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Messages - wierdzly

I have allready tried this download and it works well on my Windows 98 Operating system. It is needed for The Astral Dynamics Workbook. You don't have to have Excel to use it!

Microsoft Excel Viewer is a small, freely distributable program that lets users view and print Excel for Windows (versions 2.0 and greater) and Microsoft Excel for the Macintosh (versions 2.2a and greater) spreadsheet files.

Go to|97|98|2000|2002&Type=Viewer


Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / My Typical OBE
December 15, 2002, 22:42:28
I Woke up at around 12 am Sunday morning. I decided to try my interupted sleep technique. After messing around on the net for 2 hours I went back to bed.

I put my william Buhlman sleep programing tape on. It helps in more than one way.

1. It keeps you stay awake for longer.
2. As your going to sleep it reminds you to project.
3. You don't have to wear uncomfotable head phones.
4. It gets you to believe you have the ability, gets rid of negative self limiting thoughts.
5. Invites only good beings looking out for your best interests.

After a while I was in sleep paralysis. I moved my awareness away from my body. Sort of felt like a weak magnetic force that was holding me. It took several attempts. I heard a noise like a scream of fear from my own thoughts or my body, as I seperated.

I moved for my door trying to get to the card behind the couch but as I went through the door I morphed into unfamiliar surroundings. Maybe the astral or a lucid dream. I said, ( clarity now) and became a little more lucid.  

I decided to make the best of it and went out what appeared to be the front door, of the house I was in. It was daylight and I saw a big toy train that was moving in a strange centpede like way without a track. As it came closer I blacked out for a second and was back in my body.   How bizare!  

I wish I could be like you guys. Making the sacrifices, spending hours meditating but I always find the easiest ways.

Last night after sleeping for several hours I went and played with my computerfor about 45 minutes or so. which is the interupted sleep technique. I then went to bed and put on William Buhlmans Sleep Programming tape ( affirmation tape). If it didn't happen, so what.  Within 20 minutes I was in "the state". I then rolled over and out out of my body.

I wanted to go to my card I have waiting in the other room but when I was able to see, I was in my old house I used to live in. It wasn't a real time ob. It may have also been a self created ob. I asked for clarity now because it was kind of dreamy and fading fast. It didn't work and I was back in bed.

I wanted to try again but I was being harassed by a giggling phantom female who kept jabbing me in my bed every time I was getting close. Eventually I gave up, and turnned the tape off.


It was 3:00 AM on a Monday morning. I had been listening to coast to coast or Whitely Strieber.  I Thought, I have to get up at 5:00 AM tomorrow, so I set my alarm. I thought to myself  I might as well put on an affirmation tape by William Buhlman. It's going to be a long day tomorrow anyway.

By accident a feeling of paralysis came over me within minutes! I thought good but I want to cover myself up because I just turned on my air conditioner. I thought I had covered my self up over my head because it felt like my covers were over my face (witch I didn't like because now I was afraid I would suffocate If I were successful at leaving my body)!    

A big hand grabbed my wrist!  I could see it! All of a sudden I was out of my body. I could tell because I could see through my transparent arm!  I was also standing at an impossible angle. As I tried to straighten into a normal position and start to explore to verify the experience.   I was back in my body.  The covers were off of me.

This is the first time I have had vision.  I will now try to verify whether the phenomena is real or hallucinatory as I hopefully improve.

In the past I would accidentally wake up in the vibration or paralysis state not knowing what it was, suspecting demons. The more I feared it the more often it would happen. Before this I was to the point of dis believing anything to do with the spiritual.

Fearing mental disease or demons I (1)quit drinking and (2) would only go to sleep when extremely tired. This seemed to almost cure me, except for a few haunting occurrences.

Then (14 years later) hearing Albert Taylor on Art Bell one night, I found out another possibility of what the phenomena was.

