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Messages - Lucidityman


I can say that we all agree upon that their is life after death. When I read Your post..It was real..Why because I cried.. I read 1000 of posts and Yours was true.

Remember that You also in the OBE state have perception.Your mind can place a image of a loved one were You expect to see it. But in your case..I think it is him.

You floating up..  easy fix... Just think of standing...When I float I use my hands and arm to grab onto my chair...

Don't be afraid to leave the bedroom.. I can say once you leave You will love it. You will learn ..experience so much..  I am hoping for a post from you when You fly...


I also just want to wish You guys and Women a Merry Christmas.. All the best for 2019..  Keep persuing your goals, skills, gifts...

Thanks Xanth for the website. I go here daily and read posts. I really have no need to post because you guys do such a great job at helping people out. First website that I don't have to post and can just chill. Its wonderfull. That shows me the quality of people that are here.

Ya, don't drink and drive or smoke weed and drive. Just don't don't drive. Walk home or cab it.  But sadly people when they drink, it gives them confidence, it makes the brain go.. I can do this. Yet reality is that You can't, but alcohole makes you try it.  Plan ahead. Nothing wrong with drinking beers and smoking weed. Just don't drive. I took the quad out drunk and smoked it into a tree on the front lawn. Still have a messed up back 20 years later that still reminds me of that night. So , when people say don't drink and drive ..Listen to us...

Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Nice to be Back
November 03, 2018, 18:02:03

Must admite I did ckeck everyday if the site was back up. Thumbs up to Xanth.I have not posted much..You guys do a really great job at answering questions.

Been watching your posts. I see nothing wrong with what You are doing. What You do seems normal to me. You have a nice progression going forward.

I can say that if Your mind questions wether it is the obe body or the pshyical body moving..  It's time for you to exit. Go explore.

What I tell people is that don't over think things..If you have a sence or a feeling..act on it. The worst that can happen is that You wake up in bed. The best thing thatcan happen is that You OBE. I can say I have many times questioned my mind..Should I fall of the bed? Everything in me says yes.. and each time when I just risk it all .. The mind was never wrong. 

You are fine ..normal... just chill and let things happen.  Leaving the body is about recognising sensations, response to the sensations. I personally when I leave the body I do it blind. Once my body stabilizes itself..I open my OBE eyes and usually do something crazy like jump of the balcony and twist my body on it's back and fly. Thought says You can't fly..yet You jump and You fall for about 2 seconds and then ..poof ..You float in the air effortlessly.. It can become the experience addicting.


Welcome to the forum.

I can't really answer your questions. But I will write a little bit. I love to EP..The EP is a level lower then the Astral. I think if you want to leave the body, You need to mentally be ready. In my years of experience,I find that most people who have a interest in this thing, that they have fear of the unknown. A lot of people who try this..I don't think they are ready for it. You have to open your mind to the fact that life exsistes in the afterlife.

When You leave the body You will see other entities.Are You mentally ready for that? Leaving the body is not scary. It's just are you mentally strong to accept it. I can not decide for you.If you think you are.. go for it. If not.. just chill... What a OBE did for me was open up my brain. It gave me all these channels of life to explore. It made me think.. What if...  It made me question life.

I can say that OBE'ing is addictive. If You ever leave the body and feel uneasy..just grab your pinky fingure. Your Obe will end with in 2 seconds. One thing to keep in mind is that when You OBE nice to people.. Treat them like You want to be treated in life...You will do fine.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Chicken or the Egg
September 09, 2018, 19:40:40

I think humans when they experience something that they do not understand, they call it as fake. It's their way of finding comfort or a meaning to something they don't understand. If you don't understand something, then it must not be real. I don't judge these people's each their own.

I personally think that you can't use the word "Real" and compare it to what we experience in the afterlife. You are trying to put a word on something that we know as "real" from the pshyical world to the non physical.

I think the chicken was a animale that grew and developed over time. Then eventually it turned into a chicken that produced a egg..LOL

Nightmares and fear.. I think are related. I would say fear and nightmares are inter twined. If you have a can trigger fear. If you goto bed and have can trigger a nightmare.

Bliss or Orgasm... Hmmm... It's the same thing. All Your questions of who came first..are questions that you can flip around. Your questions are part of life that everyone thinks yet we have no answer to it. That is what makes life wonderfull.. Not knowing the answers to life's questions makes you live life.

When I goto the Ehreal I never thought about questioning if it was real or not. It did not matter to me. What I experience to me is my experience and if I think it is real or not..does not matter. I have been out in the Ethreal and seen things, the Astral and if it is just a illusion created from my mind that I am projected into.. Hey..I am not complaining..It's wonderfull.


