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Messages - kailaurius

Quote from: daytona955 on July 11, 2012, 11:22:56
How do you really know that you are projecting yourself beyond our physical existence, and not merely experiencing a vivid LD?

Is there a difference?

Also, there is no separating from the physical body or traveling through anything.  There is no space or time.  Once again, these are concepts formed from from a reality that is extremely dense where energy forms and reforms at an extremely slow rate, giving us the illusion of distance and time.  It is your belief that you are traveling or separating from your physical body, and we most often incorporate these beliefs into our projection experiences.

If you are asking yourself if your projection experiences are real, well...

What is Real?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: The Ego.
July 10, 2012, 09:30:21
Quote from: Lionheart on July 10, 2012, 04:31:46
Either way, they are in for a rude awakening!  :-)

Or maybe a pleasant surprise.  :wink:
And yet "Business As Usual" could itself be an excellent learning opportunity for those who have allowed themselves to become incredibly attached to the concept of great change associated with December 21st, 2012.  So many are always waiting for something.  Stop waiting!
Quote from: Volgerle on June 12, 2012, 07:50:05
Sometimes, I get the impression that for some newagers "Ascencion" is nothing more than "Rapture", just clad into new-age-speak but expressing more or less the same anthropomorphised 'saviour'-concept of established, literalist (scripture-)religion.

So we then have the (fewer?) 'saved' ones that 'ascend' into 5D ... and the rest seems somehow damned to perish in 3D negativity....

I do not negate the possibility that such a 'shift' might happen. But somehow I don't like it (regardless as to which side I might be on...).

Actually the majority of society fall into the same category as the Christians waiting for the "Rapture".  It's a cop-out really, more of an ego thing to be sure.  It's all part of an instant gratification and self service attitude.  Waiting for a major event to relieve them of their "unpleasant life" is just another way to avoid taking personal responsibility in the present moment.  Waiting for the Rapture, waiting for the ascension, waiting for the 5th dimension, waiting for December 21st, 2012, waiting for aliens to invade, waiting for aliens to save us, waiting for the New World Order to dominate the world, waiting for the economy to collapse, waiting for the ecosystem to collapse, waiting for a major World War 3, and on and on.  It's all the same thing.  It's all waiting for an event that has absolutely no relevance to the present moment whatsoever, and it's all fear based egoism.  Continuously fearing or anxiously anticipating the future or regretting the past will continue to make the present moment unpleasant.  The only thing that matters is right here, right now.  With 7 billion people on this planet, the entire global society could very easily have absolutely any kind of world it desired in an instant, and we could potentially do it right now, but we won't because we have to work through all our issues first.  :wink:
There's definitely no doubt of other civilizations throughout the Universe, of this you can be absolutely sure.  There's no need to wait for any of them to help or to deceive, or to do anything for that matter.  I feel the more appropriate question would be: Are We out to help or to deceive?

As far as "star seeds" are concerned, well I don't find much relevance in the term.  There are no beings greater than any other.  It doesn't matter what, if any, star we came from.  We are all here to experience life so that we can learn from that experience.  We should all be helping, supporting, and guiding each other selflessly - within this world and beyond.  This is not limited to "spiritually advanced" beings.
Quote from: Everlasting on May 11, 2012, 17:30:31
It means we'll end up in a watery grave for a couple of thousand years. Then things will be great again for the ones that will repopulate the planet.

LOL, awesome!  :-P  Now I wonder what I'll be doing in 2000 years :?  Hmmm.  :|
I'm feeling pretty content right now.  I was just outside and the weather is great.  It's been sunny and cool all week, for the exception of a few clouds in the sky at the present moment, but I like clouds.  The trees are green and pretty, and the birds are chirping as usual.

What does "End of the World" mean anyway?
Quote from: Rudolph on May 01, 2012, 13:12:05
When will people stop pretending that these were advanced cultures?

Hmmm, well, I don't know.  When would you like them to stop?
The ones I hold accountable for the enslavement of humanity and the world we live in today are myself and those around me. In other words, the global society.  The corrupt institutions are nothing more than our creation and are only doing what we demand they do every day.

So my question to society would be this:  Is this a problem?
Wouldn't life be more enjoyable if we just focused on each other instead of "THEM"?  And to live in the experience that is occurring now instead of some "future" date that has no relevance to the present moment whatsoever?  The only reason we are here is to experience Life, and to learn from that experience.  Personally, I don't think the 2012 forum should even exist.  At the very least I feel it should be renamed to just "Transition of the Ages", or "The Ongoing Shift in Consciousness", or maybe "Unity Consciousness", or just nothing at all.  The topic of 2012 has long outworn it's usefulness.  It's like a piece of chewing gum that has outlasted it's flavor an hour ago.

I have noticed however, that since the passing of October 28th the topic of 2012 has quietened a bit, which has been a little refreshing.  And as far the the "shift in consciousness" is concerned... Yeah it's ongoing, and it's grand and growing, but from my perspective that seems to be about the extent of it for the time being.  Everything is still business as usual.  Yeah, people are waking up all over the globe, but it's like: "Hey, I've just realized I'm an economic slave to the system that rules the world.  Now where's my iPhone so I can tweet about it while I'm driving my S.U.V. on the way to McDonalds?"  Or it's like:  "Hey, these banksters are ruling the world.  Now where's my sign so I can go shout at their doorsteps for ruining my life?"

Waking up isn't enough.  That's just the first step.  Even those of us who have woken up and desire to change can do nothing without the participation of the majority, or a critical mass as it were to tip the scales.  This shift in consciousness will all be for naught, if society never comes to the realization that we need each other, and that we must reconnect with each other, and help and support one another, selflessly.  That needs to be the new trend.  So far I have yet to see that occur amongst this growing shift.  The majority are still blaming others for their misfortune, still falling short of realizing where the change must begin.  I have yet to see a movement like the "Occupy Movement" where the people march in their neighborhoods instead marching in the streets as if our institutions could do anything at all.  Our institutions are only doing what we have demanded they do since their existence.  However, I do realize that all of this is just a learning process, and a necessary process that people need to go through in order to achieve that realization.  Again, all of this is nothing more than an experience to learn from.

As to the OP, the only place to find real facts and proof to anything is within yourself.  I know the "within yourself" has been worn to death over the years, but it still holds true.  This physical world is entirely subjective, so any information outside of yourself is completely irrelevant.  The only thing that matters is what you feel to be true for yourself.  1 + 1 does not have to equal 2 if you don't want it to.  Of course I realize that in order to function and participate within mainstream society we would have to play along with the perspective of the majority, but it doesn't mean we have to be bound by that perspective.  I can believe whatever I like, and I do, but I can also play the game at the same time without being seen as some wacko nut job who doesn't conform to society.

In closing I would just like to say again that 2012 is just a number.  I say just let it die, and just live in the moment.  :-)
Moral of the story:  Never listen to what anyone tells you what is going to happen.  Listen only to what you tell yourself is going to happen.
Those who live in the NOW do not "wait" for anything.  They are enjoying life.  Anything and everything else beyond the present moment is completely irrelevant.  When someone goes to the library and picks a book from the shelf to read, they are not concerned about what is in the other books further down the shelf.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Dear Ryan
October 11, 2011, 13:48:24
Quote from: personalreality on October 10, 2011, 17:04:47
screw columbus, that guy ruined my day. 

Yeah, I don't care to recognize that holiday.  As well as a lot of First Nations People, I'm sure.
Yes, very interesting.  Also keep in mind however, we don't have to experience any of this if we don't want to.  Protesting, rioting, and civil unrest is not required to overcome the challenges that have been presented before us, but could very well be an appropriate and necessary method society chooses to use in order to work out the conflicts we have created for ourselves, thereby gaining the necessary experience that we may learn and grow from.

The global society could very easily bypass any potential catastrophic collapse followed by any riots and civil wars out of retaliation against the institutions we perceive to be responsible for our plight if we would but realize that ultimately we have the power, and that we are the only reason we are in the situation we are in now.  The entire world could be altered in an instant if we would realize that we are all one family, that we must help and support one another selflessly, and that we hold all the power.  However, it would appear that the majority of society is still struggling with this realization as can be seen by all the protests currently taking place all over the globe as many are trying to understand the situation we have allowed ourselves to be placed into and what needs to be done to resolve it, and because of years of conditioning by our institutions and mainstream society, and because we have allowed ourselves to become extremely disconnected from the planet, from nature, and each other, the only solution the majority can currently think of at the moment is to protest against not so much our institutions as it is our situation itself.

Charts, figures, and predictions of all types, including those based on mathematical calculations don't really mean much anymore, especially recently given the large number of failed predictions over the last few years.  This is most likely do to the wide variety of shifts in the consciousness and perceptions of the global society.  The Web Bot Project is a good example.  It worked really well in the beginning, but it appears that Clif High is realizing his program is not as effective as it used to be because the consciousness of society today has become incredibly fluid and volatile.  Looking at our world today it is difficult to predict the direction society will go next, or what trend they will follow next.  While it may appear society is headed toward massive unrest because of it's failure to recognize it's own power, all it would take is a small trigger or just one little spark that could very easily shift the mindset of society towards a new realization - a realization that there is no them, there is only us, and we are the only ones that have the power to shape our reality.

Again, a complete collapse of our current corrupt, self-destructive system may very well be a necessary ingredient during this learning process.  The question is how will society react to such an event, and will society gain the necessary learning experience from this event?
Quote from: Ryan_ on September 23, 2011, 10:58:35
Realize that the "destination" isn't the goal.  It never was, and it never will be.
The destination is a never ending path to the goal.  ;)

Exactly!  :-)

Quote from: personalreality on September 23, 2011, 16:22:32
I feel like I'm reading an "Inspiring-Quote-A-Day" motivational calendar or something.

The choice is up to you as to what will happen.  There is no point in asking others what will happen as we must ask ourselves.  There is also no point in telling others what will happen as we need only tell ourselves.  Each individual's reality is their own.
Quote from: personalreality on September 15, 2011, 17:30:12
...conspiring is something that most everyone does every single day.  ....Conspiracy happens all the time, it's not a dirty word and it doesn't imply insanity.

Yes, I agree.  Like I said in another post not too long ago, the "Powers That Be" and all conspiring institutions are no different than the individuals all throughout mainstream society.  They are basically a reflection of us.  The average mainstream individual conspires against others quite a bit for the purposes of satisfying the demands of our own desires, to achieve wealth and prestige, to be ahead of everyone else, to be more important and more powerful than others.  This is no different than the conspiring institutions we hate.  They are basically just another individual who desires to serve only their own self interests.  The fact that society appears to have a growing discontent against the kind of behavior our institutions have been performing is a good indication that society itself is changing it's self-serving attitude, and that there is possibly a growing realization that there is a greater overall benefit in serving others over the self.  Although I have no interest in protesting, watching the massive protests occurring all over the planet is quite fascinating to observe.  This definitely indicates a growing massive shift in the consciousness and attitudes of the global society.

I would imagine that our institutions are not the least bit worried about the effect Alex Jones has on his listeners.  It would not surprise me if they actually encouraged this type of media inspiration, which would probably explain why AJ hasn't been completely shut down as well as other anti-establishment provocateurs.  It appears that AJ focuses primarily on the symptoms of the disease rather than the cause of the disease itself, which would be just fine and dandy with the disease, a.k.a. "the system", just as long as society doesn't realize the true cause.  The only solution I've ever heard him offer to our current situation within this system is to rise up and fight against the system - "Storm the castle" so to speak, which is not a solution to this situation at all - Again, focusing on the symptom rather than the cause.  Other than waking up the unawares, rising up in protest against our institutions does little more than validate our dependency upon the overall system.  So you see, whether we continue to serve the system or we fight against it, it makes no difference, as long as doing so keeps our attention focused away from the actual reason to it's existence.  I would imagine that what our institutions, as well as the system itself, fears the most is not our rising up in protest, but rather our non compliance, our desire to no longer feed the system.  As long as society continues to feed it's self-serving desires, it's ego, then we continue to feed the system.  As long as we continue to feed the system, it makes no difference how much we rant and rave and shake our fists against it, it doesn't matter how many signs we hold up and how many different chants we shout.  As long as the global society continues it's self-serving lifestyle then the system will just keep on going, or at least until it can no longer sustain the current lifestyle of nearly 7 billion people, at which time society will then be forced to reevaluate it's values, which is what will inevitably happen.
Quote from: Astr4l on August 30, 2011, 21:24:53

watch this video and tell me what you think ? I'm not a christian by the way im not taking any sides just watching this video with a open mind

Interesting video.  Thanks for the link.  The video appears to display quite a bit of fear from other belief systems that appears to pose a threat to their own.  Also, I feel the presenter somewhat misunderstands the crucial significance of global unification towards harmony with nature and this planet.

Here's some videos I found to be quite entertaining and very informative giving their thoughts on our situation leading into a shift into a "New Age" so to speak:

Spirit Science 12_1 - The Rise of Atlantis

Spirit Science 12_2 - Atlantean Catastrophe

Spirit Science 12_3 - The Solution

Spirit Science 12_4 - The Fall

Spirit Science 12_5 - The New Beginning
Hi Boom,

Yeah it's crazy isn't it?  Personally, it's all irrelevant.  Here is what IS solid.  When I walk outside and look at the sky, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, the clouds are puffy, the trees are magnificent and green with the comforting wind blowing through the leaves, the birds are chirping and the locusts are singing.  The only moment that truly matters is right Now.  Everything else is irrelevant.
Yeah, I see what you're saying.  The first paragraph was bascially just a FYI to anyone in general that while it can be fun to play around with the 'what ifs' we don't have to be concerned about them if we don't want to as we have the power to choose any of them.

As far as the details.  I've seen so many videos, blogs, and websites concerning this particular matter, I couldn't even tell you where to begin other than a youtube search would be a good start.  Drunvalo Melchizedek has a lot of information on this topic.  However there's so much disinformation and conspiracy theories mixed in with truths and half-truths out there on the Internet it's a bit difficult to sift through any reliable information.  And as far as topics such as this there really is no reliable information in regards to the details because no one knows exactly how something like this will play out.  I do know one fact however, and that is reconnecting and caring for each other, nature and all life is crucial.

For myself personally, I tend to favor the idea that Earth, as well as our entire solar system, will cross into the very thin axis of the galactic plane where there exists no time or space, and that during that time there will be no light so that we could not see anything.  But again, this is nothing but entertaining my own thoughts on the matter.  I have no idea what would happen if there were 3 days of darkness.  The important thing is to not fear the event as it will eventually pass.
Quote from: kailaurius on August 22, 2011, 13:48:37
Given that Universe is infinite containing infinite potential experiences all seamlessly connected and all existing at once combined with free will means that any prediction or prophecy is pointless and meaningless because we can experience any potential we choose.

I would like to modify that statement just a bit.  While predictions and prophecies may be irrelevant as far as what we choose to experience, I would say that they are indeed relevant for the purposes of being aware of the possibility of events that could occur so that we can prepare ourselves mentally and spiritually.  So in that regard I would say that they are indeed relevant for that purpose.
Hi vagusnerves,

I've heard so many different scenarios on this 3 days of darkness there's no way to know exactly how it will play out.  The only truth you will ever find is within yourself and that is where you will have to look.  But even with that said, this an event that is predicted to happen in some "future", therefore has no relevance to the present moment.  This and all other predictions are irrelevant.  The only critically important moment is right now at this very moment.  Given that Universe is infinite containing infinite potential experiences all seamlessly connected and all existing at once combined with free will means that any prediction or prophecy is pointless and meaningless because we can experience any potential we choose.

Quote from: vagusnerves on August 22, 2011, 12:55:03
Can someone please let me know if this is supposed to affect the whole earth, or just a part of it. If so, which part, and what will happen to the rest of the earth ?

To answer your question here, the 3 days off darkness that the Mayan and Hopi prophecies refer to does affect all of Earth, but that is about as far as they go with it.  They do not know exactly what will happen IF this were to occur because the collective consciousness is completely unpredictable.  You see, the events themselves are irrelevant.  What matters is how society will react and how they will choose in any given situation.

Quote from: vagusnerves on August 22, 2011, 12:55:03
Also, what are the things to do / not to do ?

IF there is indeed a period of 3 days of darkness due to some geomagnetic shift or entering the dark rift or the sun being blacked out by some large celestial object, or whatever, the most important thing to keep in mind is to not give into fear.  If it does indeed happen, what happens on the other side depends completely upon the collective consciousness.  The sun will reappear.  Whether the sun will look the same or not when it returns is anybody's guess.  Heck, whether we look the same when the sun returns is anybody's guess, lol.  The best thing to do is to be with your friends and family and sit it out for 3 days.  Do not run into the streets in a panic.  The most important thing you can do is care for others.  But that applies to anytime, not just during some crisis.  I can only imagine how today's society would react to such an event, especially since the majority know nothing of any discussions regarding this topic.  No one can predict the path of the collective consciousness anymore than anyone can predict the path of a large flock of birds.  Again, the only moment that truly matters is right now.
Yes, Hollywood appears to have developed an OCD on alien invasion movies lately.  I mean I know they made a lot in the 50s and 60s, but lately they've gone crazy with it.  Another one coming out this December.
Quote from: Ryan_ on August 02, 2011, 13:17:40
Gotta be a hoax...


It's a parody.  Aka, not real.  :)

Yep, it's a parody.  It's from the Onion.