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Messages - ArK_AnG31

Its weird I should find this post today as i did use cannabis to induce an obe the other day, but things didn't quite go how i planned....much better tho :D. i was laid relaxing on my sofa watching TV and i had only smoked a little but it was enough to put me into a full state of relaxation... the weirdest part was i could feel my astral so i decided to try and separate, knowing i was still fully conscious...and watching TV at the time. I attempted to sit up and as i did my vision started to get blurred. it took me a few attempts to completely separate but i did in the end from a fully awake state, is this unusual?????
well neither of us could sleep that's why we were out, but we walked past a church earlier that night and it chimed at midnight, but it chimed 13 times, this on its own wouldn't of been too bad but we found out that the church is unmanned and doesn't have an automatic bell. so there was no1 in there to chime the bell. needless to say i have not been back to that church at night for some time now and don't have any intentions of doing so..
About 2 years ago i was out with a friend about 1am in the morning when we decided to sit down for a rest, we were looking at an old windmill which we were sat near and i saw what at the time i thought was a shooting star.... i kept looking in the same direction to see if i could see another but to my surprise it shot back up along the same angle it descended on....needless to say at this point i was entirely freaked out and left...although it wasn't just that object that freaked me out but that's another story....
To be quite honest all i did was sit in a quiet room and clear my mind of all absent thoughts, i usually do it to reduce the stress from day to day life, but now I'm thinking of taking it further.

any suggestions?
that's good to know then  :grin:  hopefully ill achieve that state soon.
Before starting i should mention that i have only just recently started meditating on a regular basis.

Today whilst meditating, after about 10 mins my body was completely relaxed i experienced REM, which was unexpected to say the least, is this standard for meditation or something else??
Wow!! I think i did it.

i used my newly adopted technique and then after reaching sleep paralysis and consciously trying to separate for a while i had just about decided to go to sleep when the vibes hit me hard. it took all my concentration to stay calm as to not cause this to stop, I tried to move my astral limbs and with surprisingly great ease just stood up. after becoming familiar with my strange new feelings i decided to attempt to pass through the wall nearest my bed which leads onto my son bedroom, it took some serious effort but i successfully transversed this obstacle.

what really took me by surprise was on the other side of the wall i saw my son... he is only 20mths old but i swear i saw his astral body, could this of been my 1st obe or did i dream it all.

any input would be appreciated for the furtherment of my understanding.
i tried it Reemya and it did seem to help i believe, it seemed as though i could move my astral limbs but still could not separate completely, its feels like i need to lunge out but i cant seem to get the momentum to move my head, i understand that the head is usually the strongest attracted chakra to the body, any further help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi, the first time i tried to AP i felt the vibrations but started to concentrate and get excited about them so subsequently the they dissipated, unfortunately since i have only been able to experience sleep paralysis at this point i feel as though my arms are starting to separate, am i doing something wrong

Please help
Hello fellow travelers

I am relatively new to AP and am being met with problems but that's for another post, anyway if you would like to say hi so i can get to know you all that'd be great
