2012 - End of the world as we know it - ???

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I am interested in seeing what will happen and wish to take part of this event.

However not everything may happen on a particular date. The spiritual world is as thriving as the physical world if not more. Events are unfolding all the time. So major ones may occur as it leads up to the 2012 awakening.

[N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L]

Old Dood

Well 'something' sure is going to happen.  After watching this Documentary http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-1656880303867390173
I am firm in my belief that sh*t is going to hit the fan in the next 5 years.  And....it doesn't look like an easy transition....not one bit.

Time will Tell...


I think the whole 2012 is a lot more than just economics. The revealing of lies will play a role. The species is beginning to wake up and become conscious of the world around it. Many things will have to change for this to happen. So whether 2012 is the end of the world. It is really seeming to be the bottleneck of our civilisation. Where we strip down to what is necessary and all that doesn't fit is discarded. Money really doesn't do much at the moment but separate us. So it will probably be in need of a change.

I hope we are looking toward a unified future, it sought of makes all the sacrifices of those before us pointless otherwise. What else are we yearning for?

Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


This whole experience will be very enlightening. The human race and even the planet we reside on are awakening more and more. This will definitely be a change worth remembering. I honestly am very excited.


[N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L]


I think that if the world does end, then nature is doing its job.  I personally think that the world we live in is a mess. 

If we can fix this mess, than maybe nature won't have to take us out, just like the dinosaurs. 

Its up to us!

...But If 2012 does mark the end of the phisical universe, then that could be good too.  Not sure which side I favor.  If I knew for certain that we would transend to a knew experience, then I'd choose to end this, I just don't want all we have learned to waste.

2012 - the start of something better.

Confusion separates us...and division teaches us that unity is the only truth.


I heard once (I don't remember where) that in the coming years there will be 2 types of people: The ones that choose to see hate, evil, & chaos in the world, and the ones that will choose to recognize nature, truth, & beauty in the world. Not that the previous is ignored, but that the latter is recognized.


I already know who most of the key characters are.  You're pretty spot on as to our future, and I did notice the changes. :)  I am changing with it.

Old Dood

Quote from: morning_star on October 06, 2007, 01:04:46
I already know who most of the key characters are.  You're pretty spot on as to our future, and I did notice the changes. :)  I am changing with it.

Explain please.  I am curious to who these key characters are.  If you don't want to put it in the open forum then a PM will do. :) I will not 'say anything' if that is required.
Time will Tell...


Quote from: Old Dood on October 21, 2007, 08:59:05
Explain please.  I am curious to who these key characters are.  If you don't want to put it in the open forum then a PM will do. :) I will not 'say anything' if that is required.
I second Old Dood. I am rather curious.

[N = R* fp ne fl fi fc L]


I'm actually not allowed to say WHO, even though I do say that I know.  I'm still not sure why I'm not allowed to say anything, but I'm going to trust them for now until I find out for myself.  Suffice it to say that they know who they are(I am one of them) and that they are almost finished with their training.  Personally, my training is almost complete(I've been undergoing involuntary training since the age of 5) and I hope by then I'll not only be able to unconditionally love the KKK and Muslim Radicals but I'll also have the psi training to save their asses...if that's my job.  That part is also unclear to me.  It is revealed to me in bits and pieces by many different people and circumstances.  But there is always hope.  Don't forget it.  I wouldn't be doing my job if I let you all forget that :) Let's just say that my aura's only colors are gold and silver, with some hints of white. :)


Hi morning_star

Have you measured the size of your ego recently?


We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.


I do it often so I know when I get out of control.  I'm not being arrogant.  I'm just acknowledging the existance of the concept of more responsibility in a different area.  The concept you enjoy believing is that we are all equal, therefore, none of us have a destiny that might be deemed important by the average person.  This same concept denies the existence of Jesus and the Dalai Lama. :)  You seem to be bothered by what I see, and therefore you attempt to take me down a notch because you feel inferior.  It is not my fault you don't realize the importance of your own tasks on earth and that you don't realize your own worth.  Don't take it out on me because you feel that you are less than me. I don't feel this way.  If I did, I wouldn't care enough about you all to try to help you. I'd feel like I was better and that you weren't worth the trouble it takes to fulfill my duties.


Quote from: morning_star on October 23, 2007, 23:11:55
The concept you enjoy believing is that we are all equal, therefore, none of us have a destiny that might be deemed important by the average person.

Nope, you're wrong. 

I'm fine about 'average people' believing that another person is important.  The thing that made me respond was more to do with when that particular 'jesus' or 'dalai lama' claim to be important.  Maybe they are, but generally speaking genuine compassionate important people don't laud their importance about.

If the Internet was around when Jesus walked the earth, do you really think he'd be posting things like 'the end of the world won't happen until my training is finished' and telling us what wonderful colours his aura is??

That was more my point.

You must appreciate we get numerous 'important' people on this site claiming all sorts of things - a few years ago we had someone who threatened to kill all the mods on a certain day, through his power alone.

I mean, come on, you don't expect us to drop everything and lap up what you are telling us.

And you are bound to get jokey comments when you purport the things you do.  Get used to it :wink:  (It might just be part of your training - and that wasn't said in jest, it might be true.)

We all find nonsenses to believe in; it's part of being alive.

