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How Long Have We Got Left?

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I'm not really into these 'end of days' scenarios which just smack to me of standard judeo-christian apocalyptic mythology... seems very popular in the USA however, where I was suprised (and slightly disturbed) to hear that most people seems to take the biblical style 'judgement day' scenario as a matter of fact!

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


Hmmm yes. Religion has got a lot to answer for.Im not limiting this queation to doomsday scenarios at all.If people are prophecising (not mindless theorising ~ guessing) about dramatic changes good OR bad i would love to hear them


I have seen war comming for 4 years now in dreams.  It started with the aftermath, post war.  And has been working backwards.  I am starting now to get pre-war visions.  Although I am having trouble picking which side is which.  But this is not a war between two factions, but 5.  4 are earth based and the 5th are either alien or undead, in either case they are a fabrication.  I know....crazy talk.  This war will go beyond the physical.  And I am now begining to see the signs of it.

We currently have 2 main groups squaring off.  USA and Iraq.  IN the mists we have N. Korea (#3).  Before Iraq is fully put down N.K. will strike.  They area a people who will strike first if threatened.  The reaming power will end up going overboard and assuming more control than warrented.  From this a 4th will raise seeking only to defend themselves from the new dictatorship that is formed.  Because of that the 5th will begin to show.  All I know for sure is that they are not exactly human and they have been playing all the sides to bring this to a head.  A new form of combat will take place and psions will be in great demand.  Those of us who band together for common protection will be the ones that survive. We will not be of any government or agency and we will be spread all over the world.

In the begining I honestly do not know who is going to win.  It all kinda skipped over that part.  But it is becoming more evident who is on what side.  And I have mentioned this before, but over the last few years I have been seeing more and more people interested in and claiming to be able to perform various acts of psionics.  There are a greater number of people who seem to be naturally gifted for such things.  And in 4-5 years or so they will begin to have kids, and these kids will be the main key in the fight.  

Some of the issues I have is with the last group, #5.  I see them coming about because of two things.  The more and more common fear of Negs and the world climate changes and goings on.  From my point of view it seems as if the whole world is building to this one junction.

But then again, I could just be crazy...

Shawn McCaffrey

Your dreams seem to sound a lot like "2012" and the team of psychic children that will eb the key in the near future.  But what exactly is a psion? Not a normal psychic i presume?


cainam_nazier -


your visions are certainly erm, interesting. I think it would make a good movie!

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


In actuality I have been trying to write a story based on them.  But I lose my place a lot and am finding it difficult.

psion - a term growing in populartity amoung certain groups of energy practitioners.  It is usually used as a description of an individual who is "highly skilled" in many different forms of psi abilities.  Thought reading/control, healing, kinesis and the like.  Much like the charcters from X-Men but with out all the silly physical mutations.


"But I lose my place a lot and am finding it difficult". perhaps, cainam, the world isn't ready for reality yet?



I had an apocalyptic (prophetic?) dream about a month ago. It involved an attack by UFO's, which I guess I could associate w/ cainam_nazier's 5th side. They probably just represented some sort of outside/supernatural force.

In the dream, they began to appear slowly in the sky, until there were hundreds of them. There was a feeling of fear and apprehension in the dream at this time. Then, there were explosions, and something unforgettable happened. There was an extremely vivid and distinct shift in atmosphere. A disturbingly cool breeze came to pass, and just thinking about it I'm getting chills. The rest of the dream was the panic portion, so I never got any real positive message from it.

I don't know what to think about this dream, but it was the only dream I've ever had that was that vivid and meaningful to me. I know it is going to be very significant somehow, whether it just being for myself, or for humanity as a whole.


this is a very interesting subject, I agree with whats going on and especially with the those who have no government or agency.  The underground, we are blessed with a gift to see auras and energy, and most need to develop it more, but it is inevitible, I like to picture it like this: There are the ones who know and feel the energy, and are connected, spread out amongst the darkness of civilation, just like the stars in the night.  The deeper you go the more stars you see.  Eventually we'll all be connected, I believe that if we stay harmonized with the source, time doesnt have to be an issue.


