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Messages - Arena

Hi Everyone,

My boyfriend has gotten interested in researching Rods or Sky Fish. If you've never heard of them before, they are a phenomena that researchers have found when editing videotapes. They are airborne, very fast moving entities  of some sort that have a degree of intelligence and skills in maneuverability. Estimated in size anywhere between 4" to many feet. One researcher described them as energy hungry life forms of Orgone Plasmoid Energy.

Here are some links, with photos, to websites of researchers who have been investigating them.

We would be interested in anyone who has any insight into what these entities might be?  Are they positive, negative, or neutral in nature?  Are they some of the feeder types that others have talked about on this forum? Are they perhaps one of the means by which 3rd dimensional beings are being fed upon by hyperdimensional energies mainly residing in 4th density?

Thanks for any insight or info anyone has on these entities.

Arena and Denny

Hi Adrian,

Just wanted to thank you (and anyone else responsible) for the amazing job you are doing with this web site.  These new forums are great, and the web site which was great to begin with, keeps getting better and better.  I appreciate how easy it is to navigate both the forums and the web site.

Thanks for the wonderful service you are providing for us all.


Hi Everyone,

Here are two additional variations on Robert's Full-Body Storage Circuit that I came up with.

Spherical Breathing Circuit
1. On the inhale breathe in energy up your legs, up your arms, and from all over the surface area of your body, pulling energy in. (You might feel a sense of your energy expanding out slightly or like you are concentrating energy all over the surface of your body.)
2. On the exhale allow the energy to flow down into your body.  The energy permeates throughout the center of your body, and is stored in the sub navel center.
3. There is a nice in-out kind of feeling, like your whole body is breathing, when you really get going with this circuit.

Infinity Circuit
1. Bring energy down the back of your legs, though your feet, up the front of your legs and into the sub navel center.
2. Raise energy up your back, over your head, and down the front of your body and back into the sub navel center.
3. Continue in one continuous figure 8 kind of flow.  Each time you pass though the sub navel center, energy is stored there.
4. Then reverse direction and do the circuit in the opposite way.
5. You can also do a Lateral Infinity Circuit by figure-eighting up and down the sides of the body, and going through the sub navel center from the side.

The Spherical Breathing Circuit is actually very similar to Robert's except for the energy movement is happening from all directions and moving in, while with the Full Body Circuit the energy movement is more up and down. (Is there another word besides "sphere" that indicates energy moving in or radiating out from a center point?)

The Infinity Circuit feels blissful to me, and like it balances my energy field. The Lateral Infinity Circuit feels like it balances my brain's hemispheres.

Let me know what your experience is, if you work with them.

Hi Adrian, Frank, and Everyone else,

I too, have stumbled on this "technique" but have not tried it as a method by itself yet.  One of my many approaches is to do anything that intensifies energetic sensation.  Focusing on my third eye by rolling my eyes back, definitely can increase vibrations and other energetic sensations. I also recommend doing an internal brushing down kind of movement inside your forehead or third eye.  Robert described a similar Brow center stimulation technique in his Training Guide to Seeing Auras.  I also do many other kinds of energy movements, but find that most are hard to describe, because they are energy movements, and are not physical.  For example, if I have a falling sensation, I then try to repeat it, and end up stumbling onto an energy movement that leads to that falling feeling.  

So far for me, lucid dreaming, astral projection, altered deep trance states, etc... all seem to be one whole continuum.  There isn't a clear demarcation that says now I am definitely out.  Although, it does feel like my consciousness gets looser and looser and freer and freer, and all kinds of "journeys" and experiences happen.  Like my body is asleep, and my consciousness is awake and lucid and free. Time and space feel very simultaneous, like it's all here and happening all at once.  It's not a matter of going anywhere, but more like it all comes at, or to me.  I can be open and receptive and just see what comes, or I can intend and create, and thus move into what I want.

I do think projection is easier and more ordinary and basic than we make it out to be.  Some time ago, I noticed that all the people who have regular OBE's or lucid dreams, are really into it.  They devote a lot of time and focus to doing it.  Soon after I made the decision to devote myself to it, lots started happening.

All types of OBE methods and attempts seem to strengthen the energy body and lead to greater energetic development.  It's exciting when you finally feel like you're living a whole life.  Waking life seems like it's only half of our experience/existence.  A key seems to be to enjoy whatever part of it you are able to do, or whatever it is that you are experiencing.  All kinds of weird and uncomfortable sensations can become pleasurable if you allow yourself to sink into and enjoy them.  All OBE techniques can be a fun and pleasurable journey in and of themselves.

I hope I didn't stray too much from the topic here and I hope this is helpful.


Adrian and Everyone else,

I have been grappling with this Lucid Dream/Astral Projection question.  When I randomly and accidentally had lucid dreams or OBE's they seemed liked two distinct phenomenon.  Now, I find myself able to consciously enter into a lucid state where I am able to journey at will.  All types of experience occur in a free association kind of way.  I am able to intend a location, such as the Akashic records, and then have a meaningful experience/vision "there".  Sometimes, I start to "dream" and find myself at a familiar location, and then explore what is happening there.  I have lots of imagery/sensory experiences that are impossible to put into words and describe.  Also, fragments of observing a familiar object from an interesting angle, that seem a distinctly OBE-like experience.  

Anyhow, so far in my controlled and conscious journeys, it seems like I, (meaning both my conscious and subconscious self), am creating it all.  Much to my surprise and disappointment, I don't feel like I'm journeying out of my own psyche. (I'm not disappointed in the experiences themselves, just in the not being able to feel like I'm outside my own psyche.) I have been trying to encounter other entities.  I tried to contact my dead grandmother. Although I had a very comforting and nurturing experience, I still felt like I was contacting a part of myself.

Also, I find that the concepts of time and space dissolve when having these kinds of experiences.  Everything is simultaneously here and happening all at once.  The idea of going anywhere becomes absurd, as it's more like shifting realities/dimensions/focus of what is all already right here. I'm also able to maintain some sense of contact with what is happening around my body, sounds etc... It feels like waking and dreaming have switched places or inverted.  Real life is present, but is more dreamlike and less real, then whatever I'm experiencing.

Also the vibrations don't seem to directly impact the state.  Sometimes I have them and sometimes not. The vibrations seem to be one of multiple kinds of energetic sensations. Perhaps they intensify the experience of traveling through astral tunnels, but the connection is not fully clear to me yet.

I do hear a most unusual sound, like a wheezing.  I read something someone else wrote about that kind of sound.  Equating it with a sound Carlos Casteneda wrote about, when the double leaves the body.

I am interested in how others determine that an astral projection is more real than a dream or vision, and that they are in fact outside of their own psyche.

Thanks for raising the topic.


Welcome to Dreams! / WILD websites
March 17, 2002, 12:12:47
This guy Claude de Contrecoeur has a really interesting method.  I just came across it and haven't had a chance to try it out.  Let me know if you do and if you have any success with it.


So far I like the old web site better.  The new design makes me feel claustrophobic.  I think it would be better without the top banner, if you are going to go with it.  I like the blue but prefer more changes, or a variety of colors and schemes.  If the whole site were in the same blue format, it would be more boring and monotomous to me.  More slick and professional isn't necessarily better.  To me, the old site has a more comfortable feel.

Thanks again though, for all your work and efforts.  (Whatever you decide will be fine.)