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Messages - bjb1234

It sounds to me like they are putting cards with pictures of shapes on them in placed in hospital rooms where patients may have a near death experience and float up and see there body etc... and hopefully see the shapes...

Apparently theres plenty of other evidence for NDEs already, i found a site on google which listed loads of studies etc..

In reality this experiment whether successful or not can achieve only one thing... and that is to tell us if we can view the physical world in "real time" without any distortion when "out of body".  This may be possible it may not be...  I am guessing the non physical dimensions of reality do not operate by the same laws of physics which the physical universe operate by.

Even if they do get any results, this is going to take 3 years...  And no doubt if quite a few people do see the shapes, then the group wont be able to say "theres no chance of surviving death".  It would be a good recent well publicized study which will give some indication that consciousness does survive death of the physical body.  Imagine the consequences for the mainstream scientific community...  I doubt they would even tell the truth about the results.  And even if they did other mainstream scientists would dismiss it.

Overall the experiment is not original and is largely pointless.  In my opinion we do survive death.  But im not sure about been able to view the physical world in "real time" from the non physical, but i am open minded towards the possibility.  I think at the time of death what happens is what our subconscious or maybe our "higher self" expects to happen...  So a devout christian might see jesus etc.. etc...

It doesnt matter anyway, in 3 years time i doubt the results will even get published, no doubt the world will be at war by then if you look at the oil crisis and everything else.  Just focus on educating yourself about survival and getting fit and healthy... oh and happy!  The future for the world is not looking good... and no i am not a fear mongerer
Well after giving it more thought i think:

We do have a soul, im not sure what this soul is...  Maybe life force.  Science has no idea really how life came from non life.

We are of course at some level all from the same source, the same substance, so its plausable that we could all be linked.

Our mind generates our reality...  Our eyes and ears take in data and our mind interprets it and somehow gives us what appears to be our physical reality.

I do believe we live on after death and reincarnation to be the most likely process. 

Our current brain / mind seems to be like RAM memory on a computer, just temporary... maybe we have a way where we can "raise our consciousness" and get access to the hard drive of the universe and select our next physical experience.

At the end of the day it does not really matter,  i think for now as humans we need to realize what ever the reality of well reality...  we are lucky to be here and we all come from the same source.  We need to get our systems in check, sort our physical world out, and when we have sorted it out maybe then focus more time on discovering other things. 

I dont think physical science will ever truely solve some of the mysteries to do with the mind, as what ever school of thought you come from...  its mostly guess work and assumptions.  So just be happy and help make the world a better place for the next generations (after-all if reincarnation is true, you will in some way feel the consequences of todays actions).

Thats a interesting story altho i would just like to mention one thing...

Blind people have the hearing senses as people who can see.  Them being blind does not make their hearing any better or worse, that is just a myth.  But has nothing to do with your experience anyway.

I dont know why your vision was hazy, any explanation of why would just be guess work.  Maybe more experienced projectors could help you out with that one.

Congratulations anyway

Ive been thinking again lol!

Basically Ive been thinking about what the universe actually is without life and consciousness aka a intelligent mind to observe it and experience it.

Is it just a load of vibrating particles?  Vibrating at different frequencies?

I mean....  what really exists without life?

Its this question which keeps me believing that there is more to the universe and life than just some random chemical accident in the universe that somehow learnt how to duplicate itself and then evolve from there to what we have now.  I just cant believe the idea life is some sort of accident, science has no idea where life came from, sure there are plenty of ideas out there but none of them really answer or prove anything.  It maybe one of those things we never know.

With the way our planet is going, life as we know it may not be around for much longer.

Peace guys, where ever you are in the world, what ever color, country, religion...   peace and i love you
I guess the soul is maybe the life force of the universe, i dont know.

I think we all have souls tho, whether that soul is consciousness we will never know, im sure the soul has something to do with consciousness.  And i guess the soul connects to the body from a certain part of the brain.

I dunno

Who knows


To me the soul is the creative life force of the universe.
What your talking about is validations that it is possible to view the physical world in 100% real time while in the spiritual world (the astral dimensions of reality).

