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Messages - UmmaGumma

Yeah, I agree that I should see a doctor.  But I was just kind of amazed by the experience.  I know it wasn't a result of lucid dreaming.  I've had the experiences enough that I can distinguish one experience from the other.  The experience was the same as it is when I first reach the separation stage of an OBE, only instead of floating away from my body, I must have just lingered above it as I viewed the inside of my body.  Anyway, who knows...?
I have been having some heart problems lately.  As a result, something compelled me to do something that I had never done before while having an OBE: Look inside my body.

While I was lying on my bed, I fell into the sleep state that allows me to have an OBE.  But instead of floating up and leaving my body, I remained lying on the bed while having an OBE.  I then raised up my right leg and stared at it.  At first I seen my blue pant leg, and then right before me, I was able to see the veins in my leg and watched as the blood circulated throughout my leg.  I then did the same with my left leg and saw the same thing.  I was impressed with how healthy the inner workings of my legs appeared to be.

Next, I looked down at my brown AC/DC T-shirt and pulled back the collar, exposing the left side of my chest.  At first all I saw was my skin.  And then amazingly, the skin on my chest gradually faded away, exposing my heart.  When I looked at my heart, it appeared dark and diseased.  I was so terrified by the sight of my heart, I quickly let go of my shirt collar so I wouldn't have to look at it.  Man, this experience really terrified me.  Seeing my heart in that condition, I don't even have any words to describe such an experience... 
Quote from: fonesolo on July 03, 2009, 18:40:10
heya, im relatively new to this and was wondering whether people who have experienced astral projection
believe it to be real or just in their head? forgive me, i imagine this has cropped up alot

please just people who've done it express their opinions

I've had several validations that these phenomena were real.  The most amazing was the time my ex-boyfriend, whom I have remained friends with, showed up in my OBE while I was having an OBE.  He is very advanced in OBEs and APs and told me he wanted us to have an OBE together sometime.  So, while I was having an OBE one evening, a shadowy figure appeared on my stairs and I knew from the silhouette that it had to be him.  I especially recognized the outline of his hair.  A couple of days later after he appeared in my OBE, my ex came over to my house in person and asked me if I had seen him.  And I told him that I knew it was him!  Even more amazingly, he describe exactly what had taken place while we were both sharing an OBE.  This particular experience validated for me that these experiences are indeed real.  And that's not the only validation I've had, either.       
I've had several validations.  But the most validating was the one in which my ex showed up in my OBE.  He has these experiences also, only his are more progressed.  He told me he was going to come and join me sometime.  And he did!  A few days after he appeared in my OBE, my ex came over to my house and asked me if I had seen him.  I told him, "I knew that shadowy figure on the stairs was you!"  I had recognized his silhouette----especially that of his hair!  My ex even told me that at one time when I flew past him that my and his heads had collided.  This had happened when I decided to fly through him instead of past him the second time around.  I flew through him from his neck up.  This is when he and I collided heads!

Another time, I traveled into my son's room and briefly watched as he sat at the computer and watched YouTube videos.  Later, I asked him if he had been watching wrestling videos on YouTube.  He said he had been watching UFC videos on YouTube.  In my book, the same thing!  He must have thought I meant WWE and was specific that it was in fact UFC.  I asked him if it had been wrestling cause I just knew it had been two guys squaring off in a ring.

Another time my ex came over, and as he and I stood outside talking, he nodded toward the direction underneath my upstairs bedroom window and asked me if, a few days earlier, I had traveled out my bedroom window just underneath the spot where he had motioned his head.  Again, I was excited but not shocked to learn that he had seen me.  I told him I had done that very thing because I wanted to scare the neighbor's dog that was always barking and annoying me.

Quote from: catmeow on June 30, 2009, 19:23:13
Hi UmmaGumma

It's always good to hear validations like these, would you be interested in adding your validations to the validation thread:



I'd be more than happy!

Quote from: thedubdude on January 22, 2009, 01:31:46
I've been having OBE's and lucid dreams for about 30 years now. I have them frequently about once a week on average. Since the time of my first OBE I've studied and read many books on the subject and many many books on spirtuality. My view of the world has changed dramatically since my first OBE and I do believe in reincarnation and life after death. That being said, I have yet to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the OBE experience is more than a trick of the mind. Here are some of the experiments I've tried (and failed) to prove the "realness" of the experience:

1. placed a random card face up and viewed it while out of body: I could see the card but it constantly changed while I viewed it. In the end I never correctly identified the card. Experiment performed 4 times.

2. Placed a closed box ,with an unknown item inside, inside my room. I try to reach inside the box and identify the item. Never could. Experiment performed about 5 times.

