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Zeta Project: Zeta conversations - and questions

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thanx soosoo much for asking my question. A thousand bigillion thank yous.  and to all other ppplz whos questions got answered, they say thank you too.[;)]


6) Im currently reading the work of an Indian mystic called osho, since he is somewhat controversial, could you tell me is he indeed was an enlightened master?

Z: We do not use the term 'enlightened master'; he is also made to be more than he is. This does not mean he is not wise, or does not know about spirituality; but the make-up of how this turns out in life is indeed controversial and more a facade.
E: Err... would you recommend him?
Z: No.
E: What did you mean by facade?
Z: What he does is more talk than anything else. It is a smooth spiritualism, but not deep. He can convince people, he has his followers, but we don't approve the way he's doing it.

The guy is dead. Is it possible to channel him ?

PS : have you read the accompanying book to the osho tarot cards - the deck that was created after Rajneesh's death. This book, sold separately, is composed of several transcripts of his speaches.

The Insight series is fine for the most part.
The Book of secrets is very good reading.
Here is an interesting link :

Osho didn't deny that what he presented had contradictions.
Of course he was clever. Of course he was not enlightened.
Osho was the master of rethoric, but he had many interesting things to say.

Read the critics too, espescially Cadler :


Risu no Kairu, Mayatnik suggest you make a pendulum as described in his Complete Dowsing Course in the AP Library, to find the one you've lost :-)

E: Oops, I'm late by a few minutes, are the Zeta waiting?
P: Yes, they are ready to start the show. Here you go.
Z: Hi. Nice to see you.
E: I'll just begin. Or do you have anything to say?

Z: Yes, we do. We'll talk about Nibiru and what is going on at the moment. This planet is closer than you think, and his influence is now really growing more and more apparent. You see quakes in areas where it isn't usual at all. You have crazy weather going out of common patterns in many places. We would advise people who want to know what is going on to do several things: watch for sunset and sunrise times and note the irregularities. Note comets in the sky that are not behaving as expected. The orbit of the earth is already affected by Nibiru, and it will not take a long time until it is clearly visible. There are predictions for comets, when they should appear, and how bright. If they come too early or too late, there could be some irregularity in earth's orbit. Such signs are more and more visible.
E: More?
Z: This is just the message 'keep your eyes open', as now things are getting more apparent. You can go on to the questions now.

Euphoric_Sunrise: The Bermuda Triangle - is there anything "out of the ordinary" there, and if so, what is it?

Z: Yes, there is. There are stories of things going on and there is something that lies at the foundation of those stories. The earth is a complicated body where many different particles and energies are involved that make up earth. Such particle streams can affect matter and change it's qualities. What is happening in the Bermuda Triangle is that an influence that is normally kept at the inside of the earth is leaking to the surface which results in matter being affected. So it happens that things can just disappear there.
E: They really disappear?
Z: Yes, they are at a different density level then.
E: And come back in any way?
Z: Because this scenario is not in any way controlled many things there get 'lost'.
E: Controlled in what way?
Z: Affecting matter so switch densities must be made in an environment where all parameters are set regarding what to transport and where to. If this is not done properly, it gets all jumbled up.

Do you consider the events described in Carlos Castaneda's books where he is a student of the Indian don Juan to be true?

Z: Not true in a literal sense. But true in a sense that you can learn many things from it. It gets you thinking along important lines. Many things are presented in a 'mystic' way that exactly gets the message across.

Are the things that are said in the book "Bringers of the Dawn" by Barbara Marciniak really channeled by the Pleiadians? If so, is the intention of the Zetas and other races helping Earth that it will return to being a centre of information, inhabitants being the librarians?

Z: Yes, they are from the pleiadians. Rougly said: yes, earth will be a centre of information.
E: What does that mean?
Z: You carry parts of all the galaxy in you, and the animals around you too. Things have been put together in your environment, the results of aeons of evolution.
E: And what is meant by librarians?
Z: Keeping the information alive and accessing it. This is what you will be doing.
E: In the literal sense, like in a library dusting off books?
Z: No, by living. By having emotions, by having experiences, by being connected to the whole universe.

What happened with that rocket or bomb that supposedly enganged the launch sequence by itself and then stopped? Was that caused by ET involvement?

Z: Which one are you talking of?
E: In order to channel something about an issue, I would have to have a rough idea of what is meant :) ... did ETs ever stop any bombs or rockets?
Z: Yes, this is done not so infrequently.

I think i remember reading that governments all over the world have contact with ETs and are sometimes in contact with Reptilians. If you can, could you tell me how the Australian government is involved with ETs, if at all?

Z: The australian government is aware of both negative and positive alien presence.
E: Was there much interaction?
Z: No, only covertly and cautiously trying to find out things, but no big efforts.
E: But they talked to each other?
Z: Yes.
E: You too were involved?
Z: Yes.
E: Does the government there has any ... difficulties with aliens?
Z: Yes, they do; there are some things going on there that the government doesn't like. The aliens want to be undisturbed.

