Uncontrolled? Dreams, questions

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Hold the phone.   I must ask several questions but there is a suggestion in here as well.

Who is "us"?
Who is doing the blocking?
To what end?
Or rather Why?
What is it you were trying to do while you were dreaming?

I am sorry but this strikes a nerve because of recent information I have come accross.  If you do not wish to speak openly due to the apparent sesativity in the subject matter please use the private message.

Okay now.  I have been suffering from the same kind of lack of dreaming.  I recall very few dreams these days I became aware of the lack of dreams about 3-4 years ago but I think it started earlier.  
So far I have been using a saying before I go to bed that seems to be helping.  I say this before I go to bed every night.

"I will remember.  I want to rememeber.  I will rememeber my dreams.  I want to remember my dreams.  I will remember what happens when I sleep.  I want to remember what happens when I sleep.  I will remember.  I want to remember.  I will remember."

It seems to help a little more if said in a commanding and sincer (SP?)  voice.  It also helps to say it out loud vs. just in your head.

I am starting to remember more often but it is still just a blur of partial images.  But it is a start.  I am more happy about the frequency rather than the content.  The way I figure it the more it happens the more I will start to remember.

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.


I will post here, I have nothing to hide. (though sometimes I am to prideful heh heh)

Us would be Immediate family, and the parts of my extended family that are involved, and have prophetic dreams.

Who I do not care to describe, but it is a single person with a coven behind them. There are dark forces there, I had a direct assault (mentally) where I could feel the cone of power, and alot more about the (main) perpatrator.

As far as why, I am not completely sure. With the information I do have, I believe the great dislike this person had for me was used by another to create hatred for its own use, and propel them farther down the dark path. I just happened to be a good target to do that. Most of the people involved were there for a control issue. One of my first posts on this site was about attachments. I have not looked at it in awhile, but I am pretty sure it sounded crazy, and didn't get alot of response, though there was plenty of good advice.

We have put it together that magick, narcohypnosis, and attachments were used to effect/control us.

In the dreams, I have been confronting my attacker, and at one point destroying some sort of "force wall" to get to them. That was one I woke myself up in. I was to the last barrier, and needed alot to take it down. When I started REALLY gathering energy it was to much and I woke up. Other dreams vary, and I only seem to remember ones where I am victoroius. Most are confrontational of some sort, or unraveling the knotts that were put on us.

Since getting into NEW, and learning sheilding, doing some magick of my own, and removing ourselves from the hypno access the number of attacks has dropped off significantly, with almost all now coming at night.

Other times, meditating, I have been attacking the dark webs that were both the attachment(s?), and the attachment points. Alot was done through the narcohypnosis to create trauma, and then covered with induced amnesia.

Ask anything you want, or if you want more specific details, email me


Thanks, Good Wishes


PS, my original post was "hybrid attacks" currently on page 4 of pschic self defense.

Thanks again.


Greetings all,     If you wish retian dream recall on waking, it's most important that you do not move on waking. I've been told that it is because the astal body has not aligned fully with the physical. Be this true or not, I've found that over the years it works in pratice. Recenly I was introduced to the mantra  Roooaaammm  Goooaaamm, i've found by keeping still and mentaly pronoucing this mantra it works a treat.

Regards  Steve


Wow you have a lot happening to you. I know nothing about what is going on but I might be able to help with remembering dreams. When I was younger I use to have lots of vivid dreams. For some reason I now rarely remember my dreams, and if they are vivid it is even more rare. Well a few months ago I tried something to see if it would help me have a lucid dream. For a few weeks I would tell myself before I went to sleep that I would remember my dreams, I would become conscious in my dreams. Stuff like that over and over a few times. Then when I would start to go to sleep I would try to remain conscious for as long as possible. I would lay there and stare into the darkness kind of like if I am going to project but I did not try to leave my body just remain conscious. Usually I could do this for a few minutes and then I would fall asleep. During this time I had several vivid dreams which I could remember very well. Now I cannot say if it was this that helped or if it was just something that happened. I have not been able to do these things at night when I go to sleep lately because I have been very busy and when I go to sleep I am usually too tired to try and remain conscious. But since I have stopped I have not been able to remember my dreams as well. So it might be something you will want to try.
I wish you luck and hope you can settle this thing.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


