIVERSE (that corresponds to Saturn/Shabbathai/Sophia) and is the dark aspect that the soul must face in order to make the progress from Malkuth(the world of Assiah)  to Yesod (the world of Yetzirah).


Mathias has summed it up pretty much althuogh in a language you may not understand.
The guardian is part of you and has not been placed there as you put it as it is an inherent part of you. The universe is in balance between good and evil (broad based terms I admit) but this balance exists within us as well as on the exteroior. To advance or to force a particular evolution towards the light is to act against this dark half, so it must be vainquished in order to advance.
this dark half is the personal entity that carries your present physical incarnation, on a physical level, so it is in perpetual conflict with your self that wishes to evolve. btw. is is only when you wish to evolve, or have realised a particular level of evolvement that it will manifest. To have it manifest is a sign that you are on an evolutory path and that you have come to a crucial point of personal evolvement. Everything in the universe is in balance although it is personal choice that decides which way you go.

take care


(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.


Hi Alchimiste,

I was wondering if you could clarify your meaning here:

"...which means it is less tainted than Hebrew which is an egregore steeped in hate and violence..."

In what sense are you using the word egregore and by what means has  the Hebrew become steeped in hate and violence such that it is not a desireable magical language?




In replying I'd just like to stop you from going where I think you might be thinking of going. My problem with Hebrew as a magical language and egregore is a problem of quality and too much usage and tainted usage.
"In what sense are you using the word egregore and by what means has the Hebrew become steeped in hate and violence such that it is not a desireable magical language?"
I'm not going to go into the finer points of egregorique magic here but let me say that an egregore is an occult power base that is kept in a bottle, catalysed by Gold or vegetable matter and controlled by those having the code to access it. (it's the veritable Genie in the bottle story)
Take the catholic church for example, they have a very powerful egregore because all the catholics that pray and have faith charge the egregore with those prayers. So the few that know how to access it have the real power, everyone that asks for something only gets a weak version of the real thing. If you have the access code though...........BINGO!
Magical schools, sects meditation groups etc etc all have egregores, although some don't have them in the bottle as they can also exist in the ether.
It's like a bank acct. Everyone fills it up but only few draw on the acct, and when they do it's some of your money they take. Anyway I'll get back to the point of the post.
Since a long time many magical groups and schools have used Hebrew (mainly via the Kabbal) as their language, some of these groups etc have been and still are slightly to the dark side of the middle! These negative actions, thoughts and rituals charge the egregore with that same negativity and if you use Hebrew magical words you are tapping in to all that dubious energy.
The true Kabbalists   (ie those of Jewish origin that hold the access key) can use the real power of the Hebrew egregore but this egregore in it's history has been used for dubious things, just look at jewish history for an idea or watch the news about the middle East to get the picture.
So Kristen you see that to use words like Greek that have been less used, therefore less tainted is advantageous in your magical workings. There will be less interference and less chance of attracting the less desirable entities that can be attracted by the use of Hebrew.
I have nothing against the Jewish race, it's just there are better magical words that can be substituted.
Take care,

(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.


Hi Alchemiste -

I'm not sure where you thought I was going but given your answer I definitely  think what you thought is not where I was going... or not.. not sure : )...

I've never run across anyone with this contention before and was curious as to your thoughts...

So then even the force of language itself is tainted by intent and not the forms/godforms/elementals what-have-you evoked/created?  So for example, if a person were to use Hebrew for God names, the evokation and the form itself would be tainted because of linkages to violence irregardless of intent?   I just have a hard time with the idea that the transliterated unspeakable name of God, or of angelic force, etc... in any language is tainted simply because people have used that language magically for evil purposes... or that it would be as you describe if the language iself is used by races or nations that have ever experienced or perpetrated tragedy - because if that were so the whole host of languages available to the human race would be not eligible as a "clean" or "cleaner" language.... only perhaps if it were a dead language - but then dead languages may not hold symbolic power to the same extent as live ones if your underlying contention about force in language is true.

Just some thoughts - and questions - looking forward to what you think.




The Dweller on the threshold was a new concept to me so I've done a little bit of reading. And some things are still unclear.

