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Messages - quester

I'm sure traditionalist won't agree with you and say this is not karma, but I like your reflection seeing karma not only as a larger picture (which it is) but connects to other's karmas that moves away from the individual level to awareness that simply says we each contribute to the universe and what we do in it is important and has effect in unexpected and unseen ways (as well as seen).  I have to say, to me, what you've said zareste is more important then (any concept of) karma we argue.       
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / PLR Value
August 05, 2007, 12:32:14
 I hope this hasn't been asked before. I want to know about PLR and it's value, and certainly purpose.

Of course if reincarnation is true then PL's evidence reincarnation as true. But the idea of regressing serves what reason to the current life.

In all the cases I've heard (so far) everyone is good, or otherwise not really bad. My question is about past life experiences of those whom "we would judge" (once) bad. Not everyone can be good and I'm always taken aback that everyone always not bad. They always seen to see themselves in good light.

Now why in the world would anyone want to go back and find out they were a murderer for example and not so good. A person once told about their regressed life and (proudly) said they were a Roman officer who lived during that time, of course they couldn't be the peasant under the spear of Roman, no one ever is and Romans where particularly cruel. The thing is we return (are born) to the universe with our minds wiped and renewed for a reason and by design it appears. Yet people continually want to remember what the Creator has made us forget. There has to be a (more important) reason for this.

The idea of PLR also means we don't have to be forgiven for anything as it has been removed from our conscious and there has the belief behind PLR it has to be accepting, non-judgment, and inclusive of every experience. There are even theories that we continually live opposite lives, each a life as hero and a villain, the total experience. Can any of us be that forgiving. The knowledge one can find in their search they weren't very good I think can really mess with this life dramatically because you've broken the rule and remembered what you were meant to. The mind in this regard is really fragile. Now you walk around in this life remorsing trying to forgive yourself and won't advance because you're now thrown back living in the past memories through remembrance. This is exactly what birth avoids through the mechanism of the new mind.  As a species (right now) we can't seem to either forgive ourselves or others as it stands. (Blind) PLR I can see as being quite harmful. 
Quote from: Psionic on August 04, 2007, 07:05:54
. I had a lucid dream a couple of weeks ago where I had a revelation of how after my last incarnation had ended (I intuitively knew that it was an incarnation of intense struggle)

No it was quite well put, especially the idea of your last reincarnation. I lean to much the same idea you have expressed though mine is just a belief I have. The difficulty I do feel (with the vast majority of mankind) is every person (maybe a souls) comes into this existence (plane) losing self knowledge as we are born. Quite frankly I think the reason is very clear. But this knowledge is as you say intuitive, it resides in us and can guide us if we listen. But in this plane we try to blot out all remembrance and certainly the vast majority of people don't listen deciding not to. No one is at fault and this is one reason we must reincarnate. The truth is  life shows us valuable lessons. One is a person can experience conditions that could have them saying things make no sense and I don't want to go on. But then when a person comes into balance and gains clarity and awareness where it all begins to make sense then all previous idea of negativity vanish as though they never existed. I know many can relate and have felt this. Do we have or make choice in being reincarnated. I don't believe we do because choice we think of is in terms of the physical brain not the spiritual and not with our intuitive knowledge. In this respect does anyone place any importance of intuitive knowledge (feeling) and is this the way it's suppose to be. I believe this intuitive factor is of major importance in reincarnation. In our present state (of society) we are taught to go against and block out this inner voice and hence we are here to learn to learn to listen.
Quote from: mon9999 on August 03, 2007, 09:25:04
For those who believe in reincarnation like me, just want to ask if reincarnation is by choice or did we came to earth by our own will? thank you :-)

No one really knows in my opinion and turns out to be a matter of faith I guess. My subjective view is I would, if given the choice right now not wish to reincarnate. This may be one reason we must reincarnate each time. Can you imagine returning the same person (bad guy or good guy). In my own physical mind I can't see man ever evolving past evil. Yet I know when he does I would want to be part of that. In all likelihood, this in going to based on some knowledge we gain outside our physical reality, don't you think. I'm certainly interested to find out what others feel.
The idea reincarnation is tied (exclusive) to blood lines and that proof exists simply isn't true. There are just simply too many cases showing it happens outside blood lines. These cases you don't include ignoring this dismissing the reality of what can be seen, so I'm really not sure what your true point is. Expand why you feel  the reason for this is.

