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Messages - Voltarrens

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Sender or Reciever
September 13, 2004, 09:30:54
On more than one occasssion I've found myself sending thoughts to others . . . this has happened over many years on and off.  It just seems to occurr . . . people turn to me and suddenly ask something about something I haven't even opened my mouth for . . .

Is it possible to be just a sender . . . as I never seem to recall having recieved a message from anyone???
This is something I have been trying to find answers to since the begining of the year.  There are now too many things that have ocurred within my life where I cannot explain where I have gained the information from, or how to do certain things without even going off to study or read about it.  Some 'gateway' or door has opened to somewhere and I'm wondering if this has possibly come through from "past lives"

I only have a vague idea of what I might have been, other than a feeling of having come from a long procession of lives lived with some heavy spiritual bent, as indicated in my astrological natal chart.

Anyone have any good techniques for recovering these, something I could do in my own time, over time?  A friend has sent some Reiki energy already to help with this from her group, yet it feels like it is only a spark to start.  I was wondering too if it's possiblr to do this within the astral as well.  Any help would be appreciated.

Love and Light
Welcome to Dreams! / Living in 2 Realms
May 23, 2003, 08:53:04
Hello [:)]

This might seem a bit odd, I didn't know where else to put this as it's sort of lucid dreaming, and then again it's not quite.

Lately I've been finding myself stradeling the two relams between being awake and dreaming, an odd feeling in itself as everything crosses over itself and one exchanges with the other.[8D] I can still see the seperation between one and the other, yet I can also see one acting upon the other as well.

In some ways it feel like "magick" as the only way I could describe it.  Lately I have been wondering if I'm starting to dream my own reality, making dreams a reality and reality a dream.  I've met up with things in my daily life that could only have come from the other realm, be here for an instant. There is this chestnut coloured butterfly I have run across a couple of times, I know it doesn't exist here and I have seen it disappear literally before my fully awake eyes.  On the other side in a dream touching my friend's skin was so warm and alive as if it were from the real world, although I know he is literally on the other side of the world.

[?]  There is more to this as I look closer.  Has it come to the point where accidentally I have been affecting my own reality and been able to create some of it?  Is there anyone else out there with a similar experience, or am I just dreaming?
Of late my I've found that my Astral Travels have become very vivid in their feel and atmosphere.  Things that haven't appeared in the past have started to appear as in a sense of touch, being able to feel warmth.  This occurred recently(past few weeks) as I met up with my friend, who's my twin soul, on the other side of the world physically.

I've only had this in the past once before 5 years ago in a not so nice experience at the time under the influence of substances by association.  This time there has been nothing of this type around and I seem to be able to do this on my own.  Somewhere I have found a source of energy to help with this, yet I'm not sure actacly where from.

Anyone else find a similar circumstance as you become further developed with the astral travel? Does it become more vivid, or is it just me?

Love and Light
Welcome to Astral Chat! / New to your Realm
May 12, 2003, 11:16:14
just saying hello and introing myself here as I'm new to the forum.  I've only recently gone seriously into AP, have gone on a few travels recntly, yet with no control as yet.  So looking forward to some help here.

Love and Light
Time and travelling through it have always fasinated myself over the years since I was very little.  Through my own experinces I've found that it is by far not linear nor just flexable in the appearance of the length of time nor does it seem to have a begining or end.

Mmm, I can only put this here as personal experiences . . . .

It is possible to "skip" between time lines, paralells of events, life, being . . . proving it is harder, very hard because you've already moved once it's done, something only to be experienced.  There have been times when I've seen glitches.  They are small. Suddenly something like a very common use word looks wrong, you're quite sure it's spelt another way, but you can't find that other spelling and it fades as you move onward in travel.

There have been instances of moving forward to a point in time projected over the top of a point in time now.  I'd once seen a butterfly dart past, little chestnut coloured one which doesn't exist where I live, yet when I travelled overseas months later I saw that same butterfly dart across my path.

How and why these things happen around myself I have not found the reason for . . . yet.  All I can say is that time is not a straight line, nor is it that we only live in one usiverse seperated from the others. . . and it appears and is becoming more apparent that it is connected to a complex of other things that happen around and to myself which defy normal explaination.

