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Messages - Tyler

(i didnt know where to put this so please forgive me, i think this place is the most appropriate)
This will sound strange but here it goes

I'm 21 at the moment. When i was 17 i went to university. The decision to go to this particular uni had a lot of underlying subconscious principles just like all improtant steps in your life.

During my university years i noticed this girl on my course... for the next 3 years i was very fond of her and really belived that she was my ideal woman.

Late last year i found out that this girl is my mother's soul in her simultaneous incarnation. She doesn't know it, she did not love me and nothing ever happened between us, thank God.

That's not all. In the summer of 2002 i went on a holiday and met a girl there. We spent a week together, did not have sex, thank God. Shes from South America and at the end of our holiday we returned to our home countries. For two years we kept in touch via email, i didn't not love her ever but preferred to remain pen pals. She kept telling me that i'm her ideal man and she wanted to be with me.

That is until last week, after having ... how should i put it - a mystical experience i found out she is another incarnation of my mother's soul. That makes it 3 - it can happen, our higher selves can have simultaneous lifes and incarnations not just past lifes.

Anyway, this is all mind bending. About 6 month ago i had a healing session with a shaman and she said that she detected a past life connection with my mother. She came up with that of her own accord, i  didnt mention anything to her about this matter simply because i didn't know this back then.

I must also add that i have problems with 4d beings and currently have negative being attached to my psyche, and had it since birth.

When i tried rebirthing, i never completely finished the process,  i barely even started, but a few times when my energies were high and i recalled my birth process i could detect a lot of trouble and discomfort connected with my mother...

if anyone can help me solve this puzzle i would much appreciate it
I was wondering if any of you heard of any healing qualities it might possess.

For once, i had several visions about this place, in which i could detect alot of fear coming from demons.

I wonder if Robert Bruce knows anything about it, after all he is from Australia

ps. this was posted in general forum, dont get mad this is a life or death situation, i need all replys i can get
I was wondering if any of you heard of any healing qualities it might possess.

For once, i had several visions about this place, in which i could detect alot of fear coming from demons.

I wonder if Robert Bruce knows anything about it, after all he is from Australia
I've fasted several times, for full 3 days with no food and only H20 and i must say it proved to be of great benefit towards my spiritual development. During the fast i could actually feel miasms in my body unwinding, that is i could feel PHYSICAL vibrations. I've got some heavy neg problems and blocked chakras and whenever i cleared  mental and emotional blocks i could actually feel immidiate physical effects in my body! It felt like dense fragments untied itself.

Anyway i was wondering if i should take it up to 5 day fast... gotta get those chakras cleared

By the way, you guys know any other techniques to raise energy while fasting?
Ever since i started APing (or at least trying to, i still haven't gone out, almost 6 montth its been) ever since i started practising i noticed strange pressure in my head.

It can be characterised as something between the following

-substance expanding/shrinking feeling, somewhere between my eyes
-a hook trapped in my brain and something pulling it in different directions
-or like a hoover stuck in my face and its sucking my 3rd eye out
-a tight wrap around the head

Whats interesting is that this feeling gets more intense when i meditate. And i can direct left/right up/down forward/backward it's motion with my thoughts.

What the hell can it be?
Tell me, why people who act out of best intentions coming from their hearts get the worst fate?

Let me draw 3 examples from real life.
There was this man, he met a woman of his dreams while he was poor and on the street, they were truly happy together and they eventually got rich, everything was perfect until his woman got cancer and died.
Few years passed and he moved on met another woman.
Some years later he got broke and that woman showed her true colors,
treated him like excrement and eventually landed him in jail.
The only thing he ever wished for was to live with a woman of his dreams and it was taken away from him. Yet he still tried to move on.
He had a daughter and she became his reason for living. Once again,
in the most unfortunate circumstances he got betrayed, and couldn't
see his daughter ever again.
Once again, the most important thing in his life was taken away from him.

Example two
There was this guy living a honourable life, never meant any harm to anyone. Everything was going great, he was about to go to college, when out of the blue he discovers he has a blood disorder, he suddenly falls ill and his life went straight down hill, ruined from there and never recovered.

Example three.
Here i can name the person, Nush from British Big Brother, i happen to know her and she is one of the sweetest creations of life to ever live on this God forsaken planet.
Short while ago she was mugged in London and the person who did it pushed her so hard, she broke her knee cap and won't be able to walk properly for at least 2 staggering years and never be able to participate in exercises and yoga.

Now. I can understand why we have wars and ongoing mass suffering because this planet is ruled by elite satanists.
But the above examples were not caused by satan or his followers.
It was pure chaos - luck - that thing that makes you turn left instead
of right one day.
It is karma, don't even argue about it. And it comes from God himself.

