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Messages - bmw

Welcome to Astral Chat! / what do you think...?
December 12, 2005, 17:28:33
... isn't it interesting that the year 2012 pops up in several seemingly unrelated prophecies.  Maybe we should give more count to this than we currently are...
It's easy... just stop your mind.  Stop yourself.  Stop your universe.  Then you will SEE without bias, witouth judgement.

Cherio, mate
Well, if you consider the astral as your own personal, customizable universe, then you could quite easily test out inventions or anything you would like.  Assuming you are already profecient in APing or phasing, just give it a try.  Create your invention or gaget, and see what happens.  It's just going to take practice and refinement...

By the way, I've heard that Lincoln also did this as well.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Hitchhike the world...
November 24, 2005, 13:08:24
Hello my fellow friends of learning,
  Recently, I have decided to halt my current lifestyle completely - school, work, America - and travel the world.  I will just be hiking, hitchhiking and making my way around the world any way possible.  Hopefully, I will meet people and events that will teach me and guide me spiritually.  First stop México!  Six months is probably when the it begin; as for and end... that will come whenever it comes.  What are your thoughts?  suggestions?  guidance?

You're wisdom is always appreciated...
Has anyone here heard of the TV show called Mind Freaks?  It seems related to this.  For those of you who haven't heard of it - a guy has made a living performing street magic, but he does crazy stuff  on a whim.  He levitates random people in a park, walks through solid glass windows, predicts outcomes on a roulett wheel, et cetera.  I was just curious as to how plausible you think it is that he is doing these ligitimitely...  penny for your thoughts.

Don't always trust your own thoughts...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Frank's book
November 24, 2005, 12:56:23
I don't think he's finished it yet.  I think frank is currently dealing with personal issues right now...  if you're anxious for it to come out we can send Frank blessings and helpful energy.

cherio mate
Hola amigos,
  I recently met a guy who could naturally see auras really well.  He told me that my aura had a hairline fracture in it.  What does this mean?  Truthfully, he told me lots of stuff about my aura and it sounds like a mess, but I feel great, happy et cetera.

¡Muchas gracias!
it is interesting to note though, that froglet and I got these feelings separately - before we even talked to each other about it.  Hmmm....
I'm not an expert on this, but I believe the strobing action comes from stimulating the heart chakra.  When you drag energy through the heart chakra it stimulates it to activate,  in turn, the activation causes the heart chakra to draw more energy.  Just trying to drag energy to the heart chakra would cause it to just bleed off to neverland.  It's good to always control where the energy goes.  So essentially, drawing the energy through the heart activates that chakra.  And the more activated it becomes, the more energy it absorbs.  It probably won't absorb all the energy you draw to it.

Have a positively wondrous day!
Hello Sabre,
 Actually, I think RB was cautioning agaist stimulating chakra beyond their present ability.  This could be likened to muscles, you have to condition them to a certain level or else you will overexert them and cause harm.

Thanks, man.  You're the best

Have a great day!
  hey, could you e-mail that winzip file to me?  e-mail address:
Thanks a million

Well, unfortunately, my friends and I happen to be underage.  So we don't have to worry about beer money.  The book is much better than the excel version of the guide, but I would like to still like to get the excel version so we could all start the program together.  It helps to have someone else doing it withyou...

Hoping and praying,
Hello ASMRfruit,
 I don't wish to argue either for or against reincarnation; that's not what you were asking.  But experienced APers tend to find evidence supporting reincarnation.  This, however, could just be them interpreting the Astral in convoluted ways.  Have you read any of Robert Monroe's books?  He touches on the issue nicely, though that's not what his books focus on.  Anyway, the lack of answers to your question seems to be an answer in itself...

Hello fellow AP lovers,
  I have a copy of MAP - it rules!  Anyway, several of my friends would like to get a copy of the book too, but can't afford the cost - you know how college goes.  So we are looking for the old excel version of the 90-day guide.  Does anyone know how I could get a hold of this?  Please.  We're all dying to start the program, but want to do it together.  It'll motivate each other and keep each of us going.