For the last 5 years I've had 3 types of extremely vivid recurring dreams, and also what I would classify as sporatic visions in which a guide has appeared to stand next to me and narrate some of what I was seeing.  

In the first type I am in some city or situation (it varies from dream to dream) and see a large fleet of UFO's coming overhead.  In all instances of this I react with Awe and fear... however, I'm not really sure that my reaction is a true representation of the purpose of such UFO's/Aliens... it may simply be my own reaction.  On one occasion however, I fet myself in the trance state and "entered" my sister's dream.  I cleared her dream world away and then showed her a barren landscape.  I then stated, "Look, this will happen!"... I then pointed to the sky and a wave of thousands of UFO's flew over.  I then pointed to the other end of the sky and we saw a large haild of stones come down from the sky striking the earth... small meteoroids.  I then emphasized to my sister, "remember... remember... remember...".  At the time my sister was living in Venezuela.  When she returned I started describing this dream to her and she finished it for me... sent chills up my spine.  It was a truly shared dream.  It also seems that in that state I have knowledge of certain things I don't necessarily have knowledge of while being awake in this physical reality.

That brings me to the second type of dream/vision and that is of being in different situations and seeing large numbers of fire stones falling to earth striking and killing people.  This has been recurring like the UFO's.

The third type of drea/vision is one in which I see cruise type missles flying over the neighborhood hitting our urban cities and large military ships parked off our coast firing guns at us.  When this has happened in the form of a vision my guide is usually standing next to me telling me about what I'm seeing.  My impressions have always been that of Russian and Chinese... although I'm not sure I would be able to distinguish Korean from Chinese in such a circumstance.  In one of these dream/visions we were being evacuated and as we were being loaded onto a bus there was a T.V. on a stand being watched by those loading us.  On the T.V. they were showing a top view map of australia with a large mushroom cloud over southern australia indicating that a nuke was detonated there.

In still other out of body experiences I've had interactions with entities which seem to be "alien".  It was communicated to me that there are opposing forces of "aliens" and that the coming war is not just a physical fight of humans but also a spiritual fight that includes extraterrestrials of varying purpose and intent.

All of these dream visions have spurred me to read a lot about UFO's (a subject I wasn't much interested in until I started to have these visions/dreams after starting a regular program of meditation and energy work), and history seems to bear out the fact that these extraterrestrials have been fighting from the earlies times of man's history.  There are many accounts in ancient writings and art which depict these battles in the sky and of the "gods".

One of the issues I haven't yet figured out is how to identify the "good guys".  Maybe I'll just know when the time comes.  I also believe several of the scriptures of visions in the Bible point toward the coming conflict in Iraq.  I believe the U.S. is the Harlot portrayed in Revelation, as well as the "King of the North" mentioned in Daniel.  Revelation points out that the kings of the earth will give their power for one hour to the Beast (which I think represents the U.N.) to devastate the Harlot.  Additionally, Daniel shows that the King of the North would come to his end after attacking the King of the South (I believe to be Iraq).

I believe this action against Iraq will give these other powers an "excuse" to exercise a policing action against the U.S. that may result in her destruction.  I believe the U.S. very much rely's on it's technological advantage (especially with nukes and satelites) to protect it's back side while it's troops are in Iraq.  However, UFO's have demonstrated on many occasions that they have the ability to render nukes useless or take them offline.  Several key witnesses have come forward to testify to that in the disclosure project.  So, my thought is that the U.S. will get caught with it's pants down so to speak.  We might attempt to use our nukes to defend ourselves and they won't work or something like that.  Additionally, I do believe that there are layers within layers of agendas going on here by different people and groups that we cannot possibly know or understand.  The result however I believe will be the same.  Those are my two cents.