What is this horseshit that if you lead a good life good returns to you?
The above examples aren't just 3 i managed to pick out.

It seems to me that the more son of a grump you are the more good luck
you get from above. While the most sincere, loving people get screwed over in the most terrible ways. The universe has a sick sense of humour and makes jokes at such peoples expense. Such practise is as old as time itself. I remember my long departed farther was telling me the same thing.

"every jot and title of karma comes up for
balancing... The cosmic justice system is one of the most incredible
things I have come to understand." I don't think the word incredible is the one i would use to describe this law.

And don't even give me excrement
like they were sinners in their past life and need to suffer etc. because EVEN IF THEY WERE, (but they' weren't) EVEN IF THEY WERE hate only creates more hate, suffering creates more suffering and if it was the case they did prove once and for all THEY CAN live good lives and if they did something bad in the past life it was probably the result of thier bonked up fate in the first place.

What the bloody hell is going on?

If you're gonna say that negative condition on the planet drags others with it then how do you explain that discrimination against those who live following their hearts?
But if the planet is so negative that we have to suffer so bad, well that's just great, we're doomed and big thanks to God for creating satan in the first place so that we could "earn" his light. Yeah what a great way to "earn".
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / ID this demon
September 08, 2003, 06:44:25

I couldn't help but notice he looked like baron of hell from Doom video game.

Except he had WHITE furry bull legs. Hands of a beast. And around him i saw manifestations of up side down pentagrams. Any idea what's his rank and position in demonic hierarchy?
Right, there are two theories ...

One dude claims that each soul separates and half goes male half female. Later they have to meet in life, fall in love, become one, ascend to other dimension and then become fit for other spiritual duties.

Sweet theory except every high school philosopher knows that we are all bi sexual beings and capable of being male and female. And sex is a state of mind. But i like his story, and if my soul mate is who i think it is then i'm with her all the way. (that was Kraigs teaching in Modern Magick, they guy also claims that each soul watches over forming fetus and does not join the body until ... listen to this, until the first breath is taken. What happened to that Buddha thing where it takes 49 days for a soul to attach to pineal gland)

But anyway, i always thought that a soul mate is someone who matches concepts of your higher self. Yes? no? maybe?
The word in town, final world war is about to start.

Earth resonance is increasing, in 2012 planet will be born spiritually.

Satan has other plans for us and must be overpowered.

In the Book of Revelations, you can find a nifty metaphor: and there was a wonder in Heaven, a pregnant woman was pained to be delivered and by her side stood a serpent ready to devour the child.

You can believe me now or you can wait until the end of August when 100 000 people are scheduled to be wiped out in US and UK by another "terrorist accident". There is no use in informing officials and government, people who control the government are behind this.

August attack will be a good shake up for you all. Not mentioning those poor unfortunate souls. But it's nothing new for us, you see. After all it will only be about 100 000 deaths. That's no big deal as you will find death in even bigger numbers happen on the planet of the apse all the time. What was the figure, 15 million, yeah, 15 million chickens get slaughtered,  mutilated and boiled alive every week in UK alone. You should come out in  the astral and take a look at a slaughter house, black clouds can be seen miles away.

...Things will get worse. At the end of the year martial law will be up and running. Next year there will be another attack in US much bigger, and the next year, and the year after.

It is up to us to stop the destruction. Some of you think it's "natural" and should pass but it must be stopped, and until you people come to you higher senses and do something about it, it will go on until everything is destroyed.

What is this stuff i hear that "there is no hell". It comes from all new age entusiasts, even from higher energies/guiding angels call em what you like. All of them claim that hell is nothing but a state where mind is locked and separated from the God.

Oh really?

What about all those hellish dimensions? Where all the negs dwelve? How do you know you wont be dragged in there the very moment you die? Then what can you say about so called "9 levels of hell"? They weren't invented out of thin air were they?

Just because you "saw" a member of your family who died during astral projection, doesn't mean a thing, it could be anything and anyone pretending to be him/her and acting according to your expectations extracted telephaticaly.

And most of all explain me this, in the old days, people used to call certain demons "soul eaters". What do you think that means

Bloody bible is filled with suffering and sacrifices to please God. The whole point of a sacrifice let me tell you is to allow an entity to feed on emotion paint the victim experiences during it. Wouldn;t that make God a "neg" then? ohhh let me guess, God encouraged sacrifices was just another mistranslation right, and lucifer the light bringer too? And jesus is here to bring a sword not peace three?