This site states //

"The Dweller of the Threshold is not the product of the brain, but is an influence found in a plane that is extraneous to the student, but in which his success or failure will be due to his own purity. It is not a thing to be dreaded by mere dilettanti theosophists; and no earnest one who feels himself absolutely called to work persistently to the highest planes of development for the good of humanity, and not for his own, need fear aught that heaven or hell holds."

"It is the combined evil influence that is the result of the wicked thoughts and acts of the age in which any one may live, and it assumes to each student a definite shape at each appearance, being always either of one sort or changing each time."

"At first the minor dwellers of the threshold are aroused"

The concepts given by this site and its author are that the Dweller on the threshold is not a product of ones mind, but perhaps a separate entity in its own right, or as the last quote above suggests, entities. Personally I think this could not be accurate.    

Conversely on another page are some differing views  //

"The Dweller on the Threshold is illusion-glamour-maya, as realized by the physical brain and recognized as that which must be overcome. It is the bewildering thoughtform with which the disciple is confronted, when he seeks to pierce through the accumulated glamours of the ages, and find his true home in the place of light."

"The Dweller on the Threshold is all that man is, apart from the higher spiritual self; it is the third aspect of divinity, as expressed in and through the human mechanism. This third aspect must be eventually subordinated to the second aspect, the soul." (Esoteric Psychology, Vol. II, p. 312)

"This Dweller is the sum total of all the personality characteristics which have remained unconquered and unsubdued, and which must be finally overcome before initiation can be taken." (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II, p. 207/8)

This site is good in that it gives the views of many authors. However the page is put together to suggest that the Dweller on the threshold is a thought form, basically representing the qualities of the Id. Or as I interpret it, The dweller on the threshold IS a persons Id (Ill use Freud's theory, I don't know enough about the Qabalah yet, I would only embarrass myself). This fits with how Alchimiste describes it. Mathias Johnsson described it as "The dweller on the threshold is the dark or shadow aspect of the higher self".  But perhaps is not a part of the Higher self at all, it is the true representation of the most low qualities of our being. The Higher Self and the dweller on the threshold could be the most extreme polarities of our being.

But what has got me very confused is that if the goal is to take a gray and balanced path in our evolution, why do we come to a point where we must overcome one of our polarities?

For example take this quote

"Then the Angel of the Presence and the Dweller stand face to face, and something must then be done. Eventually, the light of the personal self fades out and wanes in the blaze of glory which emanates from the Angel. Then the greater glory obliterates the lesser. This is, however, only possible when the personality eagerly enters into this relation with the Angel, recognizes itself as the Dweller, and -- as a disciple -- begins the battle between the pairs of opposites, and enters into the tests of Scorpio. These tests and trials are ever self-initiated; the disciple puts himself into the positive or conditioning environment wherein the trials and the discipline are unavoidable and inevitable. When the mind has reached a relatively high stage of development, the memory aspect is evoked in a new and conscious manner, and then every latent predisposition, every racial and national instinct, every unconquered situation, and every controlling fault, rises to the surface of consciousness, and then -- the fight is on." (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. II, p. 207/8)"

Is this really ascending the middle pillar? I'm sure my logic must have got fundamentally off track somewhere to have a question that big. Also if you don't mind Alchimiste could you please explain how exactly the Middle Pillar ritual and the Tower of light only strengthen the dweller on the threshold, this has made me very confused.

I have so much to learn, I'm glad I'm starting this young!

Kind regards


- The glass contains fluid equal to half of its potential volume -


Just a quick note to say that if you read all the posts in the thread I correct myself as to the TOL. This excercise does not strengthen the Guardian de Seuil and  it  is very good for the aura. I'll get back to you on your other Q's soon.


(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.

Mathias Jonsson

I have worked with TOL as a supplement to SETTING OF THE WARDS and for me it has proved to be a very good defense addition, it definitely strengthens the aura.I highy recommend it!

Funnily enough even the occult fiction writer Dennis Wheatley mentions the same technique, though not under the same name, in his novel THE DEVIL RIDES OUT, which also was filmed in 1967 by Hammer Films and it´s a very enjoyable film for all of us interested in the occult,  Christopher Lee uses the Susamma Ritual from Clavicula Salomonis/Key of Solomon in it (a ritual to be used when the soul is in real danger).!


"But what has got me very confused is that if the goal is to take a gray and balanced path in our evolution, why do we come to a point where we must overcome one of our polarities?"

