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Messages - __--nezabaleta--__

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
August 08, 2005, 18:20:48
What a good idea, Sn0wBl!nd..!
And what about Kundalini control..? Theoretically, it would activate some hidden (and actually turned off) mechanisms leading to autoregeneration of living cells.
Dear Co-Forists...

I've found the "Tensegrity" keyword at several posts in astralpulse's forum. My only goal is to promote it to the level of an explicit topic in this forum devoted to "Energy Body Development".

Following I quote the exact content of
I hope it serves as introduction to this topic on Tensegrity.

                   What Is Tensegrity?
     Tensegrity is the modernized version of some movements called magical passes developed by Indian shamans who lived in Mexico in times prior to the Spanish Conquest.
     Times prior to the Spanish Conquest is a term used by don Juan Matus, a Mexican Indian shaman who introduced Carlos Castaneda, Carol Tiggs, Florinda Donner-Grau and Taisha Abelar to the cognitive world of shamans who lived in Mexico in ancient times -- which, according to don Juan, was between 7,000 and 10,000 years ago.
     Don Juan explained to his students that those shamans discovered through practices that he could not fathom, that it is possible for human beings to perceive energy directly as it flows in the universe. In other words, those shamans maintained, according to don Juan, that any one of us can do away, for a moment, with our system of turning energy inflow into sensory data pertinent to the kind of organism that we are. Turning the inflow of energy into sensory data creates, shamans affirm, a system of interpretation that turns the flowing energy of the universe into the world of everyday life that we know.
     Don Juan further explained that once those shamans of ancient times had established the validity of perceiving energy directly, which they called seeing, they proceeded to refine it by applying it to themselves, meaning that they perceived one another, whenever they wanted it, as a conglomerate of energy fields. Human beings perceived in such a fashion appear to the seer as gigantic luminous spheres. The size of these luminous spheres is the breadth of the extended arms.
     When human beings are perceived as conglomerates of energy fields, a point of intense luminosity can be perceived at the height of the shoulder blades an arm's length away from them, on the back. The seers of ancient times who discovered this point of luminosity called it the assemblage point, because they concluded that it is there that perception is assembled. They noticed, aided by their seeing, that on that spot of luminosity, the location of which is homogeneous for mankind, converge zillions of energy fields in the form of luminous filaments which constitute the universe at large. Upon converging there, they become sensory data, which is utilizable by human beings as organisms. This utilization of energy turned into sensory data was regarded by those shamans as an act of pure magic: energy at large transformed by the assemblage point into a veritable, all-inclusive world in which human beings as organisms can live and die. The act of transforming the inflow of pure energy into the perceivable world was attributed by those shamans to a system of interpretation. Their shattering conclusion, shattering to them, of course, and perhaps to some of us who have the energy to be attentive, was that the assemblage point was not only the spot where perception was assembled by turning the inflow of pure energy into sensory data, but the spot where the interpretation of sensory data took place.
     Their next shattering observation was that the assemblage point is displaced in a very natural and unobtrusive way out of its habitual position during sleep. They found out that the greater the displacement, the more bizarre the dreams that accompany it. From these seeing observations, those shamans jumped to the pragmatic action of the volitional displacement of the assemblage point. And they called their concluding results the art of dreaming.
     This art was defined by those shamans as the pragmatic utilization of ordinary dreams to create an entrance into other worlds by the act of displacing the assemblage point at will and maintaining that new position, also at will. The observations of those shamans upon practicing the art of dreaming were a mixture of reason and seeing energy directly as it flows in the universe. They realized that at its habitual position, the assemblage point is the spot where converges a given, minuscule portion of the energy filaments that make up the universe, but if the assemblage point changes location, within the luminous egg, a different minuscule portion of energy fields converges on it, giving as a result a new inflow of sensory data: energy fields different from the habitual ones are turned into sensory data, and those different energy fields are interpreted as a different world.
     The art of dreaming became for those shamans their most absorbing practice. In the course of that practice, they experienced unequaled states of physical prowess and well-being, and in their effort to replicate those states in their hours of vigil, they found out that they were able to repeat them following certain movements of the body. Their efforts culminated in the discovery and development of a great number of such movements, which they called magical passes.
     The magical passes of those shamans of Mexican antiquity became their most prized possession. They surrounded them with rituals and mystery and taught them only to their initiates in the midst of tremendous secrecy. This was the manner in which don Juan Matus taught them to his disciples. His disciples, being the last link of his lineage, came to the unanimous conclusion that any further secrecy about the magical passes was counter to the interest that they had in making don Juan's world available to their fellow men. They decided, therefore, to rescue the magical passes from their obscure state. They created in this fashion, Tensegrity, which is a term proper to architecture that means "the property of skeleton structures that employ continuous tension members and discontinuous compression members in such a way that each member operates with the maximum efficiency and economy." This is a most appropriate name because it is a mixture of two terms: tension and integrity; terms which connote the two driving forces of the magical passes.

