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Practicing reading tarot cards?

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Hey all,

I just got a new gorgeous tarot deck and I'm itching to dig in and practice reading with it. Anyone want to help me practice by being my guinea pigs??  :-D :-D :-D

I was really into it and did a lot of practice readings for strangers a couple years ago, then I just....stopped, fell out of the habit of doing my daily card, etc. Now that I've got this new deck I really would love some chances to try to flex those intuitive muscles again! I'd love to do readings for anyone here (or anyone you know who might want one). The more the better.

Any interest??


Sure, I'll step up! How do we do this?


Thanks, Casey! =)

You can let me know what your question/issue is, then I'll post back with a photo of the cards and what I got from them. Then you can let me know if any of it resonates with you.



I am in a process of shifting the buik ( if not all ) of my work, from care work to the consciousness work and bringing the consciousness work into sustainability, ie: a state of being able to support me doing it. I would love to see a reading around this energy, and what might be necessary to assist its success. Thank you for this, GR.


I am equally interested. My question might be a bit generic.

Are there any beings I can't see that might have my interest at heart and/or a specific message for me?


Tarot cards are very interesting. I thought of buying a pack, but I don't know enough about the meanings. I've read about them only a bit through Initiation into Hermetics and a few other readings.

I'm open to participating as well if you want some additional practice.

I've been reading/practicing Lucid dreaming and AP for about 6 months now. I seem to be making slow progress inching in the right direction. I've had 1 lucid fully conscious dream and a couple dreams about astral projection since starting. Is there anything blocking me or anything I can do that would hasten progress in this area for me personally?

I personally think I may be on the right track and to just keep doing what I'm doing, but I'm interested in what your intuition would say in this matter.

Thanks in advance!
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Casey, I just did yours but the forum isn't letting me include the photo of the spread - getting an error message. I posted in the Bugs/Problems thread so hopefully we'll get it sorted soon and I'll be able to give you your response!

Tides and Perspective - thank you! I'm looking forward to pulling some cards for you soon - and hopefully will actually get to share photos of them, because they really are quite enchanting.


Oh looking forward to it! - thank you, GR. - I can private message you my email if there continues to be a difficulty.


I think I got it!!

So I did a simple past-present-future spread, since I'm just starting to familiarize myself with this deck.

We start in the past with the 6 of Crystals - suggesting that you started this vocational transition maybe with some outside help, or financial support, to help make it possible, or seem more like a viable possibility. Resources came in from the outside right when you needed them.

The present is the 9 of Crystals - which, to me, suggests a time of making your home environment even more of a sanctuary space; a sacred space (garden) in the middle of all the noise outside. Like, have you made any improvements to your living space lately? Have you made it more cozy? This could be small things, like investing in super nice, soft fabrics, getting more candles, plants, etc. Little things can be luxurious, too.

An interesting note is that I've started doing my daily card for myself again with this deck, and I pulled the 9 of Crystals for myself today. The immediate impressions I got for myself when I looked at it were: sweetness, germination, power source, outgrowth, basking in the glow. Maybe some of those concepts make sense for you, too, in this present moment.

Crystals are all concerned with money, stability, health, energy made manifest - all the gifts that come from the earth. This seems to align with the issue you were asking about.

Yet the future card is the 4 of Moons - this suggests to me an emotional change that might take you in a somewhat different direction that you're not yet seeing/anticipating. The energy of this card is the water that gets stuck and isn't flowing freely, it's more stagnant, sluggish, and heavy. This is the 'too much of a good thing' card. There's a real need to both practice gratitude as well as cut ties, cut losses, clear, detox, and get moving. Something is going to have to be let go of. It makes me wonder if you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket - not just for financial reasons but for emotional/energetic ones.

Does any of this resonate with you?



They so are! Hopefully we'll get some of the Majors to show off soon =) I will pull some cards for you, Tides, this weekend!