Remember the majority of the world dismisses the belief of reincarnation anyway and say it isn't real, therefore are they right. No, the reason you and your cousin have your particular experience is obvious if you think about it. Keep in mind the special abilities you have are (indeed) passed through blood lines (genes), and certainly include training the mind and this is what you see and are experiencing, and this has probably has been nurtured and practiced in your family linage (unknown to you). You (and others) have tapped the latent ability each of us has potential for but the majority will never use. To them it does not exist. You believe (the teaching) what your parents believe and so you can see and actively manifest this recognition because your mind is receptive and willing to open to such things, and how it works, to include abilities we are evolving toward anyway as beings, mentally and physically, and most important, you practice using your ability, the actual doing. It is actually becoming easier for us. In truth we are actually nothing but points in time. (Expand to see your future self) Also recognize that once a soul you would recognize other souls once you return and you see the sameness (much as a vague but knowing awareness). But if you cannot admit and you cannot see the sameness (recognition) in others, seeing only the shell, seeing, practicing or (wanting this) isolation, then this may be the lesson you have to learn this time around and even teach your own parents. You are a new being with a new mind that is to suppose to learn and pass on to your own future.

I would not be concerned trying to prove anything by using other cultures or examples, they have no bearing on you. The are not you. Many of the belief of reincarnation are open enough to include the idea of including blood lines and so we can accept your idea of it. The danger is though we can accept your view (because it is indeed true in part), you can't accept ours because some barrier exists in perspective.

smiles....this is much how religion works, my GOD can accept yours but yours can't accept mine....

Exactly what is karma is what you're asking and most of us talk around it and your question is right on! Regarding the murderer is the passive idea of fault, not experience. In a way it does say what you ask, especially if we think of karma as lessons but karma is more, it is an unfolding process.

Until we learn karma is not (or may not be) some individual fruition of moral causation we won't understand the relation of karma or depth of it. There are 3 points to be made regarding the murderer example, one is the person themselves (the murderer), person(s) who contribute or help shape in some way to this effect, and lastly responsibility. To answer the question of karma responsibility is least important. We like to think karma equivalent to soul as meeting reward and punishment, but karma is really neutral. Karma concern is outcome. Think of it this way, not even GOD will stop the most heinous act from happening, karma is the same way, and so there must be a reason. We commonly think Karma is thought to be based on conscious act of intent with reward or punishment, but this is not consistent with reincarnation or even enlightenment. To understand karma, and the murderer, we must move away from our concept of reward and punishment based on good and evil.

One of the most interesting ideas (in Buddhist thought) is elimination of blame (as part of this unfolding process). In the murderer example is the idea the abused person commits murder but in the big picture a series of event lead to it's culmination (murder). Karma also says the abuser who (helped) shaped the murder hold as much blame for the event (of course blame is not a meaningful word). This is how karma works everything is integrated. Most westerns don't accept this and lay entire blame of act. Westerns see virtually everything purely situational. It's hard to grasp karma neither punishes or rewards. Karma tells us events are casual, so really has no fault or blame. That things and events are in constant flux and nothing can stop karma (outcome).  This is the difference between seeing with a trained and untrained mind, committing and not committing, acting and not acting through an aware mind.

We manifests through a series of events. Such event could be one that happened today, yesterday, last month or a thousand years ago. When we learn to know self we learn to think outside the box to realize outcome can be changed. But the problem is seeing change means when it happens we won't know or recognize because it never happened. This is the dilemma of change and what's behind conscious thought. Change any event changes all.

Regarding the murderer, it did not have to happen. This is the beauty and awareness of karma lacking in traditional religion. We only talk about the person who acts but not others who contribute to it that hold responsibility, so the concept of murderer is greatly expanded. I know you don't see this but I am as much saying there is murder because each of (can) contribute to it.  Karma simply tells or maybe shows us it is normal for "our" minds to be and operate in an unfocused state. This we don't like to admit about ourselves, that many of us can murder under the right circumstances, so it is not about the murderer. What is important is consciously learning to see through our emotion and attachments. Most of us don't know ourselves, we hide from self, are afraid and don't actively think in conscious ways but merely drifting along (which a murderer does) until we are led by events. We don't ask how do we see our emotional selves in fear, anger, hate, and so on. We are brought up to deny and therefore by default express negative energy with thoughts we try to repress that transform themselves manifesting in unconscious uncontrolled focus that bring out our hidden our nature. I am not all surprised we murder as billions of people believe for example (in original sin) they are bad or otherwise evil. We're brought up to believing we are and each of us are molded from birth to be told why bother even trying actually shaping our unconscious attitudes. This is the worse karma I can think of.
Quote from: dotster on June 15, 2007, 17:56:14

... I just wish we would stop trying to restrict ourselves by making all of these laws, and rules, restrictions. /quote]

Language of the past does not suit us any longer. Imagine if they had to worry about Political Correctness (PC).

