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Messages - fowlskins

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: mooji
April 15, 2024, 03:08:20
yeah its a fantastic channel
some much more indepth videos on there and even full length satsang
during covid he did a couple of live streams as well i sat in on one
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / mooji
April 14, 2024, 15:54:46
thought id share a few youtube vids here from a channel i enjoy moojibaba has some fantastic spiritual guidance and meditation
i find his laidback demeanour relaxing and his way of explaining very clear

Quote from: Volgerle on April 11, 2024, 06:17:27Next to the normal vibrations which came later, my first two OBEs were related to 'kundalini-like' energy surges. Back then the word and concept "Kundalini" wasn't even known to me. I only found out about it later and could compare it and found validation that the energy surge was maybe also related to this phenomenon.

Here is a more detailed account from my former blog (now discontinued) that was written 2018 and in its first form in 2011, the event however had already been in Nov 2009:


I really enjoyed reading that experience volg thanks for sharing
Sleep paralysis or vibrational state many odd sensations can happen here including feeling electrified, astral wind, hearing people speak, vivid imagery, feelings of momentum
My vibrations usually come with a loud pulsing sound that I instantly recognise every time I have it but find difficult to put into words on waking

You can totally enter into those visions that your witnessing I like to think of that state as a departure lounge
Sometime your not quite ready to take off though and seem to just spend time there
the one thing that held me back for a very long time was trying to pigeonhole every experience
i had my eureka moment here on the pulse when xanth explained to me that its best not to label everything lucid dream, oobe, astral projection are all experiences in a non physical reality

although they all feel very different what changes is your level of awareness in the experience
they explained it as a sliding scale with unconcious dreaming at the low end and astral awareness at the far end and varing levels of how aware that you are in the non physical inbetween

how we get to these experiences can also vary your goto seems to be from sleep paralysis which is one of my more successful exits personally but ive also had success from raising awareness from within a lucid dream
phasing directly into a lucid dream from a meditave state
the main thing is mind awake body asleep keeping your mind curious to the point of forgetting your body is there

sometimes the experience is very abstract, sometimes we see our bodys sometimes we dont its all very subjective
im not great at articulating myself as ive said there are tons more experienced than me here but that knowlage was a huge turning point for me that lead me away from alot of misconceptions that have been repeated in a lot of books on the subject that i think mislead me to what i was trying to achive for many many years
It sounds like your nailing it pretty well to me
The lack of sight and getting stuck are a matter of raising awareness
Staying passive but curious helps strong emotions like fear and excitement can wake you

There are lots more seasoned and experienced here than me so I'll let them elaborate and dissect your experiences

But you cant go wrong reading all the pinned posts here on the pulse there are some real gems to help you understand and enjoy your journeys 
This was a very brief astral awareness but I'm finding today that I keep revisiting it in my mind and that for what was essentially exiting walking down stairs seeing my mum and waking up I'm taking a lot of learning moments from it
The use of momentum from the roll makes me realise that I don't have a go to exit strategy it's very situational with me and different every time
I spent a lot of time feeling how my body felt rather than focusing on the dreamscape itself
Also I'm now realising that i was exiting from a dream body as my actual body was lied in completely different orientation in a completely diferente house :)

I've been actively trying to AP quite a bit lately and although I haven't had much success I've had a few lucid moments, last night though or I guess the early hours of today I suddenly became aware I was in the vibrational state, I had the sensation that I was laying face down which is pretty rare for me these days (but on reflection how I slept more as a teen and fits this scenario)

After a minute or so of increasing vibrations I decide it was time to make an effort to leave my body and rolled from my front to my back and used the momentum to get out which I did I was now stood up in my bedroom but my astral leg was stuck in my body lied on the bed I had to give a good yank to separate completely, I turned to look at myself and my body on the bed was doing some I'd spasms (I never usually see myself at all when I've managed to project close to my body)

I walk to leave the room and I notice my body is still buzzing and tingling quite a lot in close proximity to myself, I walk downstairs and see my reflection in the kitchen window my hair is wild and I call myself John lydon and chuckle to myself

Then my mum comes into the kitchen in her wheelchair I smile and ruffle her hair (my mum was a long time sufferer of multiple sclerosis and died just over a year and a half ago now)

I walk into the dining room and I'm looking into a bag of chocolate eggs and I wake up and scramble to find something to record the experience, nothing around school boy error I get up go to the kitchen and write some notes while I'm up I take a leak and have a drink I'm still feeling nice and groggy like I could phase again and give it a go but I'm unsuccessful and wake to my alarm

Now I'm reflecting and writing it all up in my blog a few things to note for me was the experience was from my old teenage bedroom in my mum and dads house the orientation of how I was sleeping was all correct as it would have been back then, my appearance in the window was also how my hair would have been back then in my punk rock phase, seeing my mum in her wheelchair was a short lived moment with just a ruffle of hair but still a nice moment

This is the second time I've essentially time traveled during an AP the other thing I'd like to note is it's the morning after much of the world witnessed a total eclipse (just partial here in the uk) but I wonder if that had any power to it
Welcome back mustard seed I'm also back again after a bit of an absence

I definitely get reoccurring places but not sure I've ever ended up in them while lucid
i think you have to be picky when buying a powdered mushroom product there are alot on the market that are grown on rice and are more rice powder than actual extract do a good amount of research on brands contents

heres paul stamets with his short little insight into lionsmane i could listen to him all day

Dream and Projection Journals / Re: hello
March 27, 2024, 12:19:19
nice little playlist you got going suziefish

you seem to like your chilled dub so heres a really nice mix that i like to listen to when im in that kind of mood
grew some lionsmane myself definatly ment to help retain cognative ability
journaling definatly helps me with my dream recall as i find when i activly practice it my dream recall lengthens greatly
not smoking weed for for a good number of years now has defiantly helped with short term memory loss
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Sort of lucid
March 25, 2024, 12:29:55
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on March 24, 2024, 23:20:11This is where our Non-Physical experiences begin to change in more significant ways. We expect, at this point, to just fly around when we want to, walk through walls, explore our local neighborhood or go zipping about the Cosmos as we see fit. Well, there is a certain amount of that freedom, but to an increasing degree our NP experiences now become somewhat more down to earth and more narrowly-focused on events and thoughts right in front of us- take for example your experience fowlskins.

Like Tak mentioned, this definitely does read like a 'simulation'- a Non-Physical learning environment designed just for the one person. Call it what you will: an AP, an OBE, a Phasing, a dream or lucid dream, whatever; the key is, it is a personal learning energetic environment designed to teach you something. The trick to realizing this is when you attempt to apply your Intent/Will to change something and the environment resists. You try to levitate, fly, change the surroundings and you can't. That is the subtle warning to NOT disrupt the teaching environment and to relax and just go with the flow- which means just go with the presented storyline.

(I know that both fowlskins and Tak know this to varying degrees; I am just edifying this for others)

But...being stubborn humans and having recently realized the use of Intent/Will, at this stage we often pound our heads against the wall repeatedly demanding our Intent be fulfilled and experienced...this most often results in repeated, frustrating failures up to the point the simulation is terminated. And we return to physical focus wondering what could have possibly gone wrong. In my own case, after a hundred or so failures, I slowly learned to back off and acquiesce to the plotline or storyline and not try to force my will upon it. And this led to longer, deeper experiences, but the understanding was not necessarily always there; a broader context was needed. That was where the Pulse came in, and older, more experienced and wider opinions could be offered and considered. As it turned out, many others had already experienced the nearly exact situations I had been dealing with, and could offer intriguing insights; some insights, I took on immediately, others needed time to consider.

Back to fowlskins experience- Notice that the dream storyline/plot was already running as you became aware. (that is often a sign that a simulation is already running-not always, but something to keep in mind) Your friend vanishing/reappearing as a recent Physical-Reality customer was likely designed to boost your lucid awareness, which it seemed to do, as you pointed out to him 'this is just a dream'. Then you pointed out other dream signs until you saw the realization in his face (which also likely bumped up your awareness another notch). Then, despite your seeming low lucidity, you suggested your friend study the plants and notice the vivid colors. That is you coaxing your NP friend to take his awareness up still another notch! Nice!

fowlskins- you should meditate on this experience, ask one simple question at a time (silently/internally) and wait a minute for an answer, before moving on to the next. Ask what this experience was supposed to teach you and 'feel' how your intuition responds. Despite feeling only partially lucid, notice just how well and cognitive your non-lucid Self operated...we recognize this as the development of the Second or Non-Physical Personality. It is a very interesting phenomenon to
start becoming aware of. Was your friend in the experience possibly an Instructor/Teacher? Something to consider...

As I found out years ago, in many simulations, it will feel as if you are only semi-lucid. And this will be true in many cases. It will be a condition of the simulation. You may be challenged to increase your lucidity or your awareness may be subdued, reduced or limited as part of the conditions of the challenge. You simply feel dumbed-down, as if your natural IQ has been reduced by some 50%. Part of the learning process is to recognize it and learn when and when not to struggle; the other part may be for NP Instructors to observe how we operate at this level, possibly our more instinctive level. This form of learning becomes very intriguing, but is also quite challenging! There definitely seems to be both a short form to it, like the one described by fowlskins, but also long form versions that can play out either through a simulation storyline or through what are possibly composite experiences of both personal astral experiences intermixed with testing/instruction/learning. And from my perspective, even if the longer, deeper experiences happen...the shorter and often confusing daily quiz/pop quiz kinds of reduced awareness dream simulations have still not ended; in fact, for me over the last couple years, new elements have been introduced which confound me to no end...except to realize that this...these short-form, reduced-awareness, semi-lucid dreams are an excellent instructional a daily NP crossword puzzle Haiku download...go think about that for the next day (Wow! that was a little bit of a channel, lol)...the short form, I don't even probably need to mention an example; we all have them almost nightly- if we engage our thinking at the right level, we get them...they are short, initially-confusing, semi-lucid dreaming conversations...I don't think they are mental pollution or happen by accident...we are expected to consider them. I would expect that everyone here knows this short-form of internal communication or has had some kind of recognizable encounter with it.

Here is a longer form that spoke directly to me on this issue of reduced awareness, the most significant at the time.!/grass-gravel-and-an-old-friend/

That was 2014. I learned a few years later that my friend JS passed in 2017 at age 55. I suspected his ongoing depression, among other issues, so the timing and circumstance of the visitation still make me wonder. Beyond even that is the way, in this experience, knowledge may have found a path to be imparted...this adds yet to my own personal mystery of all this sheer wonder we encounter.

My point in all this, other than imparting (my) general knowledge and perspective on these matters is to notice and reflect on how your awareness, thinking, and cognition are changing on multiple levels...including while you are SUPPOSEDLY asleep! And the fact that it is changing, developing, increasing! And it will continue, so encourage it! Good luck and have fun!

Good experience!


this is why i love the pulse so much
thankyou EV the fact that you can take a short little post like mine and feed back so much quality information and alternative ways to look at a experience is truly amazing and greatly received

ive just remembered another detail now thinking back to the trying to fly and not being able to i can remember the ground becoming bouncy and me getting a little more height so i think my awareness was defiantly rising but i wasnt forcing it my main focus was on helping the dream character to have an experience and that was giving me great pleasure i was mostly just playing along with the dream narrative
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Sort of lucid
March 24, 2024, 08:40:03
yep totally agree on the cusp but still not quite there
Not really sure where to put this topic
Just wondering if any of you have had the chance to use one
I went to a day spa and had an hour session for a birthday present
It wasn't 100% sensory deprivation tank but it was enclosed with a door and pretty dark
The first 5 - 10 minutes plays relaxing music then it goes silent for 40 mins then last 5-10 brings you back to the room with gentle wave sound

It was super relaxing and as it's in a locked room you are welcome to get naked so you really become one as the water temp syncs with your body
I felt like I was scrolling sideways through the universe and an hour went past iba heart beat

I didn't manage to have a projection but I should really go back again now covid restrictions have eased
Welcome to Dreams! / Sort of lucid
March 23, 2024, 17:05:16
Last nights dream was kind of lucid I was playing a game where me and a old work colleague were taking it in turns to make markings on a wall
On his turn he held my hand and completely vanished when he reappeared he was now an old guy that I just priced a job for and I was saying don't you see you can't turn invisible in real life this is just a dream
I kept pointing out dream signs to him and you suddenly saw the realisation on his face
I told him to study the plants and see how vivid they look
And I told him to jump up and fly which he did
But when I tried to do all these things I couldn't my awareness didn't seem high enough I was watching someone else achive lucidity but I didn't 100% twig myself
wow 72 years of experiencing
you will have gained much wisdom of your own to share in that time and i look forward to hearing and learning from it
we all have our strengths and weaknesses successes and failures but we all have plenty to give to each other
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hello
March 08, 2024, 14:44:53
hi there welcome
I tried this a few time last night but for some reason kept thinking of it as a Time Machine rather than teleporter so probably handicapped myself
Been watching to much dr who with the kids
Quote from: omcasey on February 16, 2024, 20:09:08Contact, including 'abduction' is a genuine experience. Yes it occurs in expanded states of consciousness.

I cannot comment on what is drawn through the use of drugs.

just to clarify im not saying that all abduction or contact is self created
but i do believe that the waters are very muddied by people having sp/ap related experience that they mistake for something else
i have often thought the same about abductions there are just so many similarities to oobe
many people speak of being lifted off of the bed and floated out through a window etc
we also know of how terrifying sleep paralysis can be not being able to move while the feeling of malevolent presence is in the room

i myself went through a period in my life back in the 90s where i thought i was being abducted by aliens, it was actually psychosis from using far to many amphetamines
at the time it was so real to me i was afraid to go to sleep and when i did finally sleep i would have nightmares and sleep paralysis based around grey aliens
when i finally knocked the drugs on the head and came out the other side i realised how self created the whole thing was kinda one big fear feedback loop
that few months of my life was pretty terrifying

other people see demons or the hag but i honestly think alot of abduction storys come from misunderstood sleep paralysis
I gave this technique a go last night
I put my daughter to bed around 9.00
Layer down beside her and dozed off, I awoke at 10.15 and went downstairs to finish doing a few chores
Went to bed at about 11.30 after what felt like no time at all I was in a little dream scenario a kid I know burst into my kitchen trying to escape a unknown presence outside
I instantly recognised this as a unlikely scenario as the child was not my sons friends but his older brother
This snapped me right back to a 3d space like the void but this time I had an experience that I've not had before
I could feel that I was in a state that I should be able to project from i passively observed the space and thought back to the exercise that said I should instantly start climbing as soon as this thought came into my head the entire 3d space became filled with tessellated planks Each one a different Pastel colour
This caught me off guard, whenever I usually have shapes and colour spear in that kind of space they are usually the kind of geometric overlay you see in Psychedelic experiences,
There was also a light source lighting the whole area which I knew could not be there as I was in a darkened room
I could feel myself waking up more than I wanted to but could still see the coloured planks the whole time
What surprised me most about this experience was just how fast it all happened and how stable the visual was nothing morphed or changed into something else it just was this coloured vast 3d space

So not the exit I was aiming for but a interesting experience non the less
thats great always cool to keep languages alive
you might be able to understand a bit of cornish as they both come from the same base language
welcome to the astral pulse
some of the most experienced helpful people here