Its a good question!.........
The idea of upsetting the balance on a temporary basis is to precipitate or create a crack in space/time that if spotted you can pass through to a higher vibrational level or octave. If you stay gray very little will happen, everything ramains in balance and all progress is superficiel and an illusion. Once you pass through you regain balance at a higher frequency and all progress gained at the lower level crystalises to form a solid base to work from.
You have to rock the boat every so often!
Please take a look at my last post to kakkarot on the weather manipulation thread in this section to get a better idea of this idea.

take care

(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.

Mathias Jonsson

As  a commentary to what has been said on egregores, not using hebrew, etc. I´d like to add that some people have found the Ogdoadic egregores of ORDO ASTRUM SOPHIAE (the ex- AURUM SOLIS) to be less powerful than the Hebrew. Personally I disagree, the question is rather as ALCHIMISTE has pointed out that you tap into other power-bases, which can be quite different.
It is also recommended for those into studying the ogdoadic tradition to use the Greek words.

Also performing SETTING OF THE WARDS as a banishing ritual is in it´s effect more subtle in effect than the  one LBRP  (Of GOLDEN DAWN) and as such it also may be preferred if one is bothered by negs.



The next goal is to create your own personal egregore. This is the only form of egregoric magic that is totally untainted.


(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.


alchimiste said, "it's about PERSONAL spiritual evolution, and when I say personal that means personal. To join any group or magical system can help in the beginning (books are better) but it is alone and totally alone that one can progress."

This is a great statement and one i think we should all keep in mind.

Building confidence is something i think a lot of beginner progjectors could use. When i began to feel a neg creeping up on me at the tail end of each of my projections, i decided to fight back. Over a weeks time, i made three quick projections into the real time zone. I would make sure that i spent extra time raising energy before i would start the trance phase where i practiced a few energy surges through my arms. I reached the point where i was confident that i would be well defended if i should come under attack. And i think the fact that i raised to a new energy level actually scared of alot of the astral spooks that tend to bother new projectors. I also benefited by a new confidnece on the astral, so that when an non threating entity approched me i wasnt instantly scared back to my physical.


Hi Alchimiste

Thank you, now I know that I actually had a logical question with an equally logical answer, its good to know I wasn't way off track. If its not too much trouble could you please explain your views on the middle pillar ritual. I was originally recommended by you to read this thread after I had shown I did not understand what the ritual is actually doing. I understand that the TOL does not strengthen the Guardian de Seuil, but I'm still unclear as to how the Middle Pillar ritual might strengthen it. I have read in your reply to Kakkarot that his head strong attitude strengthens his Guardian de Seuil, is it the attitude that may accompany bringing divine energy (or so I have always believed I was doing) into oneself that strengthens it? That's the only educated guess I could come up with.

Your advice and sharing of knowledge is kindly appreciated.
Best regards


- The glass contains fluid equal to half of its potential volume -


To tell you the truth it's only from observation and experimenting that I know the MPR actually reinforces the Guardian. Once you can feel the presence of the Guardian you can experience the phenomena for yourself. As to the mechanics of the process I'm sorry but I truly don't know. All I know is that it definately strengthens him.
I don't follow any classical magical system as I beleive the way for everyone is personal and independance is important so I take what works from all sorts of places and adapt it to my own way of doing things, remember magic evolves with the practitioner so what you read is always out of date. Magic is a living science and changes constantly so adaptation and intuition are very important.

Sorry I can't fully answer your question but as soon as I found out the effect the MPR caused I lost all interest in it as an excersise. Do what works for you and always ask yourself why you are doing it, for what reason, for what result.
Evolving is the name of the game, power is for kids and beleive me when I say that the further you evolve the more power you get and thus the more things you must let go of inorder to advance further, if you get caught up in the power trip then you can't get thruogh the space/time gaps, it's a case of ALWAYS giving up ones powers in order to progress......It's a huge trap thats so easy to fall into.
Ask yourself one question: Are you doing it for the power or to evolve?

take care


Take care

(A student of Evolution)

Demande a Dieu et il te repondra....Cherches et tu trouveras....Frappe et l'on t'ouvrira.


