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Messages - SpiritPathwalker

Something odd as of late, I havn't been able to do a basic charge last couple days without focusing emotions as well.  Put all my will behind focusing, nothing at all.  Put just some will and emotion in focusing, energy comes fine.  At least one other person I know having similar problems as of late, can't focus energy without putting something else behind it (emotions, but perhaps other things might work too).  Anyways, questions..

1) How wide spread is it, is my guess of just a few people accurate, or half the Mystics out there in similar situation?

2) Anyone have any clues as to what could cause something like this (is a paticular layer in the astral off balance or something that happens to be one I get energy from, or just some odd 'weather' occurance)?

Thanks for advice ahead of time,
-Soulwolf Pathwalker
I'm sure quite a few of us has had to deal with negs (not including ones own inner demons) at least one time or another.  This term for 'evil spirits' is pretty common around here I think, but something I always wondered was where they came from?  I'm not sure, but I think it's humanity that created them, or at least most of them.

Anyone else see anything simliar between the Columbine shooters, the people who crashed planes into the towers, ect...   and negs?  What if perhaps thouse people who let their inner demons gain control didn't just go to hell?  That could mean that every neg that's destroyed, is destroying the soul of something that was once human, and even before their inner demons took over, might of once been a decent person.  Sometimes we're not given a choice (self-defense when one is attaked), but I've noticed a few people seem to go outa their way to find negs and destroy them, even if that paticular one isn't doing any harm.  Thoughts and Comments?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / war?
June 10, 2003, 01:24:50
Hrm, another interesting idea is that something will happen in 2012, but it'll be so minor that most the world won't be affected.  Like the Y2K bug on a mystic scale instead [:D]

 In case anyone doesn't already know, the Y2K bug caused the following:
1.A few prisoners got 100 years added to their sentinces.
2.Some automated mailing sevicies sent mail to people supposedly 100 years from the past.
3.Employes from one company got a few million hours of vacation time (again, due to automated systems).

 So, what's the probablities if something similar happened in 2012 only with mystics?
1.One person gains the ability to fly, only to find it lasts an hour.  Sadly, he was at a couple hundard feet when it wore off.
2.Some demons will try to start a war with humanity, but only a few low powered ones.  They will probably not be even noticed, as a single mystic-in-training (age 9-11) will blast 'em to bits without breaking a sweat.
3.One prayer at exactly midnight will be answered, sadly the person praying at that time was a real life equivalent to Homer Simpson, and had only prayed for the world's best turkey dinner.

-Soulwolf Pathwalker
"Anything is possible, everything is exagerated."
Anything possible, it's probablity yah have to look at.  It's possible to win the lottery, probable that one person will, and improbable that the one person is you or me(sorry to break it to yah, but hey, thouse are the odds).

 It gets more interesting though that even inprobable events, when you get enough situations, will actually become probable.  Example: Getting a royal flush on 5 card draw.  Very improbable.  However, if you play poker very often, chances are you've gotten a royal flush once in your lifetime at least.

 Another example, being able to levitate.  Very improbable.  But how many million or billion people live on this world?  It's very improbable that any indivudal can do that (lets say even a 1 in 1 billion chance), that still means 2 or 3 people out there really know how to levitate, and they ain't telling any of the rest of us :P .

-Soulwolf Pathwalker
"I can fly, I just don't make it higher then 3 feet before I have to come back down."
Actually, I have heard of a technique to focus everything to a point to shatter it and/or heat it up.  One of thouse 'possible but not probable' techniques.. just like anyone could theoretically shoot energy out and nuke a building, if they can focus a few thousand times the amount of energy the average mystics can, or find some trick to do it.  Don't think I've ever seen it done, and dout I ever will though.