Yes, no road map, seem to have always been this way
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hi i need help!!!
June 13, 2003, 10:21:41
Hello xzlildanxz,

maybe you are more tuned in to the plant world and their realm as well as to mother earth and nature.

with the other one, sounds like trying to observe the self from an outside persective, at a guess.  Just a thought/feeling on this [:)]
Originally posted by Novice

While I don't personally know anyone who is 'enlightened' or 'spiritually advanced' (never was keen on those terms) I would venture to guess that if you ask them why their life was so hard, they would probably respond with something about "being thankful for the opportunity they had" -- Just a guess on my part though.

[:)] we're all given what we need to advance, it's whether we choose to take up that challenge in life . . . and there is no guarantee that any individual will take it us as a spiritual/enlightened path. [;)]
Perspective yes. [:)]
There are varying degrees of "difficultness" on the spiritual path of development from slight to overwhelming.  From my own experience, there have been times when I have become lost and look for answers which may be many years in coming.  Other times, what seemed like something large resolved suddenly and quickly with a shift in perception.  More has been learned in harder times...until a point had been reached where there was more clarity (another shift in reality) and a settlement within the self, but then this is also something to be learned along the way, something to be experienced rather than being learned through unclear words written down.
[:)]Inner peace comes in when you have progressed far enough along the path to see where you have been and are able to see that it is all learning experiences, and that the experiences are important in themselves, sometimes more than the end result which can sometimes seem pale.  It is all to be lived through.  I felt the same when I was 20 and wondered what it was all about and wondered why I had to go through all of it.

It is worth it, it does make sense, then there is a breakthrough and it all becomes clearer as a purpose comes to light in the process because that's what seems to be missing at the begining.  The purpose is not something you'd expect, something greater than the self. [;)][:)]
[;)]Mmmm, mine was on the other end of a red toy telephone when I was a kid.  I can't remember much about the conversations I had, that is all lost through time and living.  The odd thing was though, there was really a voice on the other end, I can remember very clearly hearing it, and the phone itself was empty on the inside as you could turn it over and there was nothing but a plastic shell.  There was no phone in my home when I was little, my dad didn't have one installed until I was in my late teens.

Looking back, this is quite spooky[:O]

So when has a "life of ease" produced anything but complacency and lethargy?

As far as I can see, have known and experienced, spiritual lessons are learned through crisis and striving to understand that which seems out of reach or uninteligable at the time.  And it does chose you rather than you chose which lesson you want to learn, more a deep need within ones' self.  It starts with a consious aware questioning of life, at least that is where I started when I was very little.

You can't seek rewards either; you have to be willing to take what you are given and work through it. . .  that is the reward whatever it may be.  Think about it, how can you understand something, a spiritual experience, if you have not experienced it, lived it fully, wondered about it, dealt with it, struggled with it, tried to understand it, tried to find the meaning, turned it inside out, stumbled across something accidentally?

Seems scary? mmmm, the road is not for everyone, and it can be terribly lonely some times, and few venture past a certain point or walk the untrodden path beyond.

Okay, just discovered this topic was up here, and since this is one of the main areas I work within, a few things I've discovered over the years...

[:)]most importantly keep a young, open mind to it all, don't grow old and crystalized in thought patterns and being. A good imagination like a child where anything is possible is a good opener.
[:)]let your mind go, take heed of what thoughts running through the mind no matter how much non-sense thay may make at the time.  Later they usually mean something important or over-looked at the time.
[:)]The local environment is full of symbols if you're willing to look and learn them.  What do they mean to you personally? One of my acurate guides/symbols, butterflies, always signal change.
[:)]Since I use Tarot Cards, visuals are a good trigger to divine by if your mind is bent that way.  It is surprising what will attract attention suddenly in an image and become a focus unexpectidly.
[:)]Following a thread or train of thought, seeing where it leads by automatic writing, just keep writing...after a while it becomes easier and easier the longer its practiced and more prophetic (I have an on-line novel that I write and put up on the net which has been continuiosly pointing the way for over the past year with personal life events and development)
Welcome to Dreams! / Living in 2 Realms
May 24, 2003, 19:25:16
Thankyou Wisp & Kampersreams,

I have known about "synchronicity" for a long time as I have studied Tarot and Astrology(Jungian concepts) for the past 12 years on the psychological, social & humanisitic level.  I do have a lot of it ocurring in my life and it has speeded up over the past few years, or maybe it's just that I've become more aware.

