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Messages - Oblivion

.....Project Bluebeam. That's what.
Quote from: Xanth on November 30, 2009, 10:10:15

Nothing bad is going to happen to you.

That's what nooblets say. Wait till you run into a Reptilian.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: DEMONS
December 01, 2009, 18:04:53
Quote from: Mark614 on November 29, 2009, 20:59:13
i'm not joking im having serious problems like denzel in fallen over here

Are they Reptilian?
Not just any numbers, the number 11.  :roll:

Have you never experienced the 11:11 phenomenon?  :-o
What's going to happen?
I've not read it myself but considering buying it. Apparently this Chet fellow does hypnotic progression where instead of taking people into the past or past lives he takes them into their supposed future. What he noticed was many people gave the same kinds of details of Earth changes and cataclysms.
Anyone read the book 'Mass Dreams of the Future' by Dr. Chet Snow?
Quote from: zareste on September 08, 2009, 13:46:08
(as predicted, crossing the galactic equator),

We won't be crossing the equator unfortunately for another few million years, we've already crossed it and are on our way north.
Well numerous sources including the Mayans of our current time would indicate that the changes began in 2007 and will go on as far as 2016. But then the singularity we are approaching (or the 'wave') is set to hit its epitome in October 2011. A lot of information out there seems to say that the 2012 end date was actually 2011 but was moved to coincide with the Galactic alignment.  

See you in 2012? or see you in 2017?  :wink:

There's definitely something going to happen, there's far too much information out there which is too impossible to just shrug off.

Channelled information however? doesn't sit right with me.  :wink:
Quote from: Xanth on September 08, 2009, 09:46:10
You're a David Wilcock fan!  :)
I've listened to just about every interview that guy has given, he's smart... I'll give him that.
But he's also a very scary person.

His theories are... intriguing, to say the least.

He is just one of hundreds of people who's books I've read or who's videos I've watched. What he has to say is just one piece of a much larger puzzle but even people like Wilcock isn't right on everything. It takes a lot of reading and research from many different sources before you can come to an accurate conclusion and that includes actual scientific data and analysis from scientists who have nothing to do with "new age" thinking.
These silly Alien channellings are just ways for certain individuals to make money out of people.
Astral and Etheric travel is just the tip of the iceberg, my research took me well beyond that tiny area long ago. You need to stop thinking in levels and start thinking in awareness. The Astral doesn't have levels, when you sleep the pineal gland switches on, now the problem too many people have is they assume the pineal gland is merely the location of a chakra and they don't understand the pineal gland actually has a physical purpose when it comes to out of body experience. The pineal gland is a machine that evolved over time for a purpose, it's a tool that when accessed can be used to see beyond the body and explore the 3rd density at a greater awareness (go research what a pineal gland is actually made of, it has properties of an actual eyeball and it's got those properties for a reason). In the physical we exist in space time, the pineal gland is a tool that accesses time space (it's a place where time and space turns inside out) and our awareness is no longer bound by the physicality of space.

The pineal gland is like a TV, it switches on during our sleep and if you gain access you can change the channels, you can remote view, you can explore. The pineal gland can see anything within the 3rd density and turns it into information which is processed by the brain.

The 4th density, the density above the 3rd density which we are currently in is a whole different ball game. It's all well and good and very spiritually awakening to be able to use your pineal gland to see the 3rd density in a different perspective but that's nothing compared to when we eventually ascend to higher densities of existence.
The higher densities actually exist at different vibrational levels whereas Astral travel is actually nothing more than travel within the 3rd density being seen from the perspective of the pineal gland. The vibrational changes you experience in Astral travel is actually the change in the level of electromagnetic radiation in the gland.

Fluoridation of the water supply and the introduction of aspartame to the populace has been done in an attempt to shut down the greater workings of the pineal gland. Did you know the pineal gland has the greatest amount of blood running through it than any other organ of the body? The very same rods and cones found within the eyes, can also be found within the composition of the pineal gland. With this similar type of physiology, the pineal gland allows us to visualize or imagine scenarios, fantasies, memories, dreams or any other visual constructs. Have you ever heard the expressions, "in the mind's eye," or "the third eye" or "the sixth sense?" These phrases are all referring directly to the function of the pineal gland.

These rods and cones found within the eyes that are also in the pineal gland are what takes in information and processes it into an out of body experience. The Pineal gland has water in it which when effected with a slight electromagnetic field causes a flip from space time to time space and the rods and cones process the information.

Our current level of existence, these bodies we are in are very limiting. When we advance to the 4th density not only will our vibrational level change but we will also evolve, our DNA will change and our bodies will change and we will gain a greater awareness.
Eventually we will evolve and ascend beyond physicality, we will no longer be trapped within the universe we currently perceive and we will exist as simply consciousness.
A lot of you missed the real point I was making. Even energy as well as matter is made of something, and that must be made of something and so on and so forth. It's not about what we can or cannot perceive it's about the fact for any of this to exist then matter must exist infinitely on smaller and smaller levels, time must be capable of being divided infinitely. This universe and reality doesn't feel right, there's too many impossible variables.