I agree with what you've said but I'm not sure who the "we" you mean when you said I wish we would.. Is it the we (followers) or the we who tell us the rules. Simply most believe as programed from childhood and I have to blame the ones who tell us the rules. But again, don't you think the key here is "patience" and "learning" and that is the advice. Self awakening.

Not everyone wants to be awakened and chooses the rules he or she wants because it's safe and easy. We are creatures that (at) first seek safety and comfort choosing the easy way.  There is only one Path for all, I think we are the metaphor for the paths. We can only learn so much here and we are physical creatures. Though I too am concerned with other souls, my advice, don't get hung up with them. They move at their own speed and should not be judged. Our desires should not be their's and theirs ours. Allow everyone to live according to their own understanding (and grow).
 I've thought about this particular question for several days deciding this one need a specific answer. Some questions are more immediate then others and this is one of them, don't you think. The answer to the question is really very obvious, it is what we're all about. We who are on the path.

The difficulty is knowledge, that which we seek. The answer here will also answer some of the other questions I have seen here in the forum about "why". Everything is not relative, but relates.

As with knowledge we carry baggage with us, of passion and desire, or whatever you want to call with us as we move on. I call it a former memory (of attachment). Attachments (memory) travel with us after death. Knowledge is minuscule compared to it. Attachment dominates.

With each return and we gain a little more knowledge (if we choose to), a piece to the puzzle if you will, tiny, not at all large but we return with our attachment. The slate we are born with is not entirely clean. We work here, or should, to release our desires and this is what knowledge entails to us. Make no mistake "here", we resist and fight to retain them, not to let them go. We think in term of now, but this whole thing is a process.

It takes a lifespan literally to learn, and many of them to learn. No person can learn everything in one lifetime. I know most don't want to hear this, but this is the way it works. 

You must determine if what I say is somewhat true by your own knowledge even if I am saying this in words you don't understand.

But on the more result oriented part of this. So this in the meat of it, that which is the reason related to the original question. The I got to know. Think of it this way, can one cheat the system. Can one jump ahead bypassing something. The answer I'm afraid is no and he will return right where he left off, if he decides to. There is no quick and easy fix or part to the path. Understand, when you return you will be the same person as before, but with changes. I do not mean that any person should judge this, there is nothing wrong with returning as a similar person, because you are not the same person. You have the ability to change or have the desire to remain similar.  As I have said before, accept more and you will gain more.

The thing is, I to have flaws, as do we all. If we do not recognize this, then how can we give good advice.
Quote from: James S on March 30, 2007, 20:22:06
A sad but classic case of misguided spirituality.

Though we are spirit beings, we are meant to be living in the physical world.
Or more to the point - mastering the physical world and living in it with abundance.

Tell me James, who among us in this group would really be willing to give up the attachment to the reality we hold to achieve another (unsure to us). Of course, we were not really meant to be "masters" of any world, and the abundance you speak of, is the trap. The best you and I can say is we don't understand and he sacrifices too much. Gladly, it is not our path.
 A very profound clue you notice as to how it works. I applaud you for your insight.

The word is more then semantics. There is an essence to word, it is "thought" in concrete form. You may not understand this now but thought is energy. Word is focused thought as thought is focused energy. The physical description is it is sound carried to us by the laws of physics, but word may be within us. If physics were all there were to it, they would not affect us as they do. To understand word is to see the hidden, to see there is essence. The question is does thought impact us. Most will say word is not thought. But does thought affect the Universe in some way. We certainly realize many think thought collapses quantum waves which themselves interplay in this whole process of the Universe itself.

I won't go deeply into my belief, except to say "Word" does have power. I look at it in real terms that we resonate with it, at least react to it. We cannot but help to. At the crudest of level we think, with words, they allows us to talk to GOD. But if anything GOD gave man words to allow man to communicate with himself (look at the Towel of Babel). According to that theory, even GOD recognized their power. Now as to why GOD recognizes them and we do not, I don't know.

