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Beware Evil Magic

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Well said and well put.  You are right on the money as usual, brother.


damn i've seen you posting a lot of good thoughts lately


as someone who's used "dark" energies, i really must say in it's defense: the energy in itself is not evil. it does have an effect on humans' psyche and spirits, an effect that may be considered negative by those who think that only goodness can produce good things.

and it certainly can ... consume peoples' minds, but no more than "white" energy can. the only difference is that people who are consumed by "positive" energies are normally more caring and compassionate about others, while those consumed by "negative" energies tend to become more self-centered and discompassionate towards other peoples' pains.

however, there is nothing inherently evil about being self-centered or discompassionate, as long as it does not become harmful to others. just as there is nothing wrong with being outgoing and compassionate, as long as it does not become harmful to others.

i have seen people who have become too consumed by "goodly" energies and feelings, and those who could not control it quickly became ineffectual at doing anything other than surrendering to the physical bliss of their experiences.

likewise i have seen people who have become too consumed by "evil" energies and feeling, and those who could not control it quickly became slaves to their more base desires and instincts.

but i have also seen strong people who were not consumed by those energies, but were able to harness them to incredible effect. i have seen "good" energy used towards evil ends, and i myself have used "evil" energy towards good effects.

actually, i have used both types of energies to fairly good effect, but have also been consumed by both types of energy (each in its time), so believe me when i say that it's not the energy that makes a difference but whether the person using the energy can control it or not.



that is the truth of what he speaks i have people in my school who use magic for both good and evil, but they are both just as bad.  The main point is that as long as you control them you are still ok.


Hello, i'm new. I joined in september.
Black M agic is evil, trust me I looked at a B. Magic book before, and I almost puked in discust. I am a White Mage, I practice W. Magic.
I was battling a B. Mage before, and I just won. It was the most gruesome fight ever. His powers were immense. I had to use some Wizardry to fight, as well. It was hard, but I won.  The Sapphrite, you are really cool. thanx for the info.


Ummmmmmmmmmmm boys ............. fantasy school games and "DBZ" don't count for much here.  There is no such thing as a 13 year old magician, white or black.  Get it?  Good.  As long as you get this, we can talk about magic.  Otherwise, the DBZ forum is over THERE, in the Energy section.

The conventional wisdom on White (right hand path) and Black (left hand path is thus:

1. To use the abundant power of the universe to do "good" is White or Right-Hand Path.

2. To use sorcery to influence the minds and wills of fellow human beings, in order to serve our own needs, is "black" or Left-Hand Path.

If you ask me, BOTH paths are pretty dreary.  "White" magicians delude themselves that they're doing "good" when in fact they're just using sorcery methods to get what they want, same as the black magicians, since they define "good" in whatever way suits them.  And "black" magicians, in addition to making lousy friends, put on such ridiculous airs (with their black clothing and matching sneers)that they're completely laughable.  

Both factions derive great satisfaction from "battling" each other, not realizing how alike they are, and how ridiculous they look to the REAL magicians who actually GET IT.


[:D][:D] heh i'm not refering to DBZ. I never do. I've been practicing for 4 years in magic, and have studied white magic for 2 years. W. Magic, if you look, has mostly healing spells. B. Magic, on the other hand, is practised by Satanists. It is pure evil and destruction.


very true (and funny[:D]), tisha.

but don't send the dbz'ers to the energy forum[xx(]. the last thing the energy forum needs is for little kids to claim they're experts at creating ideas for energy blasts *eventhough they can't actually do them*[B)]. i can't tell you how many times i've seen someone write an idea about "a tech they just made up" and then, in the same post, say how they can't do it but for others to try it out anyway[V].

the great thing about robert bruce's work is that he actually gets something to work AND THEN writes about it (ie, the N.E.W. system).

but anyway, i guess i'm done ranting (sorry for getting off topic[|)])



hello dragon warrior !

W. Magic, if you look, has mostly healing spells. B. Magic, on the other hand, is practised by Satanists. It is pure evil and destruction.

Tisha is right. I distinguish between the two as follows....magic that affects yourself is white magic; if it affects others, it is black magic.
I'll Name You The Flame That Cries


Black, White, blah, can't we all just get along? [;)]
Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


When are people gonna learn there is nothing called good and evil.

These are just concepts created by the human mind long ago.