Hi, GR.. Sorry for the delay in my reply our Internet has been essentially down the last couple weeks. When it comes on it is unstable so I am having to do things on my phone right now which is not easy for me. Yes the endeavor to shift over to the consciousness work has been supported this year by an outside party. I posted about this somewhere on the board. And, yes again, I just moved into my current living space a year ago and starting from scratch brought in everything brand new. It is very cozy for me here now. Perhaps there is more that could be done, the space is not complete, I do still have more ideas but the resources for this are not present. So for now, the rest is done with essential oil's, chanting and Tibetan bowl sounds to help hold the most comfortable frequencies. It is a space richly filled with meditation and consciousness practices and of course the work. All of this energy is very comfortable, very cozy. The reason I am wanting out this time to leave the Carework is because now that I am approaching my 60s, and have been doing the work for new 30 years my body does suffer. It is incredibly grueling work and the demand is more than I can continue to keep up with. I have to make a move to work that is more suitable to my current age and physical situation. Or risk injury, or worse to the point of not being able to work at all. Which is happening already and must stop. If you were to ask me I would say what Hass to be led go is the Carework itself. To no longer hold onto it even as an option so that I might focus more fully, more successfully and the direction I am now heading. Yes this is challenging to do, for multiple reasons but mainly because my consciousness platform is an unconditional one. . I do not charge for the work, I only open avenues of potential support so that those who are moved to assist in its continuance may do so. I will ponder the reading and see what more begins to come to me. I genuinely thank you for your service.


I'm cheering you on from the sidelines casey, you can do it. So cool how aligned everything ended up being. A good first run eh GR?


Thank you, Eric.. that means a lot to me, I am so grateful for your energy input.


Hey Casey, I think the 4 of Moons is about the consciousness work, not the care work, as the whole spread was chosen with the intention of getting some information of the energies surrounding that in the past, present and future. However, that doesn't mean that the message is to not do the consciousness work or continue with the care work. It just means that there is something in the future for you that is not going to be 100% of what you are currently envisioning for your consciousness work at this time. It could be something in addition to that, that hasn't materialized yet, even in your mind.


Quote from: tides2dust on October 13, 2021, 19:51:23
I am equally interested. My question might be a bit generic.

Are there any beings I can't see that might have my interest at heart and/or a specific message for me?

Tides, I decided to pull one card for you asking what any good/friendly/helpful spirits might have to say to you right now. The 4 of Moons made another appearance! It's all about clearing, detoxing, and cutting out things that no longer serve you - including waste, or addictions/vices that aren't promoting your fullest well-being. It's a heavy energy with this card. Are you experiencing a sluggish/stagnant energy, or are there things you need to remove from your life right now? If so, this is a confirmation to get a move-on with that. Clear, practice gratitude, move forward. 


Quote from: PerspectiveShift on October 14, 2021, 14:33:00
Tarot cards are very interesting. I thought of buying a pack, but I don't know enough about the meanings. I've read about them only a bit through Initiation into Hermetics and a few other readings.

I'm open to participating as well if you want some additional practice.

I've been reading/practicing Lucid dreaming and AP for about 6 months now. I seem to be making slow progress inching in the right direction. I've had 1 lucid fully conscious dream and a couple dreams about astral projection since starting. Is there anything blocking me or anything I can do that would hasten progress in this area for me personally?

I personally think I may be on the right track and to just keep doing what I'm doing, but I'm interested in what your intuition would say in this matter.

Thanks in advance!

Two cards for you:

The Oracle card is a good sign for you - it's an affirmation and a reminder that you have the capacity to be in contact with the spiritual plane. So keep practicing. if you don't have a special area to be your meditation/ritual place, think about creating that sacred space/container for yourself. Be diligent about meditating or doing *something* as a daily practice. It also affirms that doing the kind of reading you've started is good - go back to ancient traditions, texts, etc, and immerse yourself in what they have to teach you.

Artemis, the Mistress of Trees, suggests that something that might be helpful for you is to spend more time in nature - this could include bringing a crap load of plants into your home! The natural world has something to teach you right now.

Does any of this resonate with you?


Need more guinea pigs :-D ? Same question as Tides.
Hopefully, the greed and exploitation of certain of mankind can no longer suppress that which is truth. -Richard E. Byrd


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on October 16, 2021, 19:20:39
Two cards for you:

The Oracle card is a good sign for you - it's an affirmation and a reminder that you have the capacity to be in contact with the spiritual plane. So keep practicing. if you don't have a special area to be your meditation/ritual place, think about creating that sacred space/container for yourself. Be diligent about meditating or doing *something* as a daily practice. It also affirms that doing the kind of reading you've started is good - go back to ancient traditions, texts, etc, and immerse yourself in what they have to teach you.

Artemis, the Mistress of Trees, suggests that something that might be helpful for you is to spend more time in nature - this could include bringing a crap load of plants into your home! The natural world has something to teach you right now.

Does any of this resonate with you?

Hey thanks GR!!

