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Messages - cloud_strifes_successor

What exactly makes a place "Holy?"
1)Will having your astral form changed/altered in any way (good or bad) effect you physical body?

While we are at it, I have a question about the Astral body itself:

2) The ethereal/mental/astral bodies are actually one right? I mean, one contains all others, they just have different attributes , correct?

3) Can two planes of existence ( ethereal/astral) exist simultaneously?  I don't mean, like, your in RTZ and suddenly start to lose a bit of your focus and make something up (Alice in wonderland effect) but I mean a ACTUAL point where the Ethereal/mental/ and-or Astral can merge together and exist and once? Or are there different at all? Can anyone say for SURE they are not?

So basically, there not separate at all? If one gets affected and/or altered in any way, it effects the others?
Does developing one energy body develop them all? For instance, through NEW?
OH!!! I'm SUCH AN IDIOT!! That was one of the most important questions I wanted answered and I messed it up!!! SHOOT!!

What i was trying to ask, was is all this stuff written in stone?
Okay, the way I found out about all this metaphysics stuff is when i borrowed a friend's book called "Astral Dynamics"...Needless to say, I was kinda hooked...He told me about Robert Bruce and his amazing NEW system, after hearing him, I've decided to go into this stuff myself! I'll be ordering his book soon (or I'll just download it somewheres :wink: ) but I want to know ahead of time.

1) Is it worth it?
2) What's NEW and how does it work?
3) Are there any rules about Astral Projection written in STONE? Particularly, the ones written by Robert Bruce in Astral  Dynamics?
4) can this help with martial arts and other stuff?

Okay, has a newbie...I'll have TONS more questions in the future...BELIEVE IT! But for now I'll just bro we this whole forum top to bottom to make sure any "questions" I may have weren't already asked.

Thanks, and I'm glad to be apart of this forum!!
Greetings earthling from planet NEWBIE!!

okay, I've recently got into energy, astrophysics and etc, so I decided, hey? why not join?

Don't worry, I come in peace (maybe^_^)