 As far as you being able to do it though Mr. MB, a few things gave it away that you just making it up:
1.You said it was easy.
2.Your named after a cartoon character (I think), in what is probably the worst movie ever made (I seen the previews, and that was already too much for me).
3.Yah got several numbers after your name.
4.You havn't learned how to capitalize letters and add in periods (anyone can be a bad speller, but usually after 6th grade everyone knows what a . is).
My favorate a staff.  Try enchanting a real weapon too, real helpful as you just have to pick it up rather then make an astral weapon each time.  My reason for a staff?  Simple, cause it exists in physical world too, I don't do as much damage to my room when in an astral battle [:D].
Just along the stuff written on the wall, still could be inner demon (someone with a decent amount of power and a strong inner demon would actually manafest and the results would be just the same as an actual demon).  However, cause it happened right when yah moved, unless that was a very stressful time (what triggers inner demons), yah, it probably not your ego.

 Also, yah don't have to move to fight back, just put all your will against it, focus everything, and push back metally/spiritually/ect.  Movement sometimes helps people with spells and such, but hardly nessessary for basic energy and force.

 as for self exorsism, only works if the evil spirit inhabiting your body.  There numerous ways one could make you unable to move from outside your body (or make you think you can't, which actually has the same effect).  Maybe some insense and holy symbols of whatever belief yah are, exorsize the entire house.
My suggestion on another topic might help here to:
There is one easy way to tell if it's a possessing spirit or part of one's innner ego/demon.  Nuke it.  Start a battle with it next time yah feel/sense it, grab it, throw it into the wall (assuming yah put astral barrier at the same area as your room's wall), then shread at it's existance till whatever makes it up shatters into basic energy.

 Now, how to tell?  If it don't come back, it was a possesing spirit, problem solved [:D]. If it does come back, it's a manifistation of one's own inner demon, in which case you have to deal with yor own inner 'demon' directly, and combat ain't gonna do it.  Open up any doors to any emotions locked away, learn to deal with 'em.  It's when things get locked away that they can manafest similar to evil spirits.  Goes double for anyone into mystics, as our own subconsious has just the same abilities to control energy as our consious does, and when part of that locked away as negative emotions.. well, you get the idea.

-Soulwolf Pathwalker
"I see." said the blind man.  The person listening to him, however, did not.
Ney, yah misread what I mentioned.  I said I don't make fun of people with low IQ, and I didn't say yours was low.  I was speaking more as common sense, which mabe learn more and shall be laughed at less.  Or, have a sense of humor on your own mistakes, and get 'em back at there's, yah could probably compare my spelling to a 6th grader, and dispite me passing high school (abit a C in english), you'ed probably be right, if not insult said 6th graders.

 Someone can't just give yah a technique to teleport, a few words of latin, wave of hand, and your suddenly somewhere else.  Doesn't work quite that way.  If your asking for someone to give yah some technique, yah probably not skilled enough to do it even if it does work (never seen it, can't do it, but that doesn't mean it impossible).  First off, how about basic focus?  Levitation?  Havn't seen levitation proven possible yet even, but I'm sure it's easier then teleporting.  Point is yah gotta learn things in steps, even with alot of training.  Until yah could pefect Levitation (again, unproven but nothing impossible), I wouldn't reccomend trying to telport.  What if yah manage it, but not skilled enough to control it?  Ending up in the middle of a mountainside ain't too good for your health.

-Soulwolf Pathwalker

Loose the cap locks.  Just 'yelling' stuff out just makes your typing look worse then even mine.
Easier to enhance something that already exists then create something outa nothing.  Technically we always moving, but relative to the position of the earth we arn't.  By moving, one already has a basis for teleportation by changing realative location.

 Ney, someone falling for the 'jumping off a cliff' wasn't that bad.. Someone falling for the 'jumping off a cliff' along with the almost blindly obvious 'anyone who does this will probably win a Darwin award for taking themselves out of the gene pool' sig after, however, now that's Gullible...  Admitadly they get a few points for wanting to try in a train and not jumping though :) , so no Darwin award today.

-Soulwolf Pathwalker
I don't make fun of people for having a low IQ, that sometimes can't be helped.  But when someone could be a future Darwin award in the making, well, if someone gonna hang themselves, might as well hand 'em the rope [:D]
One good teleport spell I know, though it requires you to be moving at high speeds.  While driving a car would work, the fact that the car would be driverless after would probably be bad, so try jumping off a high cliff.. close your eyes, think of the place you want to teleport to, and say the following once yah get to 20 mph or so..

um-in-eye, tal-low-om-in-os.
um-in-eye, tal-low-om-en-us.
um-in-eye, tal-low-om-on-tus.

