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Messages - SEAGER

Hello I just recently seen the new trailer for the latest instalment of the insidious movies.

The part where the witch/demon thing with pointy fingers penetrates the woman chest is nearly identical to an experience i have had during the night.

What is the being and what is happening when i experienced this?

EDIT: Here is the scene im talking about
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: 18-25 AP goers
June 12, 2015, 17:25:30
Hello I'm Christopher, I am 24 years old and I'm from Great Briton! Lol
Spirit sciences video about astral projection began everything for me.
Yay! It's good to know I'm on the right track! Thanks for the reply's, any advice and similar experiences help me to gauge my progression. Hey fuzzy why don't you try using a blindfold of sorts, so that next time you look around you will know if it's pysical or astral.

Thanks again!

Edit: also I do use a modified version of that technique, only difference really being my preparation.

First thing I get into bed and put on my mind fold and earplugs (these really help).

Second I pray to high levels of consciousness for protection and guidance.

Third I protect myself with white light

Fourth just listen to the in ear tones, buzz' or any inner sounds...and fall to sleep.
Hey I started using the "How I got out for the first time."  technique about 2 weeks ago and what normally happened during the first week is that I would fall to sleep. At the start of the second week I would fall to sleep like normal then have a lucid experience within my dream, but yesterday I felt the "Concrete Blanket" sensation of sleep paralysis set in and it felt like my actual blanket started to get heavy'er and push me into the bed. Today I felt the sleep paralysis again but it was more like being paralysed rather than having a heavy blanket on top of me. I started to sit up, well tried to but it was really hard I managed to position my head up and could see an object in my bedroom that wasn't actually there before so I came to the conclusion that I was seeing my room on the astral pane as I also had a mind-fold on but could still see! Its safe to say when I woke up physically I jumped around my room with joy!  :lol:

I just wanted to share this experience to ask if this is the right sort of experience before I actually pop out and any further advice would be greatly appreciated.

Love & Light!!!
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Universal pulse
May 27, 2015, 17:18:14
I've had a thought about how the universe could be like a pulse or heart beating. What I mean by this is that the big band theory starts everything off by spreading all matter out. Then slowly black holes come about and then join with others and eventually won't there be just one singularity...will that go boom and start over??

I'm not the most informed when it comes to science as you can probley tell but I was just wondering if anyone else as touched upon this idea?
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hello from UK
October 01, 2014, 12:30:33
Hello everyone, my third dimensional name is Chris and have being having a human experience for 23 years.

I have been exploring consciousness and everything "spiritual" for about 5 month's or so.

Astral travel & Use of the third eye are what I am most excited about developing.

I have had about 3 OBE's one of which I was greeted by one of my spirit guides and another where I Called upon them and they were 5 of them stood around me holding hands, both times the feeling of love was overwhelming. :)

Well that's pretty much it, look forward to talking to like minded souls AND hopefully meeting some.
Love & Light! :)