Thanks a million^pi,
 This discussion is great, but you are the only one who can choose your path in life.  I understand that Christianity does have a rebuttal for every argument we can put up, but you'll have to choose to believe that or not; the rebuttal isn't necessarily true.  Anyway, read Robert Monroe's books (Journeys Out of the Body, Far Journeys, and Ultimate Journey).  In it you will discover how to prove to yourself what is the Truth, but you can only prove this to yourself, not to others.

Happy trails,
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Gateway Experience
December 25, 2004, 14:34:08
Check out this Link from

This has the Gateway Wave CDs from I-VI.  I believe that they should be able to ship to the UK.

 First of all I used to claim myself as being Christian for the past 17 years of my life.  But now.... I'm finding that Christianity is an obstacle to truth (still working on this though).  Kinda ironic sounding, coming from a Christian standpoint.  Anyway, this perspective shift came about ever since I read Far Journeys by Robert Monroe and Ultimate Journey by Robert Monroe.  I understand how you are feeling though; one side of me says that OBE etc. is evil, but the other side says that Christianity is wrong.  Here are my thoughts:  first assume Christianity is right - the Bible says nothing directly about OBEs, so they can't be inherently wrong.  Next, assume that no religion has the Truth - then OBEs won't hurt anything.  Either way, I see it as perfectly acceptable to have OBEs and explore the Astral.  Even more, I see it as beneficial.
 But enough of my rambling; like I said earlier the two Robert Monroe books facilitated this change in my life.  I highly suggest reading them - they will explain what I'm trying to say much more thoroughly and allow you to add your own ideas/experience to it.  Forgive the uber-long post.

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / Polyvision
December 16, 2004, 11:08:18
Hey Alex,
  I don't know any websites that talk about it, but Astral Dynamics does mention it some.  I'll take a look around online and let you know if I find anything.

Welcome to Dreams! / awareness whilst Lucid
December 13, 2004, 14:40:57
  Intesting... I can't say for sure whether you were actually in the real-time zone.  However, thought can affect it.  In fact, after several minutes in the RTZ, you will begin to see reality fluxuations et cetera.  Also, if you try to read something in the RTZ, it will change each time you read it.  I don't have much experience with this, but it's nearly impossible to check whether you are dreaming or projecting unless you project from fully awake; no sleep in between.

To activate your chakras, just use NEW tecniques on them. Have you read Astral Dynamics (or the tutorial on NEW)?  This works stupdednously.
Also, what exactly is the breatharian process?  I haven't heard of it before.

Hello heter,
 What exactly is the breatharian process?  Breathing exercises, coupled with energy work?  If that's what it is, I can see absolutely no harm in it.  Actually, it will be beneficial.  Good luck and have fun.

Hey Celeborn,
  It depends on how much work you've done before.  If you haven't done any before this, I would lean more toward your legs being undeveloped.  A good test for this would be this:  spend fifteen minutes or longer working solely on your legs and feet.  If you get no sensations, work a little longer.  If still none, wait a while (several hours, or even a day).  Try this again.  Eventually you will get sensations.  By the way, do you get sensations in your arms when you do work on them?  Good luck, man.  Have fun with it.

Hey catsyniki,
 If your brow and your heart chakras were stimulated, it would make sence that your throat would become stimulated.  I believe that Astral Dynamics talks about a rushing water feeling when stimulating chakras.  So that was probably it.  As for the throwing up, I think that was due to the chakra stimulation, sometimes, if you're highly stimulating your chakras, it can have wierd physical effects.  I wouldn't worry about it too much; to avoid this in the future, you might want to do some more direct chakra work.  Have fun.

Hey star,
  If you're just starting out with energy work, I wouln't worry too much about affecting electronics.  That might happen later, once you've become very good at energy work, but not in the beginning.    As Tyciol was saying, energy work will benefit your immune system.  Now that he mentioned it, I can't remember getting sick since I started energy work a year ago... interesting.  Have fun with your energy work.
  Also, if your interested in learning more about energy work, astral projection, et cetera.  I would highly recommend Robert Bruce's book Astral Dynamics.  It's amazing.  It has lot's of great techniques for energy body development and astral projection.  If you can't buy the book, definitely read the tutorial on NEW Energy Ways.  Enjoy.