As excerpted from Carlos Castaneda's Readers of Infinity, Number 1, Volume 1, 1996. Published by Cleargreen, Incorporated, (c) Copyright 1996-2003, Laugan Productions, Incorporated. All rights reserved.  

That's all folks..!
Text in Englishman - frances-castellano.

It does moments I experienced the jollification of appreciating the efforts of some co-foristas (Neo-Schiavo ? Frequent Flier ? sain ? shaman ? Nick) in understanding the post of Frenchman (Kevline) that (happily) had the valor of breaking the ice and expressing his thoughts in his language of origin.
I do not want to condemn it to the ostracism, but I would like to attract attention of the population foristica of astralpulse in relation to:

1 - the existence in Internet of services of translation online.
2 - the need to establish English as official language in these forums. The reason takes root in the laborious thing that is to open the translator, to copy the text, it to go with the translator, to translate it, to read it and to understand it (difficult thing provided that the translators are not sensitive to the context which reduces the wealth of the message).
3 - the service that is big enough http: // / has certain limitations. For example, the translation of this text (original in Castilian) should have done in two stages, in reason of which he does not allow a length of text to translate bigger than certain number of words.

Good, I leave to them this worry and declare the debate open.

Texte dans anglais-français- castillan.

Il y a des moments j'ai éprouvé la joie d'apprécier les efforts de
quelques co-foristas (Neo-Schiavo - Frequent Flier - sain - ils shaman
- Nick) en comprendre le post d'un français (Kevline) qui
(heureusement) a eu la gravelosité de casser la glace et exprimer ses
pensées dans sa langue d'origine.
Je ne veux pas le condamner à l'ostracisme, mais voudrait attirer
l'attention de la population foristica d'astralpulse par rapport à :

la 1 - existence dans Internet de services de traduction online.
les 2 - nécessités d'établir l'Anglais comme langue officielle dans
ces forums. La raison est située dans laborieux ce qui est d'ouvrir
le traducteur, de copier le texte, le coller dans le traducteur, le
traduire, le lire et le comprendre (chose difficile puisque les
traducteurs ne sont pas sensibles au ce qui réduit la richesse du
message). 3 - le service qui prête certaines limitations. Par
exemple, la traduction de ce texte (original dans castillan) a dû
être faite dans deux étapes, en raison desquelles elle n'admet pas
une longueur de texte à traduire plus grand à un certain nombre de

Bon, je leur laisse cette inquiétude et déclare ouvert le débat.


Texto en ingles-frances-castellano.

Hace instantes experimenté el regocijo de apreciar los esfuerzos de algunos co-foristas (Neo-Schiavo – Frequent Flier – sain – shaman – Nick) en comprender el post de un francés (Kevline) que (felizmente) tuvo la valentía de romper el hielo y expresar sus pensamientos en su idioma de origen.
No quiero condenarlo al ostracismo, pero quisiera llamar la atención de la población foristica de astralpulse en relacion a:

1 - La existencia en Internet de servicios de traducción online.
2 – La necesidad de establecer el inglés como idioma oficial en estos foros. La razón radica en lo trabajoso que es abrir el traductor, copiar el texto, pegarlo en el traductor, traducirlo, leerlo y comprenderlo (cosa difícil dado que los traductores no son sensibles al contexto lo cual reduce la riqueza del mensaje).
3 – El servicio que presta tiene ciertas limitaciones. Por ejemplo, la traducción de este texto (original en castellano) debió hacerse en dos etapas, en razón de que no admite una longitud de texto a traducir mayor a cierto numero de palabras.