It's like a dream, a dream is possible because it's not really there, it's a creation of thought, a creation of consciousness. A dream does not need to be infinitely made of smaller and smaller bits of matter or energy because it's not really there.
It seems realistic to presume that what we believe is reality, the universe and everything in it is just the same as a dream. It's not really real but because we're here experiencing the dream inside the dream it seems real to us but when we one day wake up from all this we'll realise it was just a dream.

String theory aside we have scientist calling such things as Quarks as elementary particles, they say there's nothing smaller. How can there be nothing smaller? it can't just exist without being made of something because it's simply impossible. Saying a particle is elementary, the smallest you can go just stinks of misunderstanding and nobody questions how it's possible for a particle to not be made of anything.
String theory is all well and good but what's the strings made of? it seems pretty lazy to simply say "oh the vibrating strings are the building blocks of the universe, there is nothing smaller". How can there not be anything smaller? are you trying to tell me that these strings exist from pure nothingness?

The universe simply cannot exist from nothing, i'm not talking about the big bang, i'm not talking about whether the universe had an beginning or whether it's infinite that has absolutely nothing to do with what I am saying.
I am saying that no string or particle can exist without being made of something. The only thing that can exist from nothingness is a dream, a creation of consciousness and THAT is what i'm saying this thing we call a reality really is, it's a dream, an illusion, it's a fabrication that is like a wall that's been built up around us.

We are stuck inside a room and the walls of that room aren't real, it's a fake universe. We are inside fabricated machines (bodies) that are also a part of the illusion to keep us trapped in the illusion so we can't see what is beyond it.

Only through development of spirit and consciousness will we finally break free, kick down the walls of illusion and see the real reality.
You're the one confused, we have absolutely no way to get into the 4th density because it's too far above us right now until 2012 when evolution takes a massive leap forward and we have the ability to change our physical vibrational frequency, the very matter we are made of and our DNA mutates.
The Astral and Etheric planes are simply places in the 3rd density our consciousness can explore. We never actually leave our bodies it is our consciousness exploring the 3rd density by use of the pineal gland which allows us access to time space, a level of reality where time and space are flipped inside out which allows our consciousness to explore and access anywhere in 3rd density. The greater the access and working condition of the pineal gland the deeper you can explore in time space.

If you've not explored and researched information beyond that of Astral or Etheric travel then you really need start as quickly as possible.
If you really are confusing the Astral/Etheric planes with densities of existence then you're really doing yourself a disservice.
Aliens do not channel messages. Don't let fake websites like this misdirect you from the true path to enlightenment and understanding.
I think a lot of people need to stop confusing the 4th density and the other higher densities with the Astral and Etheric planes.
The Astral and the Etheric are a part of the 3rd density where we currently reside, they are levels of this density which we are able to access via our pineal glands.
When we ascend to the 4th density we leave the 3rd density behind and that also means leaving behind the Astral and Etheric planes.
Reality to me just doesn't seem, how can I put it..............real.

I mean for something to exist then it must be made of something, it can't just simply exist from nothing. Atoms are made of protons etc, protons are made of Quarks and Gluons.

I have no doubt Quarks are made of something else which leads me to think that everything must be made of something else. String theory proposes that vibrating strings create matter but then what are the strings made of?

So just how can anything truly exist and be here without everything being infinitely made of something?

Same goes for time, how slow can you go before time stops still? would time even stop? can you slow down infinitely without stopping?

Start with a second, half it, half it again, half it again. Keep halving time for as long as possible, how long can you half time for before you can't half it anymore?

When you go to sleep on a night you dream, within your dreams you can create anything you want essentially from nothingness, if you become Lucid that dream can become almost as real as reality and you can create from nothing because it's an illusion.
You don't question to yourself "what is everything here made of?" because it's not real, it's a creation/fabrication of your consciousness.

When you don't become lucid the dream doesn't seem as real but yet you don't even realise you are dreaming!!! it is as real to you when you are asleep as the waking world is when you're awake.
You are not even in control of your own dream and yet you are the one creating it!!!!!!!

So if we all ended up in a collective dream, a dream we all shared together and we created that dreamworld just how would we even realise we're dreaming? If one person can (when lucid) create a dreamscape as real as the waking world just how real would a dream be if over 6 Billion people and Billions of people on other planets were joined together in one single dream?

So in this place we call reality we hit a wall. Just how can everything be infinitely made of something else? it just simply can't. How slow can time slow down before stopping? it simply can't stop, it must slow down infinitely.

So I put it to you.

Is the Universe an illusion?

I asked this question on another board and the reply I got was "I think therefore I am".

