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Messages - asstray85

Has anyone hear of the Hyper dimensional Resonator?.  Supposedly it is supposed to induce instant obe's to certain periods of time.  You set the dial to a date and time, you wear the device for a few minutes, you sit and relax and the next thing you know your observing the time period you set.  If used on the right setting on a natural grid point it is supposed to send you to that time period physically.  People have said it only lasts 6 hours but i am unsure if it replaces your astral body from that time period with your present, or if you actually transport and dissapear.  The whole idea seems far fetched and the machine costs $360 dollars, either way even if it doesnt send you through time which it is speicifically designed for from the design of it it should still aid in spiritual development.  Does anyone know about this or have any experience with it?, it seems really interesting.
This is the homepage for the device where you can read about it and purchase it...
heres another site with some more time travel links
i am just getting into this time travel stuff and it really interests me.  Is it really possible?, is this product legit?, Physical time travel seems the most appealing to me but either way if a device can induce such a phenomenon im buyin it next week :-).  Any suggestions or experiences with this thing?his thing?

The other night i listened to this bwgen preset and when i took it off i tried to goto sleep, i was completely comfortable and my body was extremely relaxed.  As i was trying to goto sleep i kind of saw through my eyes and i saw my entire room in perfect color and everything and some wierd dude was meditating on my bed near my legs with some box or something in front of him with a lit candle on it, i think it was a candle.  When i saw the guy i got real nervous and tried to open my eyes and it felt like a shift from my forehead to my eyes it was wierd.  I suppose it was my thrid eye.  I tried to do it again just by focusing above my eyes, and i saw my room again but the guy wasnt there anymore, i looked around a few seconds and as soon as i think of my eyes it went away and i lost the image of the room.  It was hard because i would try to look to the right or to the left and it would bring me back to my eyes.  Mabye there is another method to looking around with your third eye? Any suggestions on what this guy was or might have been doing?, he looked pretty harmless.

Ive read that people often set dates to do salvia and they meet each other in salvia land or other realms.  There is a forum someplace on yahoo where people are setting up meeting places.  This reminded me of the Stone henge post.  Mabye it would be a good idea to try and meet while on salvia?.  Ive just ordered a bunch of salvia this morning, cant wait till it comes :-)!
This topic can be the appointment place for salvia travelers :-)

DMT is a drug that is completely harmless.  Our body produces the chemical and it stimulates to pineal gland, which means instant obe's, energy raising, communication with spirits, etc, etc.  It is called the spirit molecule by many.  I recommend if your reading this to do some research on the topic. Shamans have used it for generations, to induce instant spiritual journeys, etc.  All of which arent altered experiences like lsd and such drugs give you.  DMT is produced while meditating from what i have read.  You have to do research to fully understand the drug.  DMT is illegal because it has a possibility for abuse, but it can be extracted many ways.
Heres some sites where you can start learning about it more... -Tons of info
Theres 2 main types of dmt theres nn-dmt and theres 5-MeO-DMT.  You have to do research to disifer the differences.  I am unsure.

I am not completely knowlegable of the drug, but if people can use these resources, and mabye get a working extraction plan off the internet.
theres a site with some extraction info.  Seems complicated but it might not be what we need.  I read that 5-MeO-DMT can be bought off the internet because it is less severe as far as psychadelic from nn-dmt usually called just dmt, but again i am still unsure.  If everyone could find some helpful info about this drug and how to obtain or extract it, add to the topic, i have a feeling this is gonna be a big one.

and if there is no luck i found this site which is supposed to naturally increase dtm levels in your body.

Get this information out, the goal is to find out where dmt can be purchased or the best ways for extraction.

Could it be possible for someone profitient in obe's, can prevent tragedies?.  I was thinking along the lines of making it a habit for this person to read the newspaper everyday at a certain time and laying out or tacking certain articles on a billboard.  If this becomes something that this person will inevitably do every single day, he can simply project to the future and read the articles on his billboard and prevent them when he gets back.  Is this feasable or simply science fiction?.  From what ive heard and read about obe's as long as a person is profitient in controlling the experience and has a good ability to read while projecting, this sounds like something thats definatly possible.  Any suggestions?, does anyone this this is possible or far fetched?.

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Pressure
November 20, 2002, 20:17:57
This afternoon i came home and went right to sleep, i was exhausted.  I had an extremely vivid dream of me sitting in my dining room, all of a sudden i felt like i was stoned except my head felt like it was under extreme pressure, it was getting worse and worse.  Suddenly i fell over the chair onto the floor, the room was dim and it took about 6 seconds to drop to the floor in which i woke up when i got there because the pressure in my brain was too great and i was nervous.  I was thinking at a normal rate but yet i was slowly dropping to the floor, i could not feel my body or arms as i was doing this because i had plenty of time to asses the situation as it was happening.  The interesting this about this and why i chose to mention it is because i had a similar experience where i dreamed i was in my computer room and i fell over the chair onto my dog, it all felt the same except i didnt have the pressure in my head.  Like many of my expereinces lately i wake up surprised to find myself in bed.  Like i was sure i was in my dining room. Any suggestions on what this is? ever since ive been reading alot about this stuff, gotten my reiki attunements, and listening to the hemi-sync cd's, ive been having alot of wierd experiences like this.  Any ideas on what this particular one is?