The teleportation itself slows down your fall so when yah appear at the place you teleporting too, fall equivalent of only a couple meters (6'), just be sure to land on your feet and yah should be fine.

-Soulwolf Pathwalker

"If anyone actually follows these directions, I won't feel sorry as I've done the world a huge favor."
Actually, might be more interesting then just something that needs practice to overcome.  The best term I heard for it was "The Dream that is dreaming us.", but that doesn't explain it to well if yah don't understand the context. I'm not even sure I understand it, but it means existance itself dreams of us.  Guessing what you hearing is part of existance's dream.  I'd be a bit careful though, if I'm right (and I might be totally wrong), your dealing with a level of the subconsious that exists as everything instead of an individual (everything being part of everything else, that also means that at some base level, everything is the same one thing).  Not sure if I helped or confused you even more (I often tend to do both at once in fact).

-Soulwolf Pathwalker
Actually, I kinda enjoy the fact that there web sites that are total different view on things (even if others might think them junk, irrelevent if they are or not).

 What better way to cut out the annoying "How do you become a super sajan?" posts in these places?  While I believe anything could be possible, I havn't seen anyone flying around with glowing yellow hair and an aura of energy about them.  If someone can prove such can be done now though, I stand corrected on it being an annoying question.  Point is by the fact that places exist where people can talk about power levels and how to do a proper kamehame's(spelling?), even if they think it real (irrelevent if is or not, see above note on proving it), leaves this place a bit more free for subjects the people here want to talk about.

 Now, if someone started a topic purly on the DBZ anime, say in the Spiritual Development area, then I'd be a bit fumed, other then the fact that it'ed be removed for not being on topic, so no problems there :-)

-Soulwolf Pathwalker
Mine kinda found out when I helped one with a cracked rib (Alas can't instally healing anything, but removing alot of the pain and helping it heal a bit faster).

-Soulwolf Pathwalker
Not including any ancient beliefs, here what I see now:

 Lot of people have let their inner demons take over these days, from the Colombine Shooters to thouse who wrecked into the two towers, and plenty of others who havn't done enough to make world news, but have been very distructive.

 While it'ed be nice to think that anyone who done this just goes away to some sorta hell which they can never return, the similarities between "negs" and ppl who let their own inner demons take over are way to close, perhaps after they die still not done trying to cause harm.

 Assuming that alot of 'em gathering, and could break though to physical existance (not sure how), it might be possible that they'ed start a war against whatever exists (humans, aniamls, heck even buildings and plants, it exists, someone who has their inner demons in control would want to destroy it).

 Not saying a war will or won't happen, or any guesses as to when, but if one would happen, that'ed be my guess as to why.

-Soulwolf Pathwalker
Well, for one yah know yah working with ki when you can feel it.  There no wrong way to do it (or for that matter, any paticuarally right way either).  A teacher might give quite a few good ideas, but though their style, not yours.  Get a instant messanger service or two (ICQ, or whatever yah have), and do a search or find more friends that interested in mystics.  Share ideas, that way can also learn from someone else and share some of your ideas at the same time.

And most importantly, pay no attention to the clown advertising himself (irrelevent if he can do what he says or not), thouse who shouting back and forth on if it's possible that said clown can do what he says or not, and least of all me, for critisizing both said clown and thouse in the shouting match.  Aye, what a mess. [:D]

-Soulwolf Pathwalker

I'm gonna be in a bit of trouble for this one, ain't I?
While energy development helps alot, I'd not say it's infinatly more benificial them 'choping and changing' ones beliefs.  I'd say the both hold equal grounds (I myself find it easier to find my pathway first and then work energy into that, but I'm sure others might have an opposite view).  In all though, need both the force of will (energy development) and the faith/belief that it can be done (belief development) to do anything.
I've heard of NEW system, and while it might be good, the best start is to figure out your own path.  What kinda mystics are you interested in?  Generally, everybody starts out following some path(s) already forged (myself was energy and shamantic mystics).  The effects of all are about the same, but the methods to the effects differ.  Find out which works best for you, and then from there learn what you can from similar traditions.  Eventually your need to forge your own path, but starting out with some arrows pointing in the general direction help.