In my opinion the saying "I think therefore I am" has no meaning to the discussion of whether or not the universe is an illusion.

If anything it could be "I think therefore I create".

Meaning we ourselves exist as a consciousness and the universe is of our own creation.

Our existence is not what is being questioned, we all undoubtedly exist but the question is does the Universe exist? is it really there or is it (just like our dreams) an illusion created from apparent nothingness.

If you look at say for example the Bible and Genesis God said "let there be light, and there was light". That sounds a lot to me like someone creating something from nothing, sounds to me like something you can do in a dream. You're in a lucid dream, it's dark and you say "let there be light" and there will be light.

I propose that we are all simply consciousness and everything other than our consciousness is an illusion, create by us for amusement or some such.
Quote from: CFTraveler on August 25, 2009, 13:05:38
I'm skeptical of the whole 2012 thing because there is always someone saying the world is going to end soon, it's been happening since year 4, and it continues to happen.
What also bothers me is that what is behind the eschatological movements- which is desire.  The desire to see everything (and everyone else) end because they don't like the way they've lived their lives.
And third, the reason I don't believe in end-of the world theories, especially the 2012 one, it is because they are promulgated by people who have no knowledge of the original culture that created the calendar in the first place, and is based on either misinformation or misinterpretation.  Partially willful.

What gets me is the amount of people who always attribute 2012 to the Mayan calendar as if the Mayan calendar is the only thing out there about 2012.

What you have to realise is that the universe is created and moulded by thoughtform, the universe is more along the lines of an illusion or simulation and we are potential game programmers. Think of a computer game, you are bound by its laws until you activate the cheat console and start altering the game. Come 2012 when we evolve we will be gaining access in essence to the cheat console.

Our bodies are locked down tight, we're imprisoned in them and unable to utilise our true potential. When we evolve and our bodies are no longer locked down we will have the ability to use thoughtform to manipulate the world around us like a cheat console manipulates a computer game.

I'm not saying we can just imagine shooting lightning from our fingertips and it will happen, there will still be rules but the rules (as Morpheus would say) can be bent even though they cannot be broken.
Well firstly I just found it all interesting and just read all about it. My interest in things like this started about 9 years ago when I started to get the 11:11 phenomenon:

I wasn't even on the internet at the time but after getting the internet I decided to research about 11:11 and that got me into all sorts of other things such as 2012 and even astral projection etc.
The more and more I read and the more videos I watched on the subject the more it seemed to all click into place, I didn't just take the word of people I would go out of my way to corroborate what was being said. I even started to look into the Bible, Mythology, astrology and even science. If you check science and all the latest theory's and findings you will see that science is slowly catching up with the metaphysical.

The thing is when you assimilate so much information from so many different sources and so many different places and people it starts to paint a picture, you realise it's a huge jigsaw puzzle slowly being put together. Information from one source will make you remember something you've read somewhere else and you realise "oh yeh! I get it now! it fits together!".

My latest jaw dropping moment was a couple of months ago. I always considered the 11:11 phenomenon and 2012 as separate things, it wasn't until I found out that the winter solstice on 21st December 2012 occurs at 11:11am UTC that I realised what the 11:11 message was all about.

I also don't believe in coincidence so much, is it coincidence that a womans menstrual period lasts roughly the same length of time as the Moons orbit around the Earth? is it coincidence that the Earth is roughly 26000 lightyears from the Galactic centre and the precession of the equinoxes lasts 26000 years? is it coincidence that the Moon is in a perfect position to cover the sun in a solar eclipse? is it coincidence that the Sun pole shifts every 11 years and the next solar pole shift is in 2012? is it coincidence that several major civilisation in ancient times (Mayans/Tibetan/Vedics) had a 2012 end date calendar and/or prophecy?

If nothing does happen in 2012 and nothing happens all the way up to 2016 then I will say this much................. I will eat my own shoe.
I've come across some new interesting videos, i'm on video 5 already.

Just thought i'd share them. They're talking about some interesting stuff.
Yes it no doubt has to do with changes in vibration. From what i've read and seen it begins in October 2011 and rapidly increases until the apex at December 2012.
Perhaps the vibrational change isn't instant but gradually takes place over the year getting quicker and quicker the closer Dec 2012 approaches.

Speaking of vibration and DNA:
Quote from: kurtykurt42 on August 23, 2009, 16:28:28
"October 28th 2011 spiritual changes begin to become more intense and far more close together. This will increase more and more until its culmination on December 21st 2012."

If spiritual changes do occur how much media attention do you think it will receive?

Don't know, depends on what shape the changes take. Do people gain abilities or do they simply become more aware of what is happening around them? Most people on the planet in my opinion walk around in a daze like zombies and are oblivious to what goes on around them, perhaps they start to wake up from their daydream.
I've put together a few links and tried to make some kind of step by step guide to 2012 based one what i've heard and read.

The guide is here: