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Messages - Celeste

Ok, I don't know where to put this but had a weird experience the other day. When we were covering the pool for the winter, there was a spider who had laid an egg sack. I took a leaf and brushed her off the blanket so we could unroll it. She jumped and I swear she shrieked at me. I"ve never heard a spider make noises before & wondered if anyone else has?

For anyone that is interested

  Omraam Michael Aivanov was a Universal Master and an adept of this century. His lectures discussed alchemy--white magic and occult teachings etc.  The path he taught to initiates was the longer path of reaching Enlightenment through development of moral character and purification of the ego. He also talked of the Universal White Brotherhood and spoke of Jesus Christ as a Master who's teachings where misunderstood and misrepresented.


Tom c'mon back

I did not witness all that happened but I hate when anybody feels chased off a site because of some unfortunate circumstances and ill-used words. Everyone has contributions to make.

Let's begin again.

Here's a picture of an Iraqi boy who was a victim of the bombing. He has 60% burns on his body and both his arms have been amputated. Burn pain is the worst.  Please can we send our prayers to this little guy? His picture could also be used as a focus for all of the children who are suffering in Iraq. Thank you, Celeste
Greetings All!

Robert says negs can jump from person to person or send duplicates.

 Does anyone know if there are precautions to take when doing any type of energy work?  Or receiving it to prevent this from happening?

I think some of the people who used to post before Dec would have some useful input into these areas but I don't know if they peek in from time to time or if they are gone for good. Too bad for us....
I was wondering how others have been finding the core image removal exercises? Anything anybody wants to share would be helpful to all of us I think. Tips???

  I'm finding the first core image removals that I did were easier than now. It seems that the core images now are harder to locate either because they are much subtler or it's that they are partially removed & therefore not so evident--I'm not sure?  
   I can feel on my body where some cords are attached & I have also noticed that the energy brushing exercises for me are easy to do up on my body but harder to do on my legs.
  I did a core image removal using an image of a situation with a friend of mine who has seemed easily annoyed lately. Interestingly as soon as I finished doing the exercise she called & invited me out for a coffee. She was in an unusually light & pleasant mood. It was nice. :) So...did the cords I got rid of come from me, her? or both, I wonder?

  I'm also wondering if I might have an attachment close to my root chakra as I sense vibration lately. I know Robert says it can be harder to remove from there. All this and studying for a mid-term too!! :) thanks for sharing.


After reading some old posts about negs & babies I decided to be proactive & put some protective herbs (sage, rosemary, cinnamon,marjoram & bay leaf)in our nieces'(6mth old) bedroom. She has been plagued with upper respiratory illness & has not been sleeping well.  I put some mala beads with some symbols pentagrams, & solar crosses on her crib.
Unless the baby is suddenly teething as a coincidence??--she has had a strong aberant reaction to these measures. She had not been sleeping well before but immediately after the prayer beads were placed on her crib  & the protective herbs placed in her room she has screamed everytime they put her into bed.

Any ideas what's happening with this? I feel awful & I regret trying anything. I can't figure out why this reaction or what to do now?? thanks for suggestions. :)
Hello All,

 Can anyone tell me about the Mason's and what branch of teachings they are from & what their practises are?

I've heard they were supposed to have been linked to the Knights of Templar but...? Does anyone know first hand information?  

The Eastern Star is a lodge for the for the women to join & one of their symbols atleast, is and inverted star (pentagram)This doesn't seem to be a good idea to me. What's up with that?

Thanks, Celeste
Dark knight
  re: permission
IMHO,  if I say a prayer asking for the assistance of Archangel Michael or if I am asking for help from Holy Beings etc this is giving them 'permission' to intercede on my behalf. Or Almighty G__etc... But the onus is on myself to make that connection with them ie to  call out my request via *prayer*. It is like tuning in a radio transmitter. I need to send my plea out to them. A heartfelt request is heard.  

Opposite scenario: I am sitting here experiencing problems & wondering, "How could they let this happen? or "Why I am not *automatically* being helped by the Angels, why they are not jumping in guiding, helping & protecting me??

Angels are Beings of a Higher Vibration & exist in other realms need to be alerted & called in  at which time they will gladly help us . This is done through prayer. ASk and ye shall receive.

If you haven't already--get the book PPSD read the articles on the main site on countermeasures& here's Nita's site she has a lot of helpful information.

 Dark Knight
You I was told in my Data Download that I had to give a guardian angel like Michael permission before he could help me, I didn't know what think at the time because it went against everything I was taught.

But I'm noticing a huge difference and there does appear to be one hell of fight going on.

Nita...why didn't you include "giving permission" as part of the prayer you gave to me and a lot of other people

 I believe "a prayer" "IS" giving permission. [:)]

Good point Risu --i dunno why , it just felt like a she.[:)]

Shaman- I don't know where the sound came from, but I heard a screech,squeak sound when it jumped off & I also got the feeling she was reaally p.o'd.

Passionate fool--I like your name, me too!

 Thanks all for responding. God Bless you too!
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Two types of telepathy?
October 22, 2003, 19:11:11
I've never thought about 2 separate types of telepathy? some find it easier to connect telepathicly with animals and with plants than with people. I find that easier & I have more affinity for certain types of animals. maybe people are harder because most people have too much staticy thoughts which cause interference.  

  This is slightly different than telepathy---my mate & I seem to have some uncommon link. This is a little different than telepathy  & has lead to some funny experiences. for eg. we used to find that if he smoked weed I'd get stoned.  This was most evident when we were apart & I didn't know that he had --but suddenly my coordination etc..would be all off... Weird??!! It became an inside joke. [:)]
I agree Xelios! I've been to a Spiritualist church a few times--The energy in that particular church felt oppressive,heavy, musty and dank.
  Everywhere these days there are so many people that are teaching "psychic development" classes that don't have the first clue.
Unfortunately there are way too many eager beavers that are greedy for power and abilities they don't know how much they are putting themselves and others at risk.
 Another beef of mine are all the so called "Reiki Masters" this is also such a joke. Ya-- you can become a "master" in 3 days and for some $ Cash. Step right up folks!

It's embarrassing  [:I]

Welcome to Magic! / Christian Magicians or Magick
October 04, 2003, 21:44:44

 Tisha has good advice to work on yourself first and foremost. The true path to enlightenment, magic or mysticism by true Initiates has always been about the work of self-transformation. Those who's motives are for power,glory or greed will only be allowed to go so far.  
 You might want to look up the name Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov on a search engine & see what you find.
Good luck on your journey!
Hi Jason
  Read the article that Risu bookmarked from the main site, it will explain it better than I can.

 And Dark Knight-- Core image removal is a visualization technique that is useful for removing psychic cords that form between people you don't have to have these cords caused from negative entities. It is a highly useful exercise to practise from this perspective. It shifts the energy between people if done with firmness but compassion--realizing that we have all sent psychic cords out that need to be cut & removed.  celeste
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Squeek = Awesome
September 30, 2003, 13:27:11
WOW Squeek! 1000 posts Congratulations!

  I think we both logged on around the same time--Dec 2002.

  [;)] Time flys,  Celeste
Hi Tortue

  Like Links said it's a bit fuzzy maybe you could post a description of them. Starting at the left, the first one looks like either an amethyst or a fluorite.  Three of the stones show up quite black so it's hard to tell.
 They could be onyx, bloodstone, obsidian or garnet. Garnet is a deep red colour probably not this because a polished one this size would be expensive, bloodstone is dark green with reddish specks, onyx when held to the light is opague, obsidian appears black but when held up to a light you can see through it as it's volcanic glass. Tourmaline is black but I've never seen one polished.

 The 2nd from the left looks like labradorite. The reddish one could be a carnelian, the orange one could be calcite or citrine then the last one looks like a polished quartz.
     Hope this is some help
Welcome to Magic! / cittiunpassana?
September 29, 2003, 11:59:49
For anyone that wants to check out those Ebooks that Nita has mentioned.

   Here's the two places on the site for lists of ebooks.

  happy downloading!
Hello General-Army

  Try blessing your body,your immune system,your throat,your lungs etc.....Visualize your spleen pumping out healthy white blood cells to fight any intruders. Positive affirmations--not negative. Your body hears every word you say and is responding. Get in touch with what your body needs to maintain a high energy to function properly, replenish your cells and protect. ie. rest, improved diet,positive atmosphere,positive thoughts exercise etc... Drink some Rose hip tea for vit C and red clover tea to cleanse your blood. Hope your feeling better!

Oh Jenadots ouch-----healing is on the way. My brother had a similar operation over 20yrs ago. He's fine now. Be well.


Here is Nita's website.

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / a mothers curse
September 19, 2003, 14:15:24
Hi xander

   I would suggest practising New Energy Ways found on the main site. This will help you get stronger and better at distinguishing and dispelling energy that is not yours. People don't even have to have an evil intent to cause extreme discomfort to others especially when there are emotional connections.

 You might also need to clear your negative emotions towards her and towards yourself for feeling guilty perhaps. Here is a visualization to try if you like.

  You can help the process by saying a prayer asking for help to cleanse away the negative energy that you feel is effecting you. Sitting comfortably and focusing on your breath go into meditative state. Visualize a Pure, loving,magnanimus and Sparkling, Light-filled energy surrounding you and getting brighter and brighter.

  Feel the warmth and acceptance of it as it pours all around you. Then see this loving energy coming in through your heart chakra and spreading all through your body. Every breath you take you are breathing in the Pure White Loving Light and as it is coming in through your breath and in through your pores, it is pushing this dark grey smoky energy out.

  See yourself breathing in the White Light and breathing out this dark smoky substance until you see it getting lighter and lighter. You can also see this dark smoky energy coming out and oozing into the ground where it is used and cleansed by the Earth. See your energy getting Lighter and Lighter and a light now radiating from your pours, your heart and your breath out into the Universe. It's always good to end in gratitude--ie.give thanks for the healing you received. Do this a couple of times a week along with the other stuff. If it feels good do it. If it doesn't stop.

You might want to try going into meditation and visualizing a sword and cutting energy cords between your mom and you --not done in anger but in compassion or in a neutral way if possible. It would be beneficial to to work on some core image removal.


  Where you guys see verbal wars I see people expressing their own opinions. When I've made comments about testing "guides" etc.. some have taken it as an attack when it simply was not.

 Some of those posting have been exploring all this stuff for 10-15yrs or more. Their comments are not based upon nothing, some have been on a dedicated spiritual path for awhile and seen a few things--they are not newbies.   Anyway,this will all probably fall on deaf ears anyway.

Welcome to Magic! / tell me a way to become invisible
September 16, 2003, 18:55:27

 Don't believe everything you read.
oh paaaaahlease!
  Spirituality is about discernment ---always. That's not the Light, fellas.