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Messages - cavernstoy

In order for us to burrow deep into the structures of the universe (to focus toward truth) we must understand what exactly our role is in the whole.  The most basic of our whole is consciousness.  Our consciousness is surrounded by layers of our identity.  For now, ignore the rest. 

Consciousness is really all that we actually are.  You make up only part of the being that you claim to be.  You are the input and control function; the part that experiences.  You are truly the diamond of the system.  But you work with your other parts to complete a functional rainbow of conscious expression. 

Now, if we move back a step we will find a being, a human being.  But together, we make up something even greater.  Like fibers in flower, we make up God.  Our communication resembles the communication in ourselves.  Much like a fractal, this observation can continue to infancy.

These thoughts can center into a simple one; your consciousness is your whole.  What ever is occurring a distance from you, whatever you don't feel is completely irrelevant to you.  Your experience is a mere emulation of what your body tells your consciousness is real, around and within you.   The screen in front of your face is a symbol.  The words you read are just a creation of yourself.  Everything is perception.  Reality is not concrete but abstract.  What you feel is what is real. 

Now, the greatest danger to you is the possible mistake of conforming to what others define for you.  In a way, it can enslave you. 

The point I am trying to make is that all you know is your consciousness, and what you define is your reality. 

Suffering originates from dysfunction.  Simply put, when a function is out of place-you (the consciousness) are the one who feels it.  Finding happiness should not be as hard as it has become for us.  It's as simple as following your consciousness.  But when you conform to external forces (those outside your consciousness) you loose. 

When you escape the role of consciousness, you bleed.

Do what you were designed to do, feel, and react apon that.

just kidding

Consider it a blessing.  The reward will be far greater than the loss of flavor luxury.  As a matter of fact, you may realize that meat is inferior (in flavor) to the riches of fresh living plant.

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: your subject
January 17, 2008, 18:02:28
in·san·i·ty (ĭn-săn'ĭ-tē)
n., pl. -ties.

1. Mental illness or derangement. No longer in scientific use.

2. Extreme foolishness; folly.

3.  A word used by a closeminded group as a means to repress the unique thoughts of an "out there" individual, in order to kill the creative perception. 
Are you afraid to move away from the standard?  Communication can be reformed.  Can we talk in feel?

feelings float above definate.  But feelings are definatly not real.  The line stops at this point. 

The difference between a line and a scrible is fundumental. anyone willing to grab a hold...

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: your subject
January 17, 2008, 17:37:30
...the speaker, the non-conformer...

Can you see me?
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: your subject
January 17, 2008, 15:19:35
its fun to jump out of the pool, join me.

....where is the voice coming through
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Re: your subject
January 17, 2008, 15:14:08
...the voice of whom?

very slippery
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / your subject
January 17, 2008, 15:11:07
is tree of the what?

No thank you

Yes please...


Cavstoy (drip)
Quote from: Stookie on December 21, 2007, 10:56:27
Why dive into a fictional adventure when AP alone is already a REAL ONE?  Imagine the sense of adventure that LOTR brings, but for real, into your life. The reality of the universe is that amazing and more.

Thats awesome.  To  bad I suck at AP
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 20, 2007, 15:38:03
Stookie, I don't want to make outrageous claims, but maybe ormus could heal someone with bipolar disorder.

Ormus is not like a drug.  Its not even like a herb.  It is a substance that is in every LIVING food.  Everytime you take a bight out of fruit or vegetables, you get some amount of ormus.  The reason this extraction is such a big deal is because ormus has declined over the past thousands of years.  (I think 10% or more of the world is made of ormus.)

You may only get 10% of the ormus that you need.  You can get 1000% of the ormus you need.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 20, 2007, 15:32:59
If you are hiding away from reality and living in delusions, ormus will help you correct your perception.  So if something invisible is tearing you apart, a bright light will shine on the foreign invasion. 

Ormus will not make you more angry, anxious, or depressed.  It will allow you to locate problems that are leading to dysfunctional living; aka suffering.  The suffering that is flowing into you, spilling into those who surround you, and building up at full force to come back at you yet again.  It will help you break the current of the slimy downward spiral. 

Ormus may give you enough conscious energy to save yourself from being swallowed by Yourself.   