Now personally i dont know if thats possible.

Many people report validations, which are personal experiences to them of which there is no other explanation.

Me personally i dont know if you can view the physical from the spiritual atleast not in its 100% actual form we see it in when in our bodies. 

You must remember the astral or non physical worlds are ruled by different laws, different frequencies or vibrations.  So it might be safe to assume you cannot view the physical in 100% real time while in the astral worlds.  But who knows.

Thats part of the mystery and the experience i guess... just enjoy it.
Well yeah, it was a very interesting experiment...

It doesnt bother me if twins and triplets have a connection or not..  It  is interesting tho, who knows if it works every time, it might it might not.  But even just doing the shock twice is amazing that all 3 triplets got the subconscious reaction.  And that thing with the twins on richard and judy.

So unless they what, did this experiment millions of times until they got the data that they wanted and ignored 1 million failed attempts lol.

Yet again i dont see any reason why the researchers or ITV would have anything to gain by hiding information or lying.  After all none of the twins claimed to believe they have any sort of connection, but if its a subconscious connection then they wont know if they have it or not.

Its interesting... 
Hey everyone,

Ive been doing some thinking today, and i want to know what your ideas are about what the soul is?

Is the soul consciousness itself?  Or something which connects to a part of the body or the brain to sort of "take control" of the body?

Is the soul the life force of the universe?

Is the soul some sort of quantum or maybe a particle at a even less dense frequency than quantum mechanics?

What exactly is the soul?  I guess this is a question which has been troubling people for thousands of years...  Will we ever really know?

What are your ideas?
I just watched a program about identical triplets in the UK, most of the show was just fluff really nothing interesting, just the triplets talking about their experiences and seeing if people can tell the difference between the triplets if they switched places.

But there was a interesting part which was to do with these 3 male triplets from the UK.  They put all these sensor things on their head to read there like emotions etc...  And the triplets were almost entirely emotionally in tune, with the way their emotions work.  Only slight differences (when compared to the emotional make up of 2 random humans).

After this they did a test to test for ESP (physic connection between triplets).  None of the triplets believed this existed.

Right now time for the test to start (the triplets didnt know at this time what they was been tested on). 

Each triplet was put into a room on his own, and given head phones and i think blind folds.  2 of the triplets listened to music while the third one was involved in a game, where he had to press a button at a certain time and if he failed he would get a electric shock.  While this was happening the scientists were reading data from the sensors looking for reactions etc...

The triplet playing the game was shocked 2 or 3 times.

Later on the scientists compared the readings from the sensors on all 3 triplets, and saw that every time the triplet got shocked, his 2 siblings had a subconscious reaction at the same time as the shock, and this happened every time he got shocked.

So this experiment would suggest there is some sort of link subconsciously between the triplets.

This does open my mind abit to certain theories and ideas about physic abilities and the nature of our universe.

It was interesting

Does anyone else know anything about this ESP sort of thing?
Ive never projected myself yet, ive not had energy to focus on learning.

But when i was like 14 years old i was in a chat room for WICCA, and got talking to some 40 something year old man from america.

We spent a long time talking (the whole room) and they was trying to teach me how to project, then one day he said "im going to try and force open your third eye chakra"

Then like maybe 10 or 20 seconds later or something i felt a burning on my forehead (in the place where the third eye is suppose to be), then i looked back at the screen and he said "did you feel that?", i obviously said yes.  But it didnt work and i still could not project, but he and a few others in the room could project.

Also a woman in there had me take a cup and put it somewhere in my room, then focus all my attention on the cup so i could see it even when i closed my eyes.  She then told me where the cup was...  it was "behind the printer on the floor", and also said "you kept focusing on the printer" which was right, i was finding it hard to focus on the cup.

Im 19 now, so that was all a long time ago, so my memories of the experiences are pretty vague now.  But still it all interests me.

I dont know if its possible to help somebody out of there body, it might be, it might not be.  Projecting is no easy task, it apparently doesnt take much to drag you back to your body, infact just thinking of your body seems to make most people get dragged back to it.

