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Messages - InnateBuddha

I wished for at least a couple of replies... :cry:
i dunno about NEW but i do tai chi and it helps a lot.  my teacher says done long enough you stop getting colds altogether.
tai chi has helped me a lot...ive done a little chi kung but not enough to get an effect.  but my tai chi/chi kung instructor tells me chi kung aids the tai chi stimulate your energetic maximum potential.
This experience is what got me into researching OBE's and I've decided to post it to get your opinions on it.

This happened in October 2005.  It was very late at night when i was trying to get to sleep.  I suddenly felt very relaxed and I felt something I had never felt before that night.  I felt as if I was falling inward (I think in Astral Dynamics Robert Bruce says this is the feeling of the etheric body expanding outward)....anyways, I "fall" inward and suddenly find myself in this bright blue space.  This elderly woman, with white hair and black rimmed glasses, appears and glides over to me.  At this point everything is fuzzy but it seems as thought she looks at my face. I feel a loving energy coming from her.  It kind of reminds me of my living grandmother so I get rather scared and force myself to wake up.  

I wake up scared that something happened to my grandma.  I want to call home to see if my grandma's okay but its 4am and I dont wanna freak my parents out so i decide against it.  Looking back on it now, even though I hadn't had an experience like this before, I instinctively knew that it was not a regular dream...somehow it felt real.  I decide to go back to sleep.

Once again, I "fall" inward and find myself in the same place and see the same lady.  I guess she reaches out for me because I see her hand.  I grabbed her hand and felt loving energy again.  It felt just like my living grandma's hand.  We then started to glide in a certain direction but I freak out again thinking it might be my grandma.  I force my self to wake up and I wake up sweating and nervous on the point of tears thinking my grandma may have passed.  I calm down, tell my self everything is okay and I will call home in the morning.  

Knowing that my grandma was okay, I came to the realization that maybe it was my dad's mom, who passed before I was born.  I remembered seeing a picture of her a long time before and she had white hair with black glasses.  I decided to wait til I talked to my sister to come to any conclusion.  My sister is very psychic and has channelled my dad's mom before and actually relayed a message from her to my dad.  I told my sister what happened and confirmed the appearance of our dad's mom.  She then advised me to surround my self with white light the next time something similar happened but did not tell me why.  She also said I probably confused her with our other grandma because maternal energies give off a consistent, similar vibe.  

So there ya first experience and it was quite a doozie.  Haven't had one since (since I've actually started trying haha) but it was pretty cool to get some sort of validation.  Except for the fear, it was a very pleasant experience and I certainly felt my grandma's love even though we never met in the physical.
when i was first trying to see auras I was concentrating on seeing the aura when i got this crazy vibration between the brows.  It lasted five minutes probably and was intense.  I had never had that before and havent since but for me that was a verification that there is something there that can be activated.
the blue and yellow tinges arent auras.... i see those naturally too, especially with glasses.  I confused this with auric vision myself.  First you should see a milky white layer around the skin and then as you stimulate the third eye the aura will begin to grow around the white layer.  In my experience, people's heads are almost always yellow because of the intellect and their bodies will be a different color.
i think you should tell the rest of the story in order for us to make a better interpretation....
So I've recieved my free attunements from Stefan and have been practicing healing myself but not feeling much.  But yesterday my girlfriend had a migraine and decided to try it out on her.  One thing you should know- she had no previous knowledge of energy work, reiki, kundalini etc. before i did this.  I followed the prodedure to heal and let the energy flow.  After I was done I asked her how she felt.  She said her head felt better and during the healing she felt energy snaking up her spine up to the top of her head - pretty much a description of kundalini energy!  I was amazed and validated...this stuff isnt just mumbo jumbo...this is just more  motivation to keep practicing.
astraluminated- yeah i can see colors on the human was very difficult before my attunement to see it but now its easier.  

esoel- go to Stefan's site and download the e-book "How to See Aura" by Robert Bruce...its a very good resource on developing auric vision.