Who were the brown skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired beings with Dolphin pendants who came from the star Orion and built the pyramids and temple sites in Austraila described by the Aboriginies?

Z: They were of extraterrestrial origin.
E: Was it you?
Z: No. They were friendly and teached the Aboriginies some things.
E: Any other ideas what I could ask about them?
Z: Oh, we can talk a bit. You don't know them, but they have been around for a while. They are presently too present around earth.
E: Are the depictions of the Aboriginies accurate?
Z: Not in every detail, some things were altered deliberately.

Orcher: Q1: If Jesus never crucified, then how was the end of his story?

Z: Jesus was crucified.

Q2: Whats your opinion about animals as our nourishment?

Z: It's okay to eat them. Many people need the nourishment they get from meat. It would be possible to switch to a vegetarian diet over time, but not from one day to the next. The problem is not with eating meat but with how the animals are treated.

Q3: Is everything written in approved by you, and accurate information?

Z: Yes. It is not this group of us doing this channeling who are working together with Nancy, but they are equally working at our side. Same 'department', different group.

Q4: How long times will the 4D take to be totally accomplished? And when will the most notice that they are ascending to the 4D?

Z: It will take several decades, about 70 years. Many people are noticing it even now with changes in their awareness, in their dreams, their emotions etc., and this will increase. The most will notice it in 10 years.

Q5: What is your next plan to do?

Z: We have several issues going on all at once. Channeling will continue, as will our work with people in helping to astral project at times, or in guiding. Crop circles will continue.
E: Are you responsible for the crop circles?
Z: After all we're flying the saucers. We are preparing some stuff that will be helpfull in clearing the environment and gradually accomplishing the shift in 4d, which needs a lot of work from our side. The genetic engineering project in regards to the hybrids is always reaching new stages of development.

Q6: If you (and maybe Edi fuzziwis) are leaving this forum soon, how would we reach you else if we have something more to ask? (I really enjoy your present here).

E: I am not leaving, and am reachable by mail and MSN at the moment.
Z: We, the Zetas, are always available for questions on the zetatalk website, however, not to the extent that is possible here to dig around every single question that is asked. Nancy is busy and we cannot answer everything through her, and only relevant and important issues are being handeled at zetatalk.

Q7: Can I (from Sweden) see the planet X with my naked eyes as a star in the night? If so, which position, and how bright is it?

Z: This won't be easy, because planet X is in the direction where your sun is.
E: Directly, or somewhere around there?
Z: It's not exactly in front of the sun, but it is far from being in the middle of the night sky.
E: Any ideas on how to see it?
Z: Looking at the sun directly is not a good idea.
E: It's a bit ... bright.
Z: Dark sunglasses or paper screens could be useful.

Q8: Where is the planet X located right now?

Z: Somewhere around, but not exactly between sun and earth. Rougly. But in any case, closer to the sun than the earth is.

Q9: Are the US government aware of the Planet X approaching? Have they been able to capture any pictures of it?

Z: Of course.

Q10: I wrote same part of my sisters dream story in "Welcome to Prophecy & Divination" directory, does it have to do with the pole-shift?

Z: It was a dream that is similar to the kind of dream many people have. This is what we have already said about "emotional preparation". You can't come around with the truth to people. You you present things in dreams to get them acquainted with ideas. Such dreams don't have to be taken literally, and we can comment on some of the symbols in that dream you wrote of. 'The sun getting small and with an intense colour': this means something unusual in the sky. Keeping an eye open for what is going on above, curious about the sun. 'Scared and full of anxiety': Why scared? It was just a dream. And even if it was real, you couldn't do anything about it. The world is safe to some extent, but it's not the comfort zone most people would like to have. So this 'scaring' only serves to make people less tense about the unknown. 'She knew that she where going to die, she was very shocked and crying after her mother which was lost': this doesn't mean your mother will die. Relationships can be ripped apart in chaos and people brought away from each other during chaos. If this happens, it can take some time to find back to your family. Again, the dream serves the purpose of thinking about the possibility of not having anyone near who is closely related to you and understanding and looking after you. 'Death' means often death of old structures in every sense, not physical death. 'the police was running away': even the ones who are seen normally to be in charge of all situations by many people cannot do anything against a pole-shift. They would be well advised to keep calm, but panic is almost unavoidable if information is repressed. 'one of here friend trying to hit here with a plank with a nail on it': when people are panicking you never know what they will do. This just means to be careful with all around you when things get difficult because many will just not have the nerves to deal with the situation.

Q11: If I really want you to appear for me, Or at least have a gleam of you. Would you really do that? Or you are to busy for that?

Z: We don't do it on request. It's not time for that now.