I began practicing to re- activate the paralysis. since then I've had a few what most would call OBE'S. Now I wish to prove to myself that they are real and have been doing the card experiment.  For some reason I've had a long dry spell, and am unable to project. My method for projection has been to wake up in the "state" and then just walk away from my body. I never have been able to project directly from meditation. It's as though I'm not suppose to know. well, I intend to have my way.

What do I do?  

Once I looked into a mirror and I saw myself. I looked the same but geometrically shaped areas of me would disappear and then appear again. Then, when I walked away from the mirror, I was all of a sudden over a thousand miles away in a house I used to live in.
I get most of my supplements from this company. They have all of the work and scientific research done for you. They have safe products that actually work desighned to treat specific conditions.

They have the option of reward for referals but I don't recommend it as a business.

You will be able to order from this site without a referal, but if you have specific questions in wich  much time is spent calling around researching you should use the # of the person that helped you so they will be able to get their products for less money.

Many health problems are caused by lack of nutrients.

Welcome to Healing discussions! / Cancer
January 01, 2003, 05:48:01
I'm aware of many treatments using nutritional supplements. Recently my sister treated an old woman who had the worst type of brain cancer known. She had a biopsy done to the tumor a year ago and was told she would be dead in 2-6 months. That was a year ago. They recently took a scan of her brain and could not find the tumor. The doctors at first thought a mistake was made but the results were the same on the second test.

The treatment used was corral calcium and a special anti oxident substance derived from rasberries. I'm told the calcium raises the alkaline levels in the body among other reasons.

This is nothing new for me. It happens time and time again. Doctors almost always  ignore these types of treatments due to money and politics, no matter how well they work. One place you can find out more is here.

Sounds like you were close to projecting and your so called astral body was seperating. When in spirit form normal laws of physics do not apply so you are able to change shape and size.

The key is to keep doing a technique you like at least once a day, for around 30 minutes. If after a couple months you are not getting any results try another technique. I find his sleep programming cd very effective. one of my most successfull techniques is to get up in the middle of the night ( as I am now ). Then go back to sleep after about an hour with the cd playing.

A person I know who has done passed life therapy on serial killers in prison says. Evil is a manifestation. When evil is done to someone in a past or present life, it can manifest itself in that person.

One of the most evil killers was cured after he experienced his own (past life) murder, by a person on their own evil trip.  This person would kill anyone he could get his hands on but now helps others in prison.

All your doing is sending electromagnetic waves through your brain, with the coil output. It has been reported to induce out of body sensations in some experiments done.  Who knows what damage you may be doing to your brain though? The time dial is probably just something to give you the suggestion that you are traveling in time (hypnosis).

for a safe way to achieve OBE'S I suggest the $49 (4 cd set) available on this page

I'm coming off of it right now. What a horrible odd State. Very primitive. Felt like a wild confused ape in a strange jungle. Luckly I'm coming down quickly.  

I don't think that being out of control is much (if any) help for OBE.  I would rather be normal when doing it. This little plant has its own little flavor though.

An icky feeling.

The first time I smoked it I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. Like over the years I had become accustomed to this alien world, we call Earth. And now I sould see how creepy it really is. Bad 10 minute trip.

The second time I was in a better mood and had a pot like high with not much paranoia. I even smoked a lot more but still didn't get too high.  

Maybe I'll try again I still have some.

There is an available substance that is more likely to assist in an OB called Calea Zacatechichi ( Dream Herb ). The first night I smoked it I later had a clear OB. What I like about it is, it doesn't make you feel much different than normal.  It kind of just puts you in a good mood. When you go to sleep it kind of keeps you on the edge of sleep.

You boil it in water and drink the bitter tea. Then you also smoke (choke down) a large handfull.  Good luck choking down that horrible weed.

The Indians are reported to use it long ago. Strangely enough, I have a memory of using it as an Indian. I don't know if it was a false memory or not. The first time I didn't use enough and an Indian woman told me to use a big handfull.