Hello Everyone
  The person who does the magic has an intent on what they are going to do. The intent to the magic makes it where it is negative or positive. It is true whether you affect others or not. Forcing magic upon someone without their permission makes it negative also. Healing spells or anything else to help others needs the person's permission to work properly.
  Trying to harm someone has long reaching consequences. The magicians that do it just do not see what it does to their energetic system. Magical attack methods also are harmful to others whether they are hurting you or not. The worse part is that they can be reversed so by the end of the battle the person you are trying to kill is yourself.
   Magic is transforming yourself so you are closer to God. It is not about more power and who you can kick the brains out of to win a battle. You get back what you put into it. It is why it is important to try to study all methods and understand things. I don't care for certain teachers or styles either but that is because it is not for me.
  Crowley does leave traps in his works for unwary students who do not study properly. I also do not like his enochian system because you can not control what you get when you use it. It is to chaotic for me. I want to get the proper energies I can use.


I'm going w/ nita on this one. Nita, I read your articles about magic! I liked the defence articles the best.


The "Black Arts" was always a reference to conjuring up the dead, elemental spirits, Angels and the like. Conjuration and Evocation of spirits is basically what makes up the "Black Arts" or "Black Magick" where as "White Magick" seems to refer to drawing down power, absorbing and directing power, spells, healing, healing properties, invocation, enchantments etc.
In more recent times however, Black Magick has also acquired the definition of magick being used to destruct, defend oneself or another, use for combatative purposes, and other uses for magick in that area. White Magick has acquired the definition of magick used for healing, construction, creation, sheilding, blessings, etc.
However, also in more recent years, circa 1980's, the terms have been defined white magick="good" magick and black magick="evil" magick or "bad" magick. However both have nothing to do with right or wrong, good or evil. If you used magick to attack one person for the sake of 30 then it would still be black magick. If you used white magick to take someone out of a coma so you prolong their suffering and they suffer their pain consciously, then it would still be white magick.

he conventional wisdom on White (right hand path) and Black (left hand path is thus:

1. To use the abundant power of the universe to do "good" is White or Right-Hand Path.

2. To use sorcery to influence the minds and wills of fellow human beings, in order to serve our own needs, is "black" or Left-Hand Path.

This is untrue. Plenty of followers of the left-hand-path use both white magick and black magick.


Tisha is right. I distinguish between the two as follows....magic that affects yourself is white magic; if it affects others, it is black magic.

So healing somebody else is black magick?

Hello, i'm new. I joined in september.
Black M agic is evil, trust me I looked at a B. Magic book before, and I almost puked in discust. I am a White Mage, I practice W. Magic.
I was battling a B. Mage before, and I just won. It was the most gruesome fight ever. His powers were immense. I had to use some Wizardry to fight, as well. It was hard, but I won. The Sapphrite, you are really cool. thanx for the info.

If you were both fighting each other using magick, then you were BOTH using black magick. Anyone can see the problem with only practising white magick fast...if you're only doing healing, creation, blessings etc, yet you have opened yourself into the fourth-dimension as a magus, what do you expect to do when you are under attack from a seperate entity? uh-oh. No black magick?
The reason why the "Black Mage" had immense power is becuase he had worked at defending himself and empowering himself.
And as for the Sapphrite said it yourself, you are new to magick. You advised us to never touch black magick ever, funnily enough in your description of when you came under attack, its black magick that would have saved you...


I see you are enjoying the older threads on the forums..[:D]

I still can't tell if you are trying to start up old arguments though, so I'll let you have at it.[;)]



Hello all,

Can someone please give a clear definition of the distinction between black and white magic.  Some seem to be saying its the intention of the operator while others the source.  Nita has also added the recipients approval to the equation.  

I have read in some new age forums, although I do not in any way subscribe to this type of practices, that they send "light" and "love" to people in need of healing and under attack.  If this were done without the person's permission could it be considered black magic?  What if such things were directed towards a more global scale ei. "light" and "love" for earth?  It would be difficult I think to get everyone's permission for this [:D]

What of sources, if I call on a Demon to heal someone with their permission?  Would this be black magic only b/c of its source?

What of karmic consequences? Can the Wiccan Reed be true?  If I'm suicidal would it be better if I laid a death spell on someone else?  If one death spell can kill then it times three sounds guaranteed.  

I read and hear a lot of words like right wrong good and evil without clear boundaries as to what those words mean.  It seems that they have different meaning to different people.  "NOTHING IS TRUE, ALL IS PERMITTED", I think it was Crowley who said that.  But ambiguous nonetheless; note that because something is permitted is not the same as to say that it is good or advisable.  There must be hundreds of magic books out there, and just as many "systems" or classifying good and evil, right and wrong, black magic and white magic.  

Maybe I'll test out that wiccan reed and hex my friend a sex slave, who knows, maybe I'll be punished by the lords of karma by giving me three.  [:P]



Power without wisdom is dangerous.  Very dangerous.