Q12: So how well informed are the whole Zeta population of this event? (Our conversation in this forum). If all Zeta folks and other unknown extraterrestrial folk is watching, and following those events, Then a GREETING to you all from me!!

Z: They are well informed. It was stated after the first channeling by Edi that it reached a 'mass audience'. Whatever is discussed here is relayed to a big part of the Zeta who are currently present around earth. It also reaches others of our species who are interested in what is going on here. See it like a special column in a newspaper. Those conversations get tailored to an appropriate representation that can be given to other beings, Zetas and others. You grettings are welcome.

taom1234: Thank you for your answer. This question is not a test, but what was the shift in consciousnes that propelled me to become "steady"? I am still confused by this as I really don't know what made this major change.

Z: It is natural for many people. There was not a special incident that changed your consciousness. It has to do with finishing certain things in life and moving on to the next stage of exploration. This major change came about by having a quick evolution in your youth where you experienced enough to have some freedom of exploration now, being less restricted.

Also, how many stages of the heart are there really in terms of spirituality and is steady something to be happy about, or is it just a minor evolvment?

Z: What do you mean by stages of the heart? You can devide a life (or the heartly aspect of it) in many stages. Early childhood development, realation to others, love relationships, compassion for all of humanity, for everything; those could be 'stages'. However, development is individual and does not follow a strict set of stages. You are not growing linearly, step by step, but in all directions, working at all sides, somewhat multidimensionally. Because of this it is often not easy to see progress. If you focus on a sphere, imagine a perfect round sphere, with no wobbled on the surface. Say you have a certain amount to 'add' to this sphere, and you add it in once certain place. You will clearly see it stick out of the surface, and you can see "oh, something has changed, something has grown". But if you distribute what you add all over the spere, it will only grow very little in radius and almost no change will be noticed. This is what is happening with you now: You are building on all sides of your life (the sphere in this metaphor), a bit here, a bit there, but not so much that really big process can be noticed. You process on the one hand by adding thin layers to your sphere (which means, you have no big holes to fill out in order to get a round sphere), and on the other hand by stabilzing what you are up to now. You can be happy about your present state, but don't try to put it into a fixed set of stages. It's a temporary condition which will grow to other stages of development as time progresses.

Hephaestus: 1) The Zetas say I should use Crystals that are in tune with and energizing my third chakra, at the solar plexus. Im not good at finding this stuff out, can you tell me which specific chrystal I should use please? and how I should use it? as I want to give it a try.

Z: The colour is a good indicator. The emotional aspect of the third chakra is associated with the colour yellow. This means that yellow crystals are generally what you should look out for. Yellow, golden, honeylike. There are clear and dull ones, and you should use clear ones. It will help to focus energy like a lens and to show the third chakra what 'yellow' is all about. This means it will help in tuning in to the energies the third chakra is supposed to deal with and to increase the energy flow which will result first in issues popping up in your life that were before emotionally suppressed and put aside in the third chakra, and then in having those issues resolved and cleared. Such a clearing can be as easy as remembering a 'bad' situation, feeling for once all the shame or pain you associate with it until it is felt out, and then it you won't bother you anymore. Use the crystals by keeping them near your solar plexus, for example when lying in bed. Don't let them be there all night - a possibility would be to have a crystal there a few minutes each morning and then see what things are coming up during the night. A time of 10-20 minutes is enough to use the crystal. You can carry it in a pocket if you want to have a gentle subtle influence throughout the day.
E: Is it important to use a specific crystal? How are they called... amber, citrin.
Z: Those are both fine. The fine tuned use is not so important at the moment, so the rough description we gave above is sufficient.

2) What should I do to improve my none existant telekinetic ability?

Z: Concentrating the will, if you want to attempt it. Holding images in your mind, having a clear focus, affirmations that it is possible will all work to some extent. But telekinesis is not something you're well equipped to do as a 3d human being.

3) Have you ever watched star trek? and if so what do you think to the idea of a United Federation of Planets? and is warp drive a real possibility?

Z: We are aware of star trek. It has many ideas of the 'real world'. There are all kinds of federations and organisational structures in the universe. Relating to a 'warp drive': it is possible to travel quickly over long distances. This has partly to do with moving at a higher density, where things are quite different in regards to what can be done. We can travel around your earth in a second.

5) What are these strange chemtrails that are being seen all around america all about?

Z: Chemical trails, put out in order to influence the ecosystem and human beings as well. This has been going on for several decades now, ever growing in numbers.

Kalonek: I got another question though that just came to me : After the "fusion" of both species, zetas and humans, what will be this new species ? Does it mean the "end" of human beings and zetas as individual species ? Or more like a new species but which will be closer to humans or to zetas (in this way one of us would disapear, absorbed by the other) ? Or just a third species but the two others will continue to go their own way ? Hope i get myself clear :-/

Z: Yes, it will mean the end of both 'old' species. It will be a new species where both parties contribute in equal ways. No species will absorb the other, and you will be quite happy with it, not losing any of your advantages or those things you are so happy to have, like sex.

