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Messages - Catatonic

well... that wing moves in an interval, right?  interval placed in time... so .. back to what i've said earlier..
no, i'm saying that the first beats are in the past already
well... i think that the present, on the line of time must have and ending and a beginning, right? this being available for the people who don't care about time. they think it's there and it's rolling and rolling... but if we know that there's no time and all that, let's suppose that present's interval is 1 second. in order for time to reach from A to B, it has to reach a middle point, right?  in order to reach that middle point, it must reach another middle point, you see? and i suppose it will never reach 0, the actual present.
i think it can be established... but it's too close one of another.  it's like.. how many times do you divide 1 to reach 0?
yes, but you experience tiny bits of the future in a very fast pace, in your " now"... and in the same fast way that becomes past.
i dunno... i didn't answered all them questions... i just came up with an idea... and asked for your opinions :) .  there are still a number of unanswered question regarding this " no present" idea, right? ;)
which it doesn't really exist  :-D
but why isn't there a thing that says: " look... there's no time.. no present, no future, no nothing" ?   What are those whole belief systems" you are talking about?  what will change in that system if you prove them " look... no present" ?
Quote from: CFTraveler on November 13, 2007, 12:37:03
Then we agree. 
I think.  :-D

on what? :P    i think the opinions are still pro and con ... more con, i guess.... but then again.. if there's no present and all that stuff, will it help someone?  is it that interesting?
what do you wanna say, iNNERvOYAGER? " we never experience the present" ?  is that like... equal that there's no present or that we are not aware of it?

@Sharpe: i don't really know :P  smth very abstract, that's for sure.
have you read " the power of now" by eckhart tolle?
i just took that example because what i meant was that every action placed in space and time has its " past" and "future", but not an exact moment of " present"... well, no present for me, actually. the pendulum shows a continuous move, as time does ( and yes, i'm aware that time is a man-made thing),  but in order to reach a point will have to reach some other points till there.
talking bout time... it's all a matter of pasts and futures, involving no present whatsoever.
"cutting" in half the distance between those points shows that there is no room for stopping and calling that moment " present"
well.. let's take a pendulum for example.  we will mark as " present" the distance from the initial position (A) to  (B), which is the highest point reached, ok?   and this " present" is 1 cm long...

that's how i see it. why? cause most of them people name " present" a time interval.
aha... that's what i wanted to know.

now.. can this explain that there's no present? :P
that's a nice quote... but is there any scientific explanation?   
hey, y'all... i'm back with another question for you... i dunno.. maybe trying to support my " there's no present" idea..

what i know is there was a mathematician who said that every distance has  a half, right? or smth close to that...  i forgot his name, sorry... 5 is the half of 10, 2.5 is the half of 5, so forth and so on...

now.. what i want to know is: if you divide 1 by 2 .. that's 0.5 ... divide 0.5 that's 0.25 ... and so on .. hehe.. will it ever stop? i mean... will it ever be pure 0 or smth like that?

as you may have noticed i'm not quite good at maths... so that's why i'm askin you...

cheers :)
awakened_mind  NLP as in Neuro Linguistic Programming.
awakened_mind, do you want to say that the new age kinda stuff is the next step?  things as nlp, i'm sure u've heard of it and know how it works
then again... how can we discover this percentage we are currently at?

and why would we care, anyway? it's just a number, after all...
Quote from: Stookie on September 12, 2007, 11:47:10

I see evolution going towards technology. Just because we imagine technology to be totally man-made, who's to say that it's not a part of evolution. We are making computers out of living cells now. And we're not too far from connecting a brain to a computer. It would be cool to control machines our brains, or have a computer boost brain power. If telepathy ever becomes the norm, I believe it will be (at first) because of machines.

This sounds like a book that i've read by John Saul named "Shadow". A school principal used to get in touch with the most smart kids around and then he would take their brains out connecting them to a computer, so the kid was the computer and such.
I've find it quite interesting.
Even though, talking bout reality now, this seems to be close...brain computers are still far away, no matter what we say, i think.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: Present
August 05, 2007, 04:24:09
how true, dotster. we also might have smth here without us knowing. oh, the miracles of brain :P

i dunno if zen is right. i mean if smn threatens you to kill you tomorrow, wouldn't you be concerned? i'd be..  :-o

what i like to say is that the best thing about the past is that it's over and the best thing about the future is that you get to choose.
and it's not an " art of living in the present", is more like a theory on life.

i don't know if smn mentioned here about the continuous present. i asked a few read friends and they told me about this concept. it seemed a good idea till i asked them "doesn't that mean that is both past and future, but under the name of present?"  and they all went like " uhm... yeah" .  think about what i've said. you can take the river analogy and check the " continuous present".
Quote from: ismusa on August 04, 2007, 13:57:14

Its very hard to imagine, but I think that there is only a now and that past and future are an illusion.  If one were to visit the future I think they would visit a (possible outcome of the now) and now the actual future.

I don't think there is a past or a future.  We humans don't have the faculties to understand that there is only a present.  The future is just a set of outcomes that are possible. 

Your beliefs are opposite than mine. I think there's the future and the past, but no present, you see?  Having present next to time, I realized that there's no future and I quite like this idea.

Even though we barely understand this Universe and time traveling and all that stuff, scientists have come up with ideas. The one I like the most is:  imagine a sheet of paper. Bend it in half and get a needle right through the middle of the two.  But then again, no idea how to do that.

We think about time traveling just through Einstein's eyes and his famous equation. All that will come up in the near future, all will be based on his ideas, i think. 
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: Present
August 03, 2007, 15:52:03
i never knew that all the river - life thing was linked to Taoist symbolism. it was just an analogy to clear out some ideas
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: Present
August 03, 2007, 13:56:27
i made  a mistake in the first sentence cause later on i sad the river was the life. but the stick is really " the event" for me. cause whatever that is... it follows you in your life.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: Present
August 03, 2007, 13:00:34
i like your analogy, dotster. 

the river is flowing and the stick that goes along it's LIFE.  NOW would just be a rock dropped in water. being heavier, of course, it will sink. but the moment of the impact is NOW for me. and you can realize that is nothing so important. you see the rock, NOW you don't.
and from my perspective it's full of past and future.
suppose you dig a new "arm" for this river.  water comes along, what was once dry is now wet (past) and what is dry still will be flooded (future).  place NOW ( the rock) in a dry place water (life) it will just keep on going.
it's to tiny this NOW that i think there is no NOW.

it's true, just a matter of perspective. we're living, we're eating, we're breathing we're dying. but we can come up with ideas ( good or bad) and - thanks to technology - share them with people around the world.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: Present
August 03, 2007, 04:54:15
well, i think NOW is a misconception.
in my opinion it doesn't exist..NOW... no, it's just a definite interval. you eat NOW, you eat from 8:00 till 8:15 ( if you're hungry). while you're doing it you say NOW but the next second that NOW is in the past. i can't say that NOW is every second because , then again, seconds are divided in other cute stuff that keeps on going.