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Mystery High
November 19, 2002, 18:12:16
Did anyone here ever as a child think of the mysteries of life?, or why we are here or how from millions of years or evolution it leads up to this momment looking thorugh your own eyes.  I used to this this way as a small child and the whole overwhelming mysteriousness of everything made a buzz go off in my head that feeels so good.  I remember over and over filling my thoughts with mystery and wonder and my head would start buzzing again.  The buzz lasts only a few seconds but is a very pleasurable feeling that your whole body can feel but mostly in your head.  What is this?, recently ive been getting these "highs" again now that i am older while listening to a hemi-sync tape or a bwgen preset filling my mind with the mystery or wonder of what there is to know and might be available to me at any second.  Now that i am older sometimes this feeling is followed by a couple of flashes of white which i can see with my eyes closed.  Any ideas on what this is?, its puzzles me since a child.

Does anyone have any suggestions on howto percieve or visualize?.  I understand the concept and that its not actually seeing what you are visualizing, and more imagining it.  the only problem i have is my mind constantly trying to bother me.  Instead of thinking white i think black. Instead of perceiving one thing i percieve another.  Esspecially with the Hemi-sync guided meditations there is no way to confirm wheather your visualizations are effective or not.  It esspecially bothers me when my visualizations are of black and arent constant.  Ive always been like this.  One thing ive always been able to do is lucid dream.  90% of ym dreams since i was a little kid were always lucid, i always know i am dreaming.  The only problem is once i know i am dreaming, i think about bad things that can happen, nomatter how much i try to keep my mind off of it, i think the opposite of what i am trying to think.  When i was a child i use to be afraid to goto sleep because i knew i would have a nightmare as soon as i realized i was dreaming, i am incapable of having direct pure thoughts, and not mumbojumbo confusion and irritation.  I always have lucid dreams but never can control them, as soon as they become lucid they actually become out of control, as opposed to my non lucid dreams in which i dont know i am dreaming and therefor no negative thoughts start to manifest because i think evetything is real.  It is extremely frustrating and i am starting to get discouraged.  Does anyone have any suggestions?, or have the same problem?
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / different place?
November 16, 2002, 13:33:49
Recently i have been listening to the wave 1 hemi-sync series.  Last night I had a series of extremely vivid dreams in which when i woke up i was suprised to be in my bed, which is an extremely odd feeling.  After listening to Wave 1 discovery 3, i fell asleep.  I kept feeling these feelings of drifting off deeply, where i felt almost immobilized, i would open my eyes, and struggle to try and move my body, because it felt like i couldnt.  Soon i fell asleep, and I had a series of very wierd visions.  The first one i was sitting at my computer and my dog was sitting next to me.  I was reading the active topics on this forum, while i was petting my dog.  It was all extremely real, but kind of sluggish, as if i had smoked pot or something.  I then felt a connection with my dog, and i couldnt control my body from falling over the side of the chair with my head laying on my dog.  I could feel her fur, smell her, feel her movement, it was all extremely real.  Suddenly i woke up, opened my eyes, and my body was very immoble it was hard to move, and i was a little nervous.  At the same time i was so surprised to find that i had been sleeping, and i thought to myself oh yeah i fell asleep(very weird realization)..I shook myself out of it, and got up for a few minutes to try and get myself out of this state because it kind of spooked me.  I also noticed my dog was in the same room as me while this was happening sleeping as well.  When i went back to bed, i got into that same state of mind, that same feeling during my dream, the same feeling during the hemi-sync tape, it was all the same, very very real, detatched from my current situation.  I fell asleep again, it was like i was looking out of someone elses eyes at a crime scene.  I was in a forest area, there was people all around me.  There were 2 people dead, a black man to the left, and white man to the right, both hung by ropes tide to their feet.  there was a big drop mabye 20 ft, into a lake or pond.  There was one man tying to cut down the rope of each man while he looked the other way covering his nose.  This extremely spooked me out, it was so real.  After i had watched him cut down both men and heard them drop one after the other into the lake iI soon faded back into my bed.  I opened my eyes once again completely surprised to be there.  The last experience i had last night was this morning, all in the same state of mind, i walked to the bathroom in my house, a bathroom door to the left, a bathroom door to the right, 2 bathrooms next to each other, i seemed very familiar with this in my house, and the inside of the bathrooms were very familiar to me as well.  After peeing, lol, i woke up again with the same fascination of not believing i was in bed during that.  Almost like a 5 second amnesia where i have to collect my thoughts and remember and reaasure myself that oh yeah i did this today and i just fell asleep earlier, and everything comes back to me.  This was the wierdest night of experiences in my entire life.  I am going to listen to the hemi-sync wave again tonight, and report any other experiences i may have.  Any suggestions on what this might be?