And isn's Jesus a what is called a martyr according by todays standards?

I could go on and on and on about this all day.

I can't stand liars [:(!]
Robert Bruce didn't talk about them that much in self defence book.

Can anyone share their experience, what do you know about them?
While visiting certain dimensions...

Or can they?

It is a ... rather well known fact that while visiting buddic or was it mental dimenison, you are adviced to summon a guardian.

My question is, if you got a neg attached would it be possible for it to send you to some hellish plane and take control of your body?

Also is it true that once you reach certain dimensions you will stay there until your body wakes up or someone assists you directly?
Has anyone read "Cosmic Journeys" with Robert Monroe by Rosalind McKnight?

In that book she talks about her experiences with the "higher self", guiding energies, angels, call them any name you like.

Well they claim that everyone must share goodness with everyone because if they don't there will be "imbalance".

I caught them lying through their teeth many times, of course they hint that atrocities which will happen in the nearest future are "natural". But they are man made, and will be carried out in controlled fashion by illuminati.

Now it gets interesting. In the final chapter her Invisible Helpers claims that assistance will come from other life forms – aliens, sometime "in the early part of 21st century"

Now this fits the God-can-not-take-away-destiny-from-the-hands-of-humankind theory by intervening directly.

She mentions that assistance will come as soon as they will work out some form of communication with some of us.

Well the time is running out, red planet is almost here. They better hurry up. [8)]
First forgive me this is not in the right section.

I'm going to need some answers.

Many claim that there is a reason behind everything. Including negative "wildlife" screwing up our lives and every other damned thing that ever happened.

Let's look at the following examples

Just yesterday I watched a program about kids suffering from night terrors. There was this lovely girl, about 10. I could tell she had neg problems for a while. Every night she would sleep walk etc and her parents couldn't do a thing, they took her to see a child psychologist, the b---- didn't do a bloody thing for her.
Eventually the girl jumped out of her window while sleep walking (under neg possession) and died.

Now, a lot of new age healers like to claim that if neg intervenes with someone's life there is a lesson to learn. Let me just ask you, what kind of lesson did that girl learn?

Example 2
Illuminati, satans servants.
Training of freshmen:

[1] When the child is 2 years old, place them in a metal cage with electrodes attached. Shock the child severely.

[2] Take the child out, and place a kitten in its hands. Tell the child to wring the kitten's neck. The child will cry and refuse.

[3] Put the child into the cage, and shock them until they are dazed and cannot scream any more.

[4] Take the child out, and tell them again to wring the kitten's neck. This time the child will shake all over, cry, but do it, afraid of the
torture. The child will then go into the corner and vomit afterwards, while the adult praises them for "doing such a good job".

This is how to make a totally evil person from a clean child.

Now tell me, what lesson do you see here? Did the kitten learn some mysterious lesson when its neck was broken? Or did millions of animals that get slaughtered every week in even more terrible ways learn some bizarre lesson?

Now think about God, Jesus etc.
Supposedly he died for "our sins". What is "our sins". The people have been living under Illuminati influence even since the fall of Atlantis, if not since forever. When Christ arrived, people were dancing to their flute all along, various religions were used as means to control the masses, they invented monetary systems and there goes Christ giving financial economy lessons and claiming that everything bad that happens is peoples own fault.

Now what is he waiting for. Majority of life will be exterminated in the next 10 years and after that, according to the prophesies, he will come and bring "1000 years of peace". How charming.

I can only conclude that whatever is going to happen is according to God's plans.
Hey even Jesus himself said: "I'm here to bring not peace but a sword"
And what did he say about the death of billions in the near future?
"For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time,no,nor ever shall be."

Tribulation eh?

It's like a dog owner, hitting his dog with a stick and every time checks if the dog's loyalty is still there, if it still wiggles its tale and licks his hand, if it does then hit it again and check.

Every time during deep meditation, I get this recurring vision. It's a painting, a big round painting. In style of yin yang logo, only without the middle line. Instead the upper half has a rich blue background of nature and a God in form of, you that Disney Little Mermaid? Well he looks like her father. Only his torso goes into the lower half.

The lower half is disgustingly brownish, and out of God's half comes the devil, with a fork and a huge bowl on fire. And that bowl is full of blood.

There it is.  God by day, devil by night.

Out of the lower half I get these vibes: the blood in the bowl represents all the suffering he is responsible for and it tastes disgusting, but the devil still drinks it, because he is so drawn to it and locked into himself.

The upper half sends me this: It's a reality and God full of compassion but the God is not willing to move his finger in order to help those in need.