I have some sitting in a cabinet, with the high temperature torch I bought with it. 5X Extract Enhanced Leaf.
I kind of had a 5 minute Marjiuana like high off of it but no hallucinations. Maybe I don't have enough of it in my system. I don't think it is a good tool for OBE.

I think it is a very safe drug because it only lasts for around 5- 10 minutes. end.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / My Typical OBE
December 16, 2002, 17:44:25
Yes he has a website and it is easy to find by putting his name in your Explorer search.  Or go to

I use the 4 CD Set for $49. Mainly the Sleep programing tape these days. I don't know If I would have been able to go OB without them. Good luck.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Dieing
November 24, 2002, 22:55:38
Your body is just asleep. If anyone comes into the room they will just think you are asleep.

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Astral wind...
November 14, 2002, 19:42:32
I don't know if I am talking about the same thing or not. Once while laying in
bed semi conscious I heard loud windy noises as though I was going through a hurricane force wind.  I thought to my self, "Jesus Christ that wind is blowing I wonder how much more this building will take"! It wasn't like a dream it was as if I were being jarred out of my sleep by a large storm.

After I was fully awake I raced over to the window to take a look at the carnage but their was no sign of a storm.  Where I live it is almost always mild warm weather and the wind rarely blows. It was nice, warm and calm.

WHat am i doing worng ?

Expecting to OOB as easily as turning a light switch? It will take at least a month to start getting anywhere, unless you are a person that often wakes up in the paralysis state.  

It sounds like your routine is good, but it needs a little time.

Interesting website auraseer. I have a book called Empty Force The Ultimate Martial Art. I lost interest because it requires hours of holding postures (like the Tree posture) every day for months if not years. Sounds very similiar. Have you become proficeint enough to validate it?

do u know where the thread which talks about sleep interruption is?

No I read it out of a book.  Albert Taylor.

Simply put. You are just waking up for a while in the middle of your sleep, splitting the nights sleep into 2 sections.   Example. You go to sleep and wake up or have your alarm wake you in 4 hours. You then get up for an hour and do something. you then go back to sleep.

What kind of tape are you talking about? What sort of material does it play? And where did you get it. Keep up the good work with OBE, hope to be there one day.

I use a cd I made from the "Sleep programming" ( positive sugestive affirmations) tape bought on this website.

It comes with the "4 tape set. Now available in CD form called "4 CD Set". I would get the cd set for $50.

The set has 6 different methods to project to find what works best for each individual. The Sleep programming tape is to be used with whatever you decide to use.

To Marty D.

I found myself in a similiar situation when younger. It was the worst drawn out experience. No money. Living with relatives. Drinking problem.

The way I got out of it was perseverance and patience to name a few.

1. Quit drinking and smoking.

2. Thought of some type of job I wouldn't mind doing that would pay what I could live well off of.

3. Enrolled in an Insititute to get the training necessary to be ellible. Find one that has a high success rate after completion.

4. Waited a year to get in the school.

5. Worked hard to get good grades ( I never did in high school).

6. Graduated, and began sending out resumes.

7. Eventually I landed a job in another state. Where I lived employment sucked.

But you have to realize it is a step by step process that doesn't happen over night.    

Last night I went to sleep at around 7pm because I was exausted. I later woke up around midnight. Feeling refreshed I decided to try the sleep interruption - affirmation technique again. After flushing 2 hours or so on my computer I then went to sleep with the tape playing.

Within an hour I was in the state. I then walked away from my body as my vision came on.  I remember asking for and getting "clarity now", several times.  I didn't really know where I was and could not fly or go through walls. It seemed like I was out for a very long time (20 minutes) trying to get back inside my present time house.

I guess I may have stayed out for too long as I barely remembered any detail.  All I remember is thinking while I was out that I am 2 for 2 using this method and I can't wait to gloat.

When will I know when to try to do a technique like "rope" or Yo-Yo to leave the body ? Sorry for the flurry of questions =P I hope this helps everyone.

When you are scarred Sh## less. When you feel a presence and or something is wrong, not working normally. You'll know. It isn't too nebulous.