Thanks Alchimiste,

In this area reasoning through intuition is just as potentially valid as having hard science. After I do the MPR I feel wonderful, I'm going to do the ritual again but question why this is so, and see what I can feel something for myself. I will follow your advice after I have experimented, there are plenty of other exercises I can do, and I could spend more time meditating than I am.


- The glass contains fluid equal to half of its potential volume -

Cody Gould

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law,

Traditionally one would cleanse the area first with a SWP before beginning a TOL unless they were looking for some particular results.  I'm not surprised that something strange has happened to you.

I don't believe it was the dweller on the threshold at all, as that (being a part of yourself) manifests in boredom, insanity, or a nice mix of misery.  Not a full frontal attack.

Personally I would say "Ok" and move on with a banishing.  Anything else is just brooding.

I spit upon the idea that hebrew letters are tarnished by their past.  Perhaps the viewpoint of the practitioner tarnishes their personal practice, but for the rest of us they are fine.  Ditto for the Middle Pillar.

Warm Regards,
Cody Gould


Hi All;

There is something that grows and is nurished by ritual practice - at least for me - I can feel it.  If it is the dweller than it hasn't chosen to identify itself as specifically that.   My own experience and my urge to grow and learn is what is the basis of my curiousity here about other's opinions and experiences in this area...

I can't say with certainty at this point in my own development if I have met my dweller... I've met many things... some seemingly benign and some not - unfortunately none of them were wearing placards clearly stating  their identity and intent.

Whatever I am experiencing likes the LBRP and the BRH.  And, I am bothered much less when I consistantly do those... the pattern is clear.

I definitely agree that our own experience is the only true measure for our selves - but I also think that other's experience can add to the understanding. There is much that can be helpfully shared without breaking obligations.



I just wanted to make some quick comments here. The "Dweller" is *not* a darker part of the Higher Self. At that level there is no such illusion.

Also, the Key of Solomon or Goetia is *not* a manual for a soul in danger. In fact, the Goetia, if it is to be used at all, is only to be used *after* you have had what the Mystic Schools call "Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel" (KCHGA). To do so without being at that level could be counter-productive to ones evolution. The reason they advise achieving KCHGA first is because, when you do, you will realise: "Now why on earth would i want to do that?"

Seek help from your Higher Self, not lower "demons".

Mathias Jonsson

Thanks McArthur for the info!

I´ve never intended to seek help from Goetic spirits/demons or any other spirits, and this comment on the Susamma ritual used in the film "The Devil Rides Out" was just mentioned as a kind of "side-joke", not seriously intended as a remedy (hope I didn´t inspire someone to start experimenting).

The higher self is the sole source to contact for help I agree with that statement fully.

Also whilst we´re touching on Abramelin magick, there is a very interesting book by a William Bloom who succesfully did the complete Ceremony in the Seventies (unlike Crowley who never followed it through completely).
The book is Bloom´s magical diary from the operation, and he had a lot of severe psychic attacks from various demons, which he all resolved in co-operation with his higher self/holy guardian angel.
It is a fascinating read indeed, though as Gareth Knight states "only for grown-ups" :)

Mathias Jonsson

Also I´d lie to add here, that I´ve come to the conclusion that what I´ve experienced was NOT the dweller on the threshold, rather it is my belief that the psychic attacks I´ve had is of the HYBRID ATTACK type, meaning that the negs are controlled by a more powerful qlipphotic force who doesn´t want to reveal itself, it uses these lower negs to attack me, when their attacks misfire, it steps in but in a subtle way.

I´ve had encounters with qlipphotic beings in 1996 (both sensing their dark presence and seeing them outside the magical circle and in my inner eye).One appeared like a satyr, one like a greenflesh human-ilke figure with a slightly scaly skin.

I´m waiting for FRATERNITAS HERMETICA to prove that I´m right and give my help to fight this stronger force. The psychic healer I consulted in 2001, told me that there was a steel-like spidery net that enclosed me, and he thought that there was evidence of a voodoo-like curse, also I strongly felt that he was withholding info, he helped to remove the negs, but the feeling of being  "released of the negative burden" wasn´t there really.

Yesterday after having done my daily rituals, core images appeared in my inner eye, I attacked them using a imaginary sword which I held aloft "to bring into manifestation" and symbolically affirm it´s association with Spirit. But then something interesting happened, the sword was shattered by a dark round sphere. I repeated the same procedure and the thing happened again.