It's like a woman passing a hungry homeless dirty puppy on the street and sighs, ohhh such a cute puppy and then walks away.

And what was all that talk about love. About one-ness with God, about one is all and all is one. And how Jesus taught about love etc etc

Why, for every happy family there has to be one full of death and misery, why for every joyful animal there has to be one tortured and abused. Why.

If that's the way it is then this world sucks and I wish I never was born.

Welcome to Metaphysics! / anti Christ
June 26, 2003, 09:39:00
I know this is not related to OBE but i wanted to ask what you know about this matter

Do you belive such character will appear

If yes what kind of life the prohpesies say he will have before rising to power

When is he suppose to rise to power

For what purpose

And finally how old he should be say around 2012?

There must be some 'hard to find' prophesies and clues somewhere in Bible surely?
The name is Ayahuasca.

It is a brew. It is used by South American shamans.

It can help you in two ways.

1. Few hours after consuming it you will purge like you never purged before. All the shamanic tribes know and believe it has a healing and cleaning properties (i believe so too). The purging is even somewhat pleasant and will cleans you physically and spiritually.

2. It has several neuroactive components which could be utilised as powerful tools to alter you state of mind. When i was possessed and drunk Aya for the first time, the entity hated it and went almost mad in me, it became more intensive but in a very disorganised way. I even broke my lesser core image with it accidentally!

But Aya is not for all, it should only be used if you have some mighty self control.

More info

Ingredients needed to make the brew.

Dosage and quick preparation.

Stainless still pot, add some real juice from lemons and lightly simmer (90 C temp) 20 grams of finely powdered mimosa hostilis bark for 1 hour. Drain the water and save it. Add more water and more lemon juice and boil for 2 hours 2 more times.
At the end combine the liquids and lightly boil  (temp 90 C) until
down to about 250 mil.


1.Diet no fat foods in the last 48 hours. No food in the last 5 hours.

2.Powder sirian rue and eat raw 3 grams.

3. Prayer

4. one hour after consuming rue drink the brew.

After 2 - 3 hours of spiritual work you will purge with all the negs.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / .
May 30, 2003, 09:36:50

Thanks there kakkarot, i'll give it a try [:P]
According to Mr.Bruce your soul or projection will separate from your body after death and will remain in the real time zone for several days untill etheric matter will run out, then it will proceed to other planes on it's way to heaven/hell.

It is clear that the more energy your chakras pumping in your projection, the more conscious you are.

While projecting, this energy is supplied via "silver cord" yes? no? After death this energy flow stops yes? no? Accodring to the energy theory consciousnes should also die off. Is there or is there not some sort of claim that could support Mr.Bruces' theory?
For the past week i have been feeling this weird pain in the area between my eyes and somewhere deep in my head as something is sucking on it.

Well it could have been stress i thought, too much reading, tired eyes but last night something happened.

Whenever i tried projecting for the last week i found myself in pain whenever i try to close my eyes and relax, this painful feeling would grow stronger, and in a "on / off" fashion.

Last night i was about to fall asleep when i found myself floating just above my head, unconsciously for about 10 seconds. As soon as i became conscious i jumped back in my body :( BUT during this short obe i could distinctly remember hearing this weird inhuman voice or sound. No words can describe it, maybe the closest thing to compare it to is sounds made by a sea lions, but not quite so.
I must also add that i saw colourful sparks in the darkness of my room with my side vision.

I freaked out, i tried switching on light, eating garlic, playing classic music, swearing at it and waving my fists (lol) i wasn't sure if it went away, i remain awake until 3 am then i just fell asleep.

Absolutely bizarre, i've never heard that sound before but i could tell it was very close to me and although i didn't detect any movement while OBE i sensed someone's presence.

What do you think it was?
I just read The Blue Ray

Now i know word mutated sounds kind of nasty, and who am i to talk about spiritual arts when i never even had wake induced OBE.

But i happen to know a lot about evil entities.

All the big and important ones, that dwell around our planet, need to have a special priest, just for them, dedicated, as the primary link between the entity and activities it wishes to implement.

For that to happen, the priest must be mutated in the similar way Robert Bruce was, this mutation gives them special abilities i.e. clairvoyant, energy etc...

Only in Robert's story he was mutated, what appears to be by a positive cult and with intentions opposite of the negs.


Has he ever got in touch with those people that carried out the ceremony?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / DMT
May 18, 2003, 07:12:33
Hey i heard that DMT is suppose to help to induce OBE.

Anyway, i tried ayahuasca last night, in was a medium dose and alhought i could feel vibrations and everything else i couldn't project :(

Maybe i need to try a higher dose?