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Messages - BennyR

Hi All

I would like to do a healing course and am after comments on the various methods available. Would like the best one.  

Has anyone had any experience with these healing methods (good or bad).

Have read Dr. Eric Pearls book and really enjoyed it. Very easy to read.
Reconnective healing link ( Eric Pearl )

"Quantum Touch" ( Richard Gordon ) web link

Thank you
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Blue or Green Planet.
August 20, 2003, 16:59:31
Hi all

I have been browsing this site for a while now but feel now is the time to make my first post. Very interesting site as I have always been interested in these subjects.

This is my experience last night that caused me to jump out of bed and write it down so I would not forget (have not had the need to do this before ).

Well here goes:

I was looking at a 3D view in space of two bright planets (like the glow from balls in fireworks) To the left was a brilliant blue one and close by a brilliant green one. Further to the left a much larger grey looking planet. There were many others around but these three were the only ones that seemed to have any significance.

I was not aware of any conversation as such but an instant knowing of the meaning.

As near as I can remember : "Choose the blue planet to advance spirtualy or stay on the green planet and continue to fight evil".

Well thats all there was to it I have no further idea what it was all about and was not really like a dream. Maybe I have been reading to much about 2012. Type this in your search engine and see the results.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Blue or Green Planet.
August 22, 2003, 20:12:34
fallnangel77, beavis

Thank you for your replies. Much appreciated.

I think the spiritual path is the way I have been heading.
I seems to have taken on a lot of meaning since the sudden and tragic death of my younger brother just over a year ago.
Just before his death (several weeks) my wife and I were both getting
load pops in our heads when falling to sleep at night. We did not know we were both getting these until months later when I mentioned them. Have not had these since.

Have been reading many books on NDE, Afterlife,Astral travel etc.
E.g. John Edwards, Bruce Moen, Sylvia Browne, James Van Praage, Monroe. The most recent "The Reconnection" by Eric Pearl (Heal Others, Heal Yourself). Have ordered "Quantum Touch" healing book.

Have also been meditating and trying to Astral travel, no luck yet but I think I have come close. Would really like to meet with my Brother in the Afterlife. I can just remember that as a child I had many times I was having fantastic fun flying around just like superman.

I went to a spiritual Church in our area a while back and was told I am a healer with a blue Aura and a spirit guide called "Hans" who was a German doctor.

Anyway hope I haven't bored you with my story.
Any further guidance or comments welcome.

Thanks Again for the replies.


Welcome to Metaphysics! / May15th Pole Shift
August 20, 2003, 18:39:08
Hi All

Just a thought I had while in the shower this morning.(In Australia)
About Zeta 15th May 2003 and the future. Have read that some Phycics are unable to see the future past 2012 and there are many articles written about this date.

Could this have been predicted to get peoples attention, to start thinking seriously of the consequences, solutions etc.
Is this a 10yr wake up call and the actual date being 15th May 2013. This would allow people in the know to tidy up loose ends and plan to be in a safe location etc.
