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Connecting With Darkness

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Anyone know a way to connect with dark entities more? Like some sort of ritual, or some sort of spell etc.?

Besides connecting with my fiance who is a creature of darkness I have had many encounters with dark-like imps, demons etc. who have made me feel happy and comforted and of course empowered over the past astral projections out-of-body encounters and telepathy. I would like to find a way to connect with them more so I can empower these feelings and gifts I have received over the years.

(I'm not looking for whether or not dark energy is bad, a sign of fear and negativity nor ways to try to harm people/steal people's energy just a way to connect with my element of choice just like any other person who connects with an element).

Thanks  :-)


It's easy actually... just be a jerk to everyone and everything you meet.  While projecting, project with the absolute worst Intents you can muster.
You'll scare yourself half to death probably... but you'll find what you're looking for.  :)


Quote from: Xanth on November 30, 2014, 11:08:42
It's easy actually... just be a jerk to everyone and everything you meet.  While projecting, project with the absolute worst Intents you can muster.
You'll scare yourself half to death probably... but you'll find what you're looking for.  :)

I am not looking to be a jerk to anyone or having bad intentions to connect with dark entities.


I tried the left path stuff a couple years ago. I was a big fan of Jan Fries. I found that it's a dead end street basically. You generate your astral environment especially at first. Your already connected to the darkness so to speak. Are you looking to get away from where you are at and making some progress?  You appear to like the Lovecraftian stuff, how bout focusing more on elemental meditation, or astrology. Most of the Lovecraftian lore magic out there is based on planetary progressions. It progresses but may appeal to the mystery that attracts you.


Try goetia and necronomicon... I will never try to connect with them again especially the necronomicon


There's far more where the eye can't see.
Close your eyes and open your mind.


Quote from: mon9999 on December 01, 2014, 16:38:15
Try goetia and necronomicon... I will never try to connect with them again especially the necronomicon

Oh yeah I forgot about the necronomicon, my ex used to have the book. Thanks for the suggestions!  :-)


Quote from: 000MobianAngel000 on November 30, 2014, 11:19:16
I am not looking to be a jerk to anyone or having bad intentions to connect with dark entities.
You can't "connect" to anything "dark", if you too, are not dark.
You must be that which is... in order to experience that which you want to experience.


Quote from: Xanth on December 02, 2014, 04:07:06
You can't "connect" to anything "dark", if you too, are not dark.
You must be that which is... in order to experience that which you want to experience.

I explained on another thread that I am part of darkness. I let darkness become a part of me, kinda was given to me in a dream as a reward for protecting heartless (beings of darkness) from people. And I disagree with having to be dark to be able to connect with it. For example someone can connect with dark and light energies.

I strongly don't believe in the idea that one must be "evil" to be dark as that darkness is not always associated with "evil". I have to put evil in quotation marks because evil imo means different things to different people. Always had believed this for years.

I'm already trying to merge with my fiance who of which is an entity of dark energy.


What does dark mean? What defines it? What traits do dark things have? I am still trying to establish this from your other thread.

I sort of get a picture of "dark" meaning "neutral with style" in how you have used the word so far.

"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on December 02, 2014, 09:33:06
What does dark mean? What defines it? What traits do dark things have? I am still trying to establish this from your other thread.

I sort of get a picture of "dark" meaning "neutral with style" in how you have used the word so far.

yeah in a way, I just like darkness because it's attractive and it feels nice to have. The characteristics I see it having is, protectiveness, individuality, power, love & romance and truth. The color for it to me is black or aka. absence of light.

And dark for me is just an energy with its own properties like any other energy. People can use it to cause harm the same way with light, water, air, chaos etc. but doesn't mean that the energy itself is bad. I see people going to the light more and are using it in a way that is completely consequential. Being that dark and light are kinda the opposite from each other that's what people are doing imo. they are basically framing darkness as something only associated with harm and "evil". Whether one wants to believe darkness is "evil" or not is not my problem. What really upsets me is when people want to hurt and manipulate the minds that are associated with darkness for their own selfish/clouded desires and not attempt to find common ground with it.


