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Messages - nathanbrandon

I joined the forum JUST to get help and post this one thread. I have had some horrible experiences. I will be copying and pasting what I wrote. I originaly posted these on a different site. I did not get help. Somebody please explain what has happened to me.

JAN 2ND 2012

Please reply. I have been interested in lucid dreaming for months but never got to realy do it. I remembered to reality check up to like 20 times a day.(usualy only a few though). Well, last night I remembered to. I was dreaming at a school when I did. But everything went terrible! Realy terrible!!!! My living nightmare seemed to start becoming true...mabey. As i remembered to reality check, I lost control. To reality check I tried to put my hand through something, but it didnt work.(I was able to see my hands in my dream). I then realized i was on the ground but floating at the same time. I was face first, layed on my stomach an inch off the ground. My body was vibrating. It was terrible because i was parylized and the vibration was very violent and it hurt me. I felt evil entites. Im not sure if i was in sleep paryalysis. Even though i was parylized i was floating towards a pole at mabey 10 mph. i then woke up... so i think. the vibrations were still nearly hurting and every 10-20 seconds my brain felt nearly dead. it was like every 10-20 seconds i passed out for like 5 seconds uncontrollably. even though i woke up i was still parylized. i think i may have been astral projecting. i was in my room and everything looked normal, accept for one thing that im terrified of. on my wall, there was a logo. it was like an oval with 2 "v"'s on it. one above the other. if i was not astral projecting, i think it was either a false awakening, or the most horrible amazing, unbelievable thing happened for real. i become un parylized but the violent, loud buzzing vibrations still was there. basicly, a black, solid basicly vortex tornado thingy came from my roof to the floor on my left. it was strange because it was nearly pure. your could not see through it it kind of just looked like a black tube but i could tell it was spinning and i think i heard something like muffled thunder when it came in. the last thing i remember was that and the logo. i do know that i did wake up again after that, then watched a series on netflix called "heroes", its the best show ever. and now im on my laptop typing this looking for answers. i also heard things in my closet which is scary as hell when that just happened to you. i also forgot to mention, i felt like i was being warned but not in a protected way. it was like as i was parylized i felt a hand around my neck but not chocking me. i felt evil! pure evil! and i just want to know if what happened in the movie "insideous" is not going to happen to me!! im realy scared. also, ive tried to astral project before and failed, but did feel vibrations. the ones i had last night were not the same and very violent and loud and scary!!

OCT 2013

Hey, it took forever for me to find this after over a year later! I have had 2 more experiences! once i realized i was dreaming i fell to the floor vibrating and then everything turned white and only a sihloette appeared til i woke up after. Awake, i was parylized and violent vibrations rung in my head and all over. i believe i passed out multiple times durring this. that experience was a long time ago though. my most recent experience was just a few days ago. i dont recal anything about dreaming....but this scared me the most!!! as i was sleeping my body started the vibrations again....and again, loud in my head. as usual my hands felt like they were levitating just a little but. but this gets scary...i now know that even though i couldnt move, I WASNT IN SLEEP PARALYSIS!! my arms uncontrollably started slowly rising! up and up and up. almost directly hands dangled lifelessly as my arms rose just like in old or cheesy movies where the dead rise or someone gets posessed by a demon. i am scared that maybe, something is trying to take over my body...and its getting stronger....the thing is...i dont believe in the bible so if i cant believe in jesus, how can i believe in a demon? but at the same time its all that i cann think of.

That was kinda a conversation between me and some guy on his site,without what he said. I just copied and pasted my posts about my experiences. i wrote this a while ago and nothing realy has happened since then....but it could.

I WANT TO LUCID DREAM! must i kill what is stopping me? :|