I wish you luck with your journey of discovery my friend.

It seems OBEs are so complicated, i mean in the non physical worlds , things will be different, the laws of materialization etc..

It will be hard to verify OBEs 100%, i think its something we all must aim to experience ourself.

From what people say, its nothing like a dream, also theres all those near death experiences...  and they are not all recent NDEs...  they go back thousands of years.

Then you have past life regressions and the children who remember excrement loads of details about a past life somehow and have verified it with friends of the person they was in the past life.  There are many reported cases, a real lot of cases.

I dont know if its possible to view the physical world exactly how it is from the astral worlds.  Some people say it is, others say it isnt.  To me its not important at all, because the non physical worlds are different realities from ours.  We cant expect everything to be the same and work the same.

Putting all the pieces together tho, i would say astral projection or OBEs are very real.  One day we could get the solid scientific proof.

Somebody on here, has done alot of experiments over years and years, "" or something...  Hes apparently had alot of good experiments.

Keep an open mind and explore on your own, its exciting.  Enjoy the experience.
Thanks for the replys everyone,

Maybe viewing our physical universe in a so called "real time zone" is possible...  to me it doesnt matter either way, it doesnt take away from the fact you are leaving your body and exploring a new world with different laws and mysteries etc...

It all sounds very interesting, ive recently left behind the idea of organized religion, i was going to become a muslim revert, now im not too sure.

My belief system tends to bend more towards the writings and ideas of Neale Donald Walsh.  I think hes a great man with a great brain.  I am about to re-read his 3 original books and maybe buy some more of his writings. 

I also intend on learning astral projection, does anyone recomend any good books?  Donald Walsh in his "conversation with god" books recomends Deepak Chopra as an author who somewhere in one of his 40+ published books teaches astral projection.  I havnt been able to find it tho.

I have been doing alot of thinking about the astral world etc... recently...

Please bare in mind ive never had any myself, i havnt had the energy to put the effort in really, im just lazy...


Is it really possible for our soul/spirit/consciousness to leave our bodies and travel around and view our own world in physical time, like real time zone.  For example you could leave your body, go into another room and try to see somebody in the shower for example...

I dont know to be honest if this is possible, but personally  i would think it is not possible...

Our minds as we know them right now are generating our reality...  our brains interpret data put into it via our senses like our eyes and ears...  Our brain then generates our reality.  Without cosciousness / the brain  what really exists?  Is it just different frequencies and energy waves?  Without any brain to interpret this data... nobody can be sure whats there and what isnt right?

So the astral worlds we dont have physical eyes and ears etc...  so its safe to assume that maybe the astral realities are generated by information already interpreted by our brains right?  Therefor we can change things in the astral worlds using our thoughts?

Or maybe consciousness itself has its own type of senses which takes in new data from the astral worlds and interprets it in a different way to the physical universe, as the 2 dimensions (astral and physical) are not the same, and are not governed by the same laws of physics.

My point with all this is... our physical reality is generated by our brains, i dont think astral worlds are any different... i just think the astral worlds are more flexible and energy is easy to manipulate for the brain to create what ever it wants.  It doesnt make the experience any less or more real.  It just means the 2 dimensions are different and governed by different rules.  So maybe it isnt possible to see our physical world 100% accuratly while out of body...

What are your thoughts guys?
I guess the astral worlds are just too different to our own worlds, i mean in their vary nature, they are obviously heavily affected by thoughts...

Because the astral worlds are not physical worlds are they, they are less sense in "energy" or vibration or w/e it is...

But there is still plenty of evidence that OBEs could well be real and not all imagination...  THe fact they happen to alot of people for thousands of years with alot of consistencies in the experiences which cannot really be explained properly by anybody.

Then theres the thousands of people who have proved to themself by personal experiences that astral projection is not in the imagination, i mean sure they cant prove it all the time, but like we said the astral worlds are much different to our own, its something you have to prove to yourself for sure i guess.

Your imagination does play a part in astral worlds tho, of course you are using your imagination to move!  So its not supprising that you could also be using it to form your surroundings...