Old Dood

I agree with Sarah.

She makes a valid point.  Also, maybe some of this training of morning_star should be on 'Humor'. ;)

Life is not THAT serious...No matter what...having fun is a big part of living.
Time will Tell...


Truth exists beyond the dimension of thought.


I also think that the healthiest attitude towards the whole "2012 matter" is just: wait & see & stay a little sceptical. People who are completely sure that they are right about the future sound to me like those Christian fanatics, but in a slightly different way. :P


Quote from: morning_star on October 23, 2007, 23:11:55
I do it often so I know when I get out of control.  I'm not being arrogant.  I'm just acknowledging the existance of the concept of more responsibility in a different area.  The concept you enjoy believing is that we are all equal, therefore, none of us have a destiny that might be deemed important by the average person.  This same concept denies the existence of Jesus and the Dalai Lama. :)  You seem to be bothered by what I see, and therefore you attempt to take me down a notch because you feel inferior.  It is not my fault you don't realize the importance of your own tasks on earth and that you don't realize your own worth.  Don't take it out on me because you feel that you are less than me. I don't feel this way.  If I did, I wouldn't care enough about you all to try to help you. I'd feel like I was better and that you weren't worth the trouble it takes to fulfill my duties.

Seriously calm your ego. A person who says he has some kind of high duties but doesn't tell which ones they are is ego driven and his duties are blown out of proportion.
If you had any you wouldn't try to brag about it.
Tell me, how will you help me?
In somnis veritas


Everything that is happening on 2012 or 2011 for that matter is happening right now. It's just hard to see it now (with a highly filtered awareness), because the physical realm is slow to manifest, throw in the constant changing of choices and most believe the fruits of their labors were not readily seen by the limited perception of reality, thus one abandons the cause...being that manifestation of planetary change is equally dependent upon the world consciousness as a whole, and the individual consciousness of every single one human involved in this planet, there is a relative meaning to the intertwined opposites of evolution; The individual evolution and the Human Race evolution. Because evolution is always changing/moving, choices and actions change "end" or "future" results. The future and past are relative terms, the present is the third force, our reality. The present is what brings balance to the two opposites of the time/space continuum.

So therefore we are creating the date 12/21/2012 and/or 10/28/2011, that specific time right now, however, the key is, it is created now only in fragments. These fragments will eventually manifest to become the end result of many cycles coming to an "end" or for better choice of words, a "product" or the "fruit" of your deeds. "The End" doesn't mean that the cycle of Life will cease...cycles may come to an end, but Life never ends.

It's one thing to go about ones Life in a "normal" routine, only sub-consciously being aware of these cycles and laws, causes and effects, it however another for one to go about Life "naturally" being aware of these cycles and laws; experiencing true evolutionary growth by living in accordance, or for better choice of words; "in the flow" with universal Law. Our growth as an individual is dependant on our ability to become consciously aware of our true-self, and our Spiritual purpose in life (which can be found in the Divine Pattern). Our growth as a whole planet depends on each and every single persons growth, so this doesn't mean one must give up (in thinking ones fate is dependent upon others), what this means is that we all are on our own personal evolutionary journey and your fate is your fate, however you interpret or define the word "fate", we just happen to be sharing and experiencing it with many other peoples which are also fragments of our self, this experience, intertwining and creating together what we know as group conscious experience. Without one another, we would not have anyone to show how wonderful persons we can be, or how bad...we would not know of our polar opposites, and how the bringing together of the two equal a third force, which brings balance of the two.

Everything that is happening in "your world" is happening because of your individual choices made now, everything happening in "the world" is happening because of our divided and undivided choices that ultimately effect the whole. Individual choice is yours to make, unless you give it away to others, thus being of the many who meet an unfulfilled end to their lifetime experience on this planet, all because they gave their one true freedom away, to know and experience truth for your self. The choice here is individual, the 'end of the world' just happens to be a choice thought of by a large number, and can (however you conceive the thought), be or not be your own thought. However, the thought exists because it has been created. It's how you perceive this thought from all angles of the spectrum, and how you interpret it's meaning, which can be put into words; asking yourself THE BIG QUESTIONS and finding the right answers.

Therefore, the reliance on "saving the world" from a "2012 End" would be more dependent on each individual self, not others. Although others play a "role" in your individualized growth, (i.e.-- Jesus and the 12 Disciples). Think about it, you can't help others if you have yet to help yourself (remove the needle from your own eye).

If you take into account what is known as "history", one can of course notice the effects of those who reached Mastery (i.e.— Jesus, The Buddha, Krishna) who left such an impression on the world, the effect has been and is being, and will be felt on a planetary level. However, the truth of the experiences of our known Masters have been translated and faintly reproduced through many other persons limited perception of awareness, that what we have now (as testimony) is a dire attempt to explain the unexplainable in what truly occurred in those few who attained Mastery. A ripple in the time/space continuum that was most felt at the center, and less felt the further from the center from which it came, thus the further the ripple travels across the time/space continuum, the less felt it becomes.

As mentioned at the beginning of this message, we are creating 12/21/2012 and any other future date in fragments right now, upon which flow in cycles through the infinite reality of Life. We are creating the future now, and changing it with every decision of thought, word, and action that is made manifest. Our "time" is now, utilize it.


This reality is a paradox, so what now?