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Messages - Bane

i suggest that you wach the movie (what the bleep do we know) it will shed some light on things in general,its scientists talking about meditation,quantum singularity,spirituality,the movie might accually answer your question,they have it at blockbuster in the special interest section,by the way the scientists accually go so far as to say that what they tought us in school is a lie :-o
your right on the money when you said --blockages? however some people are simply more sinsitive than others,as for ways to get them to recognise it,proper meditation will increase any ones sinsitivity.
i was teaching my freind how to channel his energy and things were moning in the room,when we went to the recruiters office a cup with pens on her desk moved like someone reached over ans smacked them"no one touched them"no air flow from air conditioning"it seems that things like this happen when we are hanging out together,in our case it could be either latant telekinesis,or a spirit,this was our experiance since the energy work we do is a type of meditation, for you,you must figure it out on your own,you may be cousing it subcontiously,or a spirit,who knows,all i can say is be careful and experiment to find out exactly what it is by process of elimination and extreem logic.
ok first of all "devil worship is in the church" and secolnd im through argueing with an ignorant intelectually inferior,im going to ignore this thread from now on becouse all you want to do is sceptically debate to make yourself look right" thereby inflating your ego"
look into shugendo,they push their body to the absolute extreem limit by doing misogi(ritual purification)they stand under a freezing waterfall in the dead of winter(it gets-0 in japan in winter)as well as the other times of the year,traditionally once a year and they chant mantras loudly(yelling)while meditating under the freezing waterfall,also they do firewalking,some of the more hard core ones do the misogi alot,they fast and eat only pine needles,all for spiritual powers,in like twenty years they got it all."but you never hear of them flying around and stuff" (maybe they cant do that one) but they get some serious psychic powers.
iff you read my post again you will see the meaning of the symbolism is stated,i dont believe what you seid about it change'ing in the ninteenth century,simply becouse of the fact that i know better,the pentacle or the pentagram signifies the elemental forces of nature,spirit being the top point and it represents the asention of higher spiritual understandin/enlightenment,when you reverse a thing it signifies the antithisis,i am immune to attempts at someone trying to decieve me with such a falatious argument,i "just dont hold water" what you are saying is not even logical,not to mention the fact tha the masonic lodge has ties to the temple of set,im not foolish enough to believe you.
its my pleasure,im not sure exactly how to answer your question,iff this does not help you then please refrase your question, but here goes. once acertain amount of one point meditation is done you become energy aware to a certain degree,then more work must be done to advance(energy aware)can mean more than just feeling it,however the aspect of feeling energy is very important,precognition is one psychic power that is very very useful(iff you can harnis and controlle it)there in(i think)is what your asking about,you must do considerable study with one point--pranyama--chackras---chi gung--meridians,these will give you a better understanding of psychic powers and their developmentonce you have learned to the point of remembering certin things/exorsises put them into aplication in your daily life,for evoryone it is differant some take years to develop som take only months,it is advisable to get a master to tech you so you can ask about sensations when meditating,once you gain a foothold by getting some psychic abilaty like felling/directin your inner energies,it becomes easy'er,and you can advance faster with less effort ,but remember you get what effort you give,mudras help alot they go with meditation and compliment it as amatter of fact it is a more advanced form of meditation that directly stimulates the meridian points in the hands and fingers,these are the things that many people here in the west hide,iv resolved to tell people the truth,some people are born "open" to psychic power,others have to work at it more to develop and dissolve the mindnumbing brainwash methods that society pushes on us to think we are nothing when we die and there are no spirits and such thingsgo to asia or india and people beleave openly about spirits and psychic powers"they just dont trust westerners very much"in the end it is your drive your will power which drives what you create as your reality for yourself. do you want something? get it, buy it, make it,it is up to us individually to make things happen for ourselves,dont rely on someone else to make it happen,those are things that drive me and my abilaties,define yourself and your motives/intent,and combined with one point meditation you will start to see this world for what it is and be able to manifest what you want/desire,i hope i answerd your question,iff not i would be glad to help any way i can,i am no master, but one with experiance,we never stop learning.
iv been psychic all my life there is no wishing i could turn it off,sadly some people can not handle the more subtler sences,through one point meditation iv made my psychic abilaties grow stronger and i have opened more of them,may times people use psychic poers without eve knowing it*subtle sences*meditation helps to tune into it.the thing is i think some poeple use falacious methods that are bad for them when meditation mastery is the prewiquisit(done over years)then more advanced methods are used,it is sad that so many people are trying to make money of of paranormal abilaties,"conning others for money"is a common trend here in the west and not many people know the reality of it while claiming mastery,in one hand sentinal is right there are inherant risks,but those risks are in the form os psychic attack by others whos attention you get by becomming psychicly powerful,its all very natural ,only here in the west it is suppressed becouse iff we all realised our true powers of the mind/spirit no one could controlle us"mass mind controlle"with the media and other such evils,in the end you must look within for the answers, becouse not many at all are willing to share the truth with you"and will decieve you outright"evory man creates his own destiny--remember that becouse many try and succede at getting others to forget so they can controlle peoples destiny for them,this is far bigger than we are,there is a much bigger picture that not many can see,we must make sure the right people "see that picture"reach for enlightenment and you will get what you seek.
i agree with the last post,any way iv been studying "religions" for years as well as the occult, the inverted pentagramm is a universally known symbol for black magic in the occult world,the top point going down represents the ego and base animal/material desires being gratified,before you start mocking people for speaking the "TRUTH"i suggest you contemplate your own motives/intent,unless your just trying to cover up the truth.
no its energy(prana) not your eyes failing.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: question
November 21, 2006, 08:37:20
thats doesnt help,or answer the question, :roll:
yes the smoky(as i deskribe "mysty")is the layer of the aura easyest to see it goes out about two to three inches out from the skin,i think some people call it the pranic layer,keep exorsiseing you abilaty to see it and meditate more frequently and it will get stronger,i saw all that(smokey layer)and literally "vibrations"before i got the sight,i was chaneling my energy with mudras when i got the sight,but they say one point meditation will get you there too,mudras help thogh,alot.
that is exactly the monuments i was talking about,sadly you ignore religions in general,the inverted pentagram is used by the church of satan,clearly the pentagram is inverted,evory point on the pentagram with exeption of one is a washington monument,the one exeption is the whitehouse,"it is blatently OVERT"denial is nothing more or less than apathy or one trying to cover up the truth.
wow its nice to see people put others down in spite of the fact that there are facts involved,this is a forum about ASTRAL PROJECTION after all,not to mention all the threads in the psychic eria,and the magic eria,that suff(i believe in by the way)is waaay more far feched than what this topic is about.
i just wanted to point that out.
i see white,red,blue,gold,indigo,violet,black,green,yellow,magenta, also a transparent like misty kind of like when you see those transparen wavy's comming off of the pvement in the summertime but its not exactly like that its just the closest thing to describe,iv been meditating and doing energywork with mudras for five years three years in i got the sight,its a whole new world when that happens,like learning to walk or something,i notice sparkles shooting out of peoples hands and flashes of colour around their head(the aura)iff you study the chackra system and compare the aura colours meanings (not from this site)the meaning of the colours coraspond to certain chackras(chackras are important)now i see things moving in the astral all flying around but its very faint,not always with colour,its like a dark outline/s moving around,it really is awsome to witness prana,thats not the only thing you can do after meditating for years,senceing energy,directing energy(projecting and absorbing)transmuting energy,reading thoughts,but you have to meditate right. one point meditation(deep belly breathing)all that new age stuff is bogus,when you do deep belly breathing you are breathing in alot more prana and storeing it in the hara(sacrel chackra)two to three inches below the belly button(keep the tip of the tongue on the ruff of the mouth just behingd the teeth)iff you have doubts just google it(deep belly breathing/one point meditation)sorry for the long winded post,i get pretty carried away.
kin 82 of 260 white self-existing wind
white northern castle of crossing
earth family-core    clan-fire