E: Okay, that's it. Is everything fine what was written so far?
Z: It is. You can post it.
P: Yes, it is. Thanks for asking all the time.
E: Fine... goodbye to you Zetas, until the next time.
Z: Bye.
it's love you're looking for

Euphoric Sunrise

Thanks again for the quick reply, Edi. Sorry about that vague rocket question, i can't remember where it occured [xx(]
"The soul is never silent, but wordless"
* Emperor - The Tongue of Fire


Whit all the things that are going on lately I just want to say am thankful to you guys for doing this!


Dear Edi and Zetas,
Thank you for answering some of my questions.  There are certain terms in Divine realms of consciousness that are only known from higher guides.  This is why I asked you repeatidly some questions.
Would it be correct to assume that you zetas are not from Divine realms of consciousness, but instead are beings who are technologically more advanced than us but not neccesarily spiritualy more advanced than some?

I have thinking about all the answers and it seems that you Zetas are learning as we are learning.  Are you maybe very developed in your minds but not your hearts, such as many of our scientists? There are so many Alien species perfoming terrible experiments on humans and I sometimes think about our scientist here on earth. If we let them loose in a spaceship they would do the same thing becasue most of them do not have any knowledge or connection with their spritual nature becasue of they way they have been brain washed by their education.

I am aware of the intergalatic presence protecting our Planet, but at the same time, it seems so many Aliens can do as they please here as well, so I am not sure as too what type of protection is being implemented.

Thanks to both Edi and the Zetas for always taking the time to answer our questions.


E: Perena, is all set up and ready to channel the Zeta?
P: Yes, they are ready to begin.
E: Is the 'link' already up?
P: No, I only open it and connect you when it is time and when you agree to. If you do not wish to talk to the Zeta, no connection is made.
E: Can any being interfere with the channeling?
P: No, I am watching about it all the time. It is ensured that strict parameters are held and no interference distorts the communication. All that is taking place is only between myself, you and the Zeta. I am administrating the contact.
E: Would channeling be dangerous or problematic if I would just 'open up' to anything?
P: This would be blind and would indeed cause problems sooner or later. It is important to be conscious of such contacts all the time and to set them up and close them explicitely. I serve the purpose of being your guide in this because you know me well. I can also ensure you that I have control over what reaches you and what not, so nothing can interfere with our communication as long as you are stable from your side. This is why your attitude in channeling is important. I protect you at all times in order to ensure that the connection is correct and you are recieving correctly.
E: Fine... can we begin now?
P: Yes, I am linking you up now.
E: And here I see the Zeta in my mind's eye.
Z: Hi.
E: Here we go.

Devneil: 1. In October-November 2003, I've observed an UFO going down from the sky, whilst in my car close to my home. I wanted to know, if it was indeed an UFO? My pendulum told me it was, but i'm not sure about it. And if it was, was it a pleiadian/Zetas ship?

Z: Most of the UFOs that are seen are connected to us. This is because the service-to-self groups that are visiting earth are not so big in numbers as the service-to-others. We, the Zeta, are reponsible for flying those crafts, although not all technology comes from us. So what you have seen is very likely to be a Zeta ship.
E: Can you look it up anywhere what it was?
Z: Yes. We have 'logfiles' about all activies we perform. Your pendulum gave you the correct answer.

2. My guide, via my pendulum, informed me that the occupants of the vessels came to transmit a kind of mission to me. Do you know something about that?

Z: With the necessary grain of salt, of course. What this message was about it happened this way is also something you can find out. We can tell you it is a 'routine' job, and the expression of a 'mission' is not quite adequate. It was information that will aid you on a subconscious level.

3. Kalonek and I have the same background with the pendulum. But I would like to know if I use my pendulum correctly?

Z: The usage as it is in getting yes/no answers is correct in your use. But the rest needs improvement if you want to get proficient in communication this way. This has to do with the asking of questions and with the exploring of topics by that.

4. Recently, I've involved myself in developping telepathy. Two days ago, while i was "speaking" with my guide, without using the pendulum, I heard a response of a metal and female voice. I am not sure about that, but I would like to know if I am in the right way in regard to this development?

Z: What you are hearing is not so clear yet. Interaction will make clear who you are talking with. If you continue to do this, try to take each step slowly in order to build up knowledge step by step and not stepping into unknown fields too fast. That you heard a reponse is a clear sign that you have potential facilities to use for communication. Be moderate in taking too big jumps, though. The communication is done easily, but in your case it needs to be build up in a conscious way because it would be possible to float off and mispercieve things otherwise.
E: What do you mean by a conscious way?
Z: Talking in a way that puts what is heard in relation to what you know. What you assume. What you expect. There needs to be some smoothing done regarding some ideas or concepts so that exploration of those things can be done without too big obstacles. This smoothing is done by taking step by step, gradually but not too fast.