Come on Chris, all that revelation stuff was primarily geared towards the period in which it was written, so the whore of Babylon, the harlot and all that kind of guff was references to the fall of Rome, which Christians believed was coming - within their lifetime..
It was written in a vague fashion to avoid official retribution (although this still happened) so it can be re-interpreted by anyone.
It was a revolutionalry movement(or terrorist movement if your a Roman).

However, I wouldnt take any notice of those who try to re-interprate it for a modern scenario - with a bit of imagination you can get a square peg to fit in a round hole wit little trouble - bible scripture have long suffered from this misuse, thinking that judgement day was just round the corner - they convieniantly ignore the fact that all these things were meant to pass within a lifetime following Jesus' death.. There is a new academic study that indicates that perhaps the Great fire of Rome in 68AD WAS started by christian sects who were trying to bring about the 'fall of Babylon' as described in their mythology as several large fires have recently been discovered in other Roman cities and appear to have been started on the same night.

"It is to Scotland that we look for our idea of civilisation." -- Voltaire.


My own experiences, guides, and inner voice or intuition tells me that you are off in your own "interpretations"... However, that being said, I hope you are right.  If so, things will just continue as before and I can continue living my comfortable life as an American citizen.



Originally posted by Chris

.  My impressions have always been that of Russian and Chinese... although I'm not sure I would be able to distinguish Korean from Chinese in such a circumstance.

I dont know about the Russians but isnt it alltogether possible that if/when North Korea attack they will have the full backing of China??


James S

Probably not.

They'll do a bit of defensive posturing and make a bit of noise in the world political arena, but despite the tension between China and the US in recent years, China are trying very hard to portray themselves as a "friendly" country to help bring in tourist dollars.

The communist regime in China is slowly but surely crumbling. You would probably be surprised to know that mainland China has a very large number of property billionairs who are gaining influence in the government. No property investor wants to see war coming.

As to apocalyptic dreams, I hate to sound like the psychiatrist here, but with the threat of war coming into every household via the world's eminently truthful and totally unbiased media, is it any wonder thoughts of the end of the world are playing on so many peoples minds at the moment.

two more thoughts,
one -  DONT PANIC,
two - anyone who has a twisted sense of humor, get hold of a copy of the book Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. It does a great job of poking fun at the whole apocalypse thing.



Yes I agree with the fact that many people are thinking about war now because of certain current events.  But there are some people, like me, who have been feeling this comming for years.  For me currently it has been about 4 years.

Shawn McCaffrey

I also feel that horrible things will happen by this war taking place.  Far worse than any previous war, probably the first military strikes by modern army's using thermo nuclear (hydrogen) bombs.  1000 times more powerful than Hiroshima and Hagasaki.  Just a gut feeling.  This will be VERY bad, but the aftermath will be like spring after a harsh winter.  Something great will come of it.  I can see war then sun afterwards when i close my eyes, and I immediatly think it has to do with something close, it could be my imagination, but I don't think so, it's getting more and more thick now.  CANT YOU FEEL IT?


Shawn McCaffrey

I also feel that horrible things will happen by this war taking place.  Far worse than any previous war, probably the first military strikes by modern army's using thermo nuclear (hydrogen) bombs.  1000 times more powerful than Hiroshima and Hagasaki.  Just a gut feeling.  This will be VERY bad, but the aftermath will be like spring after a harsh winter.  Something great will come of it.  I can see war then sun afterwards when i close my eyes, and I immediatly think it has to do with something close, it could be my imagination, but I don't think so, it's getting more and more thick now.  CANT YOU FEEL IT?



Originally posted by Shawn McCaffrey

  This will be VERY bad, but the aftermath will be like spring after a harsh winter.  Something great will come of it.  I can see war then sun afterwards when i close my eyes, and I immediatly think it has to do with something close, it could be my imagination, but I don't think so, it's getting more and more thick now.  CANT YOU FEEL IT?


I feel the same Shawn, it will not be the end of the world but the end of an eon.Question is, who will be left to revell in the sunshine?