3. Tried speaking to my wife while out of body. She never rememberd having had the conversation. Experiment performed maybe 3 times.

4. Tried identifying a written word left out by my wife...never could. Experiment performed 3 times.

Here are some things that make me think it might be "real":

1. I've felt my astral cord.
2. I've opened my real eyes while my arms were out of my body and I saw my astral hands.

If anyone can suggest an experiment they have done that has succeed in convincing them beyond a shadow of a doubt that this experience is more than an illusion/delusion of the mind I would like to hear about it. Thank you in advance.

Sorry you are quick to disbelieve.  I've had several validations.  But the most validating was the one in which my ex showed up in my OBE.  He has these experiences also, only his are more progressed.  He told me he was going to come and join me sometime.  And he did!  A few days after he appeared in my OBE, my ex came over to my house and asked me if I had seen him.  I told him, "I knew that shadowy figure on the stairs was you!"  I had recognized his silhouette----especially that of his hair!  My ex even told me that at one time when I flew past him that my and his heads had collided.  This had happened when I decided to fly through him instead of past him the second time around.  I flew through him from his neck up.  This is when he and I collided heads!

Another time, I traveled into my son's room and briefly watched as he sat at the computer and watched YouTube videos.  Later, I asked him if he had been watching wrestling videos on YouTube.  He said he had been watching UFC videos on YouTube.  In my book, the same thing!  He must have thought I meant WWE and was specific that it was in fact UFC.  I asked him if it had been wrestling cause I just knew it had been two guys squaring off in a ring.

Another time my ex came over, and as he and I stood outside talking, he nodded toward the direction underneath my upstairs bedroom window and asked me if, a few days earlier, I had traveled out my bedroom window just underneath the spot where he had motioned his head.  Again, I was excited but not shocked to learn that he had seen me.  I told him I had done that very thing because I wanted to scare the neighbor's dog that was always barking and annoying me.

Maybe someday you'll have an experience that will validate that these experiences are in fact real and not imagined.  I have not a doubt in my mind that my experiences are VERY real. 
Well, gee whiz, no wonder no one has agreed to do it.  Have you guys read all the conditions and terms that must be agreed upon?  A lot of these conditions are ridiculous, such as you have to have a "media presence", or in other words, you must have been written about by the media.  I mean, come on.  And you have to provide your own transportation costs, etc.  Oh, and no use of illicit drugs.  My ex can have his experiences much easier after smoking pot. 

Now I can see why no one has taken up the challenge.  The foundation has written up so many terms and conditions that it practically assures its self that no one will fit every little criteria expected of him or her.  Boy, what a waste of time...
Quote from: CFTraveler on June 10, 2009, 10:20:53   Get to the last part.

A possible reason why R. didn't want to test Radin.

After looking at this- do you think having 'fair' rules is the same as following them?
  Au Contraire.  I know it's real because I've received validations that I couldn't prove to others.  So I just think you have decided to set a series of parameters that are impossible to cover (because validations are done in the RTZ, and most of the time we don't know if we're in the astral or etheric (RTZ) and then use them to measure something that just isn't measurable that way.

Be that as it may, it's obvious to me that you made up your mind a long time before this post was made.

CFTraveler, you are so right.  My ex and I proved to each other that it is real.  He showed up in my OBE one night.  He was in the form of a dark shadowy figure.  I recognized his silhouette---especially that of his hair!  I flew past him on the stairs the first time, and then the second time I decided to fly straight threw him.  He came over a few days later and asked if I had seen him.  I was ecstatic!  I said, "Yes!  I knew it was you."  He then went on to say that at one time, our heads collided with each other.  Again, I was amazed!  I told him our heads had collided when I flew straight threw him because I past threw him from the neck up.  And I have other stories that validate my experiences.
This is the first I've heard of it.  The problem that I have is that I cannot OBE or astral project at will.  I can only have the experience when I have fallen into the sleep-paralysis state.  Now, if there is some way that I can be put into the sleep-paralysis state, h*ll, I'd be more than happy to prove it.  As a matter of fact, my ex can do it much easier than me.  He might be able to do it.  I just might have to look into this...
I have scared the bejesus out of my cat---twice!

My ex and I encountered each other during an OBE (he has the experiences, too).

I have tried visiting the Akashic Records but failed. : (

I visited my son's room once and watched as he viewed videos on YouTube.  I reached out to touch his face and the tip of my pinky slipped between his teeth and I felt as he bit the tip of my pinky.  It wasn't painful, just a slight sensation.

I visited 1975.  I ended up in the kitchen of what looked like a house that my aunt had lived in during that time.