If you catch yourself waking up... The moment has passed to have a obe. Even if you got vibes..Your chance of a obe is ..pretty much gone.. Why because you don't have the  conciouness to fuel it. Your conciouness is now focused on being  awake. You should do this during the night. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Flopping around like a fish is .. ya's not all that good. Shows me that you have long passed the s/p stage..  You need that stage to obe. No fish flopping.  Your goal is to fall asleep without knowing that You did. The mind will.. respond. I keep telling people if you want to obe..don't try.  LOL

Sorry I don't mean to be negative.. Just want you to succed.


Tough question to answer. I would say as a start would be to replay your dreams during the day.  Go outside and look at nature. When people asked for a tech or a book to do something..To me that's kind of missing the point. The best way to learn something is not from a tech or book, but just doing it. Close your eyes and let imagery appear. Even if their was a tech, it would not work well because each person is different. So the best way to learn something is to understand your own self and have a desire to learn. Pretty much just follow your heart and things will happen.
Lets see what other people write.

Welcome to Astral Pulse..

You will like it here..I have not posted much because all the people here do such a good job. Plume ..You know why your command did not work right? Intention.

I am rusty at posting..LOL    and Hello Karin.. I don't have facebook either.


Nice to see another person who vibrates. I knew it was not just me. LOL

I don't think you have a problem. Why? Because it works for you. Works for me so why change it. Like they say if it ain't broken, leave it be.. Its how more of how you work it, become receptive to it. Hypn. is good.. and yes sometimes you don't reach the state for a obe, but I would bet that those times that you are so close to a obe that you will have a very long lucid dream.Very stable.

I think vibrations are your ..don't know what to call it..the inside of you .. your conciosness (still cant spell that word after 47 years)'s aligning itself with the next world you want to enter. Obe world. Every thing on earth here has atoms that vibrate, molecules ..everything around you is in a constant state of activity, vibration. You just don't feel it here because you are part of it. Once you want to leave this place, you will have to shift to a higher? vibration to be part of that place.. So when your body vibrates that means it's trying to match itself with the next frequency.So you can enter it and be part of it. I think I am correct in saying that because after I leave My vibrations stop. Because I have now entered the next world and become a part of it. If my thinking is wrong then we should every person on earth should be vibrating right now...

my tech to leave the body without vibes is .. the same tech as having vibes.. vibes have taught me "go zone" .. Vibes have taught me how to sence, how to feel, how to react...  Try it .

I know off topic.. I just love talking about vibes.

Well know one else took a stab at this post..I will..

Might be a tad ruff...  Ah pretty sure the blackness U experience is the void... You can think in it..normally you don't.   When you see a hallway with doors each door is a part of your consciousness... so that's a good sign... You can before you enter the hallway door.."think" .. What you just thought before entering the door might just come true...LOL that's the beauty of the mind.

I think U R on the right path..You just need to do more work in keeping your consciousness alive and active. U keep drifting of to sleep. That's okay but sort of a no no. I also think that You are doing okay but have a lot of mixed things.. Like dream, mixed with momments of vividness... to maybe lucid...   I have spent 10 years reading peoples posts, wrote back at least 10k might be 18k by now..not bragging..sometimes the best answer is to just the the person experience it on it's own. Not being mean.


Sixx..Nice screen name... I Think I know you from years ago...

As You know to leave the body is all about intent. A thirst... a will ..motivation. You can goto bed and "want" to do it.. won't happen. You need to have a desire... their is no "I might do it" ..wrong.. "You will do it."

You and me are similar... We both , our obes come natural to us... My obe's have stopped, Instead I think you progress. Hard to explain... For me I have more contact to the afterlife then I did when I ep'd. It seemed to advance me. Instead of vibes, doing the thing... I no longer need to do that basic form of Ep. I have ..allthough it slow... feel spirites around me when I sit here... It means you graduated as I call it to the next level.  You can always go back , but you don't need to. Experriment with the new ness... Since my ep's stopped I attract animales... LOL Figure that one out.

I solved the g/f problem by buying to single beds. Putting them next to each other so we are still together, just separate. She can toss and turn, I can lie in my bed with no blankets since I ma just hot. It works.

As for a exit tech...hmmm...  We all have our own methods. Don't think their is a once great tech to exit. You just have to feel it, sence it, and do what works for you. I would recommend lying on your side in bed. It makes exiting easier since your bodies mass in a good position. If you lye on your back its hard to exit. Think of it like this... a patio stone... When the stone is lying flat down(like your body).. it's hard to move, but once you put the patio stone on its side, its easy to just roll it from corner to corner. I personally just roll my self of the bed when I get vibes.


You make me smile. Sometimes when in the astral I just stand their and look at the colours. The sky, the grass, the water, trees. The colours are truly amazing. Pshyical life I don't think cant even replicate the vibrantness of the colours that we see.

