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Negative entities

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Hi Hephaestus

Please remember that you read so much about NEGS here because protection is the topic.

It does not matter what world your in there is always an equal balance of good things and nasty things. You have people who volunteer for helping the homeless and you have murderers - you have angels and you have demons.

Your beliefs and choices are your own but I recommend that you do more reading about it and experiment yourself before making such a decision. But remember that fear will draw fear.


Veni Vidi Vici


Hephaestus, I feel your frustration, as I did try to shed some light and enlightenment on those in your position.  Please allow me to give you a little bit of a deeper type of advice.

You were born alone.  Guess what, you will die alone.  In essence life is a lonely psysiological path, however humans being the social creatures they are, they can hold hands with another for a greater cause.  What I'm trying to say is that you came into this place alone, everything you have and need is within you, or within reach through you.  You are a mini universe onto itself.  However humans tend to be somewhat of sponges throughout their life.  They absorb information and experiences through many different situations and scenerios.  For some reason, it is much easier to absorb the bad, the negative.  Nobody ever remembers that they had three awesome days in a row, everyone only remebers the opposite.. like my car has a flat, my dog bit me, I stubbed my toe and I'm going to go away and eat a worm...  See?  Eventually our sponge, our essence, is filled to the brim with nothing but bad, we are oozing full of this negative stuff that we absorb everywhere that we go, news, television, movies, road rage.  That is why all the ancient teachings always stressed emptying your cup before beginning your spiritual journey, a rebirth, a baptismal ceremony, to clense and wipe the slate clean.

Now what happens is you get some people so full of this stuff that they need to vent it or else they will implode onto themseves.  Well, I guess we are amongst some of those people, and these people in return set off others, and next thing you know half the people are agreeing in being attacked by a warewolf last night!  

My major point being, that everything you need is in you, and you came as a complete and finished product onto itself, that won't change (only experience) your total essence throughout this incarnate life.  Don't absorb all this junk around you, take what you need and what your gut feeling intuitiveness is and leave the rest behind.  That feeling in your solar plexus, THAT is your secret weapon to see through this.  

If you still get lost in despair, call within yourself, ask your inner most part of you for help, plead your case and I gurantee you that things will change!  That is a promise.

One more thing, there are many types people proffesing many types of beliefs and religions.  Spirituality has now become a major buzz word.  Again verify it within yourself, you have everything within you to discern the truth!

"To thyne own self be true" --- Shakespeare


ps. fenris... guess what.. there are no demons!  No jagged tooth, leather skinned gargoyels.  They are incarnate people.  I'm sure that any girl that was hurt by any serial killer would swear she was looking into the eyes of a demon.  Nothing is waiting to claw you out of your body!  :P


Greetings all
       Hep, I'd say I would agree inregards to what Tyrone has posted, most of the posts about negs,demons,entities ect are spoken about as regards to the lower realms. In these realms most of what you encounter is you (what a call ,for want of a description "ego's).They wont physicaly hurt you, may put the wind up you a bit. DO not stop your spiritual growth.
        Frank posted on this subject several times, he aptly called it the" trianing ground ",it would be worthwhile to read through his past posts(replys)

Regards  steve


Hello Hephaestus
  I have been helping people for a lot of years and I have only known one person who continually attracted negative entities to herself. You do hear about negative things on this forum because it is designed as a place where people can get help and find out about what they are experiencing.
  I have always noticed that defending yourself and surviving the problems seem to bring a revelation in a persons life. A lesson is always learned even if it is only to trust yourself and listen to yourself. You will find that if you are supposed to pursue spiritual development that you will do so. Angels are beautiful and a lot of the other forces are beautiful also. You are lucky because you do know what not to do from reading a lot of this forum.
   I always listen to what happens to others and then see what happens to me. If I need the information I at least have it remembered. I may never need to use it so to me it will not be important but if I do need it then I know it.


All I ever seem to read about is Negs / Negative entities, people defending against attacks etc. I'm really considering stopping my spiritual development all together just so that I dont end up OOBEing for a second time and bumping into these things. Life is bad enough as it is without making myself a target for such creatures.
It seems the universe and all its realms and dimensions are breeding grounds for evil or at least nasty beings.