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Messages - stiev

You usually need to practice a lot before you can consciously leave your body. It can take weeks or months of consistent daily practice before you get results.

I don't know about etheric travelling, but astral travelling happens when you fall asleep (but you're stil awake). You relax, you practice whatever method you use, and the moment you fall "asleep," you are able to leave your body. For me, it's rare to cross the threshold consciously. I usually fall asleep, wake up on the other side, and THEN leave my body.

I don't know what method you use to project, but I'd say you need to put in daily practice for a while. It takes some time until you are able to relax, feel the vibes building up, and - most importantly - develop focus.

Of course, sometimes it just happens spontaneously. When this happens I believe you're "helped." I don't know by whom, but I do believe it's by someone.

Who knows? Keep practicing, and you might get lucky.
Have a look at the title of this thread: to anyone who has genuinely raised kundalini.

It's interesting to read theories and hypothesies, but practical experiences might be more appropriate. I guess we all raise kundalini subtly as we progress through various lifetimes, but a quick and rapid progression is probably quite rare.

I imagine there would be very few people who have achieved this.
Thanks for the great information, Hagethuriel.

You use the second system, i.e, the one where the base chakra is located in the genitals and the third chakra is in the solar plexus. In the system they use in Kundalini Yoga, the colours are the same but the third chakra is in the navel and the base chakra is in the anus (or just above it).

The pendulum is a great idea. I'll have to get a pendulum and try this. Do you know how to use them? Also, how did you develop the clairvoyant techniques you use? Did you learn them, or were you born with them?

I read somewhere that Plato wrote about the tri-colour rainbow. It said that back in Classical Greek times, people only saw three colours in the rainbow. Now we see seven so, as you say, we have developed a greater range of awareness over the years.
Thanks, guys. I looked at the site, AwakenedMind. It's funny. There seem to be two different systems for chakras. In the Sanskrit system, the second chakra is based in the genital area, the third chakra is in the navel, and the crown chakra is in the top of the scull. In the other system, the second chakra is based at the navel, the third is in the solar plexus, and the crown chakra is ABOVE the head.

Both these systems have the same Sanskrit names for the chakras, but the second one seems to be a western variation of the older, Vedic system.

Personally, it seems to make more sense having a chakra in the solar plexus. This area responds a lot to certain moods such as anxiety, anger, etc. It can also be hard to distinguish muladhara (anus) from swadisthana at the perenium (genital). These energies seem to merge and flow into each other, and they are so close as to make them hard to distinguish.

In the other system, the chakras are more evenly spaced apart. Does anyone know why there are two different placements for the seven main chakras?
Yes, there are ways to TRANSFER sexual energy, although I don't know about shutting it off altogether.

I got an excellent book on Chinese methods to transfer and unblock sexual energy recently. There are a range of exercises with names like the male deer exercise, the big draw, the sacral pump, and activating the microcosmic orbit. The practice involves moving ching (or sexual chi) from the perenium and genital area up the spine and into the brain. This practice rejuvinates the whole body and is great for both spiritual progression and overall health.

There was an excellent post on this subject here recently, but the administrators decided to close it down. They might have been under the Victorian misaprehension that the subject of raising sexual energy is vile and disgusting, and not the sort of thing to be mentioned, as Lady Bracknell might say, "in polite company," so they locked the thread.

I'd be careful about discussing this subject around here. You'd have more luck bringing it up at the knitting circle of your local Baptist church.
Does anyone know the exact location of the main chakras on the spine? I do a style of yoga where you concentrate on the front and back of each chakra. It's not that hard to find the chakras on the front (anus, perenium, two fingers beneath the navel, centre of the chest, adam's apple, centre of the brain and crown of the head), but the exact points on the spine seem to be quite hard to find.

I found a book (by Susan Shumsky) that gives the exact vertebrae the chakras are located in, but have you ever tried to find a vertebrae? You have to feel down the spine with your fingers, counting lump by lump, and you always miss one or two. Some of them fade into each other and it's almost impossible to locate them by yourself.

Does anyone know a good way to pinpoint the exact location of chakras down the spine?

I'm not sure, Sentinal, but if I obeyed every voice on the internet, it would, I guess, be like obeying all those spirits out in the ether.

I'm not being dismissive though. I hear you loud and clear. I doubt, however, that I will develop psychic powers overnight (or that I will even develop them at all), so that choice at present is not one that I have to make.
So, what happens in Kundalini reiki healings, andonitxo? I've done a couple and no one felt anything, including me.