Yet people have given weird accounts where you can see 360 degrees vision while out of body...  and other things we cant really explain or even imagine.

Theres deffo a high chance astral worlds are just a natural part of our complicated mysterious universe and reality, a part which we will never fully understand.

Another argument for astral projection would be the thousands of near death experiences all reported with many consistencies.

You also have past life regression with hypnosis, and many cases where children remember past lives and know all the details about them!

When you put it all together there is deffo a chance the astral is part of our reality, just a part where nothing is forever or physical and everything is changing at different speeds than our own physical universe.

The fact that these experiences have been happening for so long, to so many people all across the world with so many consistencies in what they felt and experienced would suggest there is deffo some reality to the astral.  Also the fact we dont know what consciousness actually is yet, not fully...  nor do we have any real idea where it comes from or how it works. 

It is true that some scientists do not believe astral projection is real...  but how many of these scientists have been researching astral projection all their lives including having there own personal experiences?  Also their are very credible scientists who do back the idea or posibility of astral projection.  But there will always be a lil bit of faith required.  We just have to enjoy life and explore both astral and real world, and try to leave it a better place than before we came here.

As for people trying to gain evidence for the astral with playing cards or color cards for example...  That is very hard given the nature of the astral worlds, because all you have to do is have a thought in your mind telling you the card is RED and it will be red...  Your thoughts and expectations are helping to form this astral world.  I guess its a personal thing you need to prove.

I know INVISABLELIGHT.US  (sorry forgot your full URL and your name but know your a member on here)...  his tests seem to have very positive results for the evidence that astral projection is not all in the mind.

So how come your kitchen wall was still there???

Is there like a time lapse with the astral?  was you in astral?   or real time zone?

Anyone have an explanation for this...   the explanation that "its all in your imagination which is why wall was still there" is not that reliable, seen as you KNEW already the wall was gone, and you have ovbiously seen he kitchen many times without the wall been there...

Any explanation?


I was wondering if any experienced hypnotists could help me create a mp3 tape to help program peoples minds into having out of body experiences.

I may even be willing to pay for the tape to be made.

Wouldnt want it to be any longer than 20 minutes, and would want it to be perfect for people to listen to just before they go to bed.

Hey guys,

What are the best websites you all know that are good resources of reliable information.  I have some books on astral projection which are suppose to be good books , but they are so boring.  I cant focus on reading them at all.  OR they are filled with rubbish.

Cheers for the help
My hypnotherapy teacher said a induction should take no more than 4 minutes, or it becomes ineffective.

You need a state called somnambolism or something.  Which isnt too hard to achieve.  But if the induction is long and boring you have no chance at all.

One of the tell tale signs your in somnambolism is you will feel your eyes moving side to side under your eye lids (if you focus your attention on your eyes).

Either way an induction should be no more than 4 minutes.

The teacher teaches rapid inductions, instant inductions and silent inductions to do on people.  But they require confidence and a slight pretalk to your hypnotic victim, i mean subject.
Its just your subconscious mind been programmed with suggestions you WANT to accept, the relaxation will help bypass your critical factor (if theres no fear there) to help you project.

May i ask are your projections spontanious? or controlled?

I bought a hypnosis mp3 for astral projection, ive played it a few times but to be honest this guy bores the crap out of me!!!!

His induction seems to take foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... i just cant listen to that everyday.

I hope to become a hypnotherapist within a year or 2. While at college and UNI.

Id like to hear more about your experiences with hypnosis and out of body experiences.

I am yet to project out of body but am desperate to find a method which i can make work for myself.  As i am also writing a book on astral projection and a specific religion.  (Just using the knowledge i know and details of other peoples experiences).

Hello everybody,

I havnt posted here in a while and im sorry about that, been a little busy :)

Anyway,  I am writing a book on astral projection which is going to be published.  I am looking for experienced or novice projectors to share with me there stories, testimonials to what projection is like, and give a tip or 2 on how they achieved projection etc...

I cant pay you for your donations, and i cant be assured every testimonial will be included in the book. 