5. Has France an important relationship with Zetas or other aliens species ?

Z: No. They are aware of extraterrestrial presence (few people, we're talking about everything to do with government etc.) though. No interaction is done that would be worth considering.

6. On certain sites, ppl speak much about the Ummites letters. Are they real ?

Z: Yes, they are real.
E: Are they deliberate attempts to spread falsehoods?
Z: No. They are well-intentioned.
E: Does this intention come around the right way?
Z: Yes, it serves a purpose.
E: I don't know anything about those letters and what they contain, so I can't ask much about details or what they are about... so... what else to ask... are those letters ... to be taken at face value?
Z: No. What is important is the general message, not the details.

The prof: I would like to ask Zeta why i have been drawn here, in the fact that i have no previous experiance in this.

Z: This was an attraction in you that sparked interest in this forum. Experience is not needed, interest to consider new matieral is what counts. Many people are drawn to such things by following their intuition, like you. You were not deliberately, specifically drawn here, but it is an occurence that is natural for you now.

SeventhVirgo: 1.) How can two species be so advanced and not agree on the existance of bigfoot? Is the information on this subject based on observation? What I mean is, "do you no longer see bigfoot's footprints, no trace of it, and you assume that it no longer exists?" Or is the information factual? As in, " 'you' 'scanned' the entire earth and bigfoot ISN'T in existance anymore? " Or is the information provided by something higher? And the information comes shaped to fit the neccesisites of the person who asks, in a way that benifits? I'm just curious about how it all works... ( the 'flow' of knowledge, for you [zetas and reptillians].

Z: Apart from the other things, we consider first that if not enough questions are asked in order to explain details, implicit meaning could confuse the understanding in different people. Not everyone understands the same in what is said. This is why only asking further questions clears up misconceptions. Now about bigfoot: it is no surprise that not only humans, but also the reptilians are unaware of it's existence. This is because bigfoot is purposefully secluded from all interaction with others and left to themselves and their environment. This is a special learning experience for the incarnated entities. In this way, information about bigfoot is not spread around as it would only spark unnecessary interest. In keeping them secluded and alone, a purpose is served. In the same way, we are not aware of things that are just not made 'public' for everyone because there can be reasons where keeping information down serves a purpose. We happen to be in the position to know about bigfoot, the reptilians explained it from their perspective, which can't know any better. The information about all topics that are discussed is coming from various sources. The biggest part is the cummulative experience of the species that is being channeled. This influences what details are focussed upon, the viewpoint of the species regarding this issue also comes through. Then there is the case where it is not allowed to speak about certain topics to the extent that would be wished, so at some point we don't give more answers. This happens in cases were information could be misused to cause harm or where it would infringe upon free will. To have a better overview with some explanations, we would like to refer to you a recent posting made by Mayatnik at which talks about the role of channelings. There he explains that it is the perspective that matters and that all must be considered in order to get an idea of what could be going on. Channelings seem to contradict each other sometimes, more or less. Apart from causes in the nature of channeling, which has been explained too in some discussions on this forum, everyone who is channeled plays a certain role and presents a certain, specific aspect. This facet that is seen is however always only a small part of the truth. The channelings here are a small part. Other channelings are a small part. It all serves a purpose in education people by presenting certain information. Much is done by chosing certain foci and emphasis that is different from other channelings. So every channeling makes people thing about and research one certain aspect of 'truth', which explains why some channelings correlate more than others. It also happens that deliberate lies are put out if people are too careless and gullible in swallowing channelings. This is done to trip them up and wake them up. You can see this for example when you've read one channeled thing, and from a different source the exact opposite. That makes you think because you cannot 'believe' two things that clearly contradict each other, so you have to find better ways of sustaining your view of the world, or changing it.

2.) There is some discussion about you being "negative" spirtis or something... I don't see how this is, since you don't ask us to BELIEVE anything you say... and you don't feel negative (actually the people who accuse you of this are THE ONES who feel negative.) You asking us not to blindly believe in what you say, could possibly be there just to gain our trust... And it seems that you don't really want to comment on this... Maybe because, they aren't exactly questions... so I thought I'd make it into one (Again testing you, but not in the way of "what's the color of my cat's tail?." So could you please comment on this? Thanks :)

