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Messages - strwrs_guru

Hello Everyone,

   I am still beginning on the subject of quantum pysics, but seem to have come to an early understanding.(I think).

    From what I understand everything is connected on the extreme, smaller than microscopic level, right?  And if this is so, this would explain how telekenisis is achieved, telepathy, remote viewing, and most all of the other paranormal abilities out there.

So i guess my question is just that. Am I understanding this subject right? Or am I oversimplifing this? I mean everything is connected so why not be able to read my wifes mind? Why cant I move the soda can closer to me with my mind power if it, the air between it and I, and I are all connected? Why dont I seem to have the ability to control what is perceived to be separate from me, when it is really a part of me?(on a super sub-atomic level)

Any input or direction to a link to learn more would be helpful.

Thank you everyone,  Tony
i do have a problem with the kids on here. i do consider these subjects very serious and even life changing. it has been for me. i am seriously altering my belief system about God and all things spiritual because of the experiences i am having. i come here to talk to others that are going through the same thing and expect somewhat serious persuits into the answers.

dont get me wrong, i am all for some fun and games with a little sarcasm thrown in there but i dont feel comfortable discussing some of these topics with kids.  i.e.....people under 17 or 18. i still dont know quite how to bring up these subjects with my own kids. or even if i should. i have always been a follower of christ and believe in raising my kids that way. they can make their own decisions about wether to believe that when they are adults or not. i really need some of the peoples opinions on here that i respect. should i bring these things that i am starting to feel up to them? should we be talking to the kids on here about them? these ages of 13 and 14 and the like are very impressionable and i dont know if i would like other people filling my kids heads with ideas that i am still unsure of.

i know it is next to impossible to keep the young ones off here, but how do we treat this subject? i think it is more serious than some of us here think. like tisha said......these kids have all sorts of fantasies running wild in their heads. are we just adding to that?

i would love some input here because i would like to try beginning to EASE my kids into this world. i am a believer in the fact that kids are closer to these kinds of things than us adults. they havent had as many years of programming as we have had in the other direction.

but the question it our responsibility to teach them or is it up to themselves to find their own path and run with it?[?]
i cant seem to get out of body. i have tried various methods and my limited knoweledge of physics seems to screw me up.

i tried the rope method..... the rope keeps coming toward me instead of me pulling my energy self out.

i try the swing back and forth method........all i get is the sensation of swinging really intensely.

i try jumping of things in my mind(not just a chair....i mean a 10 or 20 story building)  .....and all i get is the really freaky and scary feeling of falling......extremely intense by the way.

does anyone have their own personal way to trick their minds into relaxing and forgetting about what you SHOULD be feeling. i think i am letting the sensations override my relaxation into the separation part. so i am open for suggestions and would like to hear your personal efforts to "get out".

(and yes i know this was probably a post in the past, but i want to hear from all of you here and now......not the people who were here 2 years ago.)
i have a very busy life schedule, what with having three kids, and the only time i seem to have time to experiment with an obe is during my lunch hour from work. i lay in my car and always feel i wont have the time to achieve anything, but i will relax and meditate and the vibrations come and i will try for what seems like over an hour. but sure enough when i wake up less than a half an hour has passed. i am always amazed at the time slowing down syndrome. does this happen to anyone else?
my wanderings through various books led me into the discovery of the obe. i have not had one yet but i have some of the leading upto sensations. one of the main ones is the extremely intense vibrations.
at first i thought i was having a heart attack, but after reading these same sensations occur to others i am starting to "play" with the vibrations.

if anyone is unsure what these are and if they are having them or not, believe me when i say YOU WILL HAVE NO DOUBTS WHEN THEY DO OCCUR!  at least thats how it is with mine. they used to be centered in my chest but lately they have moved to my head.

this is where i need some vibrations are all over but they are extremely intense in my intense that i have been roused from my meditative state by my teeth chattering.  i am trying to achieve a conscious OBE but all i wind up having is a lucid dream. i kind of skimmed over RB's energy working chapters so i could get the feel of it on my own. did i make a mistake? how close am i to an OBE? (i may have already had one, but i am mixing it up with a lucid dream.)
if aliens were confirmed to be real by a mass landing on the planet, how would this change you?
If the earth was going to be destroyed in 7 days, haow would you spend your last days?  total lawlessness?[}:)]  making peace?[:)]

seriously......... i would like to hear from some of you....... what would you do?[?]
is karma a like attracts like thing?(do good and good will come to you?) or is it a universal balancer? i think i remember RB stating that it is the balancer of the universe in his book Astral Dynamics.

if its a universal balancer, wouldnt doing good attract the bad and vice versa? like attracts like means unbalance. doesnt it? it means a reward and punishment system.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Psycotics?
May 08, 2003, 21:16:25
did anyone ever think that the people we call psycotics are just people that are experiencing other dimensions, or frequencies in the real physical state, and that their minds are just overloading and cant seem to sort things out?