If I get acupuncture, for example, I feel it, and I can monitor its progress. You know, if someone like Benny Hinn heals you (and he hasn't prepped you first), you get up from your chair and walk! I haven't had any sort of experience like this with Kundalini reiki.

I did, in a couple of personal sessions, experience the sensation of thumping energy moving around my body. But since then, nothing. I thought maybe I was imagining this, that I was very relaxed and felt the natural chi in my body.

I mean, how could any system work without effort? Even in magick (apparently), you have to train your will and align yourself to certain energies or forces before spells will work. Then - Allakazzar!

What successes have you experienced through Kundalini reiki, andonitxo?

Welcome to Book Reviews! / Susan Shumsky
November 25, 2006, 07:41:19
Has anyone read anything by Susan Shumsky? She writes books on meditation, auras, chakras, etc. She's written quite a few.

The books on auras and chakras are the best resources I've ever seen on these subjects. Her etheric anatomy is very precise, down to the actual vertebrea chakras reside in. She also gives info on many more nadis than the usual texts give out, and describes the precise process of kundalini development and other yogic matters. She also tells you how to do it.

She has had an amazing life, meditating and maintaining silence in India and other places for many years. Apparently, she just travels around by herself in an old van giving lectures and workshops. Her books are reviewed by the very princes of the self-help movement like Deepak Chopra and John Gray.

To be honest, this would put me off, but her books are exceptional. They are packed with important information and exercises, and there aren't many wasted words - you know, stories about friends who tried this or that, and lots of pointless testimonials.

Has anyone read her?
No one?

Hmm. Maybe there IS cause to question the effectiveness of Kundalini Reiki.
I've been doing a specific type of yoga called Kriya yoga. I just started this year. It includes mudras, pranayama, etc, and a lot of chakra clearing and energy cultivation. Is this the sort of thing you mean, Bane?

Actually, thinking back to that book, Autobiography of a Yogi by Pamamahamsa Yogananda, it's full of psychic stuff. I was expecting a specific course of exercises in psychic awareness, but I think you may be right. The best place to develop psychic powers may be through the ancient systems for spiritual development.

Sentinal, you may well be right. I have no idea. There must, however, be sources of protection for the maladies which you speak of, otherwise every subtly-attuned person would be a wreck. I believe the other planes work similarly to this one in that the principle of will guides thought and action. I know very little about this, but can't you be protected (or not) by what you CHOOSE to pay attention to?
Thanks for your ideas and advice so far. I guess psychic powers mean different things to different people. Perhaps I should be a little more explicit about what I mean by psychic powers, but I'm often unsure myself. You probably need to have to have psychic powers to know what they're about.

Than again, from what I've heard, many people are born with advanced psychic powers and have no idea of what they're about - like that Steven King book and movie, the Shining (or like a lot of Steven King books and movies).

Some people understand psychic powers to be flashes of intuition, or premonitions. Others see psychic powers as the ability to project your will onto something or someone. From what I've been told, everyone has psychic powers. We just need to learn how to untap them.

There's also the psychic powers that come through techniques to reach enlightenment, raising kundalini shakti, etc, and from what I understand, these aren't exactly saught after, just byproducts of increasing your mental and spiritual awareness through techniques such as yoga, meditation, alchemy, etc. Andonitxo has given a good example of this sort of psychic power/understanding.

The psychic powers I have in mind are the ones I've seen people use in Spiritualist Churches. You give them a flower and they hold it for a while and pick up on the vibrations. Sometimes they have a guide that helps them from the astral plane, and sometimes they are able to see people in the astral plane giving them certain information. Different psychics, from what I've heard and read, have a range of different techniques and powers that they use.

I don't know what sort of psychic powers I mean when I ask how you can develop them, and perhaps I am being too generic. I was watching a TV show on those psychics who help detectives, and I was amazed at how they can go to a crime scene, pick up on the "vibrations," and help to solve the crime.

I understand that you can fine-tune your awareness and cultivate these sort of "powers" through meditation and self awareness, but are there courses or mental exercises you can do that help you to develop these "powers" in themselves?

Once again, I know that I'm not being very specific in what I mean by psychic powers, but maybe someone has done some sort of course on psychic development/claivoyancy. Perhaps someone knows exactly what I mean (maybe they're psychic), and knows how you can access this sort of information.