But the best visit I ever encountered during these experiences was the time I was able to visit my deceased mother during an astral projection.  She was surrounded by this glow of light and she had the most tranquil and peaceful smile on her face.  I told her how much I loved and missed her and then I returned back to my body quickly after that.   
Quote from: CFTraveler on May 07, 2009, 21:06:42
But what would be the point?
Prove it to you? (SB)
If I have an experience that is shared, and the other person verifies it, that's all I need to know that my experience is part of collective reality.
Why 'should' I try to prove it to you, provided that you said the same to me, if I shared an adventure in this forum?

Exactly.  If I were going to concoct a story, why would I say that the person was my ex?  Most people do not stay close friends with his or her ex.  If it had been fiction, I would have just said a close friend, relative, or something of that nature.  That would have saved me the extra time of having to explain the details of why I had this very experience with my ex-boyfriend.  Thanks, guys, for being believers.  :-D
Quote from: SkepticBoy on May 07, 2009, 14:12:59
Cool but would you be willing to take a lie detector test on this?

Absolutely.  I have no reason to lie.  I have never been a liar or a bullsh!tter.  I was not raised that way.
My ex-boyfriend and I have remained close friends.  Some time ago, he admitted to me about his OBE and AP experiences, thinking I would think he was nuts.  I was stunned by his admission because I was having the same experiences also.  Therefore, he and I began sharing our experiences with each other until one day we finally met up in the same OBE.

It happened as I lay on my bed one night and began to drift off into the sleep paralysis state.  I then heard my ex's voice and thought he was just outside my bedroom door talking to my son.  So, after leaving my body, I flew through the bedroom door and passed this dark shadowy figure on my stairs.  I then returned to my body.  I decided to leave my body and do it again, only this time I was going to fly straight through the shadowy figure.  So I leave my body, fly through the bedroom door, noticed that the shadowy figure was still on my stairs so I flew straight through it.  I went out my front door and around the corner before finally returning to my body once again.

After waking up, I opened my bedroom door and realized no one was there.  I then remembered the shadowy figure and realized just how much the figure resembled the shape and size of my ex---even the shape of his hair.  A few days later, my ex came over for a visit.  After he sat down on the sofa, he grinned at me and asked me if I had seen him in a dream.  He said he came to see me through his OBE and saw me.  He said that we even bumped heads one time.  I told him that I saw him on the stairs!!  And that the second time around, when I flew straight through him, must have been when we bumped heads.  I even showed up at his apartment one time momentarily and heard him call out my name, which he validated the next day.  Anyway, just had to share this with you guys. 

Quote from: katrinamaria on February 08, 2009, 22:30:37
Recently, in an astral experience, I found a hand mirror that seemed to be a replica of an existing one in my room. It was slightly different from the real thing, but very clearly meant to represent it. For some reason, I held it to my ear. It told me that it was sent to me by the Green Eyes Society. I wasn't able to get much more out of it than a sense that the object would be reachable by the astral.

So, random bullox, or is it something I should look into? Has anyone had a similar experience?

Now that's really weird.  Let me tell you about an experience that I had:

I had been very despondent over the abduction of my cat.  He was a very beautiful cat (big blue eyes, fluffy white fur, and very fat)and I know with certainty that he came up missing because someone adored him and decided to steal him from me.  He was wearing a collar with my phone number on it, so there's no way he could have gotten lost without any way to contact me.

Anyway, during an astral projection, I announced that I wanted to go to the Akashic records and try to find my cat, Myles.  At that very moment, I felt myself being lifted up and in an instant before me I saw a huge pair of green eyes surrounded by long dark lashes.  I again announced that I was looking for my cat Myles, and the next thing I knew, I was watching my beloved cat before me.  The vision was crystal clear.  I saw him walking around in what looked like a muddy backyard.  He was walking around very carefully as he was trying to avoid stepping into water.  I just knew I was seeing him where he was at that very moment.   

Sadly, the vision of him faded into blackness and I remember saying frantically, "No, I need a name.  I need a name!"  I was then taken back down from that place, returned to my body, and woke up.

I just thought it was weird that I had been lifted up and put before a set of large green eyes and then you mention something about "The Green Eyes Society."  Obviously, this must mean something.  Maybe another member knows what it all means.   
Quote from: SkepticBoy on January 18, 2009, 05:46:40
Is there any pills or substances that are supposed to specifically induce vibrations? and pls just reply if you know of any. Thanks.