It seems to me like you know what things you value then, and what you want from life.

I think the label is what is confusing people. They have no idea what you mean when you talk about "dark" things. Part of the issue is that you are using the term, and it has a very specific and well-defined meaning to you, but either a very vague or very negative meaning to others. It is a term with no universally accepted meaning, and so using it in this way is probably a barrier to understanding in group discussions.
"The Gardener is but a dream of the Garden."

-Unattributed Zen monastic


Quote from: Stillwater on December 02, 2014, 21:22:22
It seems to me like you know what things you value then, and what you want from life.

I think the label is what is confusing people. They have no idea what you mean when you talk about "dark" things. Part of the issue is that you are using the term, and it has a very specific and well-defined meaning to you, but either a very vague or very negative meaning to others. It is a term with no universally accepted meaning, and so using it in this way is probably a barrier to understanding in group discussions.



Quote from: Stillwater on December 02, 2014, 21:22:22
I think the label is what is confusing people. They have no idea what you mean when you talk about "dark" things. [...]
I wanted to say something similar. Does 'dark' always mean 'evil' ? There are some beings who shy the light, who prefer solitude over the company with others - often for good reasons. The dark beings I've met in the PR are the most insightfull I've met so far. Darkness is the screen for the light to appear on; on a perfect white screen you only can have dirty/dark spots - which are always seen as a flaw. In a perfect (white) world all that can happen are bad things.

On the other side: are 'deamons' always bad and angels good ? Or is it just a matter of how we perceive the information field and what our subconscious mind creates from it ? What I've learned from the magic books so far (and even a mathematician, who totally rejects any non-scientific ideas once told me exactly the same about the very basic fundamentals of mathematics and thus all natural sciences itself) is that it *all* is just symbolism, i.e. nothing means anything. It's entirely up to you to fill the symbols with meaning. But if you want to communicate with others you need to have the same the same set of symbols or a translation table at hand ...


To me this sounds like "How can I make friends with Hitler's dead spirit?"

Maybe the definition of "dark" which is intended here is throwing me off.  I'm not sure I understand the point, lol....
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


If you want a taste of real darkness, message me sometime. For now, just practice dark meditations. Listen to music that gets a little bit of your adrenaline pumping while meditating, but make sure you can still become calm enough to go into a trance. Attract darker energies. One thing you'll find out is that you'll need to go a bit slower at first when taking in darker energies. They are more potent. Listen to music that's more serious and that has a darker tone to it. Here's a song that I like:

I like to meditate on that song. The different tones and frequencies that play throughout the whole song help me sink into a different mindset. Mindset will be of some importance to you.


Darker energies are more potent for what, finding peace and happiness in one's life?

Darth Vader liked the dark side of things too, but even as mean as he was he still had a change of heart when the even darker emperor started torturing his own son in front of him.   :-)
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?


Quote from: no_leaf_clover on January 02, 2015, 08:47:22
Darker energies are more potent for what, finding peace and happiness in one's life?

Darth Vader liked the dark side of things too, but even as mean as he was he still had a change of heart when the even darker emperor started torturing his own son in front of him.   :-)

Real life has nothing to do with Star Wars. Darker energies are simply more potent. They are stronger. Dark energy isn't positive or negative either. Happiness in one's life can be found in darkness... if one chooses to yield the energy as such. It's about the magician, not the magic.


You can drop all the labels... as we've seen, they're useless.

The Intent behind your actions is all that matters. 


Quote from: Xanth on January 03, 2015, 18:10:27
You can drop all the labels... as we've seen, they're useless.

The Intent behind your actions is all that matters. 

Hence what I said about things being about the magician and not the magic itself.


If you connect with darkness, you could be a part of it.