Speaking of prophetic dreams...... Im not sure If i mentioned this on any of the forums when it happened a couple weeks ago.... my memory sucks pretty bad.  Anyway I had this dream where I awoke in a yard of some sort, with mountains and trees in the backround.  The sun was very bright and I saw the shadow of something flying towards me.  It turned out to be a humming bird and it landed on my arm.  The second it touched my flesh everything became alive and trippy and the sun brighter.  Things were wiggling and had patterns on them.  It was hopping along my arm and each time it would loose contact with my flesh everything would be normal.  It flew away and I looked down and there was a dieing pigeon on the ground.  I touched it and everything turned kind of dark and the trees shrivveled and the sun became eclipsed (forgive me for having such a corny unconscious hehehe).  Anyway I woke up and a couple hours later I was driving to my college, and I hit a pigeon going about 60 mph.  My window was down and blood and feathers spattered all over my face, and my window was a mess as well.  Later I went to my girlfriends to tell her about this freaky experience, and she goes thats weird because I found a dead hummingbird in the backyard today, and sure enough she showed it to me (now in the trashcan).  Okay if that wasnt freaky enough over the course of the week I hit another pigeon (not killing it this time), almost hit several other birds, found a dead pigeon in my front yard, and came home to hear my dad  telling a story about how the pigeons ruined several thousand $$ worth of equipment by crapping on it, so he shot like 4 with a .22.  Okay....freaky

this week I had another dream (it was almost like a tiny vision) as I was falling asleep of a newspaper appearing in front of me.  The headlines said assasination on june twenty somethingth.  I think it was either the 26th or the 28th, but im not sure.  Anyway It also accompanied a voice (not my own) which read the headline.  After that last prophetic dream, Im pretty freaked out by this one, but I have to say this dream was nowhere near as vivid, lucid, or epic as the last, so maybe it was just really a random dream...but still !

Anyway Ive always had a lot of dreams.  I get lucid dreams very easy, and I remember them well.   Often they predict things, and I often see several weird things which just seem......i dunno weird..like the same person in dreams over and over, but someone I havent met, but the continually say....save me...or hurt me... it depends on who they are.  Its kind of weird that I have so much bizzare dream activity because Im not really all that interested in dreams, and I dont really try or care to have these experiences.  Id much rather have more astral experiences.  *shrug*

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Grenade01, what you just wrote freaked me out.  I've been having premonitions about June since the beginning of the year.  It's made me so nervous, it's negatively affecting my waking life, to the point where my partner is telling me to CHILL OUT already.  So let's just pray that assassination dream was JUST A DREAM!  YEESH!

I too have repeat dreams of people I don't remember meeting in my "regular" waking life.  It seems as though someone (ME? MY OWN FEARS? AN ANCESTOR?) works real hard to make me forget . . . but I do remember the dreams sometimes.  In fact, there is this Victorian house I visit frequently . . . it has fairy rings and trees in the front yard.  Every one of those dreams feels like a family reunion!  Sometimes I wonder if these dreams are really OBEs.  Gee that would be nice.

About "attacks" . . . I do have to say that MOST "psychic attacks" are inflicted on ourselves, by ourselves.  We like to think that someone else is attacking us or interfering with our memories . . . because it makes us feel better, perhaps more interesting, perhaps less responsible for our bad nights or failed attempts at this-or-that. But face it . . . the odds of anyone out there disliking us enough, and powerful enough, to take the time and attention (and the vast amounts of energy that it takes)  to disturb or harm us is pretty infinitesimal.  

Blocking dreams, I dunno.  Perhaps there are entities (perhaps dutiful ancestors out there) who are interested enough in us, and in our forgetting our dreams, to actually take the time.  After all, it's so EASY.  Like distracting a toddler with an ice cream cone.

I suppose any other discussions about dreaming or psychic self defense would be better redirected to the psychic defense forum . . . or the lucid dream forum . . . instead this OBE forum . . . oops.