Quote from: Sentinal on November 18, 2006, 03:37:18
It is characteristic of someone your age to underestimate what they are getting into. It would be of benefit to you to do otherwise.

I'm almost 40. How old did you think I was?

All those spirits must be quiet at the moment.
I hadn't thought of reading people's minds, but this doesn't sound so bad. I didn't know you could do this. I'd be happy to have this talent. If the problem is people worrying that you'll read their minds - easy. Just don't tell them.

Unless, of course, THEY'RE psychic, and they catch you reading their mind. Or if you catch someone thinking something bad about you, and you need to put them straight.

What's wrong with being psychic? It sounds pretty good to me. I read an interview with John Edwards, and he didn't have anything bad to say about it.
I'd be keeping stuff like this under my hat, Gangta. One mention of psychic powers to doctors, and they'll think you're crazy, schitzophrenia or not. Telepathy is NOT one of the researched side effects of Serequil.

But I ask you this: how can you be sure?
Does anyone know any exercises for developing clairvoyance or psychic vision? I would love to be able to do what psychics like John Edwards and those little old ladies at the Spiritualist Churches do.

They must have techniques to develop these powers. They say that everyone has the power, so why not show us? I'm not interested in predicting tommorrow's trifecta in race 3 or anything like that, I'd just like to be able to see into the astral plane and speak with all those spirits they can talk to.

Does anyone know how you can learn how to do this?
Thank you very much for this, Andonitxo. I've read one of Mantak Chia's books, and I'm currently reading another book on this subject. Actually, I think his book on female sexual energy is better than the one for males, but the overall system seems to be very similar for both men and women.

When you say to activate the PC muscle to generate sexual energy in your above post, do you mean just to "flex" it over and over again? It seems hard for me to get close to the state of climax just by working the PC muscle.

I still have difficulty with the big draw. I can relax and observe the microcosmic orbit, but I can't actually generate it myself. If I get close to orgasm and try to do the big draw, I try to inhale and draw the energy up the spine, but I can never get it much past the PC. It just seems to fade away or go into the stomach. If it does go up the spine, I can't feel it. Are you supposed to IMAGINE the energy travelling up the spine, or should you actually FEEL it?

Also, I would love to be able to INjaculate, but all I feel when I get close to the state of orgasm, activate the PC, stomach muscles, and buttocks, etc, is the lessening of sexual tension as the energy passes away. I have never felt an orgasm going IN, only out. The only way for me to not orgasm out is not to orgasm at all.

Currently, I do the three finger method at the hui yin to stop the seed escaping. I would love to learn how to orgasm inwards and do the big draw properly.

By the way, Andonitxo, can you only learn this sort of stuff in books, or are there Taoist schools that teach it?

Thanks again for your excellent posts.
Still not much chop with the healings. Has ANYONE here experienced anything truly remarkable through kundalini reiki?

I mean, isn't it possible - just possible - that kundalini reiki does nothing at all?
I definately agree (about the facts). I guess it would make sense to say that if EVERYTHING is God, then maybe nothing at all is God. I think this is how the Buddhists handle things.

Does it have practical considerations? Maybe. Some people I've met who practice yoga are very serious seeing everything and everyone as God, and therefore, worthy of their respect and humility. Everyone has the seed of "God" in them, and therefore, deserve their service. They are very serious about this.

The problem I have with the spiritual war is that it might lead some to make judgements: this or that person or thing is good/evil. Actually, there are a few religions in the world at the moment who do just this.

One of the three keys of modern gnosis is service, and this is an important aspect of yoga as well. In fact there is a whole type of yoga devoted to what they call selfless service: karma yoga. The whole point of this type of yoga is realising that everything is God and your purpose in yoga is to worship God through your service.

Can you say any more about the egos? How do they exist in the astral plane? How many do we have? How do we get rid of them (temporarily or otherwise)?

I've done some of the gnostic Self Discovery course, but they didn't talk much about the physical manifestation of the egos. There's that book, Revolutionary Psychology, but I haven't read it yet.
I was thinking about this discussion the other day, when I heard an interesting commentary on Judaism. Jews believe that Satan is actually charged with doing the work of Jehova - that, by him tempting us and giving us challenges to overcome, we become a little bit closer to God if we remain strong. Jews believe that truly good things should be difficult to do. It is the same in the yogic tradition: you don't develop spiritually without challenges. Evil is thus a manifestation of God, and in the end, all is God.