I can't prove that life exsistes after pshyical death. But , I have many times when Lucid, when OBE land, run into a dead parent. I look at them and say"Arn't you dead"? They just smile and say "no". So next time you obe asked people that you see. If they are dead. The answer will be "no". Just dead psycially.. on this earthly plane. I look at death and the after life as a graduation from this life..a advancement..

I also wonder what my next life will be like..if it is anything like the astral... Lucid ain't ever leaving if it is..LOL



The questions are getting harder...LOL...

I am not sure how you can pull your hair while having vibes. I do believe that you exited the body. Your friend touching your elbow..  How sure are you it was you friend? I asked becuase I think the person grabbing your elbow may of been a guide. Unless you have really talented friends who know what they are doing projection wise...  it's probally not him. Guides can change thier apperence to someone you feel comfortable with and help you that way.

Was not a lucid dream. Humans are multi dimentional people. When we dream at night..don't we goto to a dimension that I call dream land. ? When you obe at will enter another dimension. What is the dimension... hmmmm... for me Etheric..for you?  I can say that you are doing well with your journies...   Don't question it, were you go... just take it and enjoy were ever you are.

Once you questions things..blah..You will go nuts...LOL It's okay to try and figure things out, make sence of what happend...but life is easier if you just go .."ya" that happened..  let's see if it happens again.

Probally over thingking...My keyboard is dying.... I have a multiple persoanlity disorder in real life.. I never had my personalities in real life , ever translate over to a Obe or show me out in a obe as one of my other personalities in life. So ...   Have a great day also.  Hey I tried to answer...


This is my opinion.. I am not against people useing beats to try and trigger a OBE stage. To each their own..what ever works for you..let it work...

I have found out over time that all you need to OBE is your self. Believe in your self..have confidence, have a intent of what you want to do..  If it does not work right away, just say..blah... it will work next try...

Like with beats, it's hard to explain.. You are using a outside pshysical thing to trigger something physical. (Beats) .. You are not obeing' naturally.. you are like take a pill and it will do this..  The whole key to a obe is inner self confidence..  The key is to goto bed , chill and expect nothing. Yet maintain your intention in the back groud of the brain(intention)...  Leaving the body is a ..Balance between trying and not trying.. hard to explain..You kind of want to be "zero" or on a line of neutralness. You want to be aware, have intent, yet at the at the same time , you want to with any energy of your intent, you also want to balance that with the opposite of intention... You want to try without trying...LOL

I have never used Hemi sync , beats, or what ever other people come up with (devices) to leave the body. I left the body 87 times and stopped counting after that...  haha...  That was like when I was 30..If I can do it..hey you can do it also.

Xanth  woot woot..  Is Novice still around?


Tad rusty in goes...

A guide comes in many forms..even in non pshyical life..   For me guides ..they come and go...  They don't stick around long. Guides seem to just be their for a short purpose and then they leave after they see that their mission, their help for you "helped" .   Does that make sence?

I have had a guide grab my ankles and drag me off the bed was like being on a sled in the snow..the exit from the body was so smooth.. never knew that I can leave the body from my feet..LOL 

For me guides ..I don't look for them . they just appear.even when I think my obe is going great.. I don't need any help.. Sometimes I think guides just appear to check in on you on your obe..

My one guide that sticks out ..her name was Riika..or Rekka... She was amazing...  wish I can see her again. The thing with guides is that you can't get attached to them.. they are a once in a life time ..moment in you time of projection.

This is funny... I left the body went to the kitchen..  issuing commands to keep the projection fueled and going.. never stand still..  and this person next to me ..not sure if it was a female or male, just a spirite... and they said wait.. some one is comming.. Did not think anything about it.. seconds later i see a old lady with a gown materialize down the hallway and walk up to me ...  she was shorter them me.. I did not want my projection to end so I did summer saults in the air ...  she got mad... I said sorry..just trying to keep my projection going... and she stood next to me  and my body tanked ,sucked energy from her..I actually felt bad using her energy... Then she talked to me with pictures..  No voice.. It was like a very fast slide show of pics...  It was amazing yet very confusing...  Her last pic in my head that she sent me was a black and white map of Oaklahoma. Spent days trying to figure it out..then 6 days later I see on the news that a Tornado hit Oaklahoma.. it all made sence that day.

LOL Ya this post was ruff..   You guys on here Xanth ,Velocity, You guys are doing great ansering questions..keep it up.. Good job !


Not going to mentor you because I don't think you can teach someone how to leave the body. Its up to every individual person to figure out how their body works. You trying for a year is ..well might seem long to you with no results, but a year is not really all that long.

Don't try so hard.. instead expect it to happen when you forget about it..LOL does that make sence. If you try to obe by doing the same thing each night in bed, it works against itself. You want to goto bed with the intention of leaving the body.. that's all. Your body and mind is very well aware of what you want to do, so let it process its brain stuff and let it do it for you. Every person is capable of a obe.. just takes some people longer, takes some people shorter..