Awareness is a light.  Obliviousness is a disease.

You can fight your problems in darkness, or in light.  Your subconscious mind is your friend.  Ormus is a connection between you and them.


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 20, 2007, 09:52:14
Quote from: Stookie on December 19, 2007, 12:11:05
Then it's probably not for someone with a history of depression, anger, or other mental and emotional disorders.

I have a history of depression, anger, and extreme anxiety.  Ormus let me see my problems from an external view point.  It allowed me to breath the concept "Why in the world do I do this to my self?"  The first logical statement I have ever thought concerning myself.

In the short term, ormus might FREAK you out by "blowing up" the perception of you problems.  In the long term: healing

If you don't want to heal, then don't take ormus!


Welcome to the infinant circle of lies               -            AKA PHARMACUDICAL COMPANIES AND THE FDA

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 19, 2007, 09:42:05
Quote from: Principle on December 19, 2007, 00:02:36
Hah, then you would need to keep negative thoughts completely out of your head for 6mos,
which is hard enough doing even for minutes at a time, negative thoughts are just random sometimes.

Ormus makes all your spiritual "faults" come to your attention.  If you don't heal, you won't be completely comfortable. 

At first, all the negetivity, fear, and depression in my body became really obvious to me.  It was a powerfull tool, because it forced me to heal. 

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 17, 2007, 18:15:30

I'm sorry that you haven't found results.  I don't want to let you down, but maybe ormus is just one of those things that some people notice greatly, and others don't.  It really depends how "attuned" you are to your body.  I've been in this possition before.  And its hard to notice shifts in consciousness. 

It can be compared to when some people smoke MJ and don't notice any effects. 

Mabey you are looking for the wrong things. 

Take it for a week, and pay CLOSE attention to how you feel.

Stop for a week, and see if you notice any downgrade.

Are you happier when you take it?  There should be a definite boast in ability and quality of life.

Lets hope that you have more noticeable effects with ormus gold.

Good luck, and keep trying

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 17, 2007, 18:06:22
Ha, hey riddled_skies

I was thinking about this the other day...Ha

Be the first one to try it and let me know of your results!

My instincts tell me MJ has high amounts of ormus.

The only way to find out is to try it out

I agree with you greggkroodsma.  I am mostly talking about the pharmaceutical industry.

med·i·cal (mĕd'ĭ-kəl) pronunciation

   1. Of or relating to the study or practice of medicine. 

I fear conventional medicine.  And I believe that many doctors are brainwashed. 

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: A Cure For Cancer
December 16, 2007, 14:41:25
Quote from: greggkroodsma on December 16, 2007, 11:12:42
Actually, there was a woman years ago that was given a government grant to research and find a cure for cancer.  I think her name was Hulda Clark.  She found the cure and she opened up her own office and cured all kinds of cancers.  Her cure?  She invented a Parasite Zapper.  In her studies she found ALL sicknesses were caused by parasites.  What happened to her discoveries?  In the course of her studies, she wrote books and gave lectures on her invention, but for some reason, the government sent her away, deported her.

I was using the zapper as I read this.

Good idea!

Do you know what's hilarious?  I know someone who used Quack watch to find out about health, by reverting everything on the website!  Its so accurate and reliable if you read the opposite of the texts!

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 15, 2007, 06:11:30
If you don't have grape seed oil, try cold pressed-extra virgin olive oil.  It does not have as much ormus as grape seed oil, but you should still get results.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Important medical history
December 14, 2007, 17:49:14
This is why I fear the medical industry...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 14, 2007, 17:48:33
It looks like those magnets are too powerfull

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 13, 2007, 09:45:30
If its not refined, it should say a list of trace minerals on the back.  What color is it?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Ormus
December 12, 2007, 20:59:22
QuoteOne thing I noticed is I put regular water on it and after ormus-izing it it tasted almost like hydrogen peroxide! Yuck!
I would use oil if I were you, instead of water.  You are supposed to let the salt "settle" to the bottom half of the container.  You don't ingest the salt, there is too much sodium.  If you don't want to buy grape seed oil, try olive oil.
QuoteYou're a better man than me (I'm a woman, btw) 
Actually, the ormus-grape seed oil tastes awesome;  Try it!