No word can ever define in depth, or at least deeply enough, how a person really feels inside. They are incapable of this and this frustration causes us no small amount of problem. Words emote responses to feeling we have within us, basically touching who we are. Words do not shape thought, they amplify it.

We believe words are independent of anything, but words can elevate a person or cause deep harm, they can give life and even kill, they affect us that much. We certainly don't respect them and use them selfishly to promote the "me". The power of words is they show things. We of course fail to admit this. A example is, a person says something (lets say to get another angry hiding the intent), and when anger results everyone pretends to be offended innocence. So who is right and who is wrong. The intent was to do something and it happened, it materialized.

The ancients understood the idea of power, one I disagree with, but the most profound use of its understanding occurs in the Gospel of John, with the description of it cause of creation which was the Word. 

Word is intent and is thought. The Universe resonates with all energy and though we think some energy is separate from it, essence can never be. People deal with each other at this level or at least where we want to come back to, but fear motivates many words to keep us separated from the return.

Quote from: MJones on May 16, 2007, 22:48:27
After I graduate from college in December 2007, I plan on entering a Buddhist monastery to accelerate the process of becoming enlightened. I get the feeling that time is running out and the process of realizing my true nature is of utmost importance (if I can realize my true nature fast enough then I can assist others who are in the same position as I am now). Does anyone know of a Buddhist monastery that is oriented more toward the Western mind or is accessible by someone who is new to Buddhism? Is Buddhism the most efficient path to enlightenment? What is the fastest path? Does anyone know an enlightened teacher I can personally study under (in a monastery or not)? I am ready to give up everything to spiritually grow closer to The Creator and have taken some steps in this direction. Any and all input is greatly appreciated for I feel a sense of desperation yet know there is a plan in place for me and I just have to be humble, patient, and compassionate. Please feel free to contact me personally by email.


Above all don't approach this feeling from the perspective of desperation. Desperation is probably the wrong motive to put into decision, it has a way of driving decision. Stookie's advice is more than philosophical I assure you and is the proper thing to do first. 
Quote from: zappazorn on May 19, 2007, 02:48:39
By the way ,you cannot detach yourself from the "real world". Wherever you are is the "real world". The world at the top of a mountain is just as real as the world in the middle of a city. Practice your path in whatever place feels right and benificial for you, wether it be alone in a cave or in the hustle and bustle of the city.

You have given a real world answer here, one of logic, selfishness, and assumption. This advice as most of the answers given so far appear to approach (and answer) this idea in a negative way with the wrong intent of implying sometime wrong and prejudice. Truly I am not sure of the real intention here and the intent is to stifle and shut the person up. In my family we call this hard love and be quite.
Quote from: galaxy_storm on May 14, 2007, 14:54:55
Our greatest goal is to return to the "source" and become one with it again. But why we ever divided from the "source"? Why individuality was created? Why everything didn't remain "one with the source" for all eternity? If there is pure joy/bliss/love in the "source", why there was a need to experience negative things??

If our goal is to re-unite with the "source" and become "pure consciousness" again as it was in the "beginning", wouldn't this mean that the whole process of individuality creation and finding a way back to the source will repeat? Wouldn't this mean that there is an endless cycle of oneness-individuality? If so, are "we" trapped in this cycle?  :? I'm confused

I have to agree with the things said here. Ironic I use the word "things". I to have specific and philosophical beliefs that mirror the comments here. But here I would like to deviate from the specific, because specific is not my style, so I hope you don't mind.

Galaxy, I think you have touched on one of the best possible questions ever for me. The first part of your answer is in the word you choose, "confused", some say hidden.  What if someone told you the answer, would you believe it?  In all probability no. I think that's important for us to recognize or admit. We probably wouldn't recognize it.

There is something each of us has to learn, probably in the end all the same thing. Don't ask me why. But if one believes in the path, cycles, and of learning then you have your answer but it is not in the terms the mind can or is willing to grasp, not yet.

There are other more important questions we could ask here. Imagine this is probably not even the most complicated, astounding! The reason is I already have my answer, as do others. I wish we would communicate them more, but we don't. A hundred ways to say the same things and we think they are each different.

The question is merely framed by the mind, change the frame and things transform. Confusion turns to awe, and awe to comfort. In fact, once you gain your answer, this question will move to the bottom of your list. Albeit, the human spirit is inquisitive by nature, it is spirit, but it is also easily led.

We might as well use the word brain instead of mind because immediately we must recognize we see ourselves in physical terms, and we also try to answer many of our questions just that way. How do we see, with the spiritual eye or the physical brain which demands immediacy. The brain is designed this way, it needs it's answer now, it is how we actually survive. To even begin to answer the question we must transcend ourselves, this is the mind's quality. The answer here is, you yourself gain knowledge that will be yours alone, that which you will carry forward. The more you accept the more you will gain.

I agree with the comment we're aren't divided from the source, we only think we are. It's not a mystery why. We've been told we are. As physical beings we have attached ourselves to the physical, its objects, and yes (opinions) men. May I ask a quick question to help illuminate our fear to some? Is there anyone that believes in the original sin concept. IMO, man is not sinful and the human nature is one of basic goodness. The concept you began with is important, free of any negativism and you must be willing to break attachments that hold you in illusion. You may have preconception that keep you locked in.

I think we believe there's an order that you must understand before you can accept. There is no order, no logic, no sense. It's not about any of these things. If there is one (because we can't think of any other way), we must accept first and then understand. The question must first bring peace, also realizing the mind is not the brain. Put aside any prejudices and fear you may have. I think there's an issue here very important to the beginner. (I do say anyone is, only that we begin). The inner self recognizes that once you begin that journey you can never stop or turn back. If you are not prepared, don't start, there is time enough. The mind may be signaling you with it's feeling of confusion. The mind will do what it needs to to protect itself and even you. Believe it or not, there are people who don't want to move on. We are all connected not separate and as I move so do you. We call this the path. Others will even try to keep you from moving. For those who choose, as many will tell you, as you open yourself you will see not new things, but in new ways. You will have to change in many ways, or better,become who you really are. On a positive note sometimes it is exciting, and at other time, at lease for me, lonely. The physical desires not to change, the mind...well, I'm not sure, but I think it does.

I know you want an immediate answer but they don't come that way. It will happen when it does. The physical universe sustains us and so this is how we see, real or illusion, it doesn't matter. And this is something we teach not only ourselves, but our children as well, just as we were taught, and they will teach their children and on and on it goes. Above all Galaxy, what you speak of is a cycle. It's only natural. Harshly put, we are made to see what others have seen. I even think History (time) has or plays a part in memory.

In the end we will find the answer very simple I am sure. I would encourage you to continue talking to others and go with your heart and prepare yourself for a most excellent journey.
Quote from: CFTraveler on January 28, 2006, 14:40:03
  But the fact that it occurrs and is verifiable (at least by James) proves the point- it may not happen a lot, but it does happen.
If you build up Karma with someone in particular and carry it to the next lifetime, it makes sense for them to be part of your earthly family on the next, on and on until the karma is cleared up.  So it makes sense that the cases will tend to reocurr in the same family.  But that doesn't make it a rule- it makes it a trend.

I find the idea of Karma and reincarnation related but one idea. Though I believe in each, I think they have become something they are not to us. One of the greatest losses to the world was the (attempted) destruction of so much (worldly) material purged from the world for our own protection. So much has to be relearned that won't go away which I believe happens with truth. I think we are all again learning and so this is merely what I see. or at least some things to consider that may help some.

Karma is a whole (collective) or fixes to individual action? By collective I mean we all come to know as true. The truth is, without Karma, we simply have to recognize our actions toward one another. This is first and foremost important. To me this is what Karma is not though, something that can broken down. Karma has no value of good or bad only what we attach to it. We often say we go beyond the word, but we actually give limit to it. This is how we hide truth right under our nose. I know most will disagree with me, but Karma is knowledge we work toward under the name we gave it.

Even if I'm wrong, using the idea of Karma implies to 1) being able to influence or make, 2) that we do, 3) that we even know "good" when all the event haven't played out, and so on. To go back to clear up personal past issue presents a real problem to me simply because we are trying to use Karma as a tool which it is not. Karma was never meant to become so personal as to become one thing which can be use to do good (or evil).

How I see the world and how the Creator see it are not the same, and what I see important I'm sure the Creator doesn't, to include the things I rail against. I for example would have made a better world. Many times I do think we apply the use of the word Karma here when relating it the Creator's plan as a way of saying I just don't understand, but this is just my own thought.

But getting back to Karma itself. Karma applies across everything and is simply, even if we object, part of the Divine makeup. I doubt any person of this planet could come back to fix one problem without making another the same day. Then do we come back to fix that one and on and on. Maybe we can call this a recurring problem scenario this is something that's suppose to keep us occupied during our time here that we have to fix many problems, but not one problem. I "think" I know what you mean and correct me if I'm wrong, but you really mean we "fix" ourselves. (Notice I don't say you or me but do mean us) This is the intent of Karma its outcome. I think one has to put and always keep Karma, and all other words we use, in perspective to the path. This applies to other ideas we believe in such as reincarnation and so on.

Karma is really much much bigger and much much simpler. But in a way we don't want to share it or any of the other things of the universe, spiritual or physical. It is just some vague idea at this part of our evolution, spiritual and physical. Karma to me is really more whole (collective) and not anything individual and above all I cannot judge Karma. Again it has nothing to do with the qualities of good or bad. It's right up there with our perception of GOD, it is just a word to most of us. Again I probably haven't even come close explaining Karma and what it is to me, only things I lookout for that tell me it's there before me.

Though I do enjoy reflecting and learning about this stuff, at this point of my solitary quest I muse, the genius of the universe seems to be it's apparent limits which keep us occupied with questions.

Quote from: CFTraveler on June 06, 2007, 16:33:00
Quester I really love your answer- can I quote you one of these days?

Thank you for your comment. You may use these thoughts to which I am sure you will add valuable knowledge.

It's a sad we feel we cannot be open and honest with the ones we love, especially out of the fear of hurting them. This is very important question to many of us here, one we should deal with. Is there an absolute here. A similar thought I hold is, can one be a (valid/believing) Christian and not believe in the devil. For example a wicca knows they can be a Christian, but a Christian says absolutely untrue, they cannot. So who is right?

All groups have their rules and so the question (at least for me) is must I abide by the rules there and does one have the right to adopt some of the rules but not all they set. What is the obligation. Notice the the use of your word "christian" implies the force of  validation of a system, therefore and conflict. There are other issue here as well. If you are not aware, you are of course worried about hurting another which is indeed such a pure motive. There are now 2 questions. I want to recognize what you thought a simple question is really a very complex one of being not only spiritual, but psychological, and social. 

The reality is the assumption of some specific almost physical GOD. There are 3 main GODs in the world today, Christian GOD, Muslim GOD, and Jewish GOD. First, you must recognize you have this perception of a concept of the Creator. A specific belief that became reality. This perception in your mind is based on your upbringing of what you have been told GOD is, by what people said it is. You are not alone here. 

Are we allowed to (violate) accept or adopt certain rules of the group, take from a system parts while disregarding others when the group says "no". You didn't make this group, you were brought (born) into it and are a part of it. Being a member do you have the right to go against the wishes of those in the group. Are you allowed to change the group or must you leave it. This is a very lonely situation and time for you. This is why we have so many splinter groups. In truth, you will either yield to peer (group) pressure, feel terrible guilt, or leave the group. I will commit and say, of course it is your choice, but there are things you must learn first and accept. I must disagree with Stookie and say, the group says learning AP does mean you can't be a Christian. But I must agree with Stookie when they say, learning AP doesn't mean you can't be a Christian. It is a personal decision, one of perspective and truth (ever changing if you allow it). Your attachment is one of what is real to you.

The Buddha said life is pain, and to be free of it one must break attachments. Jesus said, one must hate their fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, etc. He of course did not mean to hate anything but must be willing to give up things that bind us. I hope you find your answer, but end, though you may not find the answer today, you may tomorrow, when you are prepared to accept you own mind.

Quote from: clandestino on July 16, 2003, 05:50:30
hello there Lysear !

its energy = mass X (speed of light)squared. Basically it shows that all matter is composed of fantastic amounts of energy. When you break down a large atom e.g uranium, its mass reduces slightly, and the energy given off is a function of the mass that disappears.

I have always wondered about the use of the speed of light squared when Einstein himself said the speed of light itself could not be overcome. If we cannot go faster then the speed of light how can it possibly be squared. In other words are we leaping over the absolute speed he said was not possible. It's my understanding we use of the square of c because Einstein recognized the speed of light was simply not fast enough to be equivlent to mass. The fundamental speed of light is set and we're really only pumping more energy into the formula to make it work. Therefore are we speaking of something else in place of light that completes the formula which light simply fits mathamatically. I think we square the speed of light for convience becasue it fits. As much as I hate to say it c2 may not be c. I've been trying to reconcile the c verus c2 question. Question. Is it c is not c2 or is it c2 has not been named or conceived yet. Clearly this tells me there is something faster then c and once you go c+1 mpr you simply move outside or reality and the formula has always told me, there is faster then c.