my auric vision wasnt instantaneous took a while but now it pretty much is instantaneous.
I got my first attunement yesterday and i felt some pressure on the third eye and some tingling around the crown and the hands.  They were subtle.  The amazing thing i noticed is that my auric vision has become almost instantaneous and i am able to see human auras now.
actually, covelo, that idea ran through my head as well but ive always thought that chakras cant be see, third eye included.  so i really doubt it was a mental projection...
thanks for your responses... I was thinking something along the lines of what Sunn said but astraluminated's response is plausible too since she does have psychic ability though she is scared of developing it.  This really freaked me out though as it was quite scary looking...anybody else have opinions?
Hi all,

I've recently been doing a lot of energy work and training my auric vision.  The other night after finishing typing on my computer I got up and looked over at my girlfriend who was sleeping on the bed.  My bed faces a mirror so technically I was looking at her reflection.  As I look at her reflection I see an eyeball in the middle of her closed eyes.  I kind of freaked and looked at her and sure enough she was sound asleep. It was a round eyeball, so it didnt look like a regular person's eye being in the eye socket.  Was this her third eye?? If it was, does that mean her third eye's open?? Or does it open when were asleep? If it wasn't her third eye, then what was it??

man, it seems like all the record shops around here are closing down....i think id go crazy digging thru 1 dollar reggae albums...
thanks stookie.... yeah i prefer sampling but im known to do synth beats every once in  a while.... i love jimi hendrix too...i was obsessed with him for a good while. I love punk too, my favorite band is the Dead Kennedys. Blues is dope too, tho I'm more of a Jazz cat.  Miles, Billie Holliday, Nina Simone..

Do you guys like the band Clutch?? I recently discovered their stuff even though theyve been around for years.
Stookie, we seem to share a lot of the same tastes...I actually worked with project blowed for a second... im mostly into golden era stuff myself..aka Gangstarr, Digable Planets, Jeru, I'm a huge Wu fan, De La, Tribe, Nas, Cormega etc etc...

I see you guys on the metal... my favorite band is Rage Against the Machine.
like attracts like?
Anyone here into Hip Hop? If so, what kind are you into?  I see a lot of people here are into electronic music but no one speaks of hip hop so I'm wondering...

I'm an aspiring producer and can check out some of my tracks at along with some concert pics.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Members Pictures 2006
February 20, 2006, 07:35:46
This is me at the zoo making my gorilla face

Welcome to Magic! / David Blane
February 20, 2006, 00:42:22
none of u guys heard of trick decks??
Welcome to Astral Projection Experiences! / Drugs...
February 18, 2006, 22:51:46
I'm not too experienced either but i've had 3d blackness.  thats not OBE...thats a trance state.  You were probably in  a trance state and the weed messed with your subconscious insecurites or paranoia.
So last night I went to sleep and next thing I know, i'm outside my apartment by the elevator.  I look down the hallway and I see my friend with someone else.  (This friend is a rather new friend so I dont know too much about him). I look at him and start "walking" to him.  He smiles at me and says "You've never done this before?? Just fly over here.  So my next thought is "Okay, on the message board they say to think about what you want to do" so I just think "fly" and i feel my self floating upwards and towards my friend. At this point for some reason as i am approaching my friend i start to freak out a little...maybe from the sensation of flying or something.  So I decide to go back to my body.  So i start thinking about my body and I feel myself falling backwards faster and faster until I wake up.  I dont wanna ask my friend cuz i dont wanna freak him out, being a rather new friend and all... so i want you guys' opinion on whether this couldve been an OBE... thanks.
hi warpedreality,

do u have any links or anything to energy meditations and chakra meditations?
i know exactly what youre talking about... as soon as i broke my sp i slipped into it at least 3 more times (that i can fully remember)....and now as i start to relax i can even feel it start to totally freaked me out and havent tried the relaxation tape since...