The conscious and unconscious merging; food for thought, quite a possibility, thankx. I'm quite willing to accept all of this as it seems to be enriching my life and the life of one other close to myself. . . and am also finding I'm helping out others(?) through all of this

. . .so no going crazy, more just wondering, wanting to find if others have experienced something similar or if this is new territory and a need to impart experiences.[:)][;)]
Sounds like the blockage has moved to where you're throat chakra resides.  What your doing now with talking is good for loosening this up, talking about things that bother you on a deep level helps to relieve this and let the energy flow rather than getting caught.  There should be a change over the next few days as the sun is moving into Gemini and out of Taurus (yes I'm into astrology), which will help with vocalization(Gemini) and getting out of that stuck feeling(Taurus)

About reality. . . I think we all have our own seperate realities, and you're right we do have to prove it to ourselves more than anyone else that it is ours. Vivid, depends on how vivid it all is[:)]
Welcome to Dreams! / Curious Dream...
May 19, 2003, 10:25:35
Oh, not bored at all. [8D] That's very very interesting.  I'd say they sure do sound like pastlife experiences. There seem to be quite a few valuable lessons you've learned in other lives.

A friend is about so send some energy to help myself recover some of my own pastlife memories this week, so this is very timely.  You're very lucky to have dreams of this type.

With the dreams of being male, they were just that, a realization, reconsiliation and balancing. [:)] There was not much content or much to the dreams other than that.

Love and Light
Welcome to Dreams! / Curious Dream...
May 17, 2003, 23:54:03
Originally posted by Nay

I have had alot of dreams of me being a Man.  Now, are those pastlives?  am I in Astral? I can't be, can I?, cause I'm not a man. Did I go into someone else's dream?...can you do that?

Thanks a heap,
[:)] Nay.

I've had dreams of being male in the past at a critical point in my life were I was finding the balance between the male and female halves of myself internally.  They were quite odd in themselves at the time.
hello Spirit Gurl,

happiness? Have you found the essence of yourself, what is at the core of yourself, what drives you, what makes you run and do things, what is the reason at the centre of yourself???  When you find it you will know, the door will open and you'll know why and find the happiness that you seek with all it's pain and joy.

How do you get there, only you can find the way by living life and experiencing it to the full extent of yourself without being foolhardy and by being curious with a need to want to know.

Why are you concerned about what others will think, if they will remember?  Those who will remember will be those who have experience of yourself, who you were, what you did when you have left.

Will it matter?  Who knows in the scheme of things, we are after all in reality no-bodies and no one of importance when it comes down to it all in the vastness, yet at the same time we are a link between one and another and help keep the vast web together.

The road is either long or short, and only you can find it[;)]

Love and Light
[:)]Hello, I'm new around here as well.  I go and visit people as well, from the dream state, and have done so for many years and have had conversations with them as well as other interactions.  It's only been recently I've been able to confirm this with a friend across the otherside of the world who I now go visit regularly, he doesn't have enough energy to remember except that there was a 'presence' or light entity with him (which is myself in another form)as well as another friend who has seen me in a physical form with a fairy(energy form/guide).

I don't know if this helps any.

About the higher self. . . maybe it's like everyday conversation where you talk with someone and you just go 'okay' as an acknowledgement that you've taken in the conversation, yet pushing it will reveal that you're not actually in agreement with whatever has been said.  Help some?

Love and Light
Welcome to Astral Chat! / New to your Realm
May 13, 2003, 11:05:25
Thankx for the welcome everyone,

Most of my AP experience has been through accident over the years in the dreamscape,  it's only recently I've seriously taken it up and want to progress more.

Love and Light

ps. for beav31is: sometime I feel like an alien[;)]
My fav and has been since it's release
. . . walking from the darkness into the new dawn. . .