I don't know if I have ever experienced universal benevolence either, but I don't think it's fair to say that the formless God is purely benevolent. You get what you want in this world throught the law of karma, and karma literally means desire. If you put love out, you get love back. If you put fear and anger out, you get that back too. God doesn't seem to have a lot to do with it. Instead, we do. If you seek God, you will eventually find Him/Her/It.

There are different agents of God, such as angels, messengers, guides, and highly attuned masters, but they are not God. God is just existence in all its manifestation, and this is not always benevolent. When people become more attunded to God, they probably become more benevolent because they see themselves as part of a greater whole and want to help others. This happens at all levels, including the chemical, so that hormones are activated that help to keep you going on the path. What I like about yoga is that it works on a range of different levels: spiritual, thought, astral, etheric and chemical. There are eight limbs in yoga that cover all our thinking and behaviour.

The difference, I guess, between gnosticism and yoga is that gnosticism is dualistic, and yoga is non-dualistic. In non-dualistic traditions such as taoism, tantra, yoga and (I imagine) Judaism, there is no absolute separation between good and evil, God and the Devil, etc, etc, etc. At its source, all is one.

But I'd love to know how you dissolve the egos temporarily. Personally, I find it hard to imagine that you can lose your egos without years of hard work, observation, and committment. Is this true?

What do you do to remove egos temporarily?

Sure, but doesn't the end to the struggle happen when you give up the war?

The path of Raja yoga and Buddhism say that suffering is caused by our abstractions, moral absolutes, our own preferences and judgements of good and evil.

Sure, the war goes on, but it goes on in our own heads. The path to liberation comes in giving up the struggle. Enlightenment is supposedly a state of unity, an acceptance of ALL things as the manifestation of God.

I guess the supreme realisation of this view is Jesus on the cross asking God to "forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do."

The yogic path sees the evolution of consciousness as shades in a spectrum as opposed to a spiritual war. It sees God in all things/beings.

And sure, perhaps it's my egos determining my point of view, but for some reason I do identify more with the yogic way of viewing things.
Actually, maybe I was a little over-effusive about kundalini reiki. I thought the meditation worked, but so far, not much chop with healings.

No one has felt anything when I've healed them. No reduction in symptoms, not much at all really. I haven't felt anything during the activations either.

Don't you need to learn how to USE kundalini reiki?

To be honest, I'm suspicious of a technique where all you have to be is "attuned," and then everything is just supposed to come. So far, I haven't felt much come.

When you get acupuncture, physiotherapy, or medicine, you feel the results. So far, with kundalini reiki, I haven't felt any results.

Has anyone else experienced this? Doesn't anyone have any doubts?
I agree, Job. I've come to the conclusion that metaphysical speculations are useless unless put into practice, but still. I can't help myself:

What do you think of gnosis's central idea that there is a war going on between the forces of light and darkness? They mean this literally, and not metaphorically at all. There is a war in the spirit world, and it has been going on since Genesis.

Part of my own spiritual journey is the aknowledgement that everything is the manifestation of the creator. This is not always easy, but I try. In the path of Raja yoga, attaining enlightenment involves giving up the struggle/war.

But even the Buddha faced temptation under the Bodhi tree. Was this part of the war?

Are we really at war? And if so, how do we resolve this?
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: sins, karma
November 03, 2006, 01:33:52
Karma actually means desire. In other words, you create your own karma by desiring what you get.

Physics says that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Maybe it's the same with our own actions/karma. As Jesus said, "as ye sow, so shall ye reap." We plant our desires, and they come back to us in the form of karma.

We ask for what we get.

Sin schmin.
Thanks a lot, Job. I've done a couple of their courses and they're not too bad.

I didn't know that Master Samael attacked Hatha yoga. I thought he respected it as a path alongside gnosticism, but I don't know that much about it.

They are very different systems. What I like about Hatha yoga is its openness. Gnosticism (or modern gnosis) is very black and white. They see the world in the absolutes of pure good and evil.

I was hanging around their discussion boards for a while, but I found them extremely dogmatic. I would much prefer to discuss ideas and techniques in a free forum than have one agenda pushed to the exclusion of all others.

This is their weakness, I think, although their techniques, from what I understand of them, are great.