Hi, all

Interesting turn in this thread.

First off, thanks for the advice on regaining control of my dreams.

I agree that alot of what people think is "attacks" is a battle with themselves of some sort. And they end up creating there own viscious circles.

I was not (in this post) looking for help with that. And for what its worth, people more skilled than myself are helping us. ;->

Interesting about the premonitions you have been describing. Mine are full on clips of life I have yet to live (most anyway), and do not have the symbology behind them that your have. There is nothing to "figure out". And the quality/texture of them is very unique. I just know when it is a premonition. On the other hand I get alot of symbology in the way of warnings, that takes more to figure out.

Best wishes all.


Tisha: Your cool Hahah

I thought I'd go into more depth with what I meant by the weird people because well...the family reunion thing you mentioned kind of reminds me of exactly what Im talking about.

Often I get a feeling from people in my dreams that I just know them.  Most often I have this female presense which seems very loving ..in a weird way..like its a motherly take care of you way, but at the same time its also a very sexual way..but not at all like a relationship way. Anyway I experience this presense the most...she often saves me in my dreams (even though sometimes she will take different faces I always recognise her).  I also have a presense of someone who often tries to drug me...he doesnt usually try to harm in in any physical way..he just trys to drug me...and to keep me from doing whatever im trying to do in my dream...often I feel like im really actually *stoned* in the dream and my memory will suck during these periods of being drugged..I dont like the feeling I get around this person... but i recognise it almost as well as the female vibes... there is a couple other minor ones that make appearances in my dreams...but these two seem to be very personal
I wanted to talk more about them because often times I will have crazy wacky dreams that make no sense and are completely bizzare..but the one (or sometimes two) thing(s) that feel completely real are these people (or rather whats behind the mask of these people)
I cant explain the vibes...but like you said ..they feel like family..even the guy who trys to drug me often ...he feels like he's related to me in some deep way...
i dont understand it because they appear so often in my dreams and like i said even if the faces are different ...i know its them

I guess I cant really explain to you how ....big a thing this is for me.  Im not that interested in dreams... (think i mentioned that) but its such a strong vibe I get...I cant resist contimplating it a lot.  I swear to god its such a strong strong vibe...it freaks me out a lot

often when the female chick vibe leaves..I try to chase her..I really dont want to leave her..

people talk about spirit guides all the time..hell maybe its my spirit guide (if they exist)... ive asked to have contact a million times ..but i think my sceptacism keeps me from it ..if its real...I dunno but there are a few other nuetrel vibe people as well that appear rarely

sorry to ramble on...and sorry about my spelling/grammer
this is a horrible post hahaha

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Grenade01, I just sent you a private message - but I'm not sure if it got to your box right because I kept getting the message that my user id or password was wrong . . . but I know it was right . . . so let me know if you didn't receive it ok?




didn't get your pm
sure you spelled it Grenade Zero One

I pm'ed you
so i think you can reply to that

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Hi, all

I have a couple of questions maybe someone can help with.

Does anybody have some advice on remembering dreams? I know about dream journals, but this has not been as successful as I had hoped. I have strong reason to believe semi-successful attempts were made to block my dreams. This started around the first time I started a dream journal. (7-8 years ago) The majority of dreams I remember now come if I wake up in them. Usually from trying to do to much, or pulling myself out of them.

In the times I do remember, a percentage of them I have taken control, and worked towards specific goals, on a couple of occasions waking myself up by trying to gather to much energy to complete the task at hand. These are tied into the attacks and attempts on us that started 8-10 years ago. I do not always recoginize it as a dream. Is there a way to do that? (Or increase your chances?)

There is good evidence that my dreams were blocked (including others related to this) to keep us from becoming aware of what was happening. Almost everyone involved in this has some form of precongenitive dreams. All of the really strong people were blocked around the same time I was.

It is important to me to remember this stuff, I have been told that I am accomplishing more than I am conciously aware of by other people we have contacted for help. It is not very often that attempts are made while I am fully concious, and since the inception of NEW, these have stopped.

Thanks in advance for any help.