Z: What is trust for? Trust is when you believe that someone doesn't mislead you. Trust is when you hand over responsibility for your own life. If you trust us or not is really up to you, we are only here to give information that could make sense for many. We present things as we see them. We have explained above, and others also did, that you have to be careful in building up your perception of reality. No matter if we are negative or not, we couldn't harm anyone against their consent if we wanted to. This means, metaphorically, we can say "hit your head in the wall", and some people do that. It is always the actions and the thoughts of people who allow hurt.
E: Some people will object to that.
Z: This is not the assigning of guilt. We only say you can avoid all problems by your own effort. You can get out of every situation. The exchange of information takes place between all kinds of entities. This also means exchange of energy. There are laws governing those exchanges. From our point of view, we often see how people are overwhelmed with information that discomforts them and react in panic. This panic causes the problems. Is that putting guilt on someone? We don't think so. Recognize such reactions that are natural in development and deal with them.
E: But this was not really the topic, so let's go on.
Z: No matter what we explain about those things, there are so many conflicting perceptions and experiences that it can't be done with a few words or simple explanations. This has to be sorted out on a greater scale and we play the role of resisting the current position of many. This role is no 'joke' or 'trickery' but the simple result of our observations about such things and a clear view on how such things are best dealt with.

4.) I don't really know how advance your species really is, and I assummed that you are "so advanced" in my first question. Could you tell us a little about how advance your species is? I guess, relatively, one can be "VERY advanced" or be "just beginging"... I'm not sure, if you should answer this question in comparision to human kind's "advancement." But you're the smarter species, so you decide . Thanks :)

Z: Imagine yourself, on fourth density (well, that's hard to imagine), all humans working together. Shared goals, cooperation. Thousands of years of technological advancement, space travel to various planets in order to study what is going on there. We show interest in how life forms in 3d physical environments. We are spirit guides for people on earth where we are mostly guiding on a subconscious level, in the background. Other, more advanced beings have tasks we couldn't dream of doing. We have technology to deal with environmental problems and with illnesses effectively. We have a well structured society where greater goals always respect the need of the individual. Nobody is left unattended. We are beginning to be out of body regularly (many of us, not all) in our ways to explore the universe. However, we are still 'physical'. This means we are not SO different from you. The biggest difference is experience, which is expressed in technology and a smooth structure of what we are doing. We are dedicated to what we are doing and do our best at all times. Compared to you, we are advanced. But we are aware of beings who are far beyond our comprehension. We don't see ourselves as so much further than you, because we also learn things from you. We are just older in a sense.

3.) The other day (actually, yesterday), there was a power failure for a few minutes, after that there were several, at least 4, helicopters and maybe some planes heading in the same direction. My intuition, or possibly my "feelings," told me that it was more than just a simple power failure. Could you comment on this, please? Thank you...

Z: Whenever something 'strange' happens, such incidents are examined for possible involvements of foreign parties. This doesn't necessarily mean that some big thing was going on. We can tell you that in your case there was no 'alien involvement'. However there have been power failures that were caused by aliens in order to show the government that they are powerless and cannot do anything cooperate in a friendly way, or deny what is going on if they decide to. But they know by such examples that they cannot do what they want and cannot go on forever with denying alien contact.

E: Okay, it's time to stop.
Z: It is indeed. See you the next time then, this talking we had now was very nice.
E: I enjoyed it, too... bye!
Z: See you.

E: Perena, is the connection to the Zeta now closed?
P: Yes, it is. There is no exchange between you going on now and no link exists, which would be necessary for telepathic communication. You are fully seperated and don't influence each other. This means that this channeling session is finished.
E: Wonderful.[/
it's love you're looking for

Risu no Kairu

I recall the Zeta saying somerthing about 4D and "Real Time Zone" being similar...

So, this Fourth Density is where? Between 3D and "Real Time Zone?"

In an astral projection people skip 4d and go above it?

Where do these density levels and these "planes" all fit into each other?
I need a signature that isn't stupid. :/


Did you Zetas write what is known as "The Urantia Book"?


Question: Why is there a fleet of ships currently heading toward Earth from Zeta Reticuli?


Question: I was wondering why the questions i have asked so far in this thread have not been asnwered. could you explain that for me?

Also you mention that we are 3D beings but we are taught in basic science that we are in fact in 4 dimensions. Time, according to Einstein, is the 4th. Could you comment on this please?


Thank you Edi and Zeta :).  Really, I dont know how to express my thanks... but THANKS... [:D]


Hello Zeta,
       I was wondering if the person claiming to be channeling God,in one of the topics, is really doing such? I have always thought of God as some sort of being that is in a high plane of existance that we can't actually talk to, but is still there. Is he canneling some other sorce, maybe a negative sorce? It is a thread that has been getting a lot of attention. So if you could clear this up for me that would be great.


Originally posted by AstralWiz

        I was wondering if the person claiming to be channeling God,in one of the topics, is really doing such? Is he canneling some other sorce, maybe a negative sorce? It is a thread that has been getting a lot of attention.

That's why its getting so much attention. WE are trying to discover teh motivations of teh entity in question as well as the motivations of teh channeler.