I've been meditating once per day and this morning I spontaneously had the idea of starting my meditation practice with some visualization practices first. I always feel more grounded in nature, so that was good advice. During the week, I work everyday so I don't spend any time in nature during the week. Some weekends I don't either. I went for a nice hike today and it's always refreshing. Feels like a reset for my mental state. My wife also started doing some physical exercising everyday, so I'll start to incorporate this in as well for a better relationship with my body.

Thank you for the reading!
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Thank you Grump-Grumps  :lol:

Cleaning house is a life long journey. To confirm the validity of the tarot pull, I have noticed in my recent past a reaction from my body towards particular foods and beverages. That is, my body is speaking very loudly- I have even noticed a growing intolerance towards alcohol. Not that I mind the occasional social gathering with libations  :lol: but that I can't and don't want to do the things I used to. I am getting older, and my body is learning to speak up!

I am actively moving forward while still enjoying the beautiful relation between Spirit and Matter- experienced through my unique but most likely, unimpressive personality. =P!

Hey, I got love for me.

But... back to the sensitivity- my caffeine consumption is having to slow. I don't feel it necessary to quit, but to understand its effects on the nervous system and enjoy responsibly. Same with alcohol- just last week two beers was enough to signal my brain into a mild-insomnia and trigger heart problems(despite exercising 3-4x per week).

Your card reads a lot into my recent past, and it's wild but superb knowing there are unseen beings out there who acknowledge this unspoken challenge and experiment I place upon my self.

Well... Happy Sunday! =) =) =) My sincerest thanks to your time and energy. Wishing you a fun, awe-inspired kinda day!


Perspective: you're welcome! You may also want to try connecting with nature spirits. This book on communicating with nature spirits and elements may be interesting for you:

Also, the book, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype (by psychoanalyst and storyteller Clarissa Pinkola Estes) may help you connect with your inner wild Artemis (it's honestly a good read for all genders!)

Tides, I'm glad the card resonates with some things you've been dealing with recently. Definitely listen to your body about eating a healthier, non-processed diet, and limiting toxins like alcohol or other toxic exposures, including cleaning chemicals and things you have around the house - and also caffeine, since your body doesn't seem to want it that much anymore. You may want to consider getting your gut microbiome checked out and/or checking to see if there are any more heavy duty toxins you need to clear from your body. I trust Great Plains Lab in this regard, you could begin with their GPL-TOX test. Liposomal glutathione is a good agent to help your body slowly flush those things out of your system.

Bob - will get to you in the next day or so!! =)


Quote from: GrumpyRabbit on October 17, 2021, 14:11:05
Perspective: you're welcome! You may also want to try connecting with nature spirits. This book on communicating with nature spirits and elements may be interesting for you:

Also, the book, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype (by psychoanalyst and storyteller Clarissa Pinkola Estes) may help you connect with your inner wild Artemis (it's honestly a good read for all genders!)

Thank you for the recommendations. I'll definitely check these books out. They are on Audible too. Bonus!
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Hey GR,
Weird coincidence happened to me yesterday. I didn't think anything of it until I put the pieces together this morning...

I was driving home last night and about a quarter way home "the art of dreaming" audio book just finished up so I started the Faerie Realm book. I remember when I was finishing Castinada's book because I was turning a corner onto another country road. Once I started the next book probably about 2 minutes into the book on the same road I saw 2 deer running away around some corn fields.

Now I know I live in Ontario Canada (and I know the stereotypes around that lol), but I honestly haven't seen deer here in probably about 10 years. And I've been going down this same road to my job for almost a year now. I've seen them when I crossed the border into the US about 3-4 years ago, but not in Ontario.

Just thought it is interesting as a book on nature spirits just started and I see 2 deer running...

Hope you enjoy that little story. It shocked me haha!
Be the change you want to see in the world.


Quote from: PerspectiveShift on October 19, 2021, 07:04:54

Just thought it is interesting as a book on nature spirits just started and I see 2 deer running...

It's more than that, Perspective! **Artemis is strongly associated with deer**


Haven't forgotten you, Bob! Just have been feeling a bit worn out this week.

I pulled this card for you re: your query - the 1 of Moons.

The message of the new moon in this card is that there's energy of potential, and a reminder to you to say YES! to everything that comes your way. It's the kind of abundance of new things coming, new beginnings starting. We also just had a full moon last night - very moon-y! Lots of "moon signs" make me think of making changes to shift energy. What do you need to reset? You can shift energy in lots of ways, including feng shui - rearranging furniture, changing furniture, updating your wardrobe. So questions for you to think about: do you say "no" too quickly to things/potential opportunities? Do you feel like you need a reset? Is there a change/shift in energy that is happening or seems to *want* to happen right now?