Imagine you want to Heal someone.  You build up a good amount of power and Zap them with love and healing, without their knowldge.  Oh, did you know they had a severe heart condition and anxiety issues?  Can you imagine what they might be feeling when the healing whammy hits?  What you might induce?  You can kill with love.

Now not 15 minutes ago a co-worker left her in an Ambulance.  She had sharp pains in her back and side.  Did I say "I'm a metaphysical healer, let me check your Aura"?  No.  I gave her a calming boost directly to the Heart Chakra (with Zero prep time, read my prior posts concerning storing energy for emergencies).  It didn't seem to be a heart attack, I was under the impression is a problem with her kidneys (later confirmed).  So techniquely I violated some tennents, but not in spirit.  I "did no harm", it was the right thing to do at the right time!

What is 'white' and what is 'black'?  For me that's easy, it's intent.  Leaning on a noisey child in the grocery to stop crying isn't the same as an infatuation spell(to make a sex slave).  Besides, I never do energy work that I would be concerned with it it bounced.  Think about that, what if something bounced back?  Since I mostly Heal, that's NOT a big deal.  Now if you mostly Hex, get used to being screwed up...
There is a physical limitation upon how much light a human body can sustain. Interestingly, there is no limit on how much light a human vessel can generate. When fully enlightened you must instill your light in order to maintain its wisdom.


I don't know how to define black vs. white magick, but "Nothing is true, everything is permitted" were the last words of Hassan i Sabbah, a Muslim of the early 2nd millenium and the founder of the Cult of Assassins. It is one of the mottoes of modern Chaos Magicians, with the general idea being "don't take anyone's word for anything- try things yourself and use what works for you."


Can someone please give a clear definition of the distinction between black and white magic. Some seem to be saying its the intention of the operator while others the source. Nita has also added the recipients approval to the equation.

White magic=energies used to heal, create or construct. Could also be blessings and possibly enchantments.

Black magic=energies use to destruct and directly attack. Energies used for defence of yourself or others.

It really has nothing to do with right or wrong, good or evil. Good and evil are relatve, evil is in the eye of the beholder. There seems to be confusion about what is "black magick" and what is "white magick" because people are constantly associating them with right and wrong, light and dark. So in effect its an argument of "what is the wrong thing to do with magic". You could certainly use white magick to harm someone, like Rastus was saying. And obviously you could use black magick to help people.
Black and White magick are not two seperate energies, and black + white magick do not depend on the source. If you asked a demon to heal somebody, and they did, that would be "white magick" (but you would not be the one doing magick). As you can probably see if you ask an american congressmen who is evil in the world he might tell you "north korea, osama binladen and alqeida", etc. Then you might ask Osama Binladen or a member of Alqeida and they will say "The americans. The western powers and the western corporations". Good and Evil is only relative, they are in the eye of the beholder. Be aware of this,

It is one of the mottoes of modern Chaos Magicians, with the general idea being "don't take anyone's word for anything- try things yourself and use what works for you."

And seeing trying out things for yourself instead of just being told what to do by others is imperative. You must find yourself, what satisfies you and what proves to be the truth for YOU.

What of karmic consequences? Can the Wiccan Reed be true? If I'm suicidal would it be better if I laid a death spell on someone else? If one death spell can kill then it times three sounds guaranteed.

The Wiccan rede has virtually nothing to do with Karma.

Maybe I'll test out that wiccan reed and hex my friend a sex slave, who knows, maybe I'll be punished by the lords of karma by giving me three.

Karma has nothing to do with three. This is a bastardisation.


you can use Reiki to empower a hex.
as below, so above


you just use your aura. Concentrate until you can sense it and then programme it to do what you want. In this case you want in to either completel kill or destroy your target or cause hassel bad luck for someone. For killing you focus with as much gut wrenching hate as possible and place black around your victim, its best done when they're sleeping. For just causing them bad luck and grief imagine grey energy around them. Then you cleanse yourself afterwards, with white light as hot as fire. Do it for the charka that the energy came out of, keep focusing until its sealed up with white hot light. This will protect you from any residual/rebound energies if there are any. People attempt "hexes" and then they say that they had alot of bad stuff happening to them after, because they didn't cleansing themselves afterwards. They blame it on the "law of three".
The most important thing in a "spell" is your mind, nothing else.


aryanknight666, I like the way you think [8D]



White magic? Black magic? Battle against good and evil magicians?

Grow up!!

This topic should be renamed "Ramblings of an idiot" or something to that effect.