Originally posted by AstralWiz

Hello Zeta,
       I was wondering if the person claiming to be channeling God,in one of the topics, is really doing such? I have always thought of God as some sort of being that is in a high plane of existance that we can't actually talk to, but is still there. Is he canneling some other sorce, maybe a negative sorce? It is a thread that has been getting a lot of attention. So if you could clear this up for me that would be great.

This question was already asked, and answered. They said that an entity is indeed being channeled, but it is not God, and that they cannot say anymore on the matter.


Question 1: Lately ive been having bad dreams. Do the Zetas know the reason for this? and what I must do to prevent them in future?

Question 2: Did humanoid life ever exist on the planet Mars? if so what were they like and what happened to them?

Question 3: Is it possible for a 3rd density being to ascend (when the photon belt arrives) and bypass the next density levels and go straight to the highest density?

Question 4: People often see beings that are often called shaddow beings or shaddow people, the most notable form is a shaddow form of a man in a trench coat wearing a hat who most often stands at the end or side of a persons bed. I have heard these beings have attacked people whilst they lay in bed and other times just stand there and stare at you for long periods of time instilling fear in its victim. What are these shaddow beings? why do they attack people? why do they stand there stareing at you? and how can a person defend against these shaddow beings?

Question 5: Who destroyed the tower of Babel? and why?

Question 6: What are the origins of the Aryan race?

Question 7: What being spoke to moses on the mountain?


Hi, James in another thread says you might be able to get some answers to the following for me Edi if you wouldnt mind?

I would like information about the Planet the corporeal Pleiadians inhabit. If there is more than one planet just pick any for now.

1. Which star does it circle in the Pleiadian system (i.e. their sun)

2. How far away from their sun is their planet.

3. What is the angle of their planets axis (i.e. ours is 23.5 degrees).

4. What is the circumference of the planet at its equator.

5. Does it have polar ice caps.

6. What kind of atmosphere does it have (i.e. what differences if any to Earths).

7. What seasons does it have (i.e. similar to earths as in Summer, winter etc.)

8. Population size.

9. What is the estimated mass of their planet.

10. If there is more than one planet revolving their sun, as in our solar system, how many and how many are inhabited.

11. Are there any main differences to our planet and what are they.



Hello Edi & Zetas

I don't want to sound redundant but I think it's really good that your doing this. Even if people may not beleive it, it's very thought provoking.

After reading the thread I've come up with a whole slew of questions, with a few of them being contradictions of information from here and ZetaTalk, which I would like the Zeta to clear up, if possible. Since the Zeta here claim to be the same ones as the Zeta being channeled at ZetaTalk, one would expect to see identical information...

I. "White Lie" vs. misinterpretation.

A. From ZetaTalk

For those of you unfamiliar, the "white lie" was the March 2003 date given for the pole shift by the Zeta. This link provides justification for the "white lie". It basically says that the date was given to show everyone how the world governments would react if an actual date was given.

B. From Astral Pulse

Glenn says:
First off, planet X, nancy said you said this would happen may 2003, but this hasnot, how come?
Glenn says:
Z: It was a mis interpretation from nancy, we did not give that date, as we cannot tell when it is going to happen as of yet, but the people on Earth will know when it is going to heppen because of the signs

So, one minute the Zeta intentionally gave false information, and another minute it's the fault of the channeler.

II. Roswell Crash

A. From ZetaTalk

Roswell is all the rage here in the United States. It is the flag-bearer in the parade of those who march to learn the truth. The facts are well known, and the facts that are known relate almost completely to the truth. This is a true story. What is not well known is that Roswell was not an accident.... They expected to die. The plan was to allow ships to crash, ostensibly at the hands of humans.

B. From the Astral Pulse

F: i would like to ask if you have crashed in Roswell ?
Z: We have not
F: have there been any autopsies of your species ?
Z : No
Z: We dont crash with a spaceship, there are very strict rules about us appearing
before humans

Another misinterpretation by Nancy...?

III. The Pyramids

A.  From ZetaTalk

Humans ponder the pyramids of Egypt...This was not an effort for these hominoids, during this time, as they had entered into bargains with Service-to-Self aliens who had levitation abilities, and they moved the stones for them.

B.  From the Astral Pulse

Glenn says:
You said that another species created the pyramids, yet why would there be egyptian writing on the walls, and not your language or their language?
Glenn says:
Z: This is because when we built it, for rest, we left, we did not mark anything...

Keyword: "we"

Risu no Kairu: So, uh, what's the deal with those Pyramids at Giza? I hear you've built them.
Z: That's true. They were built several thousands of years ago.

So, Zeta, are you saying you are service-to-self aliens?

Alright, I hope this post doesn't rile anyone up. I'm just trying to organize all the facts. I have more, less direct contradictions but I'll leave it at this for now.

Thanks a lot!



SilverSlider -

I think what you're saying is worth thinking about. There can be inaccuracies in channeling, and supposing this is all real, those examples show that much exactly. This is why I personally don't take everything that is said either here, at Zetatalk, from Sitchin's books, or from any other sources as absolute fact. However, I do believe that between the channelings, there is a lot of valuable information. The channeled information is good food for thought, though I would not argue for its authenticity. I simply read, and think about it, and try to keep it in mind for what it's worth.

Question for the Zeta -

When you are met in person, is the telepathy between you and us as vulnerable to misinterpretations, or is it easier to communicate?
What is the sound of no leaves cloving?



What is your sex life like? is there a correlation tween pain/pleasure in your culture as there is with humans?

How do you pleasure yourselves? How do you satisfy the needs and desires of your bodies?

You talk alot about balance, but yet you seem primarily intellectual rather than physical. Doesn't that make you unbalanced?

Do you have sex toys? fetishes? role playing games? etc?




Mayatnik wrote recently that after the Pole Shaft we will all merge. We'll become 50% Zeta 50% human (in « equal parts » were the exact words). That way, AT LAST, Zeta will be able to experience sexual pleasure, some sexual pleasure BUT... we, humans, will lose some of our libido and an orgasm will be harder to reach, so we might need toys, artificial stimulation, as desire will be decreased, but doesn't matter cause desire is the mother of all trouble, it sure causes more trouble than benefits. I think that Woody Allen prophetized it quite well in one of his earliest films : since we will not per say feel love as we know it now (the falling in love, the incredible lust, the jalousy, etc.), we will build orgasmotrons to satisfy our needs, and get it over with, as for the rest of the time, we will deal with "spiritual things". What do you say girl ?

Question for the Zeta : is Jess Friedman innocent of the crimes he spent jail time for ?


That sounds painfuly boring. I don't want to merge with them. Why are they doing this to us? I think that if you don't see sex as spiritual you haven't experienced it. Mind you, not all sex is spiritual but there's a lot mor to sex than penetration.


Originally posted by chill


Mayatnik wrote recently that after the Pole Shaft we would merge. We would all become 50% Zeta 50% human. That way, AT LAST, Zeta will be able to experience sexual pleasure, some sexula pleasure BUT... we, humans, will lose some of our libido and an orgasm will be definately harder to reach, so we might need toys. I think that Woody Allen prophetized it quite well in one of his earliest films : since we will not per say feel love as we know it now (the falling in love), we will build orgasmotrons to satisfy our needs, and get it over with, as for the rest of the time, we will deal with more important things, "spiritual things". What do you say girl ?


Yeah you're right.

Also I am not sure about the merging process itself. Will it hurt ? Will we be put to sleep while it is being done to us ? How can we prevent the merge ? Can we say no to it ?

Jess, do you think that there are any measures ? Other than simply running a petition list.

I think That the Zetas are envious, they want to be more like us. [xx(] Well, you won't have my helping you get there. No way.

Other question for Zetas : is it true that there's a second path called the vagus nerve that doesn't go tru the spine that allows orgasm to occur for women.


Originally posted by chill

I think That the Zetas are envious, they want to be more like us. [xx(] Well, you won't have my helping you get there. No way.

It reminds me of a story. A little child had found a $5 bill and didn't know what it was. Various adults saw the child playing with his money, some of teh adults desired to grab it from him. One asked him "what is that little boy?" he replied "it's a peice of paper I found". Believeing the child had no clue as to what he had teh adult took it from him.

the moral here is we better be damn sure of what we have before we inadvertently give it away.

Einstein said "to cross a cat with a man would greatly improve the man but degenerate the cat"

I'd like to add "to cross man with zeta will improve teh zeta but could drastically degenerate the man".



Originally posted by rhinegirl

Originally posted by chill

I think That the Zetas are envious, they want to be more like us. [xx(] Well, you won't have my helping you get there. No way.

It reminds me of a story. A little child had found a $5 bill and didn't know what it was. Various adults saw the child playing with his money, some of teh adults desired to grab it from him. One asked him "what is that little boy?" he replied "it's a peice of paper I found". Believeing the child had no clue as to what he had teh adult took it from him.

the moral here is we better be damn sure of what we have before we inadvertently give it away.

Einstein said "to cross a cat with a man would greatly improve the man but degenerate the cat"

I'd like to add "to cross man with zeta will improve teh zeta but could drastically degenerate the man".


That's very wise.

Jess promise me that you will not delete that one post. Maybe we should delete our other sexual back and forth converse later on, as this will upset Mayatnik. I'll wait for your cue. Your sex questions are legitimate though.

Fuzzywig let me know through PM what posts you want removed. I'd hate to have the mods send me pm with subject line « warning » again. I am a sociopath. Just kidding.

Other question for Zetas : is the Urantia book worth reading ?