Welcome to Astral Chat! / OBE.......Help
April 29, 2003, 21:05:14
hello everyone,

   i just wanted to make sure i am not going crazy. i began looking into the obe because i happened to run across a book,(i dont remember what),that explained the obe being preceeded by a vibrational feeling. this peaked my interest because i was going through this EXTREMELY weird sensation at bedtime. as i was drifting off to sleep i was getting what i thought was heart palpatations and a heart attack. i know this sounds weird but i didnt know what else to chalk it up to.well after i wasnt dying i figured it was some other medical problem, and shortly thereafter i ran across that book and one led to another, and another, and here i am today. I am an electrician by trade and i have been shocked a number of times and this is about the closest i can describe this sensation to anyone i talk to about it.(by the way everyone is starting to think i am going crazy). i am still a beginner and am also very impatient with RB's book. i want to experience this cool obe thing, but all i am able to achieve is an extremely real lucid dream. i am having a problem giving in to the vibrational feeling because they are SSSSOOOOOOOOOOO INTENSE, they make me feel like i am about to die!
its getting easier as time goes by, but i am open for quick fix suggestions.

 thanks everyone for reading my babble.
Hello everyone,

   This is for Jowo.....I read your last post here and i do seem to get what you are saying, except that you seem to be entering the philosophical side of things when you say the electrons do not have reality as we know it until we perceive it. Isn't that going into the era of "If a tree falls in the woods and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?" What articles and or books have you read to back up this electron thing? I am not attacking you, I am just very curious to read up on these things. I am by no means even close to understanding the major aspects of QM so hopefully articles and or books will be in easy to understand terms and explanations.

                  Thanks for the replies everyone, Tony
[:D]that was really great. and no offense taken.
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Favorite quotes
July 29, 2003, 19:37:34
I have this in my bottom quote, but im not sure who wrote it. I saw it in a movie and instantly liked it.

" The only thing necessary for evil to trimuph is for good men to do nothing in the face of it."

Thank you everyone.....I am giving them all a try and will let you all know on my own personal results on each.

Hello Beavis,

    So what your saying is to open myself more to the feelings of ALL things?  Being empathic with it all? I have tried to "feel" like an object was just another extension of myself to see if I could make some visible change, but of course with no results. Maybe I am just giving up too early into defeat. Maybe a couple of years of not giving up will start to show some results.(I hope it wont take that long).

I do remember a post of yours that said you could do certain paranormal things because of your level of conviction. I have thought of this before but I do have to admit, having that 100% level of conviction is near impossible to achieve. We have been programmed all our lives to disbelieve anything along this line. And even though we sit here and say "I believe", what that really means is "I sort of believe".There is always a sliver of doubt. And I think that sliver is what keeps us from achieving the goal.

Any hints on what you did to achieve the 100% level of conviction?
Hi guys,

  That was really creative. I loved it. Everyone needs to check that out.(If they liked the matrix)heh heh heh.

I had to watch it again...........he he.
Hello everyone,

   I do have to admit i was wondering this myself but was too embarrased to ask what it was. I didnt want to seem like I wasnt in the know.

(Boy I am growing every day, in every way.)

Thanks everyone,         Tony
Hello sweet celestial sounds,

   It is very good in my opinion. I also would like to pick up your first book and you said it comes out in November, but where will it be on sale at?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / a beer?
July 26, 2003, 18:35:25

   Yes Nezerra, I now see the light. Too bad the bulb couldnt have been turned on sooner for me.[:I]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Wow
July 26, 2003, 18:28:43
I know what you mean. I finally took the advice of the older members and used the search function. All I can say is HOLY SMOKES!!   Major information on the old posts. [:I]  I guess I need to start using this more often.
AHHHH........i was wondering if anyone was paying attention to my little mispell. that was my plan to see if anyone was on the ball to catch that.[}:)]

yeah got me.boy do i feel stupid.[:P]
Beavis...........Thats just it. I am still not sure whats true. What if we are all going to hell for this stuff? I will have been responsible for my kids going there too. If all this is wrong. Thats why i lead them down the religious path now. They can make their own decisions when they are adults.

I am sooooooo confused sometimes![:(]
Hello Nezerra,

    I used to do self hypnosis. I am not sure why i stopped. I am going to give it a try again because I do remember the extremely deep levels of relaxation i would enter. Come to think of it, I do remember feeling disassociated with my body. And if I understand correctly, this is extremely helpful in the separation process.

Thanks again,             Tony