Anyone willing to talk to me about this?

Have any of you guys ever met any of your friends in the astral worlds somewhere? maybe someone you know in person or somebody you know online, spoken with eachother in astral then talked about your experience in our world?

Ive heard stories of people doing this, would be interesting to know if anybody here had experiences like it.

I realise the astral worlds are very complicated and hard to make sense of (which is probly why we wont ever make sense of them scientifically).

I have had one experience where i met a american woman in a chat room, she told me put my cup anywhere in the room then focus on the cup, so much i could see it when i closed my eyes.  She said she wud tell me where i put it in the room.  She said its behind the printer on the floor, you kept focusing on the printer by accident.  And she was right, and she did similar things with other people in the room.  I was only about 12 or 13 at the time and it was a pagan room.  Was interesting, this woman claimed she trained her psyic skills and could also project.
the future isnt set in stone, life would be so pointless if it was
Funny enough i watched a TV show in UK other day with that psychic (claims to be psychic) from MOST HAUNTED.  He went to the great pyramid, even inside the great big tombs the queens and pharohs tombs.

He said he was possed by the spirit of one of the people in charge of the workers who built the great pyramid.

And he said just about the exact same method was used to build them, as the post on here said.  He also said workers was working day and night like shifts, so work on the pyramid never stopped until the minute it was complete.

YouTube Derek Great Pyramid  you will probly see some clips, the guy is abit of a psycho and probly a fake but it was interesting.
I watched a show on Discovery channel about prophesy they mentioned the Mayans...  And its amazing how accurate the Mayans have been with all of there predictions!!!!

As for the end of the era prediction, is it a coincidence that several cultures scattered around the world predicted the exact same date? And that date is the date the earth crosses over centre of the galaxy (something only happens every 16,000 years or something)??

I dont think the world will end, i believe the theories about it been a new era, a new cycle, maybe something bad will happen (regardless of 2012 if you look at global politics right now and global warming).  Maybe the next step will be meetin life forms from other planets? who will help us spiritually?  Maybe the bible is partly correct maybe jesus will return to educate us from our currently spiritually ignorant materialistic ways.

Who knows, but i dont think the world will be destroyed on the exact date, altho scientists say its possible a polar shift could happen (so the north and south pole shift) They just dont know if it will happen, but if it does... Bad times

Anyway enjoy your live develop spiritually dont let people bash on your beliefs, especially ignorant people, there just not worth it.
Well if you check the site there is alot of information about it and videos etc...

Also the site has various comments about false religion, and they claim life after death is not paranormal its natural part of the universe.

They also support the popular theory that there is parrellel (bad spelling) universe out there. 

I dont know much about this, i approach it with skeptism, as i do everything, they give alot of references you should check up, mostly from really old books etc..

But its definantly interesting, and i can see why this kind of evidence would be suppressed or ignored by mainstream science, it would change the world, peoples attitude to everything, they would either become nasty and uncaring or evil and greedy knowing what ever they do they wont be punished, and knowing they will never properly die.

Also it wud rock the foundations of science, everything would have to be reexamined, which will immediantly put alot of people out of jobs rendering there knowledge pretty useless.

But thats science, its what its suppose to be all about, new discovieres etc...

But as with everything in this world science is controlled by humans and money...  no money, no research...

Nothing infuriates a scientist more than claims of paranormal (even tho there is nothing paranormal about the paranormal) because if proven correct, it would rock the foundations of science.

Like i said tho, i dont know if what the site / group says is true, but i know they have been around a long time, and have there science to back up what they say (or so they claim), and i know they have a large following among scientists.

But im afraid the mainstream only gets to hear 2 sides of the story when it comes to life after death:

1.  Fundementalist religions
2.  Fundementalist materialistic scientists who refuse to recognise anything beyond our 5 senses

Any other viewpoints never make it to mainstream tv shows about the subject... or onto the media , whether you agree with the view points or not, you know im right about that.

I personally dont know if i agree yet, im gonna look more into it one day, but right now its low on my list of priorities.  I have this life to worry about, never mind life after death lol.