If I explained it to you how I do it, how do I know that it will work for you? My first time just happened naturally. Signs that signal to me if I am close, is a feeling of pressure in my head, then a sudden clear alertness, eyesight happens, vibes, its just a sence in the body that says this is it..go ..get up of the bed.. that sence has never ever been wrong.

Why don't you try something else? try lucid dreaming first.. or try just seeing how slow you can make your heart beat at night, how slow you can take a breath without gasping for air..  I would advise you not to drink alcohole, smokes, tokes,pills..  those things mess up your sleep cycle.

As for websites, I don't really view other websites..just this one. This one seems to have a lot of information covered.  I find that reading other peoples obe's on a website makes my brain think and compare their experience to my own. When I spend to much time reading and thinking about other peoples obe's sometimes triggers a obe for me the next night.. go figure..

What you want to do is goto bed normally and dream and sleep. Once you wake up at night, then try, just lie their motionless,thoughtless, you can replay in your head the last dream imagery you drempt. Do something to fall back asleep (which u will do naturally because u just slept) and keep the mind awake.. sometimes I count, sometimes I think of sex, most of the time I forget what I want to do, and poof..vibes...
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Aware in dream
June 19, 2015, 17:37:58

You were lucid.. ah.. when lucid don't stand still. When U R lucid and don't know what to do next, always keep the feet moving, do something to keep the body from being still while lucid.. dance.. once you just stand their lucidity ends.

You did happy..

Trying to make a building disappear is not do-able..well you can.. but you might want to try and alter your lucid dream world on a smaller scale for now.. basically just work with in it consciously.. sounds boring but its not. If you try to erase say your building in the dream.. it alters your dream.. what ever is creating the dream that you see that you are in lucid now.. don't do drastic changes to it.. lucidity will crash fast.  I do like that you got up and went ..I want to make the building disappear.. to me that shows you are comfortable in the moment and thinking.. 

Hints and tips.. don't have any since you are doing well.. do what you did last time and see why it did not produce the same result of a lucid dream..  :-)

Your command is wrong. the command should be "clarity now" .......

Why? because demand is not a "intention" as clarity now is..  Leaving they body is all about what you intend to do. Fine its dark out.. the only reason it is dark is because you see it as dark.Sorry for the post..not being mean to you.

Sometimes I leave the body blind,,I leave through sensation, inner felling, done that before when I could see..   all you guys are so close..and its nice read posts of success.,


Drink a beer and your social awarkness will go away, therefor no more need to tell a white lie to make the conversation move s long.

Is it write or wrong? does it affect your spiritualness?.. I don't know because I am always to open and honest..LOL   

Being socially insecure is totally fine  :-D


I like the way you are progressing. I do not think that you did anything stupid.. your wrist moved because you waited to long to exit. Sleep parralisis was over. When you cant roll of the bed, but you can see, look for anything close to you to grab onto and yank your self of the bed.

Your exit tech can be anything you can create, think of how to get the body of the bed. Think of back up plans if the roll out method does not work. I know people do things at their own pace, but you need to be fast, like bang bang bang.. first method did not try, boom right away goto method number two.. then boom, go right back to method number one that did not work. Your key goal is to break the suction between your inner body and the pshyical one.

Eric, no..   my own belief is that if you were to take a herb, a root, a pill, powder.. your experience may seem like you left the body, but that is not a true obe. I know many people want to eat a magical root or smoke a herb and poof, they leave the body or have amazing dream recall. It don't work like that. It might work if your belief in eating say a root that you will obe may work, but then again it comes down to belief. So why not just believe in yourself? instead of looking for food things that may or may not help you obe. Sorry this post was ruff.

The people that you see when out of body are all wonderfull people.

I have seen a person least 7 feet tall with no facial features, like eyes, lips, the face was just a structure were eye balls would go. Peacefull being.
I have been cornered by dogs that ate the meat of my hands while I thought how the bonk do I get out of here now.
I have seen in my kitchen a whole branch of my family tree of dead people all sitting their talking, waiting for me.
I ticked of a spirit guild..LOL 
I had sex...
I have had a fairy land on my left middle finger.. I said f you are so tiny and real.. it may of been a garden fairy.
oh the lady that pressed here finger in the back of my head near the spine.. when I said I don't understand you..i am not intelligent enuff..sorry.. the feeling that surged through my body after she touched me, was like a ..melt me in a puddle..I was going to say a orgasm times 1000 but that not even close..
Leave your body and you will run into beings..fact.

The key to meeting beings is to have a open mind, embrace them, respect them, show them you want to learn from them, show them that you try.

No, I just leave..LOL  my belief is that if their is something nasty out their it will go into my room , any protection I would create would be weak. So my protection is treat anyone you see out their like you want to be treated yourself. No one is going to enter your body once you leave.. and protecting your bed room.. ahhh.. don't worry about it.