i define in order to communicate
measuring breath
i seal the input of spirit
with the self-existing tone of form
i am guided by the power of endlessness

this stuff is very interesting,i looked over those websites and found that i am already working out my life challenge,MUST LEARN MORE,lol.
Welcome to Dreams! / question
November 20, 2006, 03:13:25
does any one know about dream symbolism,i have some things towork out dreamwise and i need to know a little more about the subject.
i dont do the spirit guide thing,but once someone astral manifested in front of me and moved stuff(i could see th peorson)whoever it was got a nasty surprise tho,anyway it was a violet myst roughly my hight and it had white pranasparkles all in it, weird took forever to figure out that it was someone trying to mess with me lol, iff you feel that it was a presence then it was,always trust your first gut instinct,its psychic intuition,and is rarely wrong,just dont worry unless it gets violent.on the other hand who knows.
the only downside to it as far as i have experianced is those who do black magic psychicly attacking me becouse i threghten their lies with the truth,so many people try to controlle others,that is why people either are either skeptic, they belive,or they have the knowlage and hide it away,in one hand many who dont have the knowlage would use it for evil,but there are some whos intentions are pure that deserve to use their devine right to the more subtler sences/abilaties.its sad the world has come to the current state.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: I has becom We
November 20, 2006, 00:27:03
reminds me of a book i read by malachi martin called hostige to the devil,sevrel true accounts of demonic possesion,strangely the evil spirit always talked just like gangta
not one of us will truely know unless we become a celebraty and go experiance it objectively,but it is true that you can not trust the media(tv.)some of the things they do,like the scrolle at the end of evory show is follish to the extreem,being a psychic,and have experianced the paranormal first hand,you dont call angry spirits into the physical by useing your psychic energy,its foolish,IF it is real then they are useing the celebraties to bring the spirits into a state of power in these places,"STUPID"for some dark agenda,iff its not real then its simply propaganda to get people(society) used to and or interested in the occult.
just meditate, one point meditation,in time you will develop some authintic psychic powers,such as sinsitivity to energy,energy directing,self healing,even claivoyance,it is true there are risks but,its not as bad as described,just be secretive about it and dont talk about it.
im with you on the government conspiracy stuff,one that is blatant that no one can deny without being in a state of complete apathy,or complete brainwashedness,go to google type in satalite veiw of washington d.c. or white house or washington monuments and then draw a line from one monument to the other connecting them to the white house,thogh it very overt you dont need to draw lines, it makes an inverted pentagram(satanic pentagram)any one who denies this as a coinsadence is a fool or a liear,guess who built the washington monuments,the scottish rite masons,anyone with common sence can put two and two togather.
i dont beleive in coincidence,but at any rate we all have thought floating around and others pick up on it subconciously(psychicly)use it to read peoples mind try that and see if it works for you.
well i know psychic vampires are physical(human)and are on the astral,they attack from both,but what you are describing sounds like some kind of astral wildlife,i suggest the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram,it is a kabbalah practice,at least that is where it originated ,other systems of magic use it now as well,but that should help but it is accually quite a disipline for those who dont know it.