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Destiny and "Gifts"

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A gift implies both a giver and a recipient. I do not believe in this in the context of abilities. Instead, I believe in previous lives and results carrying over from efforts made before we were born.


Ok then, pretend I said "really special ability that one has from birth and will never leave you" instead of gift.


I agree with Tom here. A "really special abilitiy you have from birth" is likely the result of hard work in your previous life/lives.



Grrrr...this is becoming exasperating...

Ok, I finally figured out how to phrase this. I really don't care how you GET a gift, but:

1. How do you know you have it?
2. What uses can it be put to?

My previous inquiry as to whether or not anyone has a known gift (and what it is) still stands.

James S

Hi Panabelle,

Its a fair enough question.

I have a gift of empathy, or empathic telepathy. It's a "recieve only" type of telepathy where a total stranger can walk in front of me and I'll be able to get an impression in an instant of what they are feeling, wether I can see their face or not. I pick up on the vibes of others. It is eratic, and can be easily messed up by my own thoughts and feelings, but if I allow myself to be "empty" it works.

I also very much believe in destinies. Wether they are of our own creation, possibly from a past life, or the creation of a higher being, I believe we all have a path in life that has purpose. I also believe that our gifts or talents tie in closely with that purpose.

Haven't worked out what mine is yet, but my empathic gift can tell me very quickly about people around me, if I can trust them or not. Trouble is, having the ability and paying attention to it are two completely different things.



". Trouble is, having the ability and paying attention to it are two completely different things."

Ah, so much said in so few words.

I too am an Empath.  I also have been given certain sight related abilities.  I believe them both to be traits handed down from my mothers side of the family.  However I am currently the only male in the family so affect.  I have talked to several of my relatives about this and most of them agree that it is much stronger in me than anyone else in the family.  We are guessing because I am the only male so gifted.  (note:  It is not being said that men are better the women.  This is just an observation in this case.)  

This is the reason I am what I am right now.  A seeker.  I look to find out the whats and whys of this situation.  I have also used this as a basis for expanding into other areas.


Originally posted by panabelle

"1. How do you know you have it?
2. What uses can it be put to?"

"really special ability that one has from birth and will never leave you"

Dear panabelle,

You may realize you have it, when you are compared or compare yourself in this regard to others. Whatever your natural ability is, the vast majority around you will not have this. I'd like to highlight the concept of such abilities being normal - fitting within the confines of reality. If you take a moment and ponder, there can really only be one truth, one reality (even if such a reality encompasses many universes, planes of existences etc. It all comes down to there only existing one set of Universal laws), and therefore to think anything can exist out side of it and attributing it as "super"-natural, special, miraculous, etc would not be a logical conclusion.

Anybody who has control over such less common but natural abilities, will be able to tell you that to them using these abilities is as second nature as anything else they can do in life.

The uses you can put your new-found abilities to, is as restricted or as boundless as would be any other normal ability that you have. Boundaries are set by quality, control over it, practice, energy and will to manifest it into action, among other things.

Lastly, do not think such abilities will never leave you. If you learn a skill in life, but then do not practice it for 10, 20 or however many years, you may find yourself unable to use that skill later in life. Only practice makes permanent [;)]

Take good care,

"First do what is necessary, then do what is possible, and soon you will be doing the impossible" St. Francis of Assis


Well certain things just continue with out the desire to stop them.  I mean honestly I don't go around looking for things moving in the shadows I just see them because they are a part of my ability to see.  I mean yeah I could walk around with my eyes closed but it could be dangerous. [B)]  I have basically just accepted it as part of my normal eye sight.


Hmm. I'm not sure if this qualifies as a "gift", but the one thing that comes the most natural to me is memorizing sounds.  The easiest way is in the form of music, of course.  But see, I don't always just memorize lyrics (it is the easiest...and you wouldn't BELEIVE how many i got...), but i can remember the bass, the brums, the acoustic, even the paino or turntables.  I finally realized this after downloading a song auraseer wanted me to get and memorizing how it went by the 2nd time around listening to it.  Beleive me, this is not the easiest thing to memorize.  There are switches and drops every few seconds.  An instrument comes in, or leaves, or 2 at a time, or everything but the drums. I could tell you right now, but that is just a waste of your time, isnt it.

I've never played a musical instrument before in my life.  Nor have I ever wanted to. I have always felt it is a waste of my time, because I don't want to be that person when I am older.  In my elementary school, almost 75% of the kids there played a musical instrument for the school, and i refused.  Still weird, isn't it?