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Reiki
November 10, 2002, 15:44:52
This forum is great, i am new.  I have been reading alot about reiki, Tummo reiki in particular. I hope to get even more information about it and finally the attunements.  I have a few questions that are still unanswered though.  I understand that undergoing kundalini through tummo reiki is the safest most complete way of doing so but how exactly will it effect my life?.  Will i be able to function properly?, asumming all goes well.  Will it influence the way i act?.  Is it recommended to undergo regular reiki attunements over tummo reiki attunements in that it should not induce kundalini.  I cant seem to find any information on how a "successfull kundalini"  effects everyday life, most particulally one induced by tummo reiki attunements.  My last question is if you can so easily build your energy and skill in such ways from other people in a series of 30 minute sessions then why does everyone go through the fuss of intense long practice? II would also appreciate it if anyone is willing to give free tummo reiki attunements.

exactly!.  When i said i felt "icky", it meant i felt uncomfortable in my own skin, that exactly describes it.  When i smoked it with pot though it was much more enjoyable.  If my dam heart wouldnt pound like crazy everytime i smoke though it would have probably been even better.  Im going to order the 10x extract, ill tell everyone how it goes.

I recently got the 5x extract in the mail, and ive tried it for 3 times luckily before my DAM dad found it and hes so DAM ignorant he doesnt know what is going on.  Im sorry i had to vent but the 3 experiences i had were pretty mild probably because i didnt smoke alot at a time at all.  The first time i took about 3 hits or regular dried leaves and a pinch of extract.  I was having intense inner dialoges with myself.  My bong and my lighter were my next door neighbors and they had names.  I was talking to them about something and then i realized i was sitting there spaced out for a pretty long time.  I took one more hit and walked out of the room.  Not realizing i forgot my bong i go back to get it.  Each step i take with the bong in my hand i keep forgetting im holding it, i cant even feel myself holding it.  I can completely dissoriented and i feel "icky", i cant describe it any other way.  The second time was similar and the third time i smoked with some pot, and it was the most amazing high ive ever had in my life, it pretty much was like adding a whole new dimension of thought and a whole new depth of feeling and perceiving emotions and things.  Although i didnt purchase salvia to "get high" and more for spiritual reasons, i seem to have gotten nothing but high from it.  I suppose the doses were to low for a psychadelic/spiritual  experience but mabye the next time i order it and i get a chance to smoke it when no one is home so i dont have to limit myself, i will.  :-).  Salvia really is something im looking foward to trying again, in spite of the icky feeling, and feeling that you are gonna loose it.

Thanks for your input i appreciate it :-)
It was one of the presets that go from meditation to sleep, its supposed to give you a good night sleep and put you in a deep sleep, i took it off before it it was over though.  If i were to do this again and see the man how do i communicate?, the slightest thought of moving my mouth would take me out of the scene, just like with my eyes.  I couldnt get a good look at the guy because my vision was perfectly strait when i would try to focus on another side or thing it would bring me back to my eyes.  Any suggestions?, or perhaps i just have to learn by trial and error.:-)

Salvia is not expensive!!, if you know where to buy from ;-).
that site sells ounces for $10.00 1 gram 5x extract for $6.00 and 1 gram 10x extract for 12.00.  Your probably saying, oh that excrement must be dodi, well, they have their own forum on experiences and they urge you to write one after buying the salvia.  The site was recommended to me, he said it was the highest quality salvia hes ever bought.  The introductory price for an ounce is $5.00 if you have never bought from their before.  I bought an ounce of dried leaves, and 2 grams of 5x extract, it came to $19 with shipping :-).  I should be getting it any day now, ill tell you all how it goes.

Hey Tom :-)
I usually smoke marijuana on a regular basis and its the only drug ive ever used and i notice that if i dont smoke for a week or so i start having extremely vivid dreams where i feel like i just smoked a hella lot.  Even after the dream ends i wake up feeling high.  Ive read that it is common but my judgement tells me it is the thc being brought back into my blood stream while i burn fat in my sleep.  Since thc attatches to fat cells that is the only reasonable conclusion to why that might happen.

I wonder what that is.  I also have had several experiences in being in a room in my house sideways with a pressure someplace in my body, usually my head.  I slowly fall to the ground in slow motion until the pressure becomes too much and then i wake up surprised to find myself in bed.  Mabye there is a coorelation.

