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Messages - Alezunde

A friend of a relative was abducted last Saturday, on November 21st, 2003.
I'd really appreciate if anyone could help find her somehow.
I posted links to pictures and information of the missing person on my original topic, here:

Thanx for the help,

A relative of mine has a friend who was abducted last Saturday - November 21st, 2003.
If anyone here has any skill in locating people, any help at all would be greatly appreciated.
If you need pictures, go here:
If this site doesn't work for some reason, then go here:
The second link is only a black and white photo though.

If anybody has any questions, I'll see what I can find out.

Thanks much,

I'll start off with two things:


I think I'll get plenty of replies to this topic, so please either try to only make one post, or limit your replies. (I don't actually live in the forums, I only check back occasonally - but I'll try to get back to this topic more often.)

Alrighty, it's not really a problem - I'd just like to know everyone's personal opinion.

Firstly, what does everyone think God IS? Is he a powerful entity, or the all-knowing creator of everything?
And secondly, why do YOU believe or disbelieve in God?

I'm really interested to hear what everyone has to say!

Nah, I was just wondering if anyone remembers that Nick at Nite show Bewitched.
I liked that show.
That show was pretty cool.


Welcome to Astral Chat! / Theorize!
July 25, 2003, 04:32:31
Well, here's an attempt at making a general thread.
Hopefully, the point of this thread will be to post your theories of anything related to Astralpulse, and to have some questions answered/theorized on.

I, for one, am qite interested to see what people think about everything!

Well, firstly, I have a few questions.
1) Since water repels negs(presumably a type of spirit/astral being), does water repel OBEers?
2) Is it at all possible to interact with the physical world while in your astral body? (eg, while OBEing.)

The first one is simply a question.
The second one I think would be theoretically possible, seeing as to how you hear about poltergiests, presumably astral beings that can, in fact, interact with physical object. Like throwing them around the room, etc.

I look foward to hearing you thoughts!

Hey everyone -

I posted a topic a while ago about a tingling energy that I could channel, and a friendly fellow suggested that it could be Reiki energy.
I've thought about a this a lot since then, and even tried a few things, which included trying to heal a friend from far away by channeling energy to her, which seemed to help a bit.

Also... can Reiki be used to speed or heal physical wounds?
Or is it rstricted to healing energies and auras?
What all is possible with Reiki?

I was wondering if anybody offer me some tips to develop my abilities?


Hey again everyone!
I have a friend who lives quite a ways away, but she seems to have some telepathis abilities. I wondered if there's any tips to develope this and be able to tell for sure?

Also, I speculated that she might be an empath. She seems to be aware of the hurt of people around her, and she seems to be in some sort of pain a lot of the time. Not necassarily physical pain either. Anyways, just a bit ago, she was hurting, and I told her to try to focus energy into a ball in front of her between her hands, and then channel into it any pain from inside of her, then let the ball dissapate. It seemed to work.
Anyways... I was wondering if she could be an empath, and if so, are there any tips that anybody could give her to help her along with her aiblities?

Thanx much!

I was simply wondering... is it possible to change your perception of time while you focus energy using psychic powers?

For example: Making everything seem slightly slower than it's actually going? Giving you more time to react etc... ?


I just read some topics about meeting up in the Astral realm...
And, I know this is probably a silly question to ask, but shouldn't the same thing also work in the physical plane?
My friend and I want to be able to OBE then run around togetheras our astral selves at night. Fly around and stuff.

Well, what I'd like to know, is are there psychics who can manipulae the weather?
And if so, what can you tell me about them?
I just wanted to know everyone's stance on astrology here on these forums. ;)

Even though I'm still a long ways from being able to OBE, I was wondering something.
Is it at all possible for your astral self to interact with the physcial plane during an OBE? Such as picking up physical objects?
I was thinking about poltergiests, an thought to myself: "If they're astral entities, and they can throw things around, why wouldn't I be able to if I ever am able to OBE?"


Er, I guess I should also ask something else really fast.
From what I understand, OBE is your astral self freed from your physical self and traveling around in the real world. (Or, physical plane if you prefer.) Is this all correct?
I'm new to all of this, and I'd like to get everything clarified.

Thanx again!
Lastnight I was lying in my bed trying to induce an OBE, and I wasn't doing it in the way I had tried before. (I've never been successful.)
Instead of trying to quiet my surface mind I was simply focusing on trying to rise up out of my physical body - imagining I was light as a feather and imagining myself simply floating up.
My body started feeling extremely heavy, as if I was weighted down then I tried diferent times to lift different limbs out of my physical body. Whatever limb I tried to lift started tingling, and when I tried to lift my whole body out, I felt like I was spinning.
Finally I gave up and went to sleep.

Was I close to getting OB?
And are there any tips anybody could give me to help me along...?

Much appreciated! Thanx!
Ok, I've been somewhat practicing channeling energy for a while now.
At the moment I can concentrate on channeling energy through my hands, and after about a second, my hands start to tingle.
Is this actual energy?
I just want to be certain.
And if it is, are there any tips that anyone can give me for channeling energy?
EG. How to see the energy, and how to manipulate it.

Lastly, what all can be done with energy? Can it be used for things such as telekinesis etc.? And to what extent?

I'm new to all of this, and any help would be much appreciated.
Wow - sorry about that. :(
I haven't visited the forum for quite a while now... my life has been really busy... :/

Thank you Atalanta, for the information.
I appreciate it very much that you came foward with it.

I'm glad to hear someone is trying to do something about these evil entities.
I'm not very experienced right now... but let me know if there's anything I can do.
Or perhaps someone can instruct me so that I can be better able to help.
I wish you good fortune on your endeavor.

Sadly... I have just recieved a PM from someone who also says that Dru is dead.
They say that her body is someplace that will be hidden until spring... :(
(If the person who sent me this PM will allow me to post the full message they sent me, then I will.)

Thank you to everyone who helped in this search, even if it ended like this.

Enderwiggin - thank you for all the effort you put forth, and thank you so much for talking to Dru.

Becca - I'm sorry for your friend, Dru. I don't doubt for a moment that she was a good person. At least she's resting peacefully now.

Thanks again everyone, for the effort put out to find Dru.

Is it at all possible to force them to tell you?

If I could project in any way, I would help... :(
I wish you luck, Enderwiggin.

Any news of Dru anyone... ?

I've talked to one other person so far, and he says that she is alive and well.
He says that her kidnapper was a female with self-esteem problems - which is why Dru was kidnapped. They did not know each other personally.

This is all I've heard so far. : /

Hey there,
I was just wondering if anyone had any news yet regarding our missing girl... ?

I've thought about that LadyEowyn.
I'm not sure how we'll deal with that problem, but we can deal with it when it comes up.
Right now... I think the most important thing is finding her...

Thanx, Becco, I think we can use all the info we can get.
Again, thanks so much to everyone lending a helping hand. [8)]

Thanks Enderwiggin, a lot.
Alright, I'll go edit my post here really fast...

Her friend says shes from Minnesota.
I found some news links:
The second and the third links seem to have the most info.

Here's some maps and a link to the site about the mall where she was abducted:

Hope this helps.

I'll try to find all the info I can on this.
Keep posting!

Again, I really appreciate the help.