Bueno, les dejo esta inquietud y declaro abierto el debate.
Dear Co-Forist:

This is a census what have by object to gather information leading to an statistical study. Please answer here (no make reference to your bio or hobby data quoted at your profile) that help to correlate data in a more secure way.

I (and other persons interested) will be gratefully indebted if you quotes about:

1-Are you an OBEer or a non-OBEer (or trying to be an OBEer).

2-How much time ago what you are an OBEer (or trying to be an OBEer).

3-You can (or cannot) access Askashic Register

4-You have (or haven`t) contacted with Higher Beings.

5-Other complementary data that you want to post about your abilities.

Thank you very much.
Think about this assert/question: "Is ethical or unethical use our brain power for to study a profession and gain our lives..?"

If there are persons with lower brain capability, that circunstance cannot drive myself into charge of guilty, and lead my life pathway to a poor condition, don't you..?

Then the use of my occult capabilities, is a mean of demonstrate common sense. If I have them, then I must ethically involved in to use them in pro of my survival.

Then, the ethical or unethical of such a act of proper improvement of richness through remote viewing or astral travel or pendulum dowsing, can be calibrated through the ultimate consequences of such acts: "is for own vanity or hungry of money..?", or otherwise, "looking for the benefit of others..?" Only at death time one can decide if one proceed good or bad.

Robert Bruce has post yet your position about ethic (or loss of it) in the act of to watch in the private life of human beings at physical situation.

As a matter of fact, citizen life has the same quality than jungle life. There and here, the survival of the fittest, is always the main rule.

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
March 20, 2004, 05:18:09
I've find that masturbation is a reliable way for to settle my physical body and have success in pulling the rope at least in hte first stages of dropping brainwaves to alpha state. I reachs, too, something like a perspective sensation (seed of "mind split effect"..?). Sensation wich I assumes as indicative of detachment but I try to ignore it, for don't to lost the thread of splitting process. Anyone have similar experiencies..?
Dear Major TOM...(or anyone else who can thorougly and authoritative response to this)

I've two questions for you:

1 – Hearing CD/Tape 1 of WAVE I of  "Gateway Experience" (or in its spanish version "Portal de Descubrimiento") there are a short time lapse of vocalizing, that resembles "OM Chanting".
What's its real purpose..?

2 – Purpose of CD/Tape 1 is to take listener from C-1 (Normal Conciousness) to C-3 (Focus 3), namely the "Synchronization of Brain and Mind". But I don´t get significant change between such a state and "tingling body and mind clearer" state that I reach when I conciously follows a controlled breathing rythm (Hatha yoga), without the assistance of Hemi-Sync process.
Is a sign that I must to persevere in hearing of Tape I ?
Or is a sign that I'm in condition of to accomplish purposes of Tape I without its assistance ?
How can you to describe "Synchronization of Brain and Mind" paradigm ?

My best regards...
Welcome to Magic! / Materializing Stuff
August 17, 2004, 06:45:17
Since matter are equal to condensed energy, and energy can be gathered from the Zero Point Field, then that doesn't so much incredible from the physical viewpoint. Perhaps condensing Zero Point energy centered in a ectoplasm shell, provided by a medium, you can materialize anything you want; done a reliable model. I think this would be a way for to replication or teletransportation of things; in a fashion similar to "Star Trek: The Next Generation" picture. By other hand, do you remember the Christ Miracle of the replication of bread and fish? That's an example, to think on.
I think you all must to ask Nita about such a purposes. Anyway, self profit, seems to be locked by our higher being, I though.
Rehearse the climbing action in your mind implies not only hand over hand climb the rope (by use of tactil imagery), it implies (too) rehearse the climbing sensation in a way like to falling sensation along a stair or lift. Remember the falling exercise depicted by RB for to enter trance state. I think, too, rehearse sensation opportunity is at inhale time.
Dear Angus...
Have you heard about CNR (Center for Neuroacoustical Research) ?
There are valuable info about altered states at frequencies higher than Beta. Explore it and do feedback, it will be appreciated.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
July 25, 2004, 12:08:27
Originally posted by BlackBox

Have any good links to websites describing the "Keguel Exercises"?

Search at sites devoted to Tantra Yoga and ejaculation control techniques.
Hi, Phanuel..!

I think "Extended awareness" as "Superconciousness", a topic related to the "Interconnected Universe" concept.

Yes, is possible to control physical body while you are out of it. It is question of practice, too.

Hi, Angus..!
Try with the software from
Hi, astralboy..!
I think your post as highly correct from a intuitively viewpoint.
If we are capable of to produce PK (psichokynesis) effects while we are inside our body, why not while we are outside our body..? We can assume we are more efficient when we are out at the time of to try and to induce such acts of PK.
By other hand, how do you explain poltergeist phenomenon..? If non-incarnated entities, (and possibly lower entities) can move objects, why not "higher entities" (relatively speaking) like us..?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
July 25, 2004, 06:36:45
Originally posted by des Jardins

Although masturbation is nasty thing, I think nezabaleta (this topic's author) is partially right. Masturbation can works like a dinamo process leading to store a great amount of mental energy. Such a big amount of mental energy can be sublimated boosting the rope pulling mental work, avoiding subsequently the energy loss involved by the orgasm.

Hi, Natalia..!
Your approach is a very good assertion in pro of the benefits of masturbation. I think a thought form is created whilst masturbation act is in progress. Such a thought form can be used as reservoir of mental energy leading to an increase of pulling act efficiency. Then, is critical to avoid orgasm for to retain and use it. Keguel exercises are advised.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Attack On England
May 14, 2004, 12:27:13
It seems soon will be a nuclear attack on England.
I only want to post following link:

Yo me pregunto... ¿cuándo las "buenas nuevas" serán el tema central de las profecías y no la muerte, la destrucción, el caos, el hambre, la mano del Hombre contra el Hombre, o la mano del Nombre contra la Naturaleza (como es el caso de la matanza de las pobres focas canadienses)..? Creo que es hora de que el Hombre reciba su merecido. Ayer, por el Discovery Channel, un científico hablaba sobre el Cambio Climático. Se avizoran grandes cambios climáticos debidos al ansia de poder económico y el despilfarro de recursos. El Hombre debe sufrir las consecuencias de su ceguera y loca carrera hacia la "properidad", a expensas de la destrucción de su medio ambiente.
Disculpen que haya expresado mi pensamientos en castellano. Tal vez, pienso, haya alguna persona que pueda interpretarlos. Estoy segura de que las hay.
Originally posted by Frequent Flier

You have to know the language quite a bit to use them. Otherwise, by themselves, so far, they are not very useful.

You're right, Frequent Flier. Certainly, I use them as help when interpretation easyness stops in reason of a strange expression or a standard idiomatic draft.

Users of such translation systems (as time ago I was) cannot ignore its low level service quality. From the first time they use them, users will suprise with the bad quality in a tipical english->spanish or english->french translation.

Translation systems serves as crutches. In such a sense, they aren't means of transport by own merit.

Originally posted by Moonburn33

i practiced tensegrity for two years, multiple hours every day and have had more success in one month with NEW than the entire two years with "tensegrity"

" All the ways lead Rome, some of them are more eventful than different, easier or more difficult, for that he seeks to enjoy the scenery or for the one that likes the challenges, there is for all the pleasures "
by an Anonym Author
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / matrix
April 16, 2004, 11:35:26
About the originality of matrix concept, I remember at my early years at high school, I read a poem from Pedro Calderon de la Barca: "The Life is Dream". I think "What's the Matrix" picture is a sequel of such poem.
Dear Jayselect...

Please, access to
and doing click on its images you'll access to Norkov pictures.
There, too, you can gather info about tensegrity.
See you later..!
Dear Jayselect...
As you can see at lower right corner of pictures posted by me, they are firmed by Maia Norkov. From Google finder you can gather following address data:
They are copyrighted to "Norkov Designs".
Then, I think you are wrong with your suspicion of falseness.
Furthermore, there exists the possibility that digitalblasphemy be a repository of affine images.
Sincerely and cordially