I also don't know if this has anything to do with what we all do here.  It's just my thing.  I do it naturally, and have been since tina turner was popular (yes, i still have it memorized. dont ask how...)   that was my first tape, and i got that from McDonalds  :).

Well, this concludes on of my most serious posts ever.  Sorry you had to see this side of me.  This is how i am about music, and I just wanted to tell you all for some odd reason.

well it's 1:30, and we don't have school tomorrow either.

~Squeek(Eloquently written)


Actually, Squeek, I was thinking more along the lines of something related to energy/psychicness. Thanks anyway![:)]


I think I have a few gifts.

1. Sensing people around me quickly (when somebody walks in the room silently, I sense them).
2. Telekinesis (made the pinwheel move rapidly on my first try).
3. Ki techniques (became highly skilled after a few months).
4. I can feel the tiniest air movements (I think that comes into sensing).

And dont argue about no. 3 [:P].



"1. Sensing people around me quickly (when somebody walks in the room silently, I sense them)."

Hey auraseer, i think i can do that too. When someone gets close to me, i can feel the area behind me become unempty. And i can kinda hear it. Is that what you mean?? Tell me what happens with you.....


"When someone gets close to me, i can feel the area behind me become unempty. And i can kinda hear it". yeah, me too, but that's due to my martial arts and spiritual training. not really a gift for destiny.

however, panabelle, are you including destinies that were given to you after your birth, and any abilities that came with them?



Sure, why not? No one seems to have any really extraordinary gifts, besides the two empaths. [:D] Is it possible to have that with just one other person? I swear my brother and I are psychically linked. We can never do any "I'm thinking of a color..." stuff, but at least once a day, we'll think the exact same thing and one of us will beat the other to saying it. We exchange a look that says "I was about to say that."

How do you know if you have a special destiny? I'm almost positive I do but it is frustrating me BEYOND BELIEF because I can't figure out what it is.


i have a destiny. I have had some visions which prompted me to ask God to allow me to choose my destiny. He allowed me to. Even before that, though, I kind of met God one time and He told me that He had something for me to do. However He never told me exactly what it was.

It's hard to type out what He said, though, since it was more spiritual communication than physical, which allowed Him to impart so much more information than mere words. I got the idea that it would be in the future, but that I was in no way to slack off until then. I'm still not 100% sure that what He spoke to me about when I met Him had anything to do with the visions, but I am about 95% sure.

As for the gifts?
-i was given wisdom, which i don't use as much anymore. wisdom is a great way of understanding, but it has no means of action.
-i can listen to anyone preach about "Christianity" and i will know how close they are to the truth. However, this knowledge is for me alone, i am not allowed to go around telling anyone who is right and who isn't. otherwise i would be getting myself into a lot of trouble with God. all of the stuff that i have posted regarding doctrine or christianity is in no way influenced by what i really know. it is based only on arguments that other humans already know about.
-for some actions, i'll know as i'm going to do it whether it will happen or not. for instance, i wanted to ask this girl i work with out on a date. even as i walked into the restaurant i knew we wouldn't be going out. i still asked her, but she said no.

How about a few restrictions too:
-i am NOT allowed to tell people they are wrong when it comes to Christian doctrine unless they are sooo blatantly wrong that it contradicts the bible. and even then if i am going to tell them, then i have to tell them why.
-i am not allowed to force people to believe what i have to say. i say it, maybe argue or debate my point, but if they don't want to listen i have to leave it alone. people are on their own paths, not mine.
-it would also seem that i'm not allowed to date anyone[V]. oh well.

none of these things just *wham* hit me one day. they came with time, and with my ability to comprehend them. there is more, but i think i've posted enough for now. thanks.



Thanks for sharing Kakkarot! That is very interesting, though not necessarily applicable to me since I have never gone to church in my life except to be baptized when I was little and only observe religion very loosely. I can't seem to find a religion who has beliefs that I entirely accept. I've sort of mish-mashed them all together to make my own belief structure.[|)]


i haven't found a religion worth believing in either. but i think God is worth believing in, and so is His Will.



Well, the idea of God certainly is worth believing in. I'm not sure about the will part. Or exactly what His will is. Definitely worth thinking about...


"Or exactly what His will is. Definitely worth thinking about." i agree, this is what i live for. well and another thing.



I suppose it's that other thing that the "meaning of life" and "life" threads have been started in Spiritual Development?


Just out of curiousity, does anyone here belive in destiny or some people having special gifts? (The gift could be anything - prowess at healing, intense psychic abilities, so on and so forth). Does anyone know if they HAVE a destiny/gift? If so, what is it?