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Messages - IceCold_K82

Awesome experience!!!

I say the use of guides isnt mentioned enough here.  I forget to ask them for help.

The one great experience that I have had I remember feeling two giant auras/beings around me.  One at the foot of my bed, male, and the other behind me perched on the headboard, female. 

That night, I realized I was dreaming and suddenly strong vibrations came.  It was like this for about 8 seconds or so, then I soon shot out of bed wide awake.

I dont know why, but I havent called to them again.

I will do that again tonigh along with this phasing tech
Stookie is absolutely right.  Because I tend to lurk  :-P 

For me though, I try to find my answers in other posts before I start asking a question people here have heard a thousand times.

I have learned a bit from this great debate going on.  And trust me, it read like a debate and not a "flaming" arguement.  This is the first true debate I think I have seen on forums before!!! 
I think you need to measure and study the subconscious first.  It will give you the tool that will help you.

I would monitor yourself in everyday life with any scientific instrument that is safe.  Have you ever started driving and ended up at your destination but you dont remember the drive?  You subconscious took over because your conscious mind was distracted by its random thoughts.  If you could monitor this switch; see what causes it, then I think you will be on your way

Good Luck
The only vibrations I have felt involved a feeling of a tube.  I felt like I was moving incredibly fast through a tube.  I was traveling so fast that I was vibrating violently.  I shot upright in bed after about 10 seconds of this.
People here dont take these types of posts seriously bc every single answer to your question has been answered on this board or out on the net.

You didnt take anytime to try to find them yourself.  Already you are not taking this very seriously.

I suggest taking a few weeks and read a little.  Try a few techniques, then come back here and ask questions.
Why fear?  Did I say I was afraid?  I havent felt fear.

I will try to imagine myself farther away though and then maybe your crown chakra technique
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / What to do next?
January 29, 2009, 13:07:00
I have been trying a few different methods as of late and they both have given me the same sensations.

1.  I lay down and try to concentrate on nothing but AP as I let myself drift to sleep.  When I think I feel deep enough, I try different an exit tech. (usually visualizing myself in another part of the room or floating above my bed)

2.  I wait until I am exausted before going to bed.  When I finally lay down, I immediatly imagine I am at my computer or in the living room in my chair. 

Both techniques bring about a quick rushing feel that lasts between 2 seconds and 10 seconds.  Each time, I feel like I am trasfering from my physical body to the place I am imagining. 

My problem is that I cant completely switch.  I feel magnetised to my physical body.  This has happened with other techniques.  I picture myself in the center of a clearing and start running towards the woods (away from my body).  In this visualization,  I always feel this pull back to by physical body and its extremely hard to get aways from it.

Any suggestions?  I feel like I am really close, but yet I have a long way to go.
You can try making up techniques.  Fly out, sling shot out, bounce out, imagine a reflection in a mirror and go into it, imagine being in a different part of your house.  I dont think there is a certain tech you have to use.  This website is full of different exit techs that people have used look around and Good Luck.
I would think all this also.  But I think a God of sorts created our universe with thought.  It would take a powerful being to create earth let alone the universe with just their thoughts.  I think God create ours.  I also think there are many other universes because God is trying to figure out how he came to be.  Each Universe is an experiment in creating another God. 

He lives in the highest planes of Astral or the energy source which some have called it.  Most of us go back to him when we die, stronger souls stay around earth and the lower levels of astral until they merge again with God.

Most of this is my own study of religion and observation.  I could be way off.
I thank you for the advice and warnings.  I myself have had a few experiences with drugs and like you though it was fun to a degree but realized it didnt have the answers I was looking for.  I am going to be the sitter for my brother so he doesnt do anything while under the influence and I will make sure he doesnt continue use.  I dont think he will, he just wants the one time experience.  Besides, he doesnt even know where to begin to find it.

Again thank you for your worry.  I will remember it.
This was the realest dream I have ever had.  I actually dont think it was a dream at first, but turned into one because I didnt have complete concsious control.

The strange thing was is that I woke up turned around.  My head was where my feet would be and vise versa.  I was wide awake but everything felt strange and looked strange.  I dont remember many details because I didnt think much of it until later in the day.  I think my AP/OOBE turned into a dream about me getting up with my 2 year old in the middle of the night, because I soon lost much memory and detail of everything around me. 

Has this happened to anyone?
This tek was mentioned a while ago I think by Adrian.  It has worked for many.

I will try it next time
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Where am I?
January 18, 2009, 18:24:16
Go to and check out Robert Bruce's New Energy Ways (N.E.W.)  Its free

I feel the effects and I am sure you will to
Well he is not just using it to try to dive into the astral, he also just wants to experience a drug to have the experience.  I just didnt want him jumping into something without knowing to much

Thank you
There is a LEGAL drug I think its called silvia or something, that gives you hallucinations and other things.  I also heard people use it for projecting.
Well my brother wants to try it, bc its legal and to see if it helps him AP. 

I want to know if anyone has heard about or tried this drug and could tell me what to expect.  Please help!
In many of the old cartoons they would show OOBE with the near death experience.  Angels flying out of the body and that person noticing they are done.  I think that most people know what OOBE's are, they just dont know the term for it (Astral Projecting) and dont have their eyes open to noticing everywhere it is.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: New to all of this
January 16, 2009, 09:22:57
Quote from: Stillwater on January 16, 2009, 07:50:27
I think the important thing to remember is, "who's metaphysics?"

Since there is very little agreement in the world about the nature of alternate levels of exixtence, what you read must ultimately be flavored by the viewpoints of the author. There is very little agreement in the end- it may look like something must be true, since it is quoted as happening by multiple sources you have read (if it happened independently to Owens, Robertson, Peters, and Smith, it must be true!), but sometimes, it actually happens that all these sources are familiar with the works of the others, and base their reasoning, and the way in which they interpret their experiences, through the lens of a shared doctrine. There is very much information written today online and in print on the subject, but unfortunately, I think you have to have read a large number of sources before you begin to get the ability to discern what ideas your sources likely drew from other sources, rather than their own direct reasoning and experiences.

You will meet many people in places like this who appear very flaky and not quite all there- they use a very specialized vocabulary that they expect all others to be familiar with, and they appear very certain about a few "non-negotiable" points- I think what often may cause this is taking on the subject of metaphysics from the viewpoint of one writer, and becoming familiar with all that this writer or this set of people, or this perspective, has to present, without stopping to look at them in a critical light, and becoming aquainted with what others have to say.

So my advice is to look long and hard, and not stop when you have found what resonates with you, but to temper your views and knowledge with as many other concepts as possible :wink:

Trust me, I understand this concept well.  When looking for answers on Lucid dreams and Astral Projection, I ran into many scams or what felt like BS.  I had to sift through the fecal matter to really get some answers.

I dont have the time to do that again.  I have tried google but not many definitive answers on where to begin appeared.  I figured I would try a quick way and ask people here on where to go bc I trust the opinions on mostly everyone here.
I dont think personality has anything to do with your original question.  Personality develops over time  and is effected by everything that happens to you.  Breast feeding, money, living, parents, family, love, school, work...etc  Just a brief (very very small) list of what could effect you.  Your personality changes all the time.  

Consciousness, in my opinion, develops over time.  I think as babies have a small level of consciousness.   We looked around, noticed things, reached for things, and the biggest thing is we cried.  

Maybe it all is linked.  Awareness, consciousness, personality, understanding.  Are they all seperate or deeply connected or the exact same thing?  

Of course, my first statement says that personality has nothing to do with your original question.  But now after typing and thinking, maybe it has everything to do with it.  ???
Welcome to Metaphysics! / New to all of this
January 15, 2009, 22:33:47
My main focus is to Robert's NEW strategies and AP.

But this topic of Metaphysics always catches my eye.  The problem is I dont know where to begin searching.  I dont really understand what Metaphyics entails...????  I would like to do a bit of side research and practice and would apprectiate a good website or book to look at. 
I replied in the other place you posted this.  But this happens to me too.

I can never take full control, or I do and then I wake up.  It sucks

I would like any input on how to better take control.  I have tried telling myself this a few times before bedtime.  Anything else?

(the mods combined the posts)
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Lucid dream
January 15, 2009, 09:49:44
Yes this happens to me also.  I become Lucid in many of my dreams, then loose control and slip back into the dream or I cant take full control.  I will either wake up or slip back into the dream.   I always remember the part of my dream where I was lucid with much more depth.  I recall smells, feelings, looks, shades...etc. 

Everytime I try to project while being lucid, I wake up.   I have tried flying upwards and ended up flying in space in my dreams, or I flew upwards and shot out of my bed fully awake.  (im positive it was a dream)

I would like some help getting full control of my dreams also.
I am a music teacher in Dallas Texas.  I have rehearsals after school twice a day, meetings on other days, papers to grade, and lesson plans to make up.  Then when I get home I have a wife who demands all my attention and a 2 year old little girl who demands all my attention :-D!!!  I have been trying to have an OBE/AP for about 2-3 months. (Not long)

I am always incredibly tired when going to bed.  I also dont have time for mid day naps.  The weekends are used to relax a little bit or spend what time I have with my daughter.  The weekends are when I practice now.  I can sleep in a bit longer and try once in the morning.  I also dont feel as tired at night so I try again before I go to bed.

But mainly I do small energy excersises while sitting at my desk or grading papers.  Look up NEW Energy @    I also try to ask myself if I am dreaming many time during the day.  This is suppose to cause you to ask yourself if you are dreaming while you are actually dreaming, thus becoming Lucid and making it easier for you to have an OBE.

***The Last thing I do is tell myself before I go to bed that I will remember my dreams and write them down.  I have been pleasantly suprised about how vivid I remember my dreams in the morning.  Sometimes not just one but many dreams.  I remember small details.  I have even started remembering some sensations such as smell, feel, sounds....etc***

To summerize:
1. NEW energy excersises (you can do while working)
2. Ask yourself if you are dreaming periodically throughout the day
3. Tell yourself that you will remember your dreams and you will write them down, before you go to sleep
4. You dont have to practice everyday just once a week is better than most or what you have been doing.

I tried to dive right into this when I first found out.  I quickly realized I dont have time.  I am now reading as much as I can when I can and trying small things throughout the day.  Once I think I am ready, then I will move on to excersises that might take more time.

Good Luck....I too am still trying
I think that makes more sense that anything that I have read so far!!!

I feel like I am in a state of deep relaxation and I have been waiting for my subconcious to take over and I would then recognize it.  But what I need to do is fall deeper into the relaxation feeling while holding onto this focused conciousness.  Thats why Lucid dreams occur.  Instead of watching the movie, you decide to be the actor, director, producer, set designer, costume designer...etc all in one!!!

I will have to apply this knowledge tonight

Thanks guys!!!
From what I understand you make your astral body with your mind.
This is most peoples physical form (you do this without thinking about it)

If you move its all with the mind, so if you want to walk around on your 2 astral legs you can.  I think this is said to be easier than flying.
That makes sense.  I can control these sensations perfectly when they arise.  Its very cool and would rather them not go away :-(.

I would actually like to bring them about at will instead of waiting until they come about.