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Messages - loppoppy

Welcome to Dreams! / A New Type Of Dream
April 12, 2013, 09:45:40
Let me set the scenario. The "dream" is a consistent and alternate life, complete with a different set of friends and family that I know and love (but not in this life), places that are familiar and connected to a whole new set of memories (that as far as I know don't exist and have never happened). Nothing overly special about this scenario, technology and architecture are different but not necessarily advanced, it is just different, yet seemlessly consistent from night to night. I've been seeing it for the past week. is it just a dream? If so, what is it supposed to mean? If not, why am I seeing it? Usually answers come to me through meditation, that is not the case this time, possibly because the topic itself is highly distracting.

In the event that this is an alternate reality, I still require some kind of explanation. I am not very well versed in this sort of activity. I know that time is subjective, and "when" is simply the point where our conciousness currently resides. How to shift along or between layers of the "time stream" isn't exactly a skill of mine.

Thanks in advance to anyone with any knowledge on this topic...
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: Time
April 12, 2013, 05:32:53
Quote from: Szaxx on April 09, 2013, 16:47:28
Im attempting to understand how this could work within the social system of today. A difficult task indeed.

If it helps, there is a fine line between connection and attachment. you can apply it to the world we live in this way, although it is very difficult and I do not profess mastery over it.

I highly enjoy video games for the stories they tell and the interactivity they provide to these stories, but if my games were to disappear I would not miss them. There is not attachment there, just a connection from which i take the most I can from, then accepting they will end and I will move on. This is an easy example. Attempting to apply this to more "serious" matters such as your job or your love life can often blur that fine line and you end up straight up attached and missing the point. It's entirely possible to love another, to earn a lot of money, if that is what you're striving for, providing you take care and remain aware of it's true significance and the part it plays in your development.

We can't live our lives in solitude, we thrive when we connect with other things and beings. That higher state is a taster of what you're evolving into, there is no need to rush away from this plane until you've learnt what you came here to learn. I wouldn't reject this place, it's invaluable.
Hey guys, thanks for receiving me so warmly :).

Quote from: Bedeekin on March 15, 2013, 11:47:21
It's interesting that you discarded it... and that it seemingly went away. What do you consider a normal life?

Hey Bedeekin! Basically, I took the choice to put all of my energy into developing a career, maintaining a relationship and accepting the challenges of common physical life. In the past, I spent my time looking higher instead of living in the moment. It left me unfocused in both the physical and spiritual aspects of my development, as I was ignoring the lessons that are available to me in the here and now. I'm sure that this is a problem many people have had before.

Quote from: Lionheart on March 15, 2013, 14:20:52

Sometimes it is good to take a break and start focusing more on your physical life again. I have spoken to other people that have done this and basically all of their conscious non physical travel came to a halt. Even meditation was a chore for them. They could not remember their Dreams anymore either. But it was their choice.

Sounds about right! And yes, I never regretted my choice. I believe it is important to accept the consequences of our actions. "To live is to change. To choose something new, and lose that which was not chosen."
Quote from: Greytraveller on March 16, 2013, 13:48:43

Greetings loppoppy
Condolences for your friend. My only important comment is that after death communications (ADCs) do occasionally happen. Sometimes they occur in dreams and sometimes they happen during an OBE. So while it can be difficult to believe that such an event can happen do try to be open minded and hopefully you will 'meet' you friend again.

I am very pleased to announce that after reconnecting with my guide, practicing meditation and remembering old spiritual habits, I had a brief communication with my friend. It was very short, and no words were spoken. We smiled, I waved goodbye like I always used to, he moved past me and was gone. It was a beautiful moment, although describing it, I can't imagine why it felt that way. Either way, I feel stronger every day. Onwards!

See you in the forums!
Giant anti-climax it is! haha. The rules of the game remain the same. We have to be the one to make the change, we can't expect some external force to do it for us. Get comfy.
It has been years, but I've found my way back to these forums. So first off, hi guys!!! Glad that this site is still around and growing.

I'm probably pretty much unknown here. It has been a very long time, so I'll give a bit of background information.
I've had a relatively positive history on this site, and over the years have developed my ability and knowledge a lot away from this forum. I used to astral project regularly from sleep and every now and then in a rare occurance in a concious awake state.

Recently I made the decision to live a "normal" life and focus on material things, a decision that was not taken lightly. It seems this decision has altered my subconcious and any kind of spiritual experiences have since ceased.

Despite my previous experiences, doubts have yet again risen in my mind of the nature of life in general and what lies beyond, due to a friend of mine recently dying of organ failure after successful lung cancer treatment. Now I no longer have any connection to anything beyond this plane, it feels like his existence has ceased completely and it scares me.
I need to get back into this, another experience will bring me peace of mind that he is OK and although the nature of his journey remains unknown to me, I can at least take heart with the knowledge his journey is moving forward.

This is a little bit deep and serious, not sure how it will be received on a public forum, but this site always was a site of inspiration and motivation for me, I hope it can continue to be such a place. You'll be hearing from me around certain topics.

I'll get to work on this stuff right away
whoa whoa whoa hold up a second!! Man it's useful reading these posts, you never know what you'll bump into. About that eyes rolling into the back of your head thing. Mine do that automatically, i can't get them to stop! I've been trying to conciously force them to stay normal and I thought that it was messing up my attempts, but you're saying it's actually helping? But it's so distracting, every time i become aware of it happening it ruins everything D:

just let it happen???
So i'm in a body I created, my dream body is within the dream which i've put in a ball in my pocket, and then I'm trying to project from this newly created body?

If you ask me, theoretically, I don't think that will have any differing result to just projecting from my original dream body. When I project from a Lucid dream, i leave that dream behind completely and appear by my bed, but as I've said it's choppy and doesnt last in comparison to concious AP. What difference is your method supposed to make? I suppose I could try it, it couldn't hurt, I'll let you know if I manage to pull it off.
If you've got the patience, I'm guessing you can learn to focus your mind through your AP attempts alone, with no added meditation. But you're talking about quite a fair few amount of failures in that scenario, and probably less clarity in your experiences for a while.
Ah yeah... Beautiful, just beautiful. Brings a tear to my eye just reading about it! Congratulations :)
Recently experienced a rather disturbing event involving false awakenings. I was trying to AP and I all of a sudden lost control of myself and got scared, my fear created an experience I would rather forget, and all attempts to wake up resulted in a false awakening. When I finally woke up for real, my body was in sleep paralysis, the only thing I could do was project and before I knew it, was stuck in the cycle of false awakenings again. This continued all night until the other people in my house woke up and brought me to my senses.

Based on this experience I am certain that OBE's and FA are linked. For me, they seemed to happen because my body was in sleep paralysis, and my intense desire to wake up created the experience of waking up, over and over again....and over and over again.... D: the whole time that silly fear I somehow released was plaguing my thoughts...ergh, nasty.
dmt trips can seem like a lot of things that they aren't.
Astral Projection is the way to go, I much prefer being able to control and influence what I experience directly.
Hey, I'm disappointed nobodies been able to help me out yet, just thought I'd check in with an update. I've kept trying and the situation is pretty much the same except my heart starts to pound real heavy. real slow, but real heavy. I'm talking beats so forceful my whole body feels like it's pulsing, any insight on that?
I can project into the astral from a lucid dream no problem. I lucid dream most nights, so thats not a problem either. The problem is that doing it this way has severe limitations to me, and a high risk of falling back into a dream or waking up. From a lucid dream I maintain complete control for about ten seconds, where i fly as fast and as far away as I can in my attempt at freedom, after those seconds it all changes, i lose control and thats that.

In comparison, the 1 time I have conciously projected, it was completely different. I had all the sensations, the rushing as I exited, I could feel my heart chakra humming away, I was SUPER aware of everything around me, like I could actually feel it in a way I've never felt anything before. at least 2 minutes of full control before returning to my body and recording every single detail.

I'm making no advances in projecting from lucid dreaming, it seems to be a bit of a cheat way, I believe that the only way to progress is to master concious projection, this is where I call out to you guys for HELP! Whatever I did that one time to achieve the perfect projection, I've never grasped it since. Any time that I've gotten close, I can't peg what I'm doing differently. I get to the point where I can feel my astral body moving back and forth ready to pop! and then it stops and I get stuck feeling like I'm in 2 bodies at once, both still connected to's annoying. From what I've described, do you have any clue what I'm missing?

I've recently taken a long break since my last attempt, trying to recharge my energies or something, and every time I think about trying again, I really don't see the point without some fresh info. Thanks in advance
About time you owned up to it!
You should give lessons on how to reach your creation =P
Quote from: kurtykurt42 on August 03, 2009, 05:47:52
What you call reports i call evidence. In a court of law any eye witness testimony or government document is proof enough to convict someone to life in prison. The proof is everywhere, all around us. And those who can't see it either don't want to or are blind.

Although interestingly enough, there have been a lot of research and "reports" by psychologists into eye witness testimony and results have found them to often be unreliable either due to the nature of questioning, the situation itself or the part that witness played in the situation. Yet this "proof" has still convicted later discovered innocent people to long and arduous prison sentences.
This brings up the point, what may be seen or considered as proof can still in truth not be proof at all. Undeniable proof is found to be rare when ordinairy proof is put under scrutiny.
What if someone wants to see the proof that you can see, but can not because of the proof they can see. They might consider you the blind or unwilling one.

You can look all over the internet at everyones experiences and all the reports you want, but everything that you read, hear and see from everyone else is a manifestation based on their individual perceptions and interpretations. That is why there are so many different ideas and different "proof" out there. The only proof you can truly rely on is your own. Mankind has ALWAYS posessed the means to uncover the truth and find their own proof. If anything, modern technology and resources distort our original gift.

If you want answers, they're closer than you think. They're within, where they always have been.
i'm glad to have brought amusement and happiness :)

and my apologies to zareste for the nature of my opinion sharing. I hope you do not take TOO much offence.
Quote from: kurtykurt42 on August 02, 2009, 17:45:10

I have never settled for "no one knows" and i never will. We are trained to believe we are small and insignificant by those who want this knowledge to remain secret. One day we will realize we aren't as small as we think.

bravo! We are plenty capable of uncovering all this knowledge ourselves! A little bit more self belief and resolve like kurykurt, please people :)
i'm drunk, it's late, and i've just read this thread.

Zareste,  :roll: bless your cotton socks. "Who wants to live? who wants to die? i shall grant your wishes. It is I who will give individuals what they want, be it life or DEATH! DEATH DEATH DEATH, I FORSEEE DEAAAAAAAAAAAATH. Me Me Me. I have a plan, but i won't tell you what it is  :wink: . if you have enough time to be thinking about peace and love your not thinking enough about the inevitable DOOM, DEATH, DESTRUCTION, PAIN because you are all afraid of it and blah blah blah more random assumptions about people i don't know etc etc. They are YOUR nuclear warheads and YOUR destruction!! I won't include myself in all of this because i have a supremely large ego which can not fit inside my head alongside my delusions of grandeur, loosely based assumptions and obsession with the horrors OF DOOM. People aspire to peace because they can not live with the turmoil they created, yes! this is true because i just said so! i am on a mission to find those who are capable of change and will build a new world upon the ashes of those who brought death!! raaaaaaaaaaar!"

haha honestly, does this guy know what he's on? who does he think he is? mmm
I understand that a number of people have tried to chill this fellah out with very intellectual, well balanced, logical and appropriately detached views, only to have them thrown back in their face with comments like "watch happily as the napalm eats off your skin".....honestly...what a douche. It's like this fool is blind to all the light in this world, and is immersed only in the darkness, quite annoying really. Sure he may mean well, but he couldn't be going about it in a darker way even if he tried, that's not helping anyone..and it's very rude :).

I might get a few of my hard earned karma points whittled away due to my lack of intelligent or respectable reply, but at this point i'm not too fussed. The rest of you are far too decent and respectable to mock and ridicule a mans standpoint, no matter how stupid it is, but i'm not  :-P This morning marks the morning i found the most dense and foolhardy of them all. From start to finish, he totally misunderstood what was being said to him, added insult to injury and continued to annoy and unimpress until people replying just gave up and said "OK" (a direct quote from Awakened_Mind  :wink: ) so OK Z, OK :)
10/10 for the first post of this thread.
I've read all the replies to this and at least took a look at all the links posted (took me a while) and it's amazing how many different beliefs there are concerning the many aspects to the subject of kundalini. Some posts seem a little bit closed minded and a little bit "you are wrong i am right" but still all of it an interesting read.
One of my favourite parts of this thread was the debate between SirLeon and GuardianMasterAngel.

I have done a lot of work into astral projection and have 100% conciously projected from an awake state a couple of times. I have had one kundalini rising experience of which i have limited memory. It involved unbelievable pain, heat and huge releases of energy from my other chakras. It was like I was in total overdrive and I was about to self destruct haha. I was also sick. The sensations rose upwards in surges until it reached and passed my head where the pain stopped. When it was over though I had a brief period of my higher self. I had countless realisations all hitting me at once and a whole new level of indescribable understanding and it was all so perfectly wonderful it was as if what i know as peace and love was a force engulfing and racing through me. Sounds cheesy but thats the easiest way to describe it. Afterwards and to this day I have no idea what those realisations were, and the feelings feel so distant and the memory so faint, it's as if it didn't really happen and it was all my imagination...but i know it wasn't. I clearly "was not properly prepared" and since that experience I pretty much stopped my training, I dunno why. After reading this thread I intend to continue =)

I should mention that during that point in time I was having frequent sex. I do not believe that sex is either a waste of energy or the cause of the kundalini rising. I was also not fasting or anything like that, which is probably why i was sick, but thats something i don't mind dealing with so i do not believe that i have to starve myself either. The energies used in sex and digestion are nothing severely missed. Nothing that a quick meditation or sleep session won't make up for :) Fighting the natural desires for sex and eating will only bring imbalance and lack of focus :) we should not fight our human nature, but work alongside it :).

In my case I am going to dismiss all guidelines, precautions, warnings and "dangers". When this experience occured I had not read up on kundalini rising, all i had read was that kundalini exists. From there I had recieved all the information required for rising from my guide/higher self/whoever during meditation. The one thing I will agree with is learning to fully and properly astral project first, as this gains a LOT of control and awareness that I believe is essential to ascension. Also, AP training brings with it the balance and discipline required for kundalini rising. By doing things my way I got results, I'm personally not going to waste time just to make the process a little easier to bare, as I believe that my time is limited, I don't have a lifetime to spend.
People talk as if the potential death is a danger, I see it as a required factor in order to reach ascension and full enlightenment. i believe the only way to fully ascend and become a "living master" is to die, ascend, then return to the physical body repairing and reactivating it. I will return and I will suceed :) I won't let me fail.

I hope you all get what your aiming for, and the only advice i can give, is to do it your way! Use anything you can find, whether from meditation or from articles, books and recorded experiences in order to find your way :)
phasing into it would still mean your just creating your own place....!
has anyone actually created a permanent astral pool of this place? or has someone just made a picture and told people to go there? coz if an original astral pool does not exist, then how can people meet up in it? if everyone phased into the picture or whatever they do, they would not go to the same place! they would go to individual places that their minds created through whatever technique they used

well ok if by doing it any of those ways people manage to meet up then let me know and i would have been proven wrong
but at this point i don't think you understand what it takes to actually create an astral pool that others can travel to without accidentally making a seperate place of their own.
unconditional love is a choice, a perception of self and can be used to define a purpose, the resulting force is one of purity, truth and the ability to make a lot of things possible =). A force to be reckoned with to be sure =).
Any kind of love is not a thought, it is an emotion. Love is the closest emotion you can physically feel to what you are calling unconditional love, a very good label for that particular state if i do say so myself.

Very well said for the most part, i couldn't agree more.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Message to humanity
December 08, 2008, 14:14:28
Quote from: kurai kokoro on September 26, 2008, 01:25:56
i think that if our world is destroyed then our D.N.A. would still remain on debris from the earth and scatter through out the Galaxy and hit several planets in the process thus giving life to new humans of course i don't want to find out.
i like that idea. it's feasible

Quote from: Everlasting on September 25, 2008, 23:09:58
Awesome message, lot's of truth for sure. Bottom line is, expect the cleansing.It will take a rather cataclysmic event to get rid of all the darkness. All humans will evacuate the Earth in one way or the other.
get rid of all this darkness? why would we want that to happen? sure it couldn't hurt to reduce it a little, but getting rid of it alltogether would be a bad idea. we need it to grow, without it there would be so many lessons we would never learn and so many things we would never understand.

Who's seen Donnie Darko?
well i'll just put it this way

when the "world ends" or whatever you want to call it, we aren't going to go anywhere. we probably won't even remember it. a tangent universe will occur without anyone even realising, everything will get sorted out, any crazy event or whatever will happen, and we'll wake back up into our original universe. All changes to the original universe that have been made and anything that happened in the tangent universe will either be forgotten or considered a dream =).
wot will happen in this tangent universe? who knows! maybe a series of events that will cause some to spiritually grow and ascend from this plane?
maybe a great war between the forces that be?
maybe just a great war between humans..
(insert theory about the end of the world here)
but if anything does happen, it will be in the way that causes the least damage or controversy to our way of life. This is because the way we live now is all we need to ascend and grow, why change it? because it's not working i hear some of you say!? well it is, slowly but surely, it's just a matter of time.

This of course brings to question if anything will happen at all. Guess we'll see, even if we don't remember it later.
i like the one principle...

it was all an interesting read!
hahaha wow thats a doozy!

heres the you are using physical concepts such as size and using words that have limited meaning (as any spoken word has) the question is unanswerable.
One is not a matter of size...size only applies to the physical plane.

if you want the answer to that question you are going to have to find it yourself...because anyone who knows the answer cannot explain it and sadly if you find out you won't be able to tell us the answer either.

i love it when the mind cannot comprehend something, it really shows its limits. The most advanced computer in the world and it hasn't got a clue XD