I really don't know. But what I do know is that I've never known what I want to do with my life, almost as if it doesn't matter, I've always expected everything to drop into place, like somethings going to happen soon which makes everything we know obsolete. I keep obsessing over things like learning how to light fires with basic tools and making bows and arrows. Maybe its just me being indecisive... or maybe its not. I think Parmenion summed it up with his phrase

it will not be the end of the world but the end of an eon

Shawn McCaffrey

Thats exactly how I FEEL DUDE!??!!!!!! WOW!!! No one has said that before that ive heard besides me.  And I haven't really told allmost anyone.  Like I don't really care that much at all about what I want to "be" when I grow up, and if i'm like "I want to be a cartoonist"  then later, it looses its luster.  And the part about everything dropping into place, it feels like it is, and I just need to prepare myselff for , and let someone else (who? guardian angel) take care of the rest of my life.  Man, Lysear, maybe we are just lazy, veeery lazy, or maybe we are gonna be there when it all happens.  And we will be there after.  Do you feel like your meant to do something?  I know everyone likes to think that.  But ive allways thought this, more than most people, I know I am supposed to do something great, when, what, where, how? I dunno, I just know.  You too?


yeah, I sort of feel that way sometimes. But thats Leos for you! seriously though, i have off days. Sometimes I'm so certain about the fact that theres something out there other than this existence, but others I start to question my beliefs. I always wake up in the morning expecting something terrible to have happened on the news. As if I know its comming soon. In fact theres a kind of terrible exciting element to it, I know that sounds perverse but thats just how it is. It's like when I was watching the events of sept 11 2001 unfolding on tv, it was like it wasnt really happening, like I was going to wake up. It's so hard to put into words.

Shawn McCaffrey

I understand, it's not bad things.  YOu are waiting, to be part of it.  For your time.  As am I.  And others, I would like to meet.


I have a similar view of my life. I believe in fate, and that everything is going to "drop in place" for me. I live life loosely, kinda like I'm just going with the flow of everything. If something sounds fun, I'll probably go and experience it. I dont believe in fate to the extent that I don't need to do anything at all, but I believe in it enough so that when something big happens, I won't really worry about it, just deal with it. I believe if something's meant to happen, there'll be some sign thatll be enough to convince me into it.

So there's my philosophy on the flow of how our lives work. Thank you.

::bows, and there is an eruption of smoke, when the smoke clears, there is only empty space::


This is a dream I had a few days ago. I was lucid all the way through it.

I dont remember much of the beggining (I cant spell today!), but I was walkig down the street with my mum and there was suddenly a gigantic bang. Everything shook, houses crumbled, attached houses were torn apart, cracks in the ground appeared. After the 'earthquake' had died down, a thick red mist started to swamp the skies. It had black tinges in it and completely blocked out the sun. We travelled back to the house, shut the door and I sat behind it to keep it closed. My dad was sitting next to my mum on a small stool, and my sister was nowhere in sight. Then I went into a trance state and saw a very thin layer of red 'mist' swarm into the room. My mum and dad started to complain about headaches, and they suddenly just fell to the ground. After that happened, I went enraged with anger and had a full-throttle limit break. Just before completing the 'transformation', I woke up and found myself in a pool of sweat and felt like I ran a mile.

It is not the limit break I am concentrating on. It is the other stuff. What do you lot think of this? My explanation is that a nuclear bomb blew up a country (earthquakes) and the radiation (red mist) swarmed the UK (where I live).

P.S. Check out the part on 'apocalypse' at . Has some info on the 'astral falling'.

Shawn McCaffrey

Sounds like a biological agent/thermo-nuclear hybrid bomb.  Nuked a city and then spread the diseas, because radiation generally isnt in red mist and blocks out the sun, and it's weird, why would anyone bomb Europe? (if this has to to with the US and Iraq war)  Maybe the "bad guys" attacked places allover the world?  Maybe I think too much?  Maybe it was just a dream?  But so many people are having dreams like this.