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Qui-Gon Jinn

You´re right, most deodorants isn´t very healthy either...  there are natural alternatives though, I read about some sort of rock you ´put on´, haven´t tried it but sounded like an idea..

  You heard about fruitarians? People who only eat fruits and nuts and stuff that plants and trees give off, I heard an interview some months ago on radio with one of swedens around 50 fruitarians I think it was, and he said he and his family who all were fruitarians, didn´t use shampoo, didn´t use tooth paste, and some other stuff.... he said the hair got used to not being shampoed and after a while got back to a sort of a prime state, guess the diet helps to...  and tooth paste, hadn´t used it for years - and hadn´t had one single problem, not a hole, since he give that up (used a tooth brust though)......   I don´t know..   but you know, they didn´t have these sort of stuff thousands of years ago -and well they seemed to manage just fine...  and todays human being can not have changed that much from a "biological make-up" perspective....   of course people think they need it, but then again, those industries (cosmetic and the likes) are massive and when it comes to big $$$, there will be big $$$ put in to the "propaganda"...   don´t get me wrong, keeping a good hygiene is important, but it can easily go to far in terms of using all sorts of products out there...

   Take care //Qui-Gon

- Your focus determines your reality -


I don´t know.. but you know, they didn´t have these sort of stuff thousands of years ago -and well they seemed to manage just fine...

People also only lived until they were 30.  If they were lucky.

Also most head gear is not good either.  But its a minor thing.  They don't allow your head to breath as good and can cause the creeping forehead.

I used to have a mo-hawk for a long time.  I actually works very well for me.  I never did the spiky thing though.

David Rogalski

distant bell

Originally posted by cainam_nazier:

People also only lived until they were 30.  If they were lucky.

Actaully. I´m not so certain about this.. the people who reached adult age ususlly lived pretty long . It is the larg number of child deaths that gets the statistics down.. and today we have wery few child deaths, thus the avarage age of people seems higer. Yes, there have been times when people usually died at thirty- but there have also been times when people lived long and healthy lifes...

by, the way- there are many tribes today that live like people lived thousand of years ago.. and they live long healthy lives. Look at the aborigines in australia or the natives of the amazonas...

Just some food for the thought!

-- Love is the Law - Love under Will --


Yes people have gotten a long just fine for a long time without all this crap we have now. It is for the most part propaganda. But they are also helpful too. The problem is that the industry wants you to use more than is needed so you will buy more. I remember watching something on tv that said that toothpaste used to have just a little tiny slot for the paste to come out but now they have big holes. Also if you read on the box it says to just use a tiny pee sized amount on your toothbrush but in the comericials they put it all over the top of the brush. Which do you think people are going to do, if they even read the box, or are they going to do what they see on tv everyday. I have heard the shampoo thing alot before. Think about it, how long have humans gone without using shampoo. Hygene is important, but I think it is not needed as much as we are lead to believe today.

Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way.


"by, the way- there are many tribes today that live like people lived thousand of years ago.. and they live long healthy lives. Look at the aborigines in australia or the natives of the amazonas... "

This is true but they are also living out in nature and there for are not exposed to the same things as those living in a city.  This also applied to the past.  Yes the people living largly out side of towns did just fine but the larger group of people who lived in the cities and towns had a much higher fatality rate at all ages.   The more people and buildings you put in one spot generally lowers the life expectancy to a certain point.  The primary way around this is fresh water and proper sewage and agrbage removale.  These were the leading causes of deaths back then.  Rubbage and refuse tossed in the streets because people had not place else to throw it.  Also the lack of "fresh" water was a problem.  Wells are great and all but you have to be carefull what gets tossed into them as well.  Today we, in the cities, use technology to minimize desieses.  People who live out side of towns and cities learn to take care of this on thier own.  If they don't they die, and those that get left behind learn the lesson.

David Rogalski

distant bell

Today I did it! I trimmed my hair down to a few millimeters- and it feels wery good! It feels like a grat relife- even thoug I prefere longer hair opticaly.
I feel like shaving it of  totaly..but that might be over doing it. I think it will actaully feel better during meditation.


-- Love is the Law - Love under Will --


Told yah." border=0>

David Rogalski
I am he who walks in the light but is masked by the shadows.


An odd question mirly for amusement and philisophical disscusion.

Bald or not bald.

Does one give you better "reception"?

I have noticed slightly improved "reception" and or clearer controll over certain things.    It sounds odd but it is however true.  I used to have long hair but it as been getting gradually shorter and now I am at a point of taking a Bic to every couple of days.  

So is there any truth to it?  Or is it phsycological?  

How many people shave thier heads?  Or pull thier hair pack when working on Psi?

"All men die, but not all men truely live."

David Rogalski