I just posted this on another thread but I'll repeat it.  The only time I can OOBE or AP is when I'm experiencing the sleep paralysis state.  As a matter of fact, your body will begin to vibrate when you start slipping into sleep paralysis.  If I take sleep medications that put me into a deep sleep, I'm unable to experience sleep paralysis and cannot have an OOBE or AP.  However, I have noticed that the best time for me to experience sleep paralysis is when my Darvocet medication starts to wear off.  I'll be lying on my bed watching TV and begin nodding off.  The comedown from the Darvocet makes it so that I nod off lightly and I can experience sleep paralysis.  Once in the sleep paralysis state, I can easily have an OOBE and sometimes an AP.  Now, I want to add that I take the Darvocet for chronic pain and not for the purpose of having an OOBE or AP.     
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Re: seizures?
January 23, 2009, 03:37:24
It seems that if I take sleep medication that puts me in a deep sleep I am unable to have an OOBE or AP.  The only time I can have either is when I'm aware of the sleep paralysis state; therefore, the sleep medication puts me into too much of a deep sleep, making me incapable of experiencing sleep paralysis.

However, I have noticed that the best time for me to experience sleep paralysis is after my Darvocet medication starts to wear off.  I'll be lying on my bed watching TV and start to nod off.  But the come down effects of the Darvocet is so that it makes me nod off lightly to where I can experience sleep paralysis.  Once in sleep paralysis, I can easily exit my body and have either an OOBE or AP.
The vibration is caused by your body going into the sleep paralysis state.  I have felt the vibrations so strongly before that I began to wonder if my area was experiencing an earthquake.  As soon as my body enters the sleep paralysis state I'm able to leave my body. 
Once I flew into my son's room to see what he was up to.  I saw him sitting at the computer viewing what appeared to be wrestling videos from YouTube.  Sometime after I returned to my body and woke up, I went into his room and asked him if he had been watching wrestling on YouTube.  He said no, that he had been watching UFC on YouTube.  He must have thought I meant WWE but all I saw were two men in a ring facing off each other.  I could have very easily mistaken UFC for wrestling because to me it's about the same thing.

Also, just today, I flew down the stairs from my room, pass the living room, and into the kitchen and alerted my cat.  He appeared frightened and more than likely ran up the stairs to try and hide in my room.  Before I returned to my room and my body, I leaned over and opened the cabinet door where I store my pots and pans.  After returning to my body and waking up, I opened my bedroom door and there stood my cat at my door wanting to come inside.  I then went downstairs to see if I had indeed opened the cabinet door.  The cabinet door with the pots and pans was not opened and I felt disheartened until I looked over and saw that the cabinet door next to the stove was standing opened!  No one else could have opened it.  I must have opened it, thinking that I had opened the other one instead.  I also have another incident that proved I had not been dreaming or hallucinating the experience.  I'll post it another time.

Anyway, it seems sometimes that when I'm in a light sleep state, my OOBE experiences are weak and slow.  I can't hardly travel anywhere and get very confused about my surroundings.  But when my OOBEs are strong, I can travel fast and very easily and see things much clearer.  Also, when our surroundings seem to change or take a different form, I can't help but wonder if we're actually just seeing different dimensions of our surroundings.  I've laid on my bed and heard voices that seem to be coming from other dimensions.  I don't know, just a theory...     
I believe in both and I experience both.  However, it seems that when I'm more emotional, I tend to have astral projections.  Also, it depends on how deep of a sleep state that I'm in.  When I'm in a deeper state I tend to astral project and when I'm in a lighter state I tend to just have an out of body or etheral experience.
Recently, I saw a black shadowy figure trying to approach me and I did what you did the first time.  I bucked up and cursed at it in a very hostile tone and told it to get the f*ck away from me!  It left me alone.  Later, I was worried that I might have been hostile to a good spirit and felt bad.  But at the time, I sensed it was an evil spirit trying to latch on to me and that's why I became very angry and hostile toward it.  I now think I was right to react on my initial instinct.

As far as feeling physical pain, one time I had left my body and flew into my son's room to see what he was up to.  He was sitting at his computer watching YouTube.  I remember placing my hand up to his face and when I did, the tip of my pinky must have went into his mouth because it felt like someone had bit down on my pinky finger.  I felt the actual sensation of being bitten.

Another time, after I had left my body, I could feel the sharp corner of the table that my TV sits on digging into my hip.  I flew away from it and the pain stopped.  I've also felt my head bumping into the wall as I'm trying to exit out of my room to the outside.  Also, my apartment has one of those popcorn ceilings that were very popular in the 70s (when my apartment was constructed).  As I was flying up past the ceiling and into the sky, it felt as though some of the debris from the popcorn ceiling had gotten into my eye.  Has anyone else felt any physical sensations while out of their bodies?