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Messages - Allen

Do you have the belief that people should be nice to you? And you expect this?
If so, this is a sure way to attract negative people.
I hope that we will move from the information age to the spiritual age where loving and sharing are the main forces that rules our world.
That's the only thing we are here to learn

The technique I developed and am using successfully which I call SEEDING take less than a minute and once a day to perform to get amazing results.

No time not space and not force is needed only to change the belief in your subconscious mind.

Visualizing feelings of joy and excitement of having the desired reality is WRONG and represent a mindset of lack.

When you WANT something you create a belief of NOT HAVING the thing you want and so this beome and stay your reality...a reality of not having.
Hi powerpath6,

I agree you create all the negativity in your world, including your house.

If conscious creating not understood it can create a lot of suffering and negativity, I experienced it for years until I realized I am doing it for myself.

Whatever you can believe you can have.

Wanting to believe, mean that you do not have it and so create a reality of lack.

Want positive energy and you create a hell of a negative energy in your house....