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Messages - stevj016

Hello everyone,

I was just wondering if anyone has ever encountered astral entities. I don't mean the typical ones which you read about in most of the books, I mean entities such as our angels, ascended masters, archangels, spirit guides, mystical creatures (unicorns, dragons....),  or any others.

I'm asking as this is one of my main motivations in achieving astral travel, the thought of meeting such entities is amazing, especially a mystical creature.

Hello everyone,

I've gone back to trying to astral project, after a long time off. I'm currently reading Astral Dynamics, which I hear is one of the best books around. Last night, I began relaxing, lying on my back in my bed. I just started trying to switch off from my physical body, going through each muscle and relaxing them, which gave me a nice tingly sensation. When I've done that, which is after only about 5-10 mins, I start to feel sensations in my forehead. And my whole entire body felt light and weird, it felt nice, at one point I felt as if I was spinning. But surely I'm not close to projecting, as this was after such a short time of relaxing, what do you guys think? Another thing about when I reach that stage is that everything is centered around my forehead, I feel all these different sensations, and see colours, I also feel that my eyes are trying to open at this point, or they are rolling up. One more thing, because this all happens so soon, I'm still conscious of my physical body, and I can still feel it kind of, like muscle twitches and things like that are still present.

Just thought I would tell you all where I am and what I'm experiencing, some insight as to where I am and what I'm experiencing would be much appreciated.


Thanks a lot for your reply Old Dood. That website is fantastic, I was on it for ages. Yes I always hear about Monroe's books, the thing is he has so many books and I couldn't pick which one so I just bought different ones from different authors. I would like one of his books though, but I don't know which one to get. Which book of his do you think I should get for someone who wants to learn astral projection?

Hello everyone,

I typically bought book after book thinking that would be the best way to learn astral projection. Instead I find myself frustrated, flicking through all these different books not knowing which book to follow or where to start. I need to just pick one book, stick to it and hopefully go on from there. I've put the books I've got in the poll, I would appreciate it if you would chose the book you think I should read, bearing in mind I will only read that one.

Thank you for your time,

I guess this question is asked a lot, but is it possible to meet other projectors while projecting? I know there are a lot of different Astral Dimensions and it would require a lot of skill to both be on the exact same level, but is it possible? Me and my cousin were thinking of projecting on the same night and meeting at our local shops, would that be possible?

I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you for your time,

Thanks again for your reply, I have chosen to buy Mastering Astral Projection first. I hope I have made the correct choice, I chose it as the other one seems to be more focused on the Science part of it. I also think Mastering Astral Projection will help me achieve Astral Projection faster. Just one question, if I would have chosen Journeys Out of The Body I would have had to buy the Monroe Book as well, is it the same with Mastering Astral Projection? I mean, would I have to buy the Mastering Astral Projection Book as well as the Cd version?

I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you for your time,

Thank you so much for your reply CFTraveler, it was very helpful. Well I have no problem getting both, but I would prefer getting either one first. I am a complete beginner and would really like to know in your opinion which one would be best for the complete beginner? I won't get them both straight away as I would be jumping into it a bit, I would get the second one after I'm finished with the first. Anyway, I can understand that both may be unfavourable, but do you have any idea on which one would be more advisable for the absolute beginner?

Just one more question, was using one of the Cd's how you first started out? If so, did it make you Astrally Project?

I would really appreciate your help.

Thank you for your time,

I would really like to know in your opinion if these work and which one is best?

Thank you for your time,

I have some questions about Astral Projection, I would really appreciate it if you could help answer them:

1.) Does it help being Psychic to learn Astral Projection?

2.) I heard that there is different Planes when Astral Projecting and that in the higher ones there is bright light, and the lower ones there is odd beings around. When Astral Projecting, how do you move Planes? Do you have to learn how to? Also, is it possible to go to the highest Plane? On the lower Planes, what do the Beings look like? Are they Evil?

3.) Is it possible to fly when Astral Projecting?

4.) Is it possible to visit the Akashic records?

5.) I heard that your first time Astral Projecting is one of the best experiences in a Persons life, is this true?

6) Can anyone Astral Project every night? If so, does anyone on this Forum?

7.) Is it possible to Astral Project all night? I mean like, go to bed, then Astral Project till Morning.

8.) Can you meet Guides, Angels, or loved ones?

9.) Is the Astral Plane a copy of the Physical World? Or is it all made up by your imagination?

10) Could I go over to a Friends House during Astral Projection, wait for them to wake up, then tell them the next day what they done in the Morning?

11) Is it possible to Travel through time? If so, is this just how your mind has created it?

12) Could I travel to Mars, Space, the Stars, or anywhere on Earth?

13) And lastly, what is your best thing about Astral Projection?

Sorry for all the questions, I would really appreciate any help you can give.

Thank you for your time,

I've been using a CD for Astral projection and it has been helping me to relax but that's about it, just relaxing, I did feel like I was spinning around once which felt nice but then I lost it and this has happened a couple of times. I have some questions:

1.) My eyes seem to twitch and try to open which is annoying and is a distraction, what is this and how do I stop it?

2.) Sometimes when I'm relaxing I realize some of my leg muscles are actually tensed a tiny bit so I have to release it, this happens quite often. Again what is this and How do I stop it?

3.) What is the spinning sensation I'm feeling and how do I maintain it if its a good thing?

4.) Because of the eye twitching and leg muscle tension it reminds me of my physical body, is that a problem?

5.) How long roughly for an experienced Astral projector does it usually take to project? Starting with relaxing and so on....

6.) When is the best time to attempt Astral projection?

7.) Does Hemi sync, binaural beats, or Brainwave technology help to achieve Astral projection?

Well that's them, I would really appreciate it if you would answer these questions for me, these are the problems I've been having so far.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time,

P.S. Sorry if its a lot of questions.

I have now read all of the FAQ section and have learn a lot. I now know the difference between traditional Astral projection and phasing. However I don't know which one I should do as I am new to this but would like to start my training in projection but don't know which one to pick.

Can you please give me advice on which one I should pick.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time,

I have read all about Astral projection and am now interested in starting. I know it is probably going to be very hard but I am willing to put the effort and work that is needed to achieve my goal. I am very happy that this forum is here to help people who are new to this and i hope you will help me. OK I now want to start but don't know how. Since all of you can Astral project I will follow your instructions on how to achieve my goal as you know what to do and how to get there in the end.

So please can you tell me how to start my journey on achieving Astral projection. Tell me what I should do as someone who has never attempted it to start.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your time,

Would this work?
