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Messages - eeb

Congratulations Tantalord!
I'm in the same track as you, only I just started 2 weeks ago. Another proof that if you really belief in something and go for it, you'll get to it.

Thumbs up!
Regardless of the fact that you don't know how you did arrive to that 'place', it's great to hear that 'places' like that are 'solid' and revisitable, not like a fragment of your mind that fades away.

It's interesting that your perception of the place changed with your change in attention.

Long post very worthwhile reading.
Wow, great feedback, I didn't expect so much, thanks for the stimuli!

I set my mind not to be in a hurry and explore all the way to consciousness outside my body. This prevents me from getting frustrated... And ofcourse it's fun exploring!

What I do is keeping an image/situation in mind and relaxing at the same time. When my mind wanders I bring it (gently) back to what I was focussing on.  

I now reach the moment where in the image/situation where I focus on things start to happen that I didn't purposely/consciously imagine. This is super funny/interesting! It becomes from this point more or less a 2 way interaction.

After I come to this point I concentrate on the darkness behind my eyelids, now sufficiently relaxed.

Well, sofar I got till now, keep ya updated!
Having read a lot about it but never practiced OBE-ing in a structured manner, I picked up the practice. Until now I never had a (conscious) OBE, but I am convinced of the reality and possibility and decided to give it a fair try. Until now I only have been reading a lot, lurking on this forum, but never practiced in a structured manner.

I was reading here again today and was thinking that if the people here on the forum have got it, I can do it to, if I am only dedicated enough.

Since last week I do a short physical workout on the attic in my house, each day I come home after my work. After having lasted that for a week, I thought I have showed already enough discipline to start today with adding my OBE practice (according to Monroe's first book).

I will keep you updated about my progress.
With sweet water! I love water! But wait a minute, I see another second piramid on the background behind the trees. Did you (order to) build that one too, Frank  8) ?
Something big has ended too! Now it's time for change... The church lost a great man... For some of no importance, for others a holy, but his death undoubtedly influences all of us!
Yeah, this is fun :) !  Definitely an extra stimulus to invest time in playing with consciousness. Looking forward to the next game, Selski now you put something somewhere on API??

Ha ha ha, what a chuckle ha ha ha, a ride in the speedboat  :lol:
Hi Frank,

I have a question about the last part of your above post, where you relate development of the intellect to awareness of your surroundings.

Problem with me is that the impressions of the physical reality are so always omnipresent that that is pretty all that I am aware off. Well, I suppose that is because I'm so focussed here. But how do you change your focus if you don't know where to focus on, or if you are not aware of anything else to focus on?
Since a couple of days I am using the bwgen-preset called Tommy´s vibration starter.

I notice that I get very relaxed and sleepy, already after about 10 minutes. I am using it in the evening, for about 20-31 minutes.

Up to now I didn´t have the vibrations, but when I listen to the preset I always remember my dreams the morning after.

In his description of the preset Tommy said to expect slight vibrations after one week and full body vibrations after one month, so I still on the run.

I am having problems with the link buttons. If i'm in a thread, I can't reply with that buttons, only with the one in the main menu behind the subject.

Also sometimes, when the thread is longer than 1 page and I want to click page 2, I just return to thee main page.

Also, the pictures and buttons are not always how they should be; sometimes they appear as crosses and points...

Is it my computer, or more people have this?

Lately I was trying to follow the process of falling asleep, and setting the clock one-one and a half hour before I get up, to try to OBE.

Then this night, since a long time ago in a dream I became lucid, I knew I was dreaming!! However, nothing changed of my environment, everything looked still so real amd solid to me. Nothing special happened for the rest. And it didn't come to my mind neither to try anything special, like jumping very high, or something like that.

This afternoon I made a practice session. My girlfriend was busy in the garden, so I had a good moment [:)]

I lay on my bed and looked at the clock, as I always do; it was 15:29. I closed my eyes and started to concentrate on my heartbeats. It's a technique I learned from the mysticweb course; I thought that it'd be better to stick to just 1 technique, instead of changing all the time, and I chose this one. On their forum I read some successtories people had with this technique, so I'm going to try my luck also with this technique.

I started to relax, and for a moment experienced some floaty feelings. However, realizing the floaty feelings my protective sense of awareness as Frank calls it zapped me back to full physical awareness.

I got a flash of hypnogogic imagery, but as soon as I realised, I zapped back to full body awareness (C1 in Monroe vocabulary?).

Retrying i eventually passed away, i.e. I had a black out. When I became conscious again, I looked my clock and it was 15:49, about 20 minutes past.

The last experience tells me, that with some more practice, it must be possible to become completely unaware of the body, and to project [:)]

Just sharing,


Just like the rest of the books of Jane Roberts/Seth a very interesting book. This one focusses on the projection of consciousnsess; most of the material talks about projections from the dream state. It gives tips to improve dream-recall, to use dreams for promoting your health.

A lot of instructions on how to project from the dream state are provided.

It talks about our Inner Senses, and describes ways how to use them: very interesting!

The way it is written is very clear. Exerpts that are transmitted by Seth (channeled through Jane) are written Italic, the rest normal.

A copy of this book should not miss in the collection of a (potential) astral projector!


I came across a website that I found very interesting. It speaks primarily of maintaning consciousness, a big problem of many of us trying to chieve an OBE.

How often do we fall asleep while practicing...

I just ordered also a book named on the website: The Secrets of Chinese Meditation. I will let you know what I think of it after I read it, by posting in the book section.

Here's the link:

I was sitting in my room and started some energy work. First I wanted to stimulate my energy body a little bit by bouncing. I pushed my awareness first through my feet, till I sensed a reaction. I moved on to my lower and upper leggs, torso and arms.

At that point, from my elbows to my hands, I could really feel that I was pushing a bubble of energy..! I repeated it a few times and it was like my arms started to radiate heat.

Exited I was, so I started to do the full body circuit, without the arms: with in-breath pushing my awareness till my crown-chakra, and wih out-breath to my sub-naval centre.

Woow! After only three times I felt energy in my complete body becoming excited, and vibrating very fine. Radiating warmth. I started to feel my heartbeat in my ears also.. But then my girlfriend entered the room, and I decided to stop the practice.

This was really worthwhile, and a very nice/comforable experience!


Hi there,
I started recently to do the NEW exercises of activating energy centers and raising energy. Lately I notice that I'm static, especially after driving my car. Lately after all the rides I get shocked, I also passed a shock to my girlfriend already..Insert

Does anyone have experiences with this kind of thing?

Hi Sarah,
That was worthwhile every bit. Funny that these things happen when you're not planning for them. I loved reading it and recognize when you mention that you were mentally "noisy". I try to meditate in the evening and experience how dificult it is to direct my attention for a longer period of time on a thing, and how easy the mental chit-chat 'sneakes' my attention away.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / The Shaun of the dead
September 30, 2004, 10:49:13
I already saw this movie a 1,5 months ago or something, it's hilarious indeed! A very entertaining movie if you like wacky humor ;-) IMO it belongs to the category of better Zombie-movies: they don't run fast, like in the modern remake of Dawn of the dead!

As you send out negativity you might as well receive negativity... Like daemon says, chances are high that fear is the problem here to be worked on.
Great explanation Major Tom, obviously you have the things very clear. I am going to try the approach you just described.
Hello BOATS,

Very interesting, keep us informed!


Hahahaha, you´ve got a point there runlola [:D][:D][:D]! Maybe it´s like going to heaven and come back again[;)]?
Man, me too I'm really curious how he looks like! Let's do a general thought action: "Adrian put's picture on this thread".

I think he is just a regular looking guy between 40-50 years.