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Messages - Jazket

You haven't seen much about this because nobody really knows anything that can be scientifically proved. First off The Mayans never wrote anything about a Doomsday, nor a Pole Shift.

Their calendar says only one thing, The end of One Galactic Day or Great Cycle (a period of 25,625 years average) and that's ALL there is. Then another Galactic Day starts over again, back to zero and towards another 25,625 years of count (which divided by 5 equals 5,125 years, or The Long Count).

Scientists however have evaluated the possibility of a Pole Shift and the causes of such an event, and have also studdied evidence of previous earth's pole shifts on ancient rocks.

There is ZERO evidence of an object BIGGER than Jupiter itself (Dwarf Star which is the qualification given to the so called Nibiru [Planet X] by those who believe in it) somewhere in our solar system. Second planets don't just come out of nowhere and begin orbiting our solar system. Third our last planet, Pluto takes about 248 earth-years to orbit around the sun, and any object farther than Pluto would take 300+ earth-years. If "Nibiru" was 4 years from passing by Earth, and due to the "fact" that it's indeed a Dwarf Star (which are qualified to have the mass of Jupiter and bigger) we'd probably see it in the outer sky without the need of sophisticated telescopes.

The only object that is to pass the closest to our Planet by the date of January 31st, 2012 is 433 Eros, a 13x13x33 km stellar object and will distant the earth about 16.6 million miles (less than half the distance between Earth and Mars).


The Galactic Alignment on the other hand, is a scientifically proved event. Our Solar System wobbles up and down within our mother Galaxy. Each period or wobble (this is what I believe and have studied, I have no source for this however) seems to last about 26 thousand years (this is what the Mayans referred to in their Calendar as a Galactic Day). Each 26 thousand years (or 25,625 to be exact) our Solar System is to pass entirely by the Galaxy's equinox (point zero) and then back to another spike that last another 25,625 earth-years before it hits the middle of the galaxy again. That's about all that is known.

About a new age:

Astrologists have elaborated a Horoscope based on the Mayan Calendar without even knowing it: Twelve are the houses on the Horoscope. Divide 25,625 by 5 and that's about 5,150 (years). These are the 5 Cycles Mayans referred to as well. Now divide instead, 25,625 by 12 and you get 2,137 years. Each House of the Horoscope Wheel lasts about 2,137 years. The earth spends 2,137 on each house during a Galactic Day.

If what I'm saying is right, then we can look at the Bible and see that (if the bible is also right) we've Passed through the age of Aries and Pisces and are just about to enter Aquarius. Jesus said about his return. The Christ Consciousness was not Jesus, the man, but instead the Living Spirit inside that human shaped form which himself said it was even before Moses.

How can we notice the fact of the Horoscope Wheel? Since Jesus Christ's last coming to our planet, 2008 years have passed. As you can see, a Galactic Day divided by 12 equals 2,137 years (not exactly 2008, but not that far either). If We are in the age of Pisces that indicates the fact that Jesus miracles had to do mostly with Fish, that today's representation of Jesus Christ and Christianity has to do with a fish (a very known symbol is a fish with the word JESUS inside, mostly seen on Cars.) "That he made them fishers of men" "And he multiplied the fish so the multitude could eat" ... Then wee look to the years before Christ, when the bible mentions sheeps everywhere, and the sacrifice of sheeps and their blood to the God in Heavens. That counts as Aries. Then we go still more behind in history (about 4,000 years) and we have Moses and the Golden Bull, and Greeks and the myth of Minotaurs (half-human, half-bull). It all seems to match up. Read the Bible, all references to what I'm saying are there.

Then a New Age (the Age of Aquarius) is really due very soon (maybe 2012, maybe a couple years later) and perhaps The Christ is keeping his word after all. But when will it all happen? The Mayans seemed to know when... How? I leave it to you to reason soundly and decide for yourselves, for living a Christlike life is all we need to enter the realms of our Father, He who reigns in Heavens.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
November 23, 2005, 20:35:44
Masturbation is not a sin; There are no sins, but those created by the own Man, just like there is no "Darkness", but only the absence of "Light".

All I know and Said, is that there will be the time in where we Will not need to Masturbate, whether we want it or not. Meanwhile, you can keep giving yourself pleasure :smile: It helps the Earth's Moon and its evolution ;)
:) There is no Divine Intervention if you are "pretending" to be what you are not my friend :smile:

The Human Being is good known by lying to himself and lying to others at the same time. Please be honest, not with the ones next to you, cause that does not stop them from being what they are or getting what they want. But be honest with yourself, as it only makes you better, not me or anyone else.

My thoughts are not meant to hurt anyone, either disappoint them; But whoever has ears to hear, hear; and whoever has eyes to see, see... do not listen to me, listen to yourself. we might find out how wrong we are at times... and then we will ask for "Divine Intervention" and to our surprise or called some other way, "ego", we will not get that "Divine Intervention" we so much desire for.....
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
November 20, 2005, 00:10:05
Quote from: Wronski Feint
Quote from: JazketBelieve me that whoever speaks for himself, its getting glory for himself as well, and God will judge him for that in times of rebirth; but I who speak, don't do it for my own glory, as my glory comes from my Father who created me.

So i cant fornicate or masturbate, then why do I have a penis?  I think god would rather me masturbate, than go have premarital sex, cause that's like a big no no right?

The reason why you have a Penis, it's because its part of the Matter's scents. You have it because you had it while you were in an subconscient animal state. Its a reproductive organ, nothing else. But this is a question nobody ever asked, like you just did; in fact they spoke their mind because they got free will, but their ignorance is such that their matter blurries their intelligence. Cats have a penis, Dogs have it, birds have it, fishes do, and Dogs and Cats do not reach the Father who is in Heavens. Believe me that If you cannot understand the things from this earth, how do you spect to understand the things from heaven?

Remember to not confuse the laws created by the Human, with those created by our Endless Father.
Why do you bother looking for an answer to this in here? Why do you think these people has the answer of this? Why don't you stop to think and reason soundly for a second?

Your question is selfish, and not worth the effort of answering it... Though I tell you that nobody, not even the first one of us here, can tell you what do you need to evolve spiritually... You my friend, you have to question this to YOURSELF, and no one else...

Have you ever seen yourself with the eyes of the real Observer?. If you search, you will find... It's all within you, as it is within the rest of us...

Each one to work with its own evolution which should only matter to itself... Pray and ask your Guide to give you the answers you need....

"There do exist enquiring minds, which long for the truth of the heart, seek it, strive to solve the problems set by life, try to penetrate to the essence of things and phenomena and to penetrate into themselves. If a man reasons and thinks soundly, no matter which path he follows in solving these problems, he must inevitably arrive back at himself, and begin with the solution of the problem of what he is himself and what his place is in the world around him."

Then Your Tupac Amur Shakur might be paying for his acts now. There is nowhere you can look for him... Recall to his death's factors.
You just have to look back at the place in where your body lies... :smile:
That's a fact. Not all spirits are good, there as many bad spirits, as good could exist. Don't you see it daily? Don't you see the young girl being killed an violated by a Man? Don't you see everyday how a Husband beats her Wife? Don't you see how the same thing happens with their children? Don't you see Countries, large numbers of Men killing each other to defend the Human concept of freedom? That should give you a glimpse of what is reality. Once all those killers and precursors, and mean people die, I confirm you that they do not pass through a divine machine to purify their bad acts. But later they will be Judged, cause the law is perfect, and it gives everyone what it deserves.

But of course there are a lot of spirits helping all of us everyday... Have you ever heard about your Guardian Angel? Have you ever had that "presence" at school, at your work, at a family reunion, when you are talking, when you are making a hard decision, don't you have that "presence", that part of your heart that heats up, that is trying to tell you something? But do you ever listen to what it is trying to tell you? Do you ever ask your Guardian Angel to intercept for you at nights, while you are trying to practice that non-physical experience that you so egoistically think you know about? How come that the most sublime stories of a man's childhood, are actually the only real true they must follow? of which they lose sight of as soon as they grow along with their ego of being the strong one and the one that knows it all? Be weak, cause God will give you in return... Being the sheep that knows how to fight the wolf...
QuoteThere are some people who do not have a soul, when they die their spirit becomes absorbed
into the collective consciousness like raindrops in a lake.
Only people who become awakened have the ability to continue after death as a soul.

True and False. But this is misunderstood and read literally, like most Men read the Bible. Yet they believe they have total knowledge of things, when they don't even know what they are and why they are!. The rest is up to your intelligence to find the reasons.
I came to that conclusion because you said "I think" you didn't say "I DO" and that brings doubt to your mind... so next time you are sure of something, do not say you think you are, believe it, and say I AM SO SURE OF THIS!. :smile:

My Avatar does not speak any language :smile:

And Your opinion did not bother me, I just saw you wrote about your "Astral Double", and I said, no we are just one; Why is it so hard for you to call yourself, you, only you!... So YOU!, not your astral double

Quote from: AbrahamHi again. I know none of you like "hate" or "insulting" or "denouncing" but sometimes in order for the truth by apparent you must "hate", "insult", and "denounce".

This forum is on serious crack. You cant even tell the difference between dreams and out of body experiences. You'll say that many out of body experiences are dreams but some prove to be true. So tell me, how can you base ur entire understanding of things upon such a limited resource?

I read a study on out of body experiences once which said that they gathered some of the "experienced" projectors to find an object in another room, and only a small percentage of the projectors actually got it right.

But then we have people on this board making crazy conclusions based upon their experiences. To tell you the truth, I have had some amazing "lucid dreams". None of your out of body experiences which u think are proven to you can be proven to be true, in the obvious reality that they could just be dreams. I even read some members saying exaclty this.

some eveen say that the Astral can be "influenced by ones own thoughts "

If thats the case, then are you  going to talk about life after death, reincarnation, and a whole bunch of bizaare ideas that you make up about them, if in fact they could be just influenced by your own thoughts? Whats wrong with you people?

Whoever makes a claim about the afterlife based upon his experiences is in fact just fooling himself, and whoever makes  a claim about God based upon his experiences is simply fooling himself.

If you dont like hatred, move on. God isnt Love. God loves and He hates. He gave you the ability to choose. You choose Him, He will grant u heaven. You choose other than Him, He will grant you Hell.

May God guide us all and save us from the filth of paganism, spiritual crack, and mental retardation.


"That one that wishes the truth will not speak of Love or Christianity, because he knows how far he is of this. The Christian doctrine, for the Christians. And the Christians are those that live in agreement with Christ, is to say that they do everything according to his rules. Of course that those who speak of Love and Moral cannot live in conformity with these concepts. But there will always be people of this type and there will always be people for whom the
words will weigh more than the things. But who speak of that way are empty men, and it is not worth the trouble to waste the time with them."

- G.
And may I ask you who is 2pac?
Quote from: the voice of silenceJazket,

Are you trying to say we shouldn't project?. Have you been following this thread or any of the other threads I've posted on the scientific research of oobe?


No my friend, your thread refers to "Astral Projection and the Bible", therefore I posted a verse from Ecclesiastes that tells you about Astral Projection and the Bible; just wanted you to know that Astral Projection is not an invention of nowadays men, but something that has existed since the beggining. You should not read my post or comments "literally" as other do... just want you to know how close is the knowledge you are looking for... and to question all what you would end up hearing, since and after all, we are all Humans under the exact same defects, whether its me, whether its you, whether it is a priest or a pastor, or a pope... let the voice of God that lies inside you guide your intelligence :smile:
I thought of a Chat Module for your site the first time I came here, cause it really help your members have interactivity within them; I could be helpful; if you would accept it, I could help you with the installation of a "Shoutbox" in your site. I've got one in an old clan site I made for an old friend of mine (its php-nuke based); I still got those files needed, I don't know if your site is nuke based, so i don't know if it would work.

Good Idea :smile:

Have this Wallpaper I made and keep it in your Computer Background, or Print it and put it on your room walls, It will bring peace to your soul and will give you knowledge to understand the things you can change, and resignation for those that you cannot.

The Spirits sent by God to take care of the Earth are at your Service, they watch over you. We love you all in this Planet! and We will never let you on your own! But you must listen to the voice of your Conscience!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
November 11, 2005, 09:18:55
I just read many bad concepts that should not be called "Spiritual" in this thread. After all this part is called "Spiritual Evolution!" You should change its name to "Material Prisons"

It wasn't your spirits writing when you posted all this comments I just saw... It was your Penis.  :roll:

I would quote you all to clarify your comments, but I prefer to keep my mouth shut, because I know I easily irritate people, mostly Men in this phase of learning the things from the Spirit, because they are creating an ego even bigger than what it was before they got to know about all this. And they have no idea of this yet! Believe me that whoever speaks for himself, its getting glory for himself as well, and God will judge him for that in times of rebirth; but I who speak, don't do it for my own glory, as my glory comes from my Father who created me.

Quote from: James
We are beings of four parts - physical mental, emotional and spiritual. Acknowledgment of all four are required for balance and progress.

I say, Many lives you need to understand the beginning of these concepts.
:) It depends on this:

How long its been since she departed.

You should know that she has to continue with her task, and advance every day. You might find her, as you might not.
Quote from: Ben K
But what is reality? If you take our consensus reality as the "true" reality then I'm sorry to say your sadly mistaken. The things you see in your mind are just as real as the things outside them.

All lucid dreams ARE creations of your own conscience. Most people who have "astral projection" experiences are experiencing constructs of their own mind, their own conscience.

I dint get your point  :confused:

A Normal person, normal at all (literally talking) even more normal than us (if we are out of the "normal" concepts of the humanity) has the POSSIBILITY to stay trapped for long and long times in "mental states", which are MOST of the times Creations of their own conscience <- fact that they still don't know because they do not know how powerful our conscience could become with hard work and terrible experiences in a long term...

I'm going to tell you an story so you can understand me better.. This is a real fact:

"One day I was walking in a street that for some reason I seemed to remember as a place I knew from long ago... I was walking this street as the sun was appearing, the night was fading away and the light would shine bright again soon... then I saw a man with a bag full of what seemed to be "rocks"... a lot of them... I stop and I asked him "Poor man, why are you carrying that sack of rocks up in your back? Why is this?" So he kept walking without giving me an answer... He was looking straight ahead... I got in front of him and asked him again, He said: "This is what I do for a living..."

I quickly understood this Man died some years ago, as I knew where I was, unlike him, who thought he was still living like any other person... Later I told him "stop what you are doing because you don't have to do it anymore, you are dead. Look around you. Why are you here at this time? where is your family?"... He understood what I said cause he knew that he never saw his family again.

I understood the situation and came to believe that this poor man was killed in the same street, maybe while he was on duty (during his labor hours) by either a car or any other natural process... Again I left him there trying to find a way to accept his fate and left back to where I was headed since the first moment..."

He didn't get adapted at the fact that he was dead, so he "thought" he was still alive, and working as any other day of his life.

Look how I quoted the word "thought". You have to know that our mind is the creator, our conscience drives our mind, and our mind creates, if you are used to these concepts you will understand what I meant, otherwise it would be hard for you to accept it, as I seems to be already...

But this is not the only fact to prove what I mean, even when there is nothing I want to prove cause it all means "faith"; if you don't have faith in something you know, leave it, if you don't know it, learn it and believe if you must. So back to the subject again, another way to explain a mental state, or a mental trap, would be something like the "Long Wait for Jesus to Come back" of the religious people now in days:

Do you know that even there in the cemeteries, you can find people laying in their tombs "waiting" until God comes to judge us all, or an Angel comes and take them to heaven?

This my brother, Is one of the worst mental states that our mind could ever create, cause this stop us from advancing, as we may lay there for years, decades, centuries, OH YES!, without even noticing how "in-material" we already are, and it stop us from learning more of the Spiritual World so we can be ready for our next life...

My excuses if I am not as clear as you want me to be.
Quote from: Pineapple mannot really the kind of comments or suggestions i was hoping for dude  :sad:   Im trying to persevere with mastering a skill and im not ready to give up quite yet.

To put it another way, ive got the engine started and im in first gear but i just cant pull out of the drive, ive taken my mark but just cant spring out of the block, need help with the final "push" out of body.


Then you are ready to take my advice:

Read, read a lot first, get to learn the terms used, get to learn the environments of every experience, the levels, the sensations, feelings, thoughts. Be always positive because what you said in your first post is the ONLY reason why you can't achieve what you want. And believe me that my first comment, REALLY is the best comment you could get yet. I am giving you the possibility to "Believe" in yourself.

Now practice, and if you need more help get in touch with me :smile: I want to see your progress... We shall meet very soon...
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
November 10, 2005, 15:11:10
Quote from: NayLOL!!  I'll stay at my level thank-you. :peace:


That clearly shows how attached you are to the material... But whether you want it or not, the day will come when you will have to get over it as an obligation. Cause we have a goal, and that goal cannot be modified, not even by God himself.
Quote from: Pineapple manbut when i try to move its clear that its only going to be my physical for the time being.

If you are so aware of that, I suggest you to stop trying.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
November 10, 2005, 14:38:51
Believe me that once you reach a higher state of conscience, you will not want to masturbate anymore.

It is like when the baby grows up, he does not need his Mother's breast anymore. But it all takes time
Quote from: FuMheal myself :)

This will be literally the biggest mistake you could ever make.

If you find out you have AIDS, it is only because you are suppose to have it. Resign, and thanks God for the Divine Justice, because she does not makes mistakes, because she is Perfect, a perfection that is unknown for us and that we cannot understand yet, but that one day we will be able to, as we ascend in conscience...
Centuries are still needed for this Planet to become close to what Saturn is today :)...

Everything will be revealed one of these days...