The extraction process for dmt seems very annoying, and i wouldnt want to mess it up.  I have made up my mind to buy H.B Woodrose seeds and extract the LSA from it which is similar to LSD and experimenting with that during meditation.  Theres alot of positive information of LSA and if i dont want to extract it i could just eat 10 seeds for a full flege trip, compared to 200-300 morning glory seeds required for an equivelent result.  Im ordering the seeds tommorow night and will try it out when i get it in the mail.  It is alot easier to obtain and extract compared to DMT and is a friendlier version of lsd.  I will tell everyone how it works out.  I smoke pot frequently and it gives me the ability to distinctly feel energy in my body and move it around, yes it has caused me to not even bother to try when i am not high, but at least ive gotten a taste of it and when i am practicing without pot i know what to expect.  I feel other drugs can do the same.  I dont know who mentioned that dmt causes brain damage, but if that was true then everyone who practiced intense meditation on a regular basis would be causing themselves harm as well i would suppose?.

I agree bear.  If you are going to reply to this topic, dont reply on impulse and express your knowlege of drugs, because dmt is different.  It is naturally secreted during meditiation, therefor if you take it externally its equivelent to intense meditation.  So It would never ruin your control, I tried to explain before but i guess some people didnt get it.  LSD messes with your head, you see and hear things that simply arent there, imaghes, sounds, etc, created by your brain, and of course the possiblility of a spiritual experience.  DMT on the other hand is purely spiritual, and it does not have to turn into a habit at all.  If anyone thinks this drug is too hard to obtain or extract, theres this pill you can take that is supposed to naturally boost dmt levels which could be a tremendous help in meditation.

OHHH, that must be why i am having muscle twitches all day long.  I was going to mention it to my doctor but it must because of energy.  I get it in my eye, my legs, my knees, my shoulder, my ankle, you can see the muscle twitching through my clothes, sometimes it twitrches real hard, and there are big muscles that twitch and i never heard of that, but now i know it must be natural.  Thanks

i bought a half ounce of salvia it is fake.  When i got it it looked like street leaves cut up, the extract i ordered was just the same leaves chopped up smaller, it was embarressing.  I smoked a ton of it and it did nothing at all, lots of people i know smoked it and it still did nothing to them.  The next product i probably try will be the lucid dragon one.  It must have been the sight i got the salvia from the first time from a fake salvia d.

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Mystery High
November 21, 2002, 14:50:30
Yes its a actual buzz feeling.  Like your head is buzzing.  Im glad that other people have experiences this before, i thought i was the only one.  Now only if there was information on exactly what this was." border=0>

It is well known that people that are missing limbs still have a sense & feeling for the limb.

this quote
"Amputees can often feel their missing limbs. An absent arm may swing during a walk, a lost leg may bend. An amputated limb may even ache. Neurologists attributed this "phantom limb" phenomenon to a map" gradually drawn by the brain in response to daily experiences of limb motion and feeling. When a limb is gone, the neural map remains -- and shortened nerves in the stump continue to send their messages."


The article explains how the brain is what is causing the feeling of having the missing limb but it seems it can somehow be connected with the astral.  Also if this happens for limbs then it must happen for foreskin as well.  I can definatly and distinctly feel exactly what I am missing at times.

Can this have anything to do with the astral or purely with the brain?, and also if you can effect the brain from the astral and your brain has a map of your body, cant it be possible to regenerate these missing body parts if your brain already knows precicely whats missing and it only needs the activation to heal and regrow.  If other animals cant do it why cant we?.  Any suggestions?

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / different place?
November 17, 2002, 09:51:06
Thank you Frank, i appreciate the time you put into your post.  I am glad that you reconize what that was.  When i was engaged in the lower plane i guess you say it was, thats exactly what i did, I just observed.  Its natural for me not to react to a situation like that for it is clearly something I dont want to get involved with.  The only thing that made it wierd to me was that it was all very familiar, each experience and the fact that I woke up and was surprised to be in bed.  The dog, the dead people, and the 2 bathrooms next to each other.  Those are all 3 times and plces I dont think I have ever experienced before, but yet I felt a connection to them, I do not have 2 bathrooms in my house next to each other although it was familar to me.  It could have been something I read about called a dream pool or a dream world mabye.  I notice that sometimes when I am dreaming, or mabye I am projecting,  I can continue a dream that hasnt occured in years and I am completely familar with the things that are going on even though i had no recall of that dream for the years after I had it.  I dont know if im explaining it right, but anyway, thanks for your input." border=0>

Welcome to Metaphysics! / I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL 2004!!!
November 16, 2002, 14:53:59
hahaha that was smooth." border=0>

Mark, i am guessing you want your foreskin back?, lol.  Me too! any suggestions?