-Soulwolf Pathwalker

Focus a wall of energy in the middle of your head, split it into two parts and bring them though, basically pushing them outa your head, and then just use regular energy to blast them when they out.

At least it should work, that's how I clear headaches (eg think of the pain as a type of energy, and do same thing).
Ney, not like a black hole, cause voids can be filled.  More like the glass being more then half empty.

Most the voids I've noticed wern't gateways anywhere, if anything less of all the layers existed in them (slight effect on the physical plane too, but most astral).

I think though some gateways might have similar "looks" as a void though, cause it would be hard to detect energy in an area when it's neither one type or another but a tansition between them.
I've done alot of studies on Void, though as far as my exact level of knowledge or accuracy I'm not sure.  Here's what I've figured so far:

The Void's boundies can be determined by a lack of sense.  Just as you can tell when there is darkness simply because of the lack of light (I can't see anything, so it must be dark).

There's different levels of void, just like energy, though it goes the other way on the specturm.  Most voids arn't true voids, just the amounts of energy in them are minmal at best (eg think night time with new moon, there is light, but very little of it, so still considered dark out).

It has it's own pattern except when in total darkness, just as there are shadows at night. A computer read out might look like:
High Energy: 11101110  
Normal Energy: 10101010  [Average Day]
Average Void: 10001000
Full Void: 00000000   [Not sure if this even possible]

I'd imagine you'ed be able to create a temorary void by holding a astral shield around an area, and then taking all the energy out [the shield so the energy doesn't flow back natrually].

Voids can be survived, but some are more dangerous then others.  Think temperature.  If item A is hotter then the surrounding area, the surrounding area will heat up while A cools off.  Not instantiously, but over time.  Now, imagine Item A is hot (Soul), and there surronding temperature is close to absolute 0 (Void).  Heat goes alot quicker from Item A to the surrounding area then.  Depending on how much the area is voided [eg how much lack of temperature compared to the normal enviroment], a bit more shilding will compensate [as someone in winter clothing can survive the Arctic longer].

An intersting thing is there must be something seperating the voids from the surrounding area, as energy usually fills any empty space without a barrier.

Um, I probably could go on for quite a while, but this covers the majority of what I've theorized.  Any questions, I'll keep an eye on this topic and reply.
If yah want a guide, I'll see what I can do to help.
ICQ: 9663640
Usually around at nights, starting anywhere from 7-10 PM, Mountain Time.

Mystics Experence: Pathways (trying to understand the nature of mystics, includes some experence in lotta different types, though not alot of experence in any one).  Work mostly in shamanic and energy, though I'm sure can give advice for alot of other types.

And, to answer alot of Adept_of_Light's questions..
A) I have some power.  If yah looking for training to throw fireballs, fly, ect.. go somewhere else.  I can't do thouse things.
B) Safe?  Um, I've never heard mystics described as that.  I'll give you warnings on anything paticularly dangerous, but I not gonna put "coffee is hot" labels on everything I teach.
C) It's real all right.  Just don't expect to drasticaly alter what everyone else considers real as well though (see A if confused).
D) Payment? What I learn from helping is enough.
E) I've yet to read a single book on mystics.  Most of what I tell, I've learned by myself [Though a few tricks and what not I pass on from what I've learned from others].

-SoulWolf Pathwalker
Um, *shivers at that thought*
I would think using 100% of the brain at once would be like overclocking the computer.  Runs great for a very short while, then everything fries.  That in itself is probably the reason why it's not used all at once.

-SoulWolf Pathwalker, aka Spirit

Who has enough mental troubles without trying to overclock it, thank you very much [:D]
Might be able to, what kinda chart yah want?  You mean chart like something they print out in office meetings, or that mean something  in mystics that I havn't learned yet (like before I was on this board, never heard the term neg for evil spirit)?