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Messages - Slider

It looks like I'm a few posts behind.

Correct, you do no need to use an external card unless you have over 1GB of material.  I chose to go the external route to keep the internal 1GB pristine.  You can use a micro-SD card as long as you have a Mini-SD adapter... I finally found one on US Amazon.

Lumaza – Yes I do plan on experimenting, but I was hoping that there might be some resources such as this color does that, this frequency does this, and some contrast here will do this.  With that said, I have not read the whole manual yet.

I did open the L#3 session in Laxedit, so I guess I can do some dissecting there.  I think I need to extend the session another 10 minutes so I'll have to experiment on how to best do that.

I also have NP3, which I need to learn more about as well.  :-)  I'm going to create some subtle background music/sounds and see which one binaural beats or Isochronic tones will work better for me and link it to the L#3 session.

Had a good session last night, but when it was over old Chatty Cathy acted the thunderstorms that rolled through were very loud.

Hi drexal,

I've been trying to Astral Project/phase on and off (more off) for the past 10 years.  Still trying to get the first one!

I've had my Laxman for a few weeks but had to wait over a week to receive a micro SD card with a Mini SD adapter.  I want to put all additional and newly created sessions on the add on card and keep the 1GB portion with the firmware and original sessions pristine.  So far that has been my only beef with the Laxman, you can barely find Mini SD cards anymore!  The people at Neutronics informed me that they are redesigning to accept Micro SD cards.


Yes the file above is the entire 30 minute L#3 session.  As I understand, Lionheart only used the light (no sound or Mp3) with the L#3 session.

I have only used the L#3 session once.  I was really kind of skeptical because it is only white light and no sound, but wow... it is everything that everyone has said about it.  When it was over I was in such a relaxed state... unfortunately my chatty mind started right up and I had the urge to roll over that I couldn't control.  :x Grrr...

I wish LionHeart was still around 1) to thank him and 2) to ask him where he learned how to create the light portion.   :?

I'd like to learn to create my own light sessions so if anyone has any reference links or tutorials please let me know.  I do have the lexedit software but I'm clueless when it comes to what color, frequency, intensity, contrast values to use.

Also, I heard that he possibly has a one hour session somewhere?

QuoteIt's the right one.  They're small files with just the data to run the lights and sound. 

Welcome back.  :)

Thanks for the Clarification and Welcome back.

QuoteI'm sure you're not as far behind as you think you are.  :)

I hope you are correct and we are going to find out soon.  :-)

Quote from: Xanth on June 24, 2015, 12:04:53
Scroll up a bit.  ;)

I did see that but it was only 465 bytes, so I thought it couldn't possibly the correct file.

But maybe it is, I think I remember reading that this L3 file is only the light portion for the Laxman system?

Anyway... I ordered my Laxman this morning...can't wait to get it and start again.

To make a long story short.  I've been away from the site mostly going on about 10 years.  I had originally signed up for Frank Kepple's class when he went missing.  :|

I tried to read all of his posts (which weren't organized back then, thanks for whoever organized them!) and do this on my own.  I came close a few times but every single time I knew it was about to happen I would get excited and say " we go".  At which point the whole thing would fade away.....

I can't wait to try the Laxman.  Hopefully it will get me to that point much quicker where I can practice the other techniques and finally get my first AP!

That's my plan anyway.

It looks like I have a lot of catching up to do and hopefully I'll be sharing some success stories.   :-)
Can someone send me the L3 Laxman file?

I plan on ordering the Laxman very soon.   :-D

Last night was interesting.  I was at a point where I had lost maybe 90% of the sensation in my body.  When I felt a small shift take place then my mind kind of felt like it was bobbing around on some body of water.  I was in (what I assume) was 3D blackness and I would describe it as an inky, liquidity state....if that makes sense.  It also got the sense of 100's of little tenticles moving all around me stroking my brain.  A more accurate description would be like if your head was trying to move forward through a huge vat of black spagehetti where the strands are as big as your fingers!  All squiggly and wiggly....sorry but that is as best as I can describe it.!   :-D

So I tried Intent (not sure how to do this yet), but maybe I was to physical and analytical with this part as it seemed to bring me back to the physical.  So I did settle myself down and just allowed things to happen and ressuared myself that everything was OK.  I probably spent 3 - 5 minutes just floating around in this 3D spaghetti environment.  Then the stray energy or colored fog appeared, but it was very sporadic an no where near as intense as in my first post of this thread.  Then for some reason I was back in the physical.

I'm not a morning person so when I did wake up in the middle of the night I just rolled over and went back to sleep.  I'm going to need to work on trying to phase when I wake up at these times.  That or try to become lucid one one of my dreams.  I do recall my dreams this morning fairly well, just need to work on recognizing when I'm dreaming.

I definitely remember a few times after going back to bed around 5 AM from one of my wake ups, seeing vivid archaic symbols flashing all over the place.

....but I wasn't interested in pursuing 'phasing' or 'obe' at the time.

I'll definitely give that a try over the weekend, as I get up for work at 5:30 AM during the week.

Yes...I'm finding keeping it flowing natural and not trying too hard.........hard.   :-P

Like you said, I've had it happen once before I just need to get to that ho-hum relaxed attitude.

I got to the 2D swirls again last night then lost it, next thing I knew I was sleeping.

I am not a morning person at all so I try at night before I go to bed.  I also seem to wake up 5 times a night.  Maybe I'll try after one of those times I wake up.

Quote from: Xanth on December 15, 2010, 14:22:40
Awesome Major Tom!
That's some very keen insight!
Much appreciated!  :)

Yes, thank you very much for your links and insights.

I'll be doing lots of reading in these forums while continuing to plug away at it.


I'll check it out after work tonight!


I gave a good run at OBE maybe 5 years ago for 3 months or so.  But I didn't really know what I was doing, just trying meditate, listen to soft classical music and calm my mind.

I did get rising sensations, brief star like, 2D energy swirls and some glimpses of architectural textures.  Since I didn't know what I was doing I assume my eyes would try to get a look see(not knowing to try and hold your focus upward a bit).

But for the past few weeks I've been plowing through Frank's post (about 400 in) and Monday night is when I really first tried since 5 years ago.  That is when I expereinced the 3d colored swirls for fog and energy.  I wasn't really trying anything , just trying to hold my attention upward and visualizing power tools.   :roll:

But the last 2 nights I only got the 2D and probably too excited and back to the physical.

Oh well....I'll keep trying and try to remain calm.

Well I'm only 3 tries into it.

The first time I was just relaxed and let things happen.  That is when I got into the 3D foggy colored swirls.  It actually lasted longer than I expected considering it was the first time I ever got to that point.

The second and third time when I started getting to the 2D stray energy and swirls I was a little more excited with probably thoughts like, "'s starting, here it comes".  Even though I was trying to calm down and relax at the time, I'm sure that didn't work and brought me back.

Hopefully I can get back to that first time where I can just let it happen!
Now I'm bummed...  :|

The last two nights of attempts I got to 2D blackness swirls only before coming back to the physical.

I'm assuming I'm getting all worked up and excited at that stage which is bringing me back.

Where as the first time I was immersed in swirling clouds of colored vapor I was just laid back and let it happen.

I'm assuming excited expectations are different then just calm intent?  Thoughts?

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Phasing Progress?
December 13, 2010, 13:23:47

I think I could be making progress, please give me your opinions.

So I've been reading Frank's post lately on Phasing, maybe ¼ of the way through so far.  I actually think I may have encountered some of the early signs of projections years ago before I knew what they were.

Anyway, I believe I got further last night then I ever have!  Years ago when I was completely relaxed I would get the point where I would see a stray light ball almost like a shooting star.  Then my eyes would try to follow it and that would be the end of it.  Also in those years I learned to get to a point where I can relax my whole body in 5 minutes or less without really trying too hard.  I guess that stayed with me as I can still do it now.

Now last night I was relaxed and had my eyes/attention focused upward (comfortable enough without straining).  I was trying (not very hard though) imagining a couple of power tools that I'm thinking of buying.

Then maybe after 10 minutes of this whamo I'm engulfed in all kinds of various colored fog, mists and energy!  I'm tried remaining calm but being the first time this happen my mind was like, where am I at, what is next, etc.

So I could feel fear creeping up a few times and I would remind myself that I couldn't be hurt and anything scary is brought on by me.  The colors continued to swirl and I swear it was in 3D but it really wasn't black because I was in the midst of colored fog/energy.  At one point I swear I saw hundreds of neon blue faces in agony.

So I tried to use intent (I think) calling for a guide and clarity, over and over but nothing seemed to happen.  I figure I excited myself right back to the physical.  I did however at one point (ever so briefly) feel a complete feeling of warm/peace/tranquility.

Then I started losing the color and back to 2D blackness.  I tried to calm down and when I thought it was becoming lighter and that I was going back I actually had opened my eyes looking at the ceiling and I was back in the physical.  I know I was in the physical because I tapped the floor, the wall and went and made a sandwich!   :lol:

Not sure how I opened my eyes, maybe I let my attention fall back down?

Anyway, I think that was a good small baby step as they would say.  Hopefully the next time I get to that point I would be more calm and get further.  I just wonder when I come out of the 3D color (blackness?) if I end up in the so called "Training Ground" that Frank spoke of and if so that is where you need to keep the lid on your emotions?

This whole experience was within a 20 minute period.

Would appreciate and comments, additions or advice to this exciting (almost) first trip!


Thanks all!

I'll keep that in mind - short projections to start with and don't project in a down or depressing mood.

Now that I have that settled.....I just need to learn how to project!   :|

Also, I believe I'm fairly stable mentally speaking, no anti depressants or anything like that.  But I can live a hectic life sometimes (work in IT).


On a different note - I do listen to and read a bunch of conspiracy stuff, NWO, etc.  I wonder if this will have an impact when I do project.  I've been trying not to listen or read these sites as much lately.

Quote from: Pauli2 on December 12, 2010, 12:02:56
You tell us.

??? How am I supposed to know, I have no experience with Monroe CDs nor a complete projection as of yet. 

I was hoping someone who had experience with them would let me their thoughts.

Quote from: Slider on December 11, 2010, 22:03:35
Please be aware that serious mental problems can arise when the opposite is the case (as is often clearly demonstrated on the PSD forum, for instance).

Sorry - I should have been more specific but NayKid was correct.  It was Frank's warning that serious mental problems could arise if the number of scary projections outnumber the positive/fun ones....kind of makes me leery of continuing.

But - I can see where keeping your projections short and slowly increasing your projection time can be beneficial.

I have yet to project so this is all speculation on my part.  Years ago when I was into getting to a state of mind/awake body asleep I recall several experiences of seeing what Frank called stray energy, rising consciousness and then brief detailed glimpses of what I'm assuming now where the Astral.  When I got to that point I believe my eyes tried to look to see what it was and each time brought me back.  Anyway, I'm sure I was close at the time.  I also stopped trying around this time for reasons that I mentioned in earlier posts.

Should I invest in the Wave I CD that Frank talked about in his posts?  Note I'm about 1/4 through all of his posts at the moment.

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Franks Post 2028
December 11, 2010, 22:03:35
Hey - I'm a beginner and reading through Franks's posts.

Post # 2028 has raised some concern for me.  I really don't want to go mental with this kind of stuff....

Maybe I'm not understanding it correctly, can someone comment on exerpt below?


All it takes is practice, practice and yet more practice. Also, the moment things get sticky I found it is far, far better to come back to Physical and start again rather than try and sweat it out.

Because it normally takes beginners ages to project each time, the tendency is to try and hang on to the projection for as long as possible. But I found that the main aspect of projection, which makes it all get progessively easier, has nothing to do with the actual length of projection but is all to do with the frequency. As such, it is far more beneficial, longer term, to have (say) three short, controlled projections per day rather than one long one.

Also, doing this cuts down on the number of scary circumstances you create for yourself. Each one of these leaves a strong imprint in your mind. However, normally these should be wholly outweighed by all the positive experiences you should be having. Please be aware that serious mental problems can arise when the opposite is the case (as is often clearly demonstrated on the PSD forum, for instance).
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: Trouble
November 18, 2010, 20:49:06
Quote from: Xanth on November 18, 2010, 14:02:13
In any case, we'll try our best to help you where ever we can.  :)

Thanks Xanth, PR and everyone else.

I do plan to utilize the resources and experience of good folks here to conquer this, this time around.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Trouble
November 18, 2010, 13:24:55
I wasn't trying to cause trouble or stir up old issues with the Frank thing.  But the fact I did lose money I think I had the right to ask after 5 years if anyone has heard any news.

I don't care about the money but I would like to learn how to phase or OBE, and with that I'll drop that subject.

So if you want to respond to this thread please only respond to the issue below the dotted line.  - Thanks


I'm sure there are thousands of posts that I will try and navigate through as well as read Frank's material.  I mean how many posts could have occurred in 5 years' time?  :-)

In the past I've mediated, saw stray energy and color even had brief flashes of very detailed imagery such as rock formations & architecture.  I've experienced vibrations once, got excited and that was that.  Experienced sleep paralysis a few times but each time it felt like a negative entity was pressing down on me and the more I struggled or tried to wake myself up verbally the worse it got.

Which leads to what is probably my main trouble or issue.....FEAR.

I just keep thinking that when I finally get to that point I'll attract demonic forces and from what I've read in the past few days that will just lead to an endless loop or spiral of attracting them.

I woke up this morning around 5 AM and decide to try and see how far I could get.  Well I must have fallen asleep but I do remember in my dream that I was pushing heavy boulders down a hole where a faceless monstrosity was kept and it was just tinkling him off.....go figure.

Anyway, hopefully I can overcome this, and learn project and enjoy what countless others know about and enjoy.

Thanks for any current and future help.

It has been about 5 years since I last visted here.......bummer on Frank, I was supposed to be in his Virtual Classroom.

Hopefully I can learn from all of his posts.
Quote from: the voice of silencewe shouldn't judge until the truth is known about Frank... how much did people lose on this virtual classroom anyways? if its over $100. I would be a little upsett, but there's nothing we can do except wish him well with his life endeavors.. wasting time, energy on hate is not the answer.. lets project and spend our energy towards the positive..


$300........I wrote it off as a learning experience on a lot of different fronts.
Quote from: runlolaTiago, paragraphs are your friend :eyecrazy:  :eyetwitch:

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Frank's virtual classroom
November 23, 2005, 07:40:20
I am assuming there has been no news or word on Frank?

I have been trying to do the Phasing techniques for 3 months or so, at least as much I can understand of it.  I keep trying to relax and notice and sometimes I see things like star fields, feel lighter and a little bit of a conscious shift  but they seem far and few in between.

Yesterday after work was weird... I got home from work and was a bit tired since I cleaned up all of the leaves the night before.  I sat on the recliner and got comfortable. I was just trying to do some visualization affirmations for something different to do.  

I found my barely able to keep attention and focus as I was drifting into and out of sleep.  I was really trying hard not to fall asleep.  I never got through all of the visualizations  which only takes 7-10 minutes.  Into and out of sleep I went....  The next thing I knew I had these vibrations I don't mean tingling I mean vibrations.  I've heard of people having these before OBE's.  Even though I've been trying the Phasing stuff (don't really no too much about it) I thought this was an opportunity that a lot of newbie's hope for.  If I thought about the vibrations they seemed to diminish.  I tried to go with the flow and let them happen and they got more intense.  It felt like someone was squeezing my heart and it felt as if it might explode.  

Being the first time this happened to me I didn't know what to do next plus I was nervous about the whole thing.  It did take me awhile to be able to open my eyes and come back and move around.  I did want to continue but didn't know what to do or to expect and was nervous.

It was weird because like I said my body was tired from the night before and full day of work and the whole episode I barely tried to do anything, I mean I could barely keep focused.  Maybe I just got lucky with the whole thing.  Looking back I guess I should have let the vibrations get really intense to see what happened.

Any advice as to what I should do if I ever have this happen again?  I really do hope it happens again I would like to experience an OBE even though I think I have been practicing the Phasing techniques.

Quote from: AbrahamThe reality is you have to worship the Creator, not the creation. Use your sense.

Why would an Omnipotent/omniscient entity create millions/